Thursday, January 30, 2020

President Trump and His Peace Plan

Besides the fake Trump impeachment trial in the Senate, making world news this week is the White House has released a detailed report on January 28, 2020, for its vision of a Middle East peace plan which will include a Palestinian state, a proposal that will divide the holy city of Jerusalem.

The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, is very excited about the White House proposal and believes it should be made, he has already notified his Cabinet and expects them to endorse a plan to annex the areas of the West Bank that is already considered Israel’s territory.[1] 

This peace proposal offers economic growth for the Palestinians, it will give the Palestinian youth a chance for economic prosperity like they have never experienced before; this plan will offer the Palestinians $50 billion in investments. The Palestinians would be fast-tracked to receiving their own state, the United States and Israel would build a tunnel from Gaza to the West Bank, East Jerusalem, where their proposed capital would be, although Israel will have security control of both ends of this tunnel. The Palestinians will be assured that they will have the freedom to move back and forth from Gaza to their proposed capital.

Netanyahu is all for President Trump’s peace plan, he believes it is realistic and that Israel will not have to withdraw to the pre-1967 lines that former president Obama said was essential for peace. He believes this peace plan will resolve the current conflict in Israel without changing the Middle East. The Prime Minister is willing to make whatever compromises needed so that Israel can live in peace. According to the Jerusalem Post, there has been more than 1,500 rockets and mortars launched from Gaza into Israel in 2019, as of December 1, 2019, and according to Israeli Security in the past two years more than 2,600 rocket and mortar attacks Israel has suffered.[2]

The Prime Minister believes that President Trump is the best friend that modern Israel has ever had coming from the United States White House. He believes that this peace plan will bring peace and security to not only Israel but also to the Palestinians. Jared Kushner, son-in-law to Donald Trump, is the White House leader on the United States Middle East peace team.

As Trump expected would happen initially; Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian National Authority, has already rejected this peace plan, he refers to it as a ‘conspiracy.’ Even before the White House announcement on Tuesday, the Palestinian leaders in the West Bank and Gaza expressed a resounding NO! to the plan. Video shows Palestinian youth protesting in the West Bank, in the city of Ramallah (10 km north of Jerusalem), throwing rocks and setting fires; no doubt being egged on by the leadership. Abbas and many of Israel’s Arab neighbors want nothing less than for the Jews to pack up and vacate the land completely. Although Arab states like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and some more Middle East nations are expressing their approval of Trump’s plan and are encouraging Israel and the Palestinians to get serious and come up with an agreement. As it stands presently, unless Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority change their minds and accepts this peace plan it is dead in the water, they have already said as much so. Jared Kushner has been appearing on various news networks and has insisted that he is not surprised that the Palestinians would not accept this deal because he thinks they are just not ready to have their own state yet.

Whenever we hear of a president coming up with a Mideast peace plan, we immediately think that he may be the Antichrist. We have seen peace proposals for the Mideast come and go, some have accomplished a negotiated settlement like the 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace-treaty. There was the Oslo Agreement in 1993 between Israel and the Palestinians, when Yasser Arafat of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) agreed to recognize Israel’s right to exist in peace and security, and Yitzhak Rabin agreed as the Prime Minister of Israel at the time to recognize the PLO as the Palestinian representative. A lot of violence came forth after that time which was targeted against innocent Israeli citizens in the way of a barrage of suicide-bombings. I remember at the time as some people wondered if Bill Clinton, the United States president, was possibly the Antichrist. Prime Minister Rabin, had his life taken from him for signing the Oslo agreement, as he was assassinated in 1995 by an extremist who did not agree with the Oslo terms. In 1994, after the 1991 Madrid Conference, the Israelis and Jordanians negotiated a peace-treaty; Prime Minister, Rabin, also had a major role in this agreement. Like I said, other peace treaties have come and gone but there has never been a true peace-treaty between the Palestinians and Israel, it will not happen until the prophesied so-called peace-treaty takes place written in the Holy Scriptures.

It seems that every contract President Trump negotiates comes out as a winner, this is why you always hear him boasting about his winning record; he is obviously proud of his achievements.

When the news broke that the President would be having a press conference with Prime Minister Netanyahu to announce a Middle East peace plan, I had to take a moment to think. The President is so successful, he has been succeeding as President of the United States even though the Deep State has been trying to remove him from office. Even through the Russia-collusion hoax, and now the Democrat impeachment fiasco over his nothing-wrong phone call to the Ukrainian President, Trump has been able to focus on presidential business and make America prosper and be respected again. So, when I heard on the week-end that he would be announcing a peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians I had to put my thoughts in the right perspective.

This announcement made me think that if the President is successful in negotiating a  peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians then he would be the Antichrist, the one that Gabriel the angel revealed to Daniel would “confirm the covenant with many for one week.”[3] But then I really had to get the right mental view and not let what could possibly be apparent and just stick to the Scriptures and use them to get the right prophetic standpoint. Some evangelicals think that Donald Trump negotiating a peace-treaty between Israel and the Palestinians is okay, they think that it is the Biblical way. Do they not know what Scripture prophecies about this particular agreement? The Spirit of God then began to help me put two and two together, he helped me to look at the facts. The fact is that Donald Trump is not a globalist, he is not a Freemason, he is not one of the occult followers of Aleister Crowley, he is not one of the Illuminati.

The facts are: It is because the President is not a member of the one-world government, or part of the fraternal order of the Illumined Ones, is precisely why the mainstream media hates him so much. It is because Donald Trump is not a member of the Masonic Order that the political establishment in Washington oppose him at every turn. It is because Donald Trump is trying to stop the annex of the United States by the global government that the Deep State are trying to remove him from office, the treasonous ones want the transition to occur. President, Donald Trump, is not one of the Tribulation Generation, so even though he may be doing something that he thinks is a good thing, he is not the Antichrist—there is someone else that the Luciferians have already anointed as their world leader and it is not Mr. Trump.

The peace plan announced this week will not be accepted by the Arab world as I already said; they have made that clear. The proposal is being made to look one-sided by not only the Palestinians but by many in the media across the West, especially in America. They claim it favors only Israel and not the Palestinians which is just not true. This peace plan was shot down even before it was announced, the Palestinians had heard beforehand of its announcement and they had already declared that they would not accept any peace plan coming from the Trump administration. Granted; the plan does not give the Palestinians full statehood, it is not a complete two-state agreement, it does not allow for them to obtain a state army or air force, because the plan assures that Israel will have full security control. I guess you might say that they are offering the Palestinians a mini-statehood, a statehood-lite. There is a treaty coming in the near future that will give the Palestinians everything that they want, short of the elimination of the Jews, at least not in the beginning of this future agreement anyways, but the White House proposal is not that plan.

This is the one time that I want to see President Trump fail, I just wish he would not even try to make a Mideast peace deal, to not even go there no matter how prestigious the success of negotiating peace in the holy land may seem. I would like to see his evangelical advisers tell him that, but apparently, they are not. This deal is sounding good to some of his evangelical advisers because they think it does not break the promise of God that has given Israel the holy land as their possession; an everlasting possession. Some of his advisers are saying things like this: “The nuanced, realistic & comprehensive approach of your admin to peace in the Middle East paints a vision of stability & prosperity that deserves to be celebrated by all who are sincere.”[4] Does this evangelical not know that there will be no true peace in the holy land until after the seven-year Tribulation Period has run its course, and then it is Jesus Christ who initiates peace? Another evangelical has stated on Twitter: “President Trump’s peace plan is both courageous and compassionate. It clearly recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over the land God gave her while also offering the Palestinians a pathway to peace and prosperity.”[5] This is a nice compliment to the President while at  the same time indulging the Palestinians, but he has to know Scripture, he has to know that it is prophesied that the only world leader that will seemingly resolve this particular conflict is the man of sin—a superficial treaty will be made under his command.[6]

Yahweh promised this land to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, it is their land, it is their inheritance. [7] The Trump peace plan will divide the land given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, albeit not down the middle, but it will still distribute a portion Israel’s inheritance to someone else. Yahweh is against anyone that participates in dealing out Jacob’s inheritance, even if it is only proportional or even just a small portion, and it does not matter if it is Israel’s Prime Minister or the United States President. Yahweh warns that at the end of Israel’s seventieth week-period, at the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period, he will judge all those that have apportioned Israel’s inheritance to anyone but them.[8] There is no disputing this, cutting up Israel’s land to dole out even to the Palestinians is going against Yahweh’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It does not matter if this peace plan looks like a good idea and is potentially to all appearances a peace maker. I assure everyone, this White House peace plan will not make peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Some may be thinking that a peace plan would be good even if President Trump is the one to negotiate a deal and make it happen. There are many living in Israel that want a peace deal as much as Benjamin Netanyahu; remember I said above that he is reported as saying that he will make whatever compromises possible to achieve peace for Israel? Well unfortunately, if Israel makes any land trade-offs for peace it will only cause them more grieve, look what happened when they conceded the Gaza Strip.

This particular Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not like the previous tensions they have suffered in the past with their neighbors Egypt and Jordan, these previous conflicts were able to be resolved because Egypt and Jordan had their own space, battles were fought and then each went back to their own designated territory. With the Palestinians the conflict is right in Israel’s living room, the Palestinians claim that Israel is occupying their land, they all are on the same property. The Palestinians will not give up what they say is theirs, and Israel has the promise from Yahweh that the land is theirs so they will not vacate. There is not a peaceful, political, or diplomatic resolution to this conflict and this is why giving up land for peace will not work.

The Scriptures reveal that in the near future, sooner than what many Christians want to admit, there will be a treaty made between Israel and the Palestinians, but this so-called peace-treaty  will be forced upon them by the one-world leader that is ready to appear on the world scene—he is the one many refer to as the Antichrist. The angel Gabriel revealed to Daniel that this ruler will confirm a covenant with many and these people will be Israel and the Palestinians, this is the conflict that the Scripture is referring to where a temporary governmental resolution takes place but then will be broken soon thereafter. This soon to occur treaty will take place once the one-world leader receives his power to govern, and this will happen after the body of Christ is raptured out of the earth.[9]

This one-world leader, the ruler to come, will not politely negotiate a Mideast peace plan using politically correct diplomatic techniques, but rather he will cause or force a so-called peace-treaty between Israel and the Palestinians. The word most English translations use for the word confirm is the Hebrew verb ‘gabar.’  The suggestion here is that this man is masterful and he will have the strength to prevail to cause a treaty or agreement between these two civilizations.  He will have the persuasive powers to prevail in making an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians because of the demonic powers this man will possess. At the time the covenant is imposed there will be no moral checks and bounds in the world because the Body of Christ will already be raptured. This one-world leader cannot receive his power to rule until after the followers of Jesus Christ are removed off the earth.
