Saturday, January 3, 2015

Is This The Year?

            Having a conversation with a brother the other day he posed a question to me that you very rarely ever hear asked, and when I say rarely I mean it is as seldom asked as the occurrence of an astronomical tetrad, which are four blood moons in a row; there has only been seven tetrads since the second century, the eighth began in 2014 and will be completed in 2015 (a). He asked me if 2015 would be the year that the Lord Jesus Christ will come to rapture those of us who believe on his name. It happened at that point that our conversation was interrupted, so I was not able to share my thoughts with him on this very interesting and important topic—I know at some other convenient time we will engage in conversation on this subject again, because he is very eager to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air and I share his enthusiasm, because we both know that during this event the church will thereby have its salvation completed (1Cor.15:50-54).

            Of course I cannot predict this prophecy (1Thess.4:16-17) to the very day and hour, if I do or even say that I can I would be what the bible calls a false prophet. Jesus said that nobody knows the day and hour that the rapture of the church will occur, only God knows (Matt.24:36), so I will never step out of line and predict something that I have no knowledge of. Although, I do have knowledge of the season of both the rapture of the church, which will occur before the hour of trial (Rev.3:10), the time of wrath (Dan.11:36; Rom.2:5-8; Eph.5:6; Rev.6:16-17), more commonly referred to as the tribulation period (Matt.24:21, 29; Rev.7:14), and I have knowledge of the Lords triumphant victory over the kings and the generals of the earth, along with their mighty warriors, who will plot to capture Jerusalem and take it as there own (Rev.19:11-21); this  is referred to as the second coming.

            I know these predictions above and the timing of them because of the Lords own words that he prophesied via symbolic language, to keep this knowledge hidden from those who refuse to believe (Matt.24:32-34; Mk.13:28-29; Lk.21:29-32). The fig tree, who is Israel, sprouted her leaves and became a sovereign nation again in 1948. This word being true, as it was prophesied, indicates that both these events, the rapture of the church and the second coming, will occur within the same time period of the people who witnessed Israel’s rebirth, for they are  the generation who will witness all these events during their lifetime.

            Do you know anyone in particular who witnessed the day when Israel became a nation again, on the same land where they were a nation back before Christ came the first time? I wonder how many of these people are still alive. The bible proclaims that there will be a portion of them who will still be among the living to witness both the rapture of the church and the day when Jesus comes out of the heavens riding on a white horse, with the armies of heaven, to strike down the nations. Could the rapture of the church occur in this New Year, in 2015? The probability is very high.