Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I Don’t Like Tuesdays

I remember a dreadful and senseless shooting spree in California, that happened almost 40 years ago, back in January 1979, it occurred in a San Diego schoolyard, executed by a 16-year-old red-headed female.

This woman is still incarcerated today, after being denied parole many times; apparently and with good reason the authorities deem her still as psychotic.  

When interviewed and asked why she did this violent and wasteful action, her answer was, “I don’t like Mondays,” she added further, “This livens up the day.”

Bob Geldof, a singer-songwriter from Ireland, went on to write a very popular song about this incident, calling this number one hit in the UK none other than “I Don’t Like Mondays,” sung by the Irish band, The Boomtown Rats.

Not making light of this tragedy; but over the years this song would pop into my mind, usually as I drove to work on Monday morning, and as it stuck in my mind, like an unforgettable memory, I would sing the title and hum the rest over and over again, until I got to work, and then mercifully it would disappear.

Now that I am retired from that job, and do not have to go to work on Monday morning anymore, there is a new day that I am beginning to hate just as much as I used to despise Mondays, this day is Tuesday, now I don’t like Tuesdays—well, I should be honest, Tuesday is still not as bad as Monday used to be but it is starting to get there.

I am not the superstitious type, although I do believe in the supernatural, but I do not fear the unknown or put faith in magic, or even consider there is such a thing as good or bad luck, but on Tuesdays, for some reason, it seems to be the day when the powers of this dark world—I assume it is these unseen powerful entities—have chosen to take aim at me and harass me while I am out travelling in my car.

If I want to be accurate, Tuesday is not the only day these powers prick me, but on this specific day of the week they seem to show particular regard to me while I am on the road, hastening from one place to the next.

Every Tuesday, some driver takes the opportunity to not yield my right away as I drive through an intersection, or they will cut me off and then give me the finger, and more than once some have even cursed me out and got red in the face doing it, and I have even been threatened with physical violence on occasion.

If it was not for the Holy Spirit giving me insight, so that I can react to the driving habits of so many careless and maniacal individuals with a driver’s license, I would surely be in a crash-up every Tuesday; it never fails.

Today, for example, this being Tuesday, a person suddenly walks in front of my car as it is in motion because they were obviously not paying attention, then they violently shake their head at me as if it was my fault, and as I recall last Tuesday, even in a different city, a man walked out in front of my car in a Walmart parking lot, causing me to slam my brakes on or I would have hit him, he then gave me the death stare trying to intimidate me, which did not work, I stood my ground.  

Five minutes after today’s almost mishap, I pull into a convenience store to make a purchase, pay the clerk for my items and then turn around to proceed out of the store, but not half a foot behind me is a man standing on top of me, I think he may have tried intentionally to block my way, not sure what was wrong with this guy—if I did not have cat-like quick reflexes I would have trampled this guy over under my feet.

I get out into the busy street, guilty of driving a little over the speed limit, and then a car rushes up behind me and tailgates me, so I slow down and do the posted speed limit, he rides my bumper for some ways then pulls out and flies by me to only get to the red light the same time as I do.

Going to my next stop, I am cut off a few times, and then from there I experienced the same, until my last corner I had to turn right, on a green light, but the lady in the car coming from the opposite direction, who is supposed to yield to oncoming traffic, decides she is going to turn down the same street as me but only ahead of me, if I did not slam on my brakes I would have drove into the side of her car.  

Like I said, I am not superstitious, but I wonder why these things happen so often on Tuesday.

I used to not like Mondays, but now I don’t like Tuesdays.

I wonder if the trumpet call of God will sound on a Tuesday?  

Picture: CC0 License