Just pretend with me
now, and envision somebody comes to you and offers you $100 million, and you
can have it as long as you fulfill certain conditions.
Many people dream about
winning the Powerball Lottery, especially when the jackpot gets as high $758
Put this thought aside
for a moment and take a look at the time we live in.
In the Christian
community, some have been waiting for the rapture to occur, listening for the trumpet
of God, and the Lord to shout from heaven to come up and be with him.Even though the believer is still waiting, the body of believers will be caught up anytime now; according to the correct interpretation of Scripture.
So much has been going on in the world, Islamic terrorists killing and destroying in one place or another, each and every day.
It is getting difficult in Europe and Israel to even walk safely on the sidewalk, or shop in an open market, without the scare of a cube van or a car running over dozens of people.
You do not know if you will be attacked in broad daylight, as the boldness and fearlessness of crazy people make it their mission to cause harm.
These acts of violence touch the lives of people from all cultures, races, and religious beliefs.
The magnitude of violence and destruction continues to grow.
The world was not like this fifty, forty, even twenty years ago.
Earthquakes shaking somewhere on the earth every hour, along with hurricanes, floods, fires, sinkholes, you name it; it is going on—disaster after disaster.
Europe is in shambles and will never be the same, it will not recover, the United States is ready to implode similar to ancient Rome, and the United Kingdom, along with its lightly connected British Commonwealth nations, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have become very weak with the conspiratorial destruction of their cultural identity.
Society has changed while we were distracted, it used to be boy meets girl, they grow up, fall in love, get married, have children, and then grow old together.
Now you cannot say boy or girl anymore because the world has become gender inclusive, and by referring to people with gender-specific pronouns you could offend someone who is transgender.
It may surprise you how few heterosexual people there are, being straight is old-fashioned while being intersexual or swinging both ways seems to be normal for so many people.
I heard an older guy comment how his awareness has increased and he just now realizes that his country is quickly changing for the worse, he believes the world is rapidly becoming unrecognizable.
It is better to be late than to never arrive at all.
They say the earth is in danger because of so-called climate change.
Forty years ago, it was climate freeze, but there was no money in that scheme because Florida continued to be the warm place for snowbirds to go for the winter.
Than they changed their tactic and made claims the earth is going to burn up, because the earth’s climate is heating up. But archived forecasts reveal the temperature naturally fluctuates and remains constant.
So, they changed the wording and now have countries paying huge amounts of tax money to fight climate change.
We are getting fleeced by political leaders, and are told it is for our own good, get on board or go to jail.
The bible predicts that the coming of the Lord is in this time period, while some believe this, and stand strong in their conviction of this revelation, there are others who openly admit that they are not sure, and besides these there is a kindred group who just refuses to believe the rapture will happen in their lifetime.
Now imagine somebody comes along and hands you an amount of money similar to a Powerball jackpot, no lottery ticket needed, just your assurance that you will not talk about, speak to anyone, or even believe or desire that the rapture will happen in the next twenty years.
If you already believe and desire that the rapture will occur shortly than you must get that idea out of your head.
If you are not sure that the rapture is about to happen than you cannot even study the bible to get the revelation.
If you already refuse to believe the rapture will happen in your life time than you cannot change your mind, no matter how much evidence you receive to the contrary.
The only way you can be the recipient of this $100 million windfall is to completely disavow and repudiate any knowledge of the rapture for the next twenty years.
Would you, accept these terms to receive $100 million?
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