I am sure you cannot help but notice society accelerating into utter chaos.
We are in the abysm of the Cain Syndrome.
Am I my brother's keeper?
The atrocious acts being committed by many
wicked individuals just keeps increasing.
heart of man is becoming unidentifiable.
There is no such thing as right or wrong anymore.
Many people have much in common with Cain; they resemble him.
You know Cain, the guy who killed his brother Able.
Cain killed his brother because of
anger, he was jealous of him.
I am not talking about the most violent acts against one another.
Though you cannot overlook them.
Instead I am expressing my frustration that occurs just on the roadway.
This is the Cain Syndrome.
manifestation of rage can be set off when people are in a
hurry, when someone tries to get from one place to another in a short period of time.
They are now late.
Fury becomes a hurricane on the expressway because they blame the car in front of them for their difficulty.
It is the guy ahead of them that has made them late.
you drive on the streets in any big city you know what I am
referring to.
Is it the psychology of a person, or maybe to be more accurate,
the spiritual condition of a person, because they are infected with the
contagious Cain Syndrome?
Why do so many people think they have to act like the
worlds greatest tyrant when they get behind the wheel of their automobile?
get behind the wheel of their four wheel weapon and then some alien power possesses them.
They change from the good neighbour next door to something like Godzilla.
You better get out of their way or they will run
you off the road.
It is archetypical Cain attacking his brother,
jealousy filled his heart, aggravation overtook him, so then he kills
his brother.
does giving another driver the finger say about that person?
What does this immature gesture reveal anyway?
they just innocently saying they are in a rush and need to get where they are going in a
So they are pleading for your patience?
Is your vehicle just an inconvenient obstacle to them?
So they just swerve
in front of your vehicle, causing you to slam on your brakes, so that you do lose the front end of your car.
Is the middle finger gesture just some kind of humble apology?
Does this mean they are sorry for being a jackass?
Unfortunately this kind of behaviour is the manifestation of
Cain Syndrome; his anger is so out of control that given the opportunity he
will attack you like Cain attacked his brother Able.
Why should he care
anything about you, he is not your keeper?
the discerning individual, those who have spiritual discernment and have an
understanding of the motivation of a mans heart, the driving patterns of many
individuals is simply archetypical of what lives within their
Occasionally we do see a driver that is actually courteous behind the
wheel; maybe one or two.
Unfortunately it is rare.
I would be safe in guessing that the thoughtful driver is an individual that is
considerate even when he is not in his vehicle.
antithesis to the courteous driver is the man who thinks his pickup truck his personal sledge hammer to run you off the road.
His obsession to be ahead of you only exacerbates the anger in his heart
like the fury that raged within Cain that caused him to kill his brother Able.
Have you
noticed how more people in the supermarket are using their grocery carts as weapons.
It is just not safe in the candy and gum aisle anymore.
They should sell life insurance policies as you walk through the front door.
care and respect that people used to have for one another is almost gone.
Centennials, Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers, each have their own ethical standard.
From what I see just driving my car the obligation of respect to one another is just something of the past.
Lawlessness abounds on the roadway.
Caring for others has become cold.
is conflict and quarrelling for space on the roadway because too many people care only for themselves.
YouTube Video: Road Rage in America (USA) 2014
Road Rage 1014, Fail Complication 2014
YouTube Video: Don't Give the Finger to a Truck Driver