Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Messiah Cometh

We are now into September of 2015, and as some of you may know there are many events scheduled to take place this month that will have an important effect in the world as we now know it.
They will have significant influence in the spiritual realm if even some of  these develop.
On Steve Quayle’s website (1) you will find a list of twenty seven of these events that are suppose to take place during this month, beginning on or around the twelfth day of September.
These events are a sign that the church age is soon coming to an end.
Please do not misunderstand; I am not saying that the church age is coming to an end at the end of September 2015. What I am saying is with these events occurring it is apparent that the rapture is very near. 
Come! Lord Jesus!  
These events are indications of how close certain prophetic events are from being fulfilled, but sadly prophecy is of little interest to so many who claim to believe.
Many believers do not pay attention to events like these, which are really warnings to those who have ears to hear, and eyes to see.
Far too many believers if they even read bible prophecy or by chance hear it in a message unfortunately see nothing.
A deficiency of spiritual insight occurs and they find it hard to concentrate. 
On this list of twenty seven events there is one particular event that caught my attention right away, and it so happens to be the first one.
This prediction expresses that the Jewish Messiah is coming, or will be revealed, on the twelfth day of September, according to Rabbi, Chaim Kanievsky.
This is the twenty ninth day of Elul on the Jewish calendar, which is the end of this Jewish year, 5775. 
Rabbi, Chaim Kanievsky, is a leading figure of authority in mainstream Ultra-Orthodox Judaism.
He has been calling all Jews who live abroad to return to the Holy Land, or rather to make Aliyah.
Aliyah means they are to proceed to Jerusalem from wherever they now reside.
The Rabbi urges the Jewry to come back to the land of Israel with swiftness, because the coming of their Messiah is imminent, he is ready to be revealed, in particular, the twelfth day of this month.

Those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord know without any doubt that the Jewish Messiah has already come two thousand years ago.
Jesus of Nazareth  gave his life as the atoning sacrifice of all people. 
This work was the result of his  death on the cross.
Three days later he was resurrected from the grave by the power of God.
Unfortunately for the nation of Israel, at that point in time, the religious leaders rejected the carpenter's son. They believed him to be an imposter, and no more than just a lunatic.
They were actually jealous of him.
They refused to believe in Jesus and the miraculous powers coming from him.
They despised him because he healed the sick and cured those with disease. They hated him and chose to kill him because he said he was God (Jn.5:18).
The religious leaders were a stubborn people that spoke on Israel's behalf. 
Jesus scolded them and prophesied  that because of their rejection of  him they will indeed someday receive a false messiah (Jn.5:43; Matt.24:4-5).
This messiah whom the nation of Israel will receive will be the one that Rabbi, Chaim Kanievsky, says is coming on September 12, 2015.
This is of course if  this person does show up on this day and Israel believes he is the one they have been waiting for.
If this event does not occur on the twelfth of September than it will for sure happen on another day after that; and not too long after that I predict.

This messiah whom, Rabbi, Chaim Kanievsky, predicts is coming in a few days is not a man that will have the Jews best interest at heart; he will pretend he does but he certainly will not.
It is prophesied that this man will enforce a seven year peace treaty upon the Jews and Arabs that live in Israel. 
He will likely enforce the Oslo agreement.
In the middle of this seven year period he will turn on the Jewish people and try to destroy them (Dan.9:27; 12:11; Matt.24:15-16).
When this man is revealed the nation of Israel will truly believe he is their Messiah, and many in the world will believe that he is the man of peace that they have been waiting for.
He will be the leader of the one world government that is soon to be established (Rev.6:2); many people have heard of  this man under the pseudonym, the Antichrist.

As far as bible prophesy is concerned this false messiah will come, but he will come and be announced to the world only after the believers in Christ are caught up to meet Jesus in the air  (1Thess.4:16-17; 2Thess.2:1-12).
If the Rabbi’s prediction is correct, and this false messiah is revealed on the twelfth, than we who are true believers in Christ will not be on this planet after September 11, 2015.
I sure hope he is right. 
YouTube Video: Israeli Rabbi Says "Arrival Of Messiah Is Imminent"
Paul Begley