Friday, January 21, 2022

Did We Not


We are living in the days leading up to the Tribulation Period. Many deny this. Could it be that they don’t want to believe it, they don’t want it to be? Endtimes prophecy disclose the signs that the Tribulation Period is ready to begin. Global events move the world closer to it every day. We can’t stop the commencement of the Tribulation Period any more than we can stop the sun from setting in the west this evening. Some see clearly how fast the Tribulation Period is approaching. They don’t challenge it. They see it in the Scriptures and balance it with global events and accept the fact. They see how world leaders, and the secret government that rules them, are ready to implement their global government. They are not afraid. They know that the seven-year Tribulation Period is on God’s timetable, it is the seventieth-week of Israel (Dan.9:27). It is the final seven years of Israel’s decreed 490-year period to get their heart right with Yahweh (Dan.9:24).  

The rapture of the church is ready to happen. In the twinkling of an eye the body of Christ will be raptured off the earth into heaven. Many deny this truth also. Could it be that they don’t want to believe this fact either, they don’t want to be raptured? We can’t stop the rapture of the church from happening any more than we can stop the sun from rising in the east in the morning. Many don’t know anything about the rapture even if there is such a thing they say. That is because they can’t understand the Scriptures. They are afraid of endtimes doctrine. They see it as some horror show. So, they close their ears when it is taught, they shut their eyes to all the signs. There are some that are not afraid of the rapture, they see it in Scripture and study it. They know that it is on God’s timetable just like the Tribulation Period. The Holy Spirit can communicate this truth to them because they believe it. They put their hope in Christ and are not afraid of what the Scriptures prophecy. They wait and pray for this great day, working toward and believing many will be included.

Scripture reveals that the body of Christ will be raptured before the seven-year Tribulation Period begins (Rms.2:5-8; 5:9; Eph.5:6; 1Thess.1:10; 5:9; Rev.3:10). It happens before the seventieth-week of Israel begins. Israel and the world go through the Tribulation Period, but not the body of Christ. Many will repent and turn to God in the Tribulation Period, but the body of Christ will not be there, they are rescued from the coming wrath. The Lord’s bride is not appointed to suffer God’s wrath, for they keep his commands and endure patiently. You have to be ready and waiting for the rapture to happen (Matt.24:42-44; 25:13). You can’t have the attitude that it will happen when it happens, or you will not be thoroughly purified (1 Jn.3:2-3).

The body of Christ can see where the world is heading, especially since President Biden and his administration under the direction of Barack Obama are so quick at transforming the USA. Deeply dividing its citizens, turning them against one another. The Democrats have kicked the feet out from under this republic and crippled it. They have weakened it, and the world knows it. The Progressives are weakening America so the globalists can completely control it. Look at Australia, Canada, France, and Germany, and how they are totally globalist controlled. Sadly, Israel is too. The stage has been set for the prophesied global government takeover. Have you heard of Klaus Schwab (Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum), and his, Great Reset? The Great Reset is just another term for the implementation of the one-world government. In this, Great Reset, all property will become government controlled. Everyone’s wealth will become property of the government. People will have to live and do what the government says. The former Soviet Union was a dry run for this new world order. This is why people need to receive Jesus as Lord, and do it today, and the church needs to wake up and repent, do the will of our Father in heaven, and do it today.

Below is an excerpt from a book I am working on—God willing it will be published before the rapture occurs.


Matthew 7:21-23

“Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by thy name, and by thy name cast out demons, and by thy name do many mighty works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” (ASV)

(Parallel passages: Luke 6:46; 13:25-27; Matthew 25:11-12)

Some don’t know what to make of this passage. Should not they that call Jesus, Lord, enter the kingdom of heaven? According to Jesus, calling him Lord is not the qualifier. But do not they that call Jesus, Lord, do so by the Holy Spirit? According to First Corinthians 12:3, they do. As the reader knows, the kingdom of heaven is the heavenly or eternal realm. They that qualify entrance through the portal or gateway into the eternal realm are only they that do God the Fathers will.

I argue that this passage is allusive to the rapture of the church. When Jesus refers to “that day” he is referring to the day of the rapture. It is a prophetic picture of what will happen to some people once the rapture occurs. If my conviction is true, there will be some people that will not be snatched away in the rapture of the church who declare Jesus is Lord, and address him by that title. I said this is a prophecy about some people, but Jesus says many people. Many who call him Lord, will say to him once they realize they have not been raptured out of the world, that they prophesied and cast out demons and did many miracles in his name. The Lord says that his response will be, that he has never known them. He will tell them to leave him be.

How will these people present these claims to the Lord if they are not raptured and in heaven with him at that time? Well, they will say these things from the earth, still in their earthly bodies. They will cry out to him from the earth likely filled with fear, shocked that they have not been raptured with the ones who will suddenly disappear—they will know what has happened once it happens. They will cry out to him with a list of works they have done, hoping that somehow, they will receive a pardon. They may think a second rapture will occur, just for them, because of their works. Jesus will hear them from heaven, but will insist they go away. They will be left on the earth to go into the seven-year Tribulation Period with the rest of the world. They will not be raptured because they are not doing the will of Jesus’ Father in heaven.  

This picture is strangely similar to the foolish virgins (Matt.25:1-12) who will be shut out of the wedding feast (Matt.25:10-12). Jesus doesn’t know the foolish virgins likewise, because they will not be prepared for when he comes to get his bride; they are not doing God’s will either (See chapter #13). This prophecy is also strangely similar to the pastors and teachers that are refusing to do as the Lord commands in these final days of the church-age (Matt.24:45-51). They refuse to preach and teach endtimes doctrine, especially the rapture of the church, as they have been commanded (See chapter #14). They are not preparing the church to be raptured, but are rather working at advancing their own agenda. They enjoy the pleasures of the world too much (Matt.24:49). Jesus calls these servants wicked (Matt.24:48a), just like the ones in this prophecy.

How these that are calling him Lord, and doing these miraculous works, are not doing his will is being left to our imagination. The Scripture does not give us the specifics. Nonetheless, the purpose behind this record is to get those not doing his will to repent and do his will. He does say though, that they practice lawlessness, and rebellion is the root of lawlessness. The “Got Questions” website says it like this: “To be lawless is to be contrary to the law or to act without regard to the law. Laws are necessary in a sinful world (1 Tim.1:9), and those who choose to act lawlessly further sin in the world. The word for “lawlessness” in the Bible is often translated “iniquity.” According to the Bible, the root of all lawlessness is rebellion. First John 3:4, defines sin as lawlessness: “Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.” To commit sin is to be lawless; that is, the sinner breaks God’s law. In this way, lawlessness is a rejection of God. Satan, who models the ultimate rejection of God, will one day empower the Antichrist, called “the lawless one,” whose rise to power “will be in accordance with how Satan works” (2 Thess.2:9). Lawlessness is contrasted with righteousness (Rm.6:19; 2 Cor.6:14; Heb.1:9).[2]   

Some say, that these workers of iniquity are not saved, that they do not have the Holy Spirit. I am not saying they are or have, one way or the other. I do know that Jesus says they call him Lord, and the Scripture reference I mentioned above says, “Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says “Jesus is accursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor.12:3, ESV). Another conundrum: Where do they get the power to cast out demons if they are not saved, from darkness? Jesus asked the Pharisees how can Satan’s kingdom stand if he casts demons out (Matt.12:22-26). You see the enigma; are these workers of iniquity driving out demons by the power of darkness while using the name of Jesus? Also, how are they doing the miracles?

Come that day, when they are not raptured, do they just falsely claim they have prophesied, cast out demons, and have performed many miracles by the name of Jesus? Not sure of that because the Scripture does not say that. These workers of iniquity could be some of the false prophets that Jesus said to watch out for (Matt.7:15). If you have been in the church for any length of time you will have witnessed that many of those that call themselves prophets are really not. Some that call themselves prophets have just anointed themselves as prophets, taking on the office of prophet. Some give themselves the title of an apostle also, but they have not received this title from the Lord. They do these things because they want spiritual fame and prestige. They are seduced by evil spirits into believing they are prophets and apostles. But their fruit reveals if they are a prophet, or an apostle, or not (Matt.7:16-20).

Many people in this generation have abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits, as it has been prophesied (1 Tim.4:1). They end up adhering to the doctrines of demons, but somehow, some still have the spiritual power to do miracles. How many church leaders have we seen that have gone spiritually haywire, especially since the rebirth of the nation of Israel? They prophesy and heal the sick but then their sin is exposed. Behind the scenes they are adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, and con-artists. Some become like gods to the Christians that follow their ministries. They didn’t start out this way, they just turned out this way. At some point they stop doing the will of our Father in heaven and begin adhering to the doctrine of demons.

Could it be that many who call Jesus, Lord, will not repent of their rebellion even up to the day of the rapture? The Scripture seems to indicate that. When the trumpet sounds, they are still living in their rebellious ways even after being given the time and opportunity to repent? God forbid, but is this what this passage is warning? If this be, then they will be left to go into the Tribulation Period after the rapture of the church occurs. In the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth, but there they will have another chance to repent; God willing. Just like the pastors and teachers that refuse to get the church ready for the rapture. Go back and read chapter fourteen, under the subtitles, “Placed with the Hypocrites,” and “Passed Over,” to refresh yourself what I wrote there.   


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