Monday, December 30, 2019

What Do I Write?

In my heart, I know that I should write something. But what do I write? For the last hour, the impulse to write an article has drifted through my heart like a contented goose floating on the water down a slow running stream. But what, do I write? I hear classical Russian music in the background; Sergei Prokofiev’s, Violin Concerto N1 in D Major, Op19 by Joshua Bell, on the CBC music playlist—the performance is superb. But! What, do I write? It has been five days since Christmas Day, 2019…Two more days before the beginning of the year 2020…I never ever thought the Church would still be on the earth in the year 2020, I guess my heart expects the Glorious Day of the Lord a little too eagerly…No, my expectation cannot wither. I thank God that he helps me to comprehend the Scriptures and that he has allowed me to understand end-time prophesy.

Lord, quiet this urging in my heart, and help me to write.

This year has gone by very quickly, and if I am allowed to be candid, I must confess that I have not enjoyed it. I wish that I could enjoy life like many that I know, but I cannot because I see and have knowledge of too much. The world has gone mad, it went from being utterly awful just even a few years ago to being completely insane today. I think I may feel just a little like the way Lot must have wrestled, Abraham’s nephew, who lived in a world oppressed with evil, a world unrestrained in that it gratified its lust with passion. His soul was tormented by what he witnessed, by what he saw and heard day after day. The Scriptures record that he was frustrated by the wickedness of the world he lived in, and I believe that I am not overstating it when I say that today’s brainsick world is far worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Are you awake to notice that Scripture is right when it predicts that in this day and age the world will only get worse instead of better, that evil will increase and we cannot stop it? Sadly, far too many are deep in slumber, they are like aging cats that sleep all the time, they are spiritually drowsy because they lack the right spiritual nourishment. Oh, some pastors tell us that there is nothing to worry about, they preach that if we only follow their pastoral lead and pray hard enough that Heaven will descend to earth, that we can convert the whole earth to Christ. Some believe that we are responsible for clearing a pathway for Jesus to come back to the earth—only an angel of light would say something like this.  

If you have not read Genesis lately, especially chapter thirteen, you may have forgotten that Lot had chosen what part of the land he would inhabit when he and Abraham decided to split up and go their separate ways. They made this decision because their herdsmen were continually falling out over the land and its inability to support both Abraham's herds and Lot's herds. Abraham gave his nephew the choice of what part of the world he preferred and then gave him the opportunity to pursue it and make a life for himself there. Lot chose the land to the east, the plain of Jordan, while Abraham lived in the land of Canaan. Lot preferred to raise his family and build his wealth among the cities of the plain of Jordan near Sodom, a twin-city with Gomorrah. Lot, would have known that the men of Sodom were exceedingly evil but he decided to pitch his tents there anyways.

Lot was a righteous man according to the Scriptures, so he could be considered an archetype of the Church, people that are born-again by the Spirit of God being made righteous by Christ’s atoning sacrifice. Lot was not born-again by the Spirit of God but nonetheless in God’s opinion he was a righteous man like his uncle Abraham, but to be clear Lot is not the Church, just an early prototype.

It is obvious that Lot, the righteous man of God, made a bad choice to settle in the vicinity of the Jordan Valley which is in the area of the Dead Sea and the Jordan River, and as said, near Sodom the twin-city with Gomorrah. His bad decision was to move into an area where he knew the wickedness of men was evident, they offended the Lord exceedingly; the men of Sodom were vehement sinners. Lot could have chosen to go to another community but because of what he found bewitching persuaded him, the plain of Jordan was enchanting as it was well irrigated similar to the garden of the Lord, the Jordan Valley reminded him of the land of Egypt the place from where he had just come up from with Abraham and without doubt he found quite appealing before Pharaoh had sent them on their way—but just because something or a place is attractive does not mean it is necessarily good for you.

When you read further along in Genesis,[1] you will see that Lot not only settled near Sodom but eventually moved into the twin-city likely because of the commerce there, possibly the opportunity to become wealthy in Sodom was too tempting for the righteous man of God. Later, Lot was carried off by the four kings that seized all the wealth of Sodom and Gomorrah in chapter fourteen, and had to be rescued by his uncle, Abraham, who then returned not only Lot’s possessions but also the goods of Sodom to the king of Sodom. Instead of Lot taking the opportunity to flee the wicked city at that time he decides to continue to make Sodom his home, he chose to resume a life for he and his family among the men of Sodom and Gomorrah who were sinning against the Lord greatly.

We know from Scripture the grievous sin of Sodom and Gomorrah from a reading of chapter nineteen, and the outcry of this sin had reached the ears of the Lord.[2] It is likely that the Lord had heard the prayers of Lot concerning the wickedness of his community, even though he made his residence there he could not stand the wickedness of the men of the city and called out to the Lord to do something. I assume that it was the prayers of Lot that the Lord heard, this is only conjecture on my part. My theory is based upon the two angels that Lot met as he was sitting in the gateway of Sodom, because, as it was, it was Lot that the Lord sent the two angels to in order to get him out of the city before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. God decided to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, but before he would he rescued Lot and anyone that Lot could convince to flee with him would also have the opportunity to escape judgment. I presume Lots delivery out of Sodom was a type of the rapture of the Church, and then the destruction of the twin-cities was a type of the destruction that will take place during the seven-year Tribulation Period, for as, fire and brimstone rained down on Sodom and its wicked men after Lot got out so fire and brimstone will be used as a torment to those that worship the one-world leader and his image and receives his mark, which could very well be special technology allowing them to formally become one with the beast.[3] This particular technology could possibly be similar to the creation of the Nephilim by the fallen angels.

Do you see the similarities between the archetype of the Church, Lot? Do you see how even though the Scriptures refer to him as a righteous man he still was enticed by the wealth and prosperity of Sodom even though he had knowledge of their exceeding evil? Today the Church is the righteousness of God, we have been made holy by God’s grace and the blood of Christ and yet the Church desires to live in modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah rather than have the way of escape manifest. What do I mean by this?

To be fair, the Church did not move into modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah like her archetype Lot did, but rather the wickedness of today’s world has come upon us because of Lucifer and his fallen angels. But, for some reason, most of the Church would rather stay here in modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah rather than be delivered by the power of the rapture. Modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah will not be conquered by the Church but rather will increase in its level of evil right up until the last day of the seven-year Tribulation Period. There will be no Heaven on earth as many pastors are preaching today until Jesus comes back to set up the millennial kingdom, and even then it is not really Heaven on earth at that point, because the Scriptures reveal that even under his earthly leadership many people will still rebel against him.

The rapture of the church is God’s deliverance of his righteous ones out of modern-day Sodom before he begins to deliver judgment upon the rebellious angels and their rebellious followers. The rapture of the Church, the Body of Christ’s way of escape, is not even preached in most churches today, the topic is a taboo subject. Even if the rapture is mentioned in conversation among some of the brethren the purveyors of this event are usually excluded from any further Christian fellowship. Many don’t want to hear teachings on the rapture because their love of the world is too strong for them; the temptation to remain on the earth to enjoy earthly things is too great.

Jesus prophesied that as in the days of Lot he would be revealed,[4] his being revealed means he will reveal himself to the Church as he is in his present form, his revealing will manifest as the day and hour of the rapture occurs. Jesus has been in his glorified body ever since he ascended back up into the eternal realm as the disciples looked on, and when he next appears we will witness him glorified and by God’s power we will also be glorified at that point in time, we will transition from earthly bodies into spiritual bodies just like our Lord.[5] What we are witnessing in the world right now is the same thing that Lot witnessed in Sodom and Gomorrah, the world is exceedingly evil, the wickedness of men offends the Lord exceedingly today just like the men of Sodom and Gomorrah offended the Lord back then. The Lord has appointed a day and hour for the rapture to happen and he has moved upon the hearts of some in the Church to cry out to him about this modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah that is occurring. As it was in the days of Lot the judgment is ready to come, the global government and its one-world leader along with the global religion is a judgment upon the wickedness of men, but as the Lord delivered Lot first, the righteous man of God, so he will deliver his righteous ones from off the earth before the global government takes possession of the West and then God will begin to judge the world after that.

Picture: Sergei Prokofiev

[1] Genesis 14:12
[2] Genesis 18:20-21
[3] Revelation 14:9-11
[4] Luke 17:28-30
[5] 1 Corinthians 15:50-53; 1 John 3:2

Friday, December 6, 2019

Today’s Angel Deception

Have you ever wondered why the world is in such a mess, why it just keeps getting worse day-by-day and week-after-week? Many will say that the world is dark because of evil, because man has chosen wickedness over righteousness, and to a certain extent they are right. But, the real reason why the world is in such a state of chaos has more to do with than just man’s devilish behavior but rather it has to do with angel deception.

Of course, I am not referring to the angels that are faithful to Yahweh but rather to the angels that collaborate with Lucifer (hêylêl) [1] in his rebellion against the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Bible refers to these angels as bene ha Elohim, sons of God —according to the Revelation, it reveals that one-third of the angels rebelled with the red dragon (Lucifer).[2]

Angel deception began when the serpent (nachash) {nä·khäsh'} deceived the woman in the garden, Eve was hoodwinked by the chief of the fallen angels, Lucifer. You may ask the question, was Lucifer really a nachash when he appeared to the woman? Angels do have the ability to shapeshift since they are supernatural beings and because they come from higher dimensions, spiritual dimensions beyond our physical dimension, and because they are naturally extradimensional or interdimensional entities. It is possible that the nachash allowed Lucifer to imitate him in the garden and this is why the Scriptures refer to the nachash as being more crafty, or devious, than any of the other creatures of the flatlands, he likely believed that Lucifer whom he would have  known as the chief fallen angel would reward him in some way for his permission to imitate his likeness so that Lucifer could outwit the woman. But instead, Yahweh cursed the nachash above all the creatures of the flatlands, and at the same time warned Lucifer that one day the Messiah would bruise his head;[3] he would eliminate Lucifer’s power and authority over man and the earth.

Angel deception continued on the earth even after the Garden, according to Genesis, chapter six, as the sons of God, bene ha Elohim, lusted after the daughters of men and had continual sexual relations with them that produced hybrid beings, their progeny are angel/man beings called Nephilim (nĕphiyl) {nĕphiyl }, the Nephilim are the giants recorded all through Scripture. The noun nĕphiyl, comes from the root naphal (nä·fal'), which indicates that they are cast down, they are fallen just like their fathers who were cast out of Eternity, the rebellious fallen angels.

The Book of Enoch,[4] is not part of the Christian Canon of Scriptures, but in my opinion, it should be. It was written by Enoch (Chanowk) {khan·ōke'}, the son of Jared, a descendant of Seth, and not the son of Cain who was his eldest. There are two other Enoch’s mentioned in the Old Testament, one was the son of Midian and the other was the oldest son of Reuben.

As said, the writer of the Book of Enoch, was the son of Jared, Enoch was the father of Methuselah, who was the father of Lamech, who was the father of Noah. When Enoch, the father of Methuselah was 365 years old the Scriptures imply that God raptured him up into Eternity.[5] The word used to describe Enoch being raptured is the Hebrew word, laqach {lä·kakh'}, which refers to being taken away quickly, or snatched or seized away; this is keeping within the context of the verse.

Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, is mentioned in the New Testament, Jude 1:14-15, where Jude quotes from his writings, Enoch 1:9. Likewise, the Apostle Peter makes reference to Enoch’s writings in both of his letters[6] where he makes reference to the Watchers (the two-hundred fallen angels that were the leaders in producing the first group of Nephilim). If Jude and Peter were led by the Spirit of God to make reference to the writings of Enoch, and likewise the writer of Hebrews mentions Enoch commending him for his faith and even making a direct reference to his being caught up to meet the Lord while still in his physical body, and this being long after he had complied his writings, then I believe the writings of Enoch should be part of the Christian Canon of Scriptures (although the West generally does not consider the Book of Enoch as canonical there are some Eastern churches that do.)

I made reference to the Watchers in the above paragraph, the bene ha Elohim, the sons of God, a group of rebel angels that followed Lucifer in rebellion against Yahweh. According to the Book of Enoch, this group of rebel angels came to live in the area of the world where Enoch lived, in the area of Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon is where Enoch says the Watchers descended to its summit from out of the spiritual realm, this mountain is on the Lebanon/Syria border west of the capital of Syria, Damascus. Mount Hermon is believed to be the mountain where Jesus was transfigured by many of the early Church-fathers. This is not the only portal that fallen angels have entered through into the earth’s physical realm but it is believed that they moved through into time and space through the gateway in the area of Mount Hermon in Enoch’s day.

The fallen angels, the sons of God, the bene ha Elohim, and their offspring, the Nephilim and later referred to as Rephaim (Rapha') {rä·fä'}, are mentioned throughout the Scriptures.  When you read references to mighty men (gibbowr) {ghib·bōre'},[7] it generally refers to the offspring of the fallen angels who were giants, unless the Scriptures refer to them as mighty men of valor which means they were fully human warriors instead of half-angel half-men warriors. Nimrod was referred to as a gibbowr, [8] because he either was a direct son of one of the fallen angels or he through the technology of the fallen angels was given the ability by likely the power of sorcery to become like one of the Nephilim.

The offspring of fallen angels, the Nephilim, or the Rephaim, are not Yahweh’s creation, they are the creation of the fallen angels, therefore God does not give life to their spirit when they are born but rather their spirit is created by angels who do have divine powers. When a woman conceives a child from the seed of a man they both have created a spirit being that has a soul wrapped in human flesh, but when a woman conceives a child from the seed of an angel that spirit being is not the same as when a man and woman come together, even the soul of that spirit being is not the same. But rather that spirit and soul is the creation of an angel and not God, neither can that soul and spirit receive God’s salvation; it is condemned forever. The reason why the body of a Nephilim is different than a regular man, generally much larger and stronger, is because that flesh is a mixture of angel DNA and human DNA, something that Yahweh has forbidden in his kingdom.

When the Nephilim, or the Rephaim die their spirit leaves their body just like when a man passes away, but their spirit is not like the spirit of man but rather their spirit is a distorted production. According to the Book of Enoch[9] the spirits of the Nephilim are evil spirits, and they will never have a place in heaven but will only be able to roam the earth until the day they are banished forever by God in our future. These evil spirits have as their king, Lucifer, they do his work on the earth against God’s creation, and these along with their ancestors, the fallen angels, are the powers of darkness that the believer in Christ must deal with: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”[10]

Many have the understanding that evil spirits are the entities that harass, tempt and influence mankind, but some do not understand that the fallen angels are the rulers, the authorities, and the powers that drive the world we live in. The evil spirits are subject to the fallen angels and especially to the chief fallen angel, Lucifer. Even the messenger angel that came to Daniel in response to his prayers had to contend with the principality of the air in charge of Persia to deliver God’s message to him, he actually had to get help from Michael, one of the chief angels of Yahweh’s kingdom. This prince of the Persian Kingdom was and still is one of the fallen angels who has been given authority over this part of the earth. Fallen angels have authority over all the earth and its kingdoms, and its governments, at this point in time.

World kingdoms and world government leaders have always been directed by the fallen angels; they have always had face-to-face consultations with the fallen angels. Most of the time the spirits of the Nephilim influence government officials, but as a rule government leaders’ have one-on-one meetings with the fallen angels in one way or another. Some of today’s world leaders will openly admit that they meet with and are in consultation with aliens from other worlds, or other galaxies, but they know whom they are meeting and consulting with, they know that these entities are divine beings that are interdimensional, or extradimensional (other dimensions), but to the public, they will always refer to them as extraterrestrials, aliens from other worlds. Most of today’s world leaders are Luciferian like in the past, they worship Lucifer and the fallen angels believing that he and they have their best interest at hand. They believe that the God of the Bible is evil and that Lucifer is good, that he is the light, that he is the god of illumination, that he reveals all the secrets of the universe and the spiritual world to them—the fallen angels come as angels of light.

The fallen angels, the rulers and authorities in the lower parts of the spiritual realm, and the spirits of their offspring not only deceive world leaders but they also deceive many of the leaders in the Church. It is not hard to see the work of the powers of darkness in some church fellowships and church organizations, but in some churches the works of the fallen angels are not so readily discernable unless you know the word of God, have a gift of discernment being able to know what kind of spirit is at work, and are able to especially understand end-time prophecy. We are in the final days of the Church-age and the fallen angels know it, so they work relentlessly deceiving Church leaders so that they can confuse them about the will and timing of God.

Let me give you an example of how the fallen angels come as angels of light to world leaders, this is only one example but a very important one. Right now, and for a long time now, even going back as far as Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, and then all down through the millenniums and centuries, man has been obsessed with creating a one-world government. Nimrod can be seen as the first one-world leader that attempted a one-world government that had as its purpose to overthrow the God of the Bible, Yahweh. The purpose for the Tower of Babel was so that the fallen angels could have a gateway to go in and out of the spiritual realm in that part of the world, and likely by the word and instructions of the fallen angels Nimrod believed that in the Valley of Shinar there was an easy access portal so that they, the fallen angels, could have easy travel in and out of earth’s time and space. Of course, he was likely promised that he would be the earth’s leader and representative to the fallen angels, like an angel ambassador. As I mentioned above, Nimrod was given the ability to transition into a mighty one, a gibbowr, he became like a Nephilim, the offspring of the fallen angels, it was possibly a reward for working with them against Yahweh; this is only conjectured on my part but could very well be plausible.  

In this generation, as the Bible prophecies, the world will finally get its one world leader who will be the leader of a one-world government, the fallen angels are the powers behind this scheme moving the hearts and minds of men with Lucifer directing every move. Many in the Church have been sleeping and have not been paying attention, as the West is all set to merge into a one-world government, except first the deep-state has to eliminate President, Donald Trump, and likewise in Israel the deep-state there has to remove Benjamin Netanyahu out of Israeli politics and government as well—both leaders have the powers of the deep-state working against them fabricating evidence to have them removed from any level of political and government power.

The Luciferian’s agenda is to remove President Trump from the president’s office, because he is the one standing in their way of forming a Luciferian global government which includes the most powerful government in the world, the United States of America. The Luciferian’s are doing what they can to get him impeached right now so that they can then transition the USA from a national entity into a global entity, and according to Scripture, it will happen. Benjamin Netanyahu is a casualty of Israeli politics as he is not interested in the one-world government consuming his country either, like President Trump he cares about the sovereignty of his nation. As much as the USA is important to the formation of a one-world government so is Israel because of the heavenly power that pervades within the land promised to father Abraham, the occultist’s know this and believe tapping into this divine power and utilizing the gateways into the spiritual realm in and around the Holy Land will be to their benefit in global domination.

The fallen angels come to the Church as angels of light like they do world leaders, except with the Church it is a little more difficult. The world leaders are more than willing to cooperate with the powers of darkness because they love the darkness more than they love the true light, the light of the Lord Jesus Christ. With the Church the fallen angels are keenly deceptive unless the leaders of the Church are more interested in this world then with eternity, then they make it easy for the fallen angels as all they have to do is just tempt the leaders with worldly power, as the evidence proves some Christian religions are more about worldly power than the power of Jesus Christ. With many in the Church the fallen angels just have to twist the word of God and sadly too many leaders and congregations are too willing to accept a false word instead of the truth, usually because the leaders have strong person aspirations of spiritual grandeur, earthly desires for fame and spiritual celebrity.

Let me tell you how the fallen angels have deceived today’s Church, which will open the eyes to some but will harden the hearts of others. We are living in the final days of the Church-age, the rapture is about to happen any time now, the seven-year Tribulation Period is about to begin, and then Jesus comes back at the last day of this seven-year period to redeem Israel. But, instead of the leaders of the Church understanding the time we live in many are refusing to believe it, they are more concerned about their ministry and personal goals that don’t line up with Bible prophecy. How do I know that they are refusing to believe what the Bible predicts? I know it because of what they preach and teach.

Jesus points out in his teachings that once Israel becomes a sovereign nation again, after being stripped of that privilege because of their disobedience and therefore captured and exiled to Babylon (ca.605 BC), that the people who witness Israel’s national rebirth would also witness his return back to the earth to redeem Israel.[11] Throughout, the twenty-fourth chapter, of Matthew, and in the Gospels of Mark and Luke, Jesus talks about the seven-year Tribulation Period, his coming at the end of this period to redeem the remnant of Israel, and he reveals a little of what it will be like the day of the rapture. He warns the  disciples, who eventually became the Church, who is the new creation,[12] to be ready for the day and hour in which the rapture will happen, and even emphasized this point with the parable of the wise and foolish virgins.[13] Jesus also warned those that would become ministers of the Church to preach and teach this information especially after Israel became a nation again (May 1948) because it is this information that helps to purify the church and get it ready for the time when he would lift it off the earth into heaven. Without this information constantly preached and taught at the appointed time the Church will not be ready for his coming but instead will be caught off guard and be asleep. Jesus said that when he comes for the Church, at the rapture, he will determine if the ministers did their job or not, if they are found to be faithful then he will give them everything he has, but if they are not found faithful by refusing to preach and teach end-time prophecy and  get the  Church ready for the rapture he will then cut them off and assign them a place with the unbelievers.[14]

The fallen angels do not want the Church to be ready for the rapture as they desire the Church be asleep when this day and hour occurs, they know it is going to happen and even know the generation of its manifestation and this is why they have already devised a plan to explain to the world where the Christians have gone once we are raptured. The world leaders will tell the world that the aliens took the born-again Christians off the earth so that the world can move forward without resistance into the one-world government agenda. The scheme of the fallen angels is to keep the Church asleep rather than awake so that the Church has no idea what day it is. They know that if they can keep the Church asleep with their lamps empty of oil instead of being full then the result will be similar to the story Jesus taught in the twenty-fifth chapter of, Matthew, which concerns those who are betrothed to Christ[15] (Side note: Lamp oil which is straight olive oil never refers to the Holy Spirit, only anointing oil refers to him[16], but instead, lamp oil in this context refers to being committed to the upcoming arrival of the bridegroom because to keep the lamp burning indicates the virgin is ready for the bridegroom’s arrival).

The Spirits of the dead Nephilim, the evil spirits, do as the fallen angels instruct them, and they know how to influence and deceive the minds of not only world leaders but also the leaders in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ can help a believer from being influenced and deceived by the power of the fallen angels but if the leader in the Church thinks he knows more than the Lord and is preoccupied with his own agenda and personal aspirations than there is nothing the Lord can do but to stand back and be saddened by the leaders that will not follow his instruction.

As said, the Lord has commanded that the leaders in his Church preach a certain message in this day-and-age, the day in which the one-world government is ready to emerge ruled by the Antichrist, the era of the one-world leader, the day in which the seven-year Tribulation Period is ready to begin and will be known as the era of the one-world government. The message of end-time prophecy which invariably includes the rapture of the Church is to be wrapped around every message the Pastor preaches, every lesson the teacher unfolds should include end-time prophecy, this is the reason for people in this day and age to receive Jesus Christ as Lord. But rather too many leaders in the Church are deceived by angels of light because their desire is selfish ambition instead of obedience to the will of God.

This is the final generation of the Church, the Church-age is over with the occurrence of the rapture of the Church, but some leaders are preparing their congregations for future generations of the Church so as they say the Church will not diminish in numbers or even die away. I thought the Lord is the one who builds his Church? The leaders mentioned above are deceived by angels of light and fail to understand end-time prophecy, Jesus predicted that the generation of Jewish people that witnessed Israel’s rebirth will live to see the rapture of the Church, some will experience the seven-year Tribulation Period, which is actually referred to by Jeremiah as the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) trouble,[17] and then they that live through the time of Jacob’s trouble will witness Israel’s redemption at the end of the Tribulation Period. There will not be two or three more generations of the Church at this point in time on God’s prophetic calendar as some ministers are actually preaching, this is the final generation according to end-time prophecy, but because of today’s angel deception many Church leaders are blinded by the deception of angels of light.

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[1] Isaiah 14:12
[2] Revelation 12:4a, 7-10
[3] Genesis 3:15
[5] Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5
[6] 1 Peter 3:19-20; 2 Peter 2:4-5
[7] Genesis 6:4; Joshua 10:2; Judges 5:23; 1 Samuel 2:4; etc.
[8] Genesis 10:8-9
[9] Enoch 15:8-9, 11
[10] Ephesians 6:12 (English Standard Version)
[11] Matthew 24:32-34; Mark 13:28-29; Luke 21:29-32; Daniel 9:24-27
[12] 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 6:15
[13] Matthew 24;42-44; 25:1-13
[14] Matthew 24:45-51; Luke 12:35-48
[15] Matthew 25:1-13
[16] Exodus 30:22-33
[17] Jeremiah 30:7

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Mainstream Media’s Conspiracy with The Global Government

Many American citizens are blind to the fact that the mainstream news media is full steam ahead in overthrowing the current United States government, almost all the news media is working for the leaders of the global government in bringing down the Trump administration and their goal is to have it done completely before Donald J. Trump can likely win another presidential term—once United States Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation is finished it will reveal some of the conspirators in this coup d’état.

Sadly, when I refer to the mainstream news media, I not only mean the American news media but also the mainstream news media in Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom, who are all part of the global cabal that is working to overturn the results of the 2016 United States presidential election and who are concocting news reports in an attempt to make sure that Trump is not reelected in 2020.

Alarmingly, Durham’s investigation will reveal that certain members of the National Intelligence Program (NIP) will be named as conspirators, specifically a recent Director of National Intelligence (DNI), some current and former members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will likely be named, and his report will most certainly reveal that a small number of people that have ties with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are also conspirators in an illegal attempt to take-down the Trump administration.[1]  

Why would American citizens in these organizations be involved in this illegal and silent coup d’état, why would they take the chance of being eventually charged with treason if their attempts to overthrow this government fails, because at minimal there will be certain prison time for the perpetrators? Why would foreign news media be interested in carrying out the false narrative of impeachment perpetrated by their American associates, what do they have to gain from broadcasting news that is intended to overthrow a duly elected American president?

In America, the mainstream news media get their talking points from the Democratic Party who typically have a globalist agenda also, the two entities are all on the same script, you could say unmistakably that the American news media is just an annex of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), news broadcasters in Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom are attached-to-the-hip of the left-wing parties in their countries as well, Republican and Conservative voices in all these countries are continually drowned out with a left-wing bias fashioned after the  global agenda as they subtlety promote the establishment of a single Western government; this agenda only proves Bible prophecy correct as Scripture predicts a one-world government will be established for a seven year period prior to the return of Jesus Christ to set up his kingdom on the Earth.

Upper echelon employees in the news media have knowledge that a global government is imminent, the emergence of the one-world government will happen very quickly. All the news anchors, hosts and reporters know that the West is on the verge of the destruction of all nation-states and that they will reluctantly in some cases have to give way to a global singular government entity. This one-world government will have a number of district leaders who will be subordinate to just one leader, and without doubt every one of these news media elites knows that if they are not aboard with the globalist agenda then they will lose their careers, their prestige, and their wealth. This is why so many news personalities are in support of destroying American nationalism and are part of the coup against President, Donald J. Trump; and not only him but the news media is willing to take down anyone that supports the President and all that are in favor of American nationalism.

The global government is right now in its shadow stages, it works behind the scenes in western governments to create policies that will eventually wipe out nation-states completely. The United States was on its way in losing its national identity and sovereignty after the eight years of Obama’s plunder, Hillary Clinton was set in place to complete the national devastation of the United States but then Donald J. Trump seemed to enter in from another dimension; symbolically speaking of course. Trump halted what was meant to be an immediate global takeover of America in 2016, so now members of the one-world government have been working to remove him ever since his election victory by any and all means so that they can establish their destiny; the western news media are complicit in this diabolical scheme to get rid of Donald Trump.

Most  American citizens do not pay attention to what is really going on in the world, but rather their lives consist mainly with work, leisure and entertainment, if they do catch the news it may only be just dribs and drabs and more times than not their usual news source comes through the major mainstream news  sources; CNN, CBS, NBC and ABC news broadcasts. Then there are some that only get their news source from late-night comedy show hosts; that is like taking a drink of water out of a restaurant toilet bowl. Mainstream news devotee’s normally do not notice that they are being spoon-fed the globalist agenda by hardcore left-wing activists who pose as news anchors and news commentators, these advocates of the Left hypnotize their viewers using left-wing incantations, their viewers believe they are being told the truth but instead, they are being charmed and put under a spell by left-wing magic.   

To be straight: The mainstream news media lies to the public, they have always lied to us but it has not been until just recently that they are ever so obvious; it is virtually impossible to believe anything they report anymore. And why would they not deceive the public they serve because they are only pawns in a much bigger game! The occultists in America and the West have been planning the establishment of their one-world government for centuries and they will kill anyone that tries to stop them, they are driven and empowered by the fallen angels so if any man thinks he can beat them he is wrong; they will not be stopped until Jesus Christ comes back to the earth to stop them.

The mainstream media is fixated with impeaching Donald Trump, this is the only propaganda you will hear from the mainstream news agencies, the narrative is, impeach Trump 24-hours a day, they cannot report facts but rather they make up stories to fit their impeachment narrative, truth is rarely reported on their news networks because if it was the public would learn that they have been lied to over the years especially since Hillary Clinton failed to become president.

The global government is coming, in fact, it is already here, the last piece of their world domination is the United States of America, once America is finally rid of Donald Trump by removing him from the presidency illegally then the global leaders both in the Democratic Party and the Republican Party will transition the United States very quickly to be part of the global government.

The United States will play a major role in the global government at least in the beginning stages of the one-world government, when the prophets recorded the Scriptures more than two-thousand years ago the United States of America had not yet been born, there was no place called Canada, although Europe was an infant at the time, but even though we do not see the USA and Canada stick out to us in Scripture does not mean they will not play a role in the establishment of the one-world government in its beginning—during the seven-year Tribulation Period there will be massive areas of the world destroyed by nuclear devices but the Scripture does not pinpoint the areas of the world that will be destroyed, by the time the seven-year Tribulation Period comes to an end the focus is on the Middle East and especially Israel.

The occult world in America and Western Europe has been waiting for more than two centuries to receive their one-world leader, the man they will call their messiah, the man Scriptures refers to as the Antichrist and they believe that Washington DC will be his initial headquarters; the occultists have designed Washington to receive this man.

Whether or not this man the occultists are waiting for to use Washington DC as headquarters for the one-world government is the same man that the prophet Daniel refers to as the man who will confirm a covenant with many (the Antichrist who will enforce the peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians),[2] is unsure. It could be the Antichrist will use Washington DC as headquarters at the beginning of his reign and then move it closer to the Middle East as his reign develops, or maybe just one of the ten kings mentioned by Daniel and Revelation[3] will occupy Washington DC as headquarters in the one-world government, or maybe one of the fallen angels will occupy Washington as his personal real estate during the Tribulation Period; I mean the occultists have been using Washington as a sacrifice area to the fallen angels for more than two centuries. Nonetheless the occultists are determined to have their global government which according to Scripture they will get, and make no mistake the United States of America, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom will be merged into this global entity.

If Hillary Clinton would have won the presidency in 2016 the United States would have already been merged with the European Union and for certain a one-world leader would already be in charge of the West. It was prophesied and believed still  to this day by the occultists that Hillary Clinton was the child born in 1947 who would be the world-renowned feminist that would be the forerunner to the occultic messiah,[4] and they predicted that the transition would begin in 2016 according to their prophecy, but because occult predictions are never 100% accurate Donald Trump became President and she did not; because it didn’t happen in 2016 there is the belief that Hillary Clinton may enter the Democratic primary race[5] and then magically win the Democratic nomination again, as she did in 2016, so that she can run for president again in 2020. 

The role of the mainstream media at this hour is to discredit and delegitimize Donald Trump to the world, so that the American people will be in favor of ousting him and his administration,  and certainly, keep him from winning the 2020 presidential election. The Canadian, Australian, and United Kingdom media are all on the same page because the people behind the one-world government own these news agencies and their employees.

Many people in the Church don’t want the one-world government to be established in their lifetime, they refuse to accept information about it and do not even want to talk about it, even though it is prophesied in the word of God—the rapture of the Church will occur before the one-world government is out in the open and ruled by the one-world leader.

We are living in the day when the emergence of the global government will happen anytime now but many in the Church are actually in denial, they refuse to accept that it is already here in the shadows, they reject the truth of it, it is no coincidence that the media and the Democrats are working hand-in-hand to end Trump’s administration, it is no coincidence that north of the United States the Canadian globalist Prime Minister just got handed a minority government last week, even after all the shame he has brought to Canada over the last four years he still won the election.

To the Christian: The one-world government has to be established so that seven years of terrible tribulation can happen on the earth, the one-world government along with the one-world leader play a major role in the seven-year Tribulation Period, this one-world government and its leader will be used by God to pour out his wrath on the unbelieving world for seven years, this government and its leader will be used to complete Israel’s chastisement so they will finally accept Jesus Christ as Lord. At the end of the reign of the one-world leader and his one-world government Israel’s redemption will be complete and they will finally receive Jesus Christ as Lord.[6]

Don’t look for things to change in the mainstream media, they will go from bad to worse, their attacks against Donald Trump will intensify as the Democrats continue to use the playbook of the fallen angels, every mainstream news host, and news commentator will get more vicious as the darkness fills their heart, their lies will increase as they have lost their way in perpetuating the globalist agenda.

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Friday, October 25, 2019

The Reign of The Black-Face Prime Minister

The results of Canada’s 43rd general elections that were held October 21, 2019, has given the Liberal Party of Canada a minority government, which means the sanctimonious leader of that party, Justin Trudeau, has been elected for a second term as the Prime Minister of Canada.

A minority government in Canada means that he does not have absolute power like he had when he had a majority government, but because the current Liberal Party is far left-wing it is no different than the New Democratic Party and the Green Party who are also far left-wing, and because these three parties have much in common Canadians can be sure that the NDP and the Green’s will vote alongside Prime Minister Trudeau’s left-wing agenda as long as they get rewarded, so it really does not matter that the Liberals only got a minority government because with the other left-wing parties voting alongside the Liberals it is like a majority win in the end.  

The Canadian Prime Minister is now referred to around the world as ‘the black-face Prime Minister’ because of the recent photos and video that have surfaced showing him dressed in blackface, something he suggests was not an issue for him at the time, he believed that at the time when he appeared in black makeup on at least three occasions that it did not harm anyone, he did not know that it was wrong, but now that his make-believe appearances have been brought to light he had no option but to admit he made a mistake; the Prime Minister of Canada understands now after being exposed that wearing made-up blackface is an insult and offensive to many black people.

It seems that the Eastern portion of Canada has no problem with Trudeau’s blackface episodes, the East voted the Liberals back in power of Canada’s federal government with the blackface costume loving Justin Trudeau as the leader, Western Canada was not so gullible as the Liberals were almost decimated in that region.

Eastern Canada must be in some sort of twilight zone, they elected Justin Pierre James Trudeau as their Prime Minister even though he is considered a laughingstock around the globe, he is a proud Globalist by his own admission but the photos and video of him in blackface was not enough to convince Eastern Canada to give him the boot and oust the Liberals in the 2019 federal election.

Trudeau has made a mockery of himself many times over the last four years, everywhere he goes he feels compelled to dress up in one costume after another, in 2017 he walked through the House of Commons dressed as Clark Kent having the Superman suit underneath his outer garments while gladly ripping open his shirt and exposing the Superman crest, in 2015 he dressed-up as the Empire Strikes Back character, Han solo, on Halloween night (okay, it was Halloween; but seriously a man should act like a man and not like a little boy), then the next Halloween the trick-or-treating theme was from the Little Prince as he dressed up as the Pilot (don’t even suggest to me that he did it for his kids), and then to top it all off he embarrasses both Canada and India by dressing up in a different traditional Indian outfit jumping and dancing around pretending to be a Bollywood star every day during his nine-day trip to India, February 2018,[1] not only did he make a mockery of the honorable position of Canadian Prime  Minister but on that particular trip he also took along with him to India a Sikh extremist who tried to murder an Indian politician in 1986, but of course, Justin Trudeau denies that the Sikh extremist was part of the Canadian government delegation;[2]  I guess the actions of a Prime Minister that likes to fantasize and wear costumes out in public and a Prime Minister that has no clue that it is wrong to perform an idiotic stunt by entertaining a terrorist is just normal behavior of a Canadian Prime Minister to the voters of Eastern Canada.

In 2018 it was revealed that Justin Trudeau, the self-proclaimed feminist, groped a female reporter at a musical festival in Canada in the year 2000,[3] in August 2019, a Canadian ethics commissioner report found that Justine Trudeau was guilty of violating Canadian ethical rules after he tried to pressure the former Justice Minister/Attorney General, Jody Wilson-Raybould, in dropping criminal charges against SNC-Lavalin, a Quebec-based engineering company,[4] an incident that Trudeau refused to apologize for; this was his second ethics violation since he became Prime Minister of Canada; and yet the voters of Eastern Canada still thought that these incidents above were not enough to vote against Justin Trudeau in the recent federal elections.

I get it, people are hypnotized in voting for a political party that their parents were staunch followers of, many people are spellbound when it comes to politics and they are transfixed in voting for their party even when they know they shouldn’t, but when it has been clearly revealed that their leader is certainly corrupt and that he is not the person who he makes himself out to be (the groping feminist) and then these same mesmerized people go ahead and vote this phony person back into federal power then the consequences of putting him back into power is on their heads, there is always consequences for putting a man like this back into power—the precious Dominion of Canada is now on their heads and they will be held responsible when Canada is forced to be part of a global government.

We live in a day when people call the evil things people do as good and call the good things people do as evil,[5] and putting a man back into the Prime Minister’s chair after they have learned that he is not worthy of that seat proves the Scriptures right, we are living in a day when the darkness is so thick that people love the darkness rather then the light, they feel good being covered with a blanket of evil rather than allowing the light to shine upon them.

I have written before that Justin Trudeau is likely to be one of the leaders in the one-world government, this globalist government is right at the doorstep of being established, most in Western Europe and North America have already accepted the idea of a one-world government and they cannot wait until it finally emerges, Justin Trudeau publicly brags about being a globalist, he really cares nothing for Canada as an independent and a sovereign nation, his main concern is that the one-world government be established so that he can then be promoted as one of its demigods, the voters in Eastern Canada that gave this future demigod his second term as the Prime Minster of Canada is a picture of the Tribulation Generation, the Tribulation Generation are people that will be under the satanic spell of the one world leader.  

Pictures: (public domain)