Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Do Not Let Paul’s Labor Be In Vain


Here is another teaching that I have written from the apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippian church. Again, Paul’s focus seems to be on the believer getting themself ready for the rapture of the church. The apostle’s writings make it clear that the believer does have a role in the gift of salvation they have received from God. I do not mean in obtaining the gift itself but once received there is work involved in the process to its completion.  Do not be deceived in thinking that all that is required of the believer is to just sit back and enjoy the ride. Some think that the Lord will supernaturally transform them as they go throughout their day living any old way they please. If this were so than Paul would not have informed the believer to offer their body to the Lord as a living sacrifice, and to stop conforming oneself to the ways of the world (Rom. 12:1-2a). But instead, the believer is responsible in renewing their own mind so that they can be transformed (Rom. 12:2b). If the believer is too lazy to do what is required than they cannot even know what God’s will is (Rom. 12:2c). If the believer practices sowing to their flesh (the sinful nature) than they will reap eternal misery, but if they step up and sow to the Holy Spirit than they will reap eternal life (Gal. 6:8). The believer is to consciously walk in the Holy Spirit so they do not do what the sinful nature pressures them to do (Gal. 5:16). If you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ than you will make the effort to crucify the sinful nature with its passions and desires (Gal. 5:24). If you truly do live by the Spirit of God, doing as he instructs, then you will be mindful to walk in him (Gal. 5:25).


“Do all things without murmurings and disputes, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you are seen as lights in the world, holding up the Word of life; that I may have something to boast in the day of Messiah, that I didn't run in vain nor labor in vain” (Philippians 2:14-16, HNV).

Chapter two begins with a word of encouragement from Paul to the Philippian believers to think the same way, not in the cultic fashion, but in the way the sons of God who are manifestly united with Christ are expected to love one another (2:1-2). The believers are to love the same way, as their spirits are joined together doing the will of God. It is like those that preached the word of God while Paul was in prison, they spoke the word of God with boldness and without fear (1:12-14). The genuine did so because of love, not only for the Lord, but also for Paul because he was held in captivity (1:16). But of course, there were those that did it because they had their own agenda (1:17), but that type of self-centeredness is neither here nor there. Paul demands the believer conducts themself in a way honorable of the gospel, for this will help prove that they are one-in-spirit (1:27). In reference to the body of Christ, not one single thing should be done through self-interest or egotism (2:3a), but instead the narcissist should humble himself and put others first (2:3b). The believer should not only be interested in himself but he should be even more interested in the rest of the church (2:4)—Christ our Lord is the example (2:5-8).

Paul directs the believer to go about their business without whining or squabbling; in the sense of spreading rumors which ends up causing quarreling within the church (2:14). Whining and squabbling hinders the believer’s God-given opportunity to become amemptos (Greek transliteration for the English words: blameless or faultless) and akeraios (Greek transliteration for the English words: pure, unmixed, or unadulterated) children of God (2:15a)—the Bible version I used for this passage above, translates akeraios as the English word, harmless; as does some other popular versions.  The child of God is to be amomos (Greek transliteration for the English words: Immaculate, unblemished, blameless, faultless, and pure), in such a skolios (Greek transliteration for the English words: crooked, tortuous, twisted, or dishonest) and diastrephō (Greek transliteration for the English words: perverted, warped, or twisted) generation (2:15b). Therefore, as verse fifteen so easily reveals: the believer is to work at becoming blameless and faultless (free from weakness and deception), and work at becoming pure (not mixing oneself with the ways of the world or contaminating oneself with occult practices), and work at becoming immaculate (unsoiled and undefiled), because of the perverted and twisted generation they were born into.

When the Spirit of God impressed upon Paul’s mind to write the Greek term γενεά (generation), transliteration genea, and pronounced ghen-eh-ah', I am sure he was not just referring to the generation of believer’s living in the apostle’s day. But rather, genea in this instance would mean throughout the entire church-age. Every generation has been crooked and dishonest, perverted and warped throughout history, and this, the final generation of the church which exists just prior the seven-year Tribulation Period is no exception. Each year, month, and day keeps getting more twisted by the hour. If you recall in my commentary for Ephesians 5:25-27, I wrote that Jesus is coming back to receive his bride (Jn. 14:1-3; Matt. 25:1-13), and the bride he receives is not one that is stained (spiritually weak or defective), or wrinkled (divided). But instead, he is coming for one that is amomos. He is coming for a body of believer’s that will be unblemished, immaculate. To be immaculate the church must strive for perfection and not go about whining and squabbling (2:14). Intentionally getting people to quarrel within the church body by spreading rumors will blemish the character of the believer that is responsible, especially if he or she refuses to repent.

Paul writes that the whole body of Christ are lights – some translations say stars – in this dark world (2:15c), as it seizes or clutches onto the “Word of life” (2:16a). Paul used the Greek term logos, that the English bibles have translated, word. Since this epistle was written possibly A.D. 60-61, it is quite likely that Paul was referring to the glorified Jesus himself, who is the logos of God (Gen. 21:33; Jn. 1:1, 14; 1 Jn. 1:1-2; Rom. 9:5; 1 Tim. 1:17), when remarking that the believer – should – hold up or onto the word of life; he is the Divine Expression of the Father. Because we today depend on the written word of God as the principal source in receiving divine knowledge, we may assume he was meaning that the believer is a light when they hold forth what is written in the Scriptures—which is important. But as said, it is possible that Paul’s intent was that the believer seizes or clutches onto the person of Jesus – the logos who is from the beginning, the logos who was with the Father, and the logos who is in fact God (Jn. 1:1) – even though we cannot see or touch him. We clutch onto the person of Jesus by seeking him in prayer with the written Scriptures to guide us in how to pray.

Next, the apostle reveals the motive behind his directive for the church to work at their salvation (2:12-13), and it is so that he has something to boast about once the “day of Messiah” occurs (2:16b). As I have written in other places, the day of Christ refers to the rapture of the body of Christ (1 Thess. 4:16-17). Paul has the knowledge that his labor will not be viewed as ineffective once the church is raptured out of this world into the eternal realm if the believers become blameless (amemptos) and pure (akeraios). This goes for the believers in his day that he wrote to personally, and for the believers all the way throughout the church-age that have studied and mediated on his divinely-inspired writings. Paul knew when he was teaching and writing to the church that it is important that the believer becomes like Christ (Eph. 4:22-24; 5:1-2) and there is no excuse for the believer to be sowing to the sinful nature (Gal. 6:7-8). The believer is expected to personally work at the salvation he has received so that when the rapture occurs, they are not spiritually weak or defective, nor are they guilty at causing division within the church; they must work at becoming immaculate (without blemish)—this is what is written.   

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Thursday, December 15, 2022

How Do We Live


The epistles of the apostle Paul are a guide book showing what is expected or not of the person that has been born-again. Too many have a habit of not studying his writings that often, therefore they try to wing it as a follower of Jesus Christ. They improvise their walk with Christ, and ad-lib their Christian walk so as not to look like they do not have faith in the Lord. Below is a very short teaching that I have written from Paul’s communication with the Philippian church in his day. He was making every attempt to instruct them, and the believer’s that would come after them, in how to live until the day when Christ would come for the church.

“And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and all discernment; so that ye may approve the things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and void of offence unto the day of Christ; being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are through Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9-11, ASV).

Paul confessed to the Philippian church that they were dear to his heart (1:7a, 8). He prayed that their love would increase (9a). He used the Greek term agape, that the English have translated as, love.[1]  Agape signifies the type of love that God is, and the same type of love that he has for his new creation, and the same type of love that the body of Christ should persist in (1 Jn. 4:16). Agape produces a bond of affection, it yields a heart of compassion, it begets mercy, and grace. He prays their love would increase so that they may be able to abound in knowledge and discernment. Knowledge so that they would know how to love, and discernment so they may understand agape’s role in the kingdom of God (1:9b).

Knowing how to love and understanding agape’s role within the body of Christ should push the believer to be sincere, to be genuine and pure in heart (authentically righteousness or holy), and to be devoid of sin (offense), meaning not being a stumbling block or being the reason others are led into sin (1:10b). And this is how the believer is to live right up until the day of Christ (1:10c). The day of Christ is of course, referring to the day when Christ comes to rapture the body of believer’s out of this world (1 Thess. 4:16-17).

The believer is to walk this way enduring in the faith, being grounded, standing strong until the day of the rapture (Col. 1:22-23).  Being “sincere and void of offense” is what it means to be “filled with the fruits of righteousness;” this glorifies the Holy Father (1:11). Being filled with the fruits of righteousness should be the goal of the believer so that they may obtain the prize, which is eternal life (Phil. 3:1-14).

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[1] Other Hebrew and Greek terms and definitions for the English word love, see the Blue Letter Bible Online Lexicon:

(Accessed 12/15/2022)



Monday, December 5, 2022

A Glorious Church

I am sure that the church cannot help but perceive there is something calamitous happening in this world; something unimaginable. And still, many are willfully ignoring it, even denying it, because they do not want to accept that the time has come. Political and global leaders are taking this world to a place that will look very similar to the former Soviet Union. But it will be even more terrible than that if you can comprehend it. The near future will be a time when a small few will have everything and the rest of humanity will have nothing. The people who will implement this fascist/totalitarian system are excited about getting it started. They have even boasted in internet ads how great this system will be. It will be great for them but nightmarish for the rest.

What they have planned can be read on one of the World Economic Forum websites, from June 3, 2020.[1] What will happen can be read in the Book of Revelation (Chapters 6-19). The Globalists call it the Great Reset, but Bible prophecy refers to it as the time of God’s wrath (Dan. 8:19; 11:36; Zeph. 1:15, 19; 3:8; 1 Thess. 1:10; 5:9). It is the Tribulation Period/Seventieth-week of Israel. Some Christians have just started to notice the evil presence that has gripped this generation like an invading army of demonic activity because up until now they have been occupied with themselves. But the darkness has been present for some time and is increasing as each day goes by. Ever since Israel became a nation again the beginning of their seventieth week has been set on a timer.  That timer is ready to go off. It is ticking down very swiftly. When that timer goes off the Tribulation Period will begin. Many Christians in North America think that by prayer and fasting, they can stop the Great Reset from happening. They believe their prayers will reverse the darkness so that they can enjoy peace and prosperity. I agree that prayer will cut into darkness, but what is coming has already been prophesied to happen. So, beseeching the Lord with prayer and petition to make this ever-increasing darkness go away will not work. God will not stop something from happening when it is already prophesied in the Scriptures to happen.

What the church should be doing is getting ready for the rapture of the body of Christ. The prayer and fasting should be focused on this glorious event. If all the signs are pointing to the Great Reset to be put in place, then that means all the signs are pointing to the start of the Tribulation Period/Seventieth-week of Israel. The door to this most terrible time in the history of the world is opening quickly. It started to open in 1948, and it will be fully open soon. The man who can understand the word of God should know that the Lord is ready at any time to take his bride out of this world into eternity. So, what should the man of God do? He should teach Bible prophecy to warn those who hear him. He should point out that the door to the Tribulation Period is almost open fully. The Beast and his government are all prepared to come through. The time for personal Christian notability is over. The will of the Lord is more important.

Below is a teaching I wrote that will encourage some. But it will also make some others angry. The angry ones do not want the rapture to happen now, they want more time on this earth to enjoy the world and its pleasures. They are addicted to the world like a kid to candy. Some ministers have the desire to become famous, they crave ministerial prestige. They treat the kingdom of God as some spiritual ladder, one they feel they need to climb so they can be hoisted up and be recognized as a super-spiritual leader. I hope this teaching will give the church a jolt, so they can wake up. The church is about to be made glorious.  

Friday, November 11, 2022

A Pledge


This teaching is part of a project that I am slowly working on. It does relate to my last article that I posted pertaining to the mystery the apostle Paul shared with the Corinthian church. Here Paul is telling us that once the church is raptured it will be clothed with an eternal garment. Meanwhile we are clothed in an earthly garment. Until we are clothed with our eternal garment the church should be experiencing discontentment because we long to be clothed with our eternal garment. God the Father has given the church his Holy Spirit as a pledge, or security, in the promise of a future marriage that will take place after the church is raptured out of this world.

“For we know that if the earthly house of our tent is dissolved, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens. For most assuredly in this we groan, longing to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven; if so be that being clothed we will not be found naked. For indeed we who are in this tent do groan, being burdened; not that we desire to be unclothed, but that we desire to be clothed, that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now he who made us for this very thing is God, who also gave to us the down payment of the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 5:1-5, HNV).

When we got saved the spirit portion of our being was transformed and made so that we can communicate and have fellowship with God the Father (Eph. 2:4-5; Rom. 6:11). The soul portion of our being is commanded by God to be transformed as we submit to the Scriptures and the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 12:2[1]). The flesh or body part of our being is supposed to be offered as a living sacrifice to not only God but also to the body of Christ (Rom. 12:1; 6:13; Phil. 2:17; Heb. 13:15-16).

Our physical body is our earthly house, our earthly tent (5:1a), and one day it will be “destroyed” as so many English translations interpret (the translation above uses the word, dissolved). The Greek word used is καταλύω, its transliteration is katalyō, and it is pronounced as kat-al-oo'-o. Kat-al-oo'-o is translated on many Greek translator sites in English as, catalyze. Catalyze in this instance means “to alter significantly by or as if by catalysis.”[2]  When you look at the context of the above Scripture passage, Paul is not referring to the body when a Christian passes away, but rather he is indicating what happens to the Christian’s earthly house once a certain transformation occurs. A couple of words we could use to express what Paul likely meant by the Greek verb kat-al-oo'-o, the English word catalyze, are the synonyms, translated or transformed. They have the idea of metamorphosing from a physical body into a spiritual body by divine power which will happen when the church-age is over, when the salvation process is completed. This happens at the rapture of the church of God (1 Thess. 4:16-17). Paul likely had on his mind what he wrote will happen at the last trumpet (1 Cor. 15:52). When the last trumpet sounds, to end the church-age, the apostle is informing the Corinthians that the believer’s earthly tent will be transformed, the body will go through a metamorphosis, it will be transfigured. The believer’s earthly house will be transfigured into an eternal house (a glorified body) made for heaven, the eternal realm (5:1c). It is not made by earthly hands, our earthly parents, but rather our eternal body will be made by God and his divine ability (5:1b).

The follower of Christ should not be content in his earthly tent. His spirit should be growing weary as each day passes longing to be transformed, transfigured into his eternal house—his glorified body (5:2). The eternal tent will be a house for the spirit portion of our being, just like our earthly tent is a house for our spirit here in this world (5:3). All the believer’s that have passed away already, like the apostle Paul, are in heaven of course. There spirits/souls are in a place there that is between physical death and the future resurrection, it is sometimes referred to the interim state, an interlude of consciousness between physical death and the resurrection. I said in the commentary to First Corinthians 15:50-53, that Bible scholar Don Stewart calls this place the, intermediate state. As Paul wrote in the passage above, verse three, the certainty of being clothed in our eternal tent is that our spirits will not be naked, or goom-nos' (Greek for naked, nude, or bare). So, this tells me that the believer in the interim state, may possibly feel naked while waiting to be clothed with their eternal tent. I think there may be more anticipation among believers of Christ in heaven for the day of the rapture than there is among believers down here on earth. The expectation they have that one day they will be clothed in a glorified body would be more real to them because right now they are without a body, neither an earthly nor eternal.

Every follower of Christ that is on the earth should lament with the burden of being still in their earthly tent (5:4a). It is not that we wish to not have an earthly body, but our longing should be to be clothed with our eternal garment (5:4b). Once the rapture of the church occurs the believer’s earthly body will be transformed into an immortal body which will last forever (5:4c). Paul likely had in mind; “But when this corruptible will have put on incorruption, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then what is written will happen: “Death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Cor. 15:54, HNV).

The new creation (5:17) was birthed to one day become heavenly people, it is God’s will (5:5a). As I have written previously; many Christians today resist any teaching about the rapture of the church, especially anything to do with endtimes prophecy. Many pastors and teachers refuse to get knowledge on endtimes prophecy, and their reluctance is so they do not have to teach the church this information. They are rejecting the will of God (Matt. 24:45-53; Lk. 12:41-46); some do not realize it, and some just do not care.

When I talk to some Christians about us being clothed in a glorified body once the rapture occurs, they get frightened; they get agitated. Then they avoid me like the plague. Some do not understand that God the Father sent his Holy Spirit for this reason (5:5b). He has given his Holy Spirit to the church as a troth (ar-hrab-ohn' in Greek). Ar-hrab-ohn' has its origin in the Hebrew word עֵרָבוֹן, its transliteration is ʿērāḇôn, and is pronounced ar-aw-bone'. You will notice that in both Greek and Hebrew ar-hrab-ohn' and ar-aw-bone' sound very similar. The Hebrew term ar-aw-bone' can translate into English as a pledge, or guarantee, a deposit. The Greek term ar-hrab-ohn' can translate into English as a troth, which is a pledge given in faithfulness. Troth can be defined as betrothal: “a mutual promise or contract for a future marriage.”[3]  God the Father has given his Holy Spirit to the church as a pledge, or security, in the promise of a future marriage. This future marriage is with his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, right after the rapture of the church takes place (Jn. 14:2-3; 2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 3:21).



[1] Romans 13:14; Ephesians. 4:17-25; Colossians. 1:21-22; 1 Peter. 1:14

[2] Catalyze definition: Merriam-Webster online

(Accessed 11/10/2022)

[3] Troth-Betrothal

(Accessed 11/11/2022)


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

A Mystery


This article is a teaching that I have written from First Corinthians. In it, the apostle Paul reveals one of the many mysteries of the kingdom of God to encourage people that have dedicated their life to follow the Christ. First century believers, like today’s contemporary church, often wonder what happens next. They wonder what happens to the believer in the future. Is following the Christ on earth all there is? What happens to the believer in the future after they are dead and buried? Paul tries to shed some light on what happens in the future for those that have and are following their Savior. I hope this information gives you hope and excitement for what the near future holds for those that have and are now following the Christ.

“Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I tell you a mystery: We all shall not sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality” (1 Corinthians 15:50-53, ASV[1]).

Paul indicates that the flesh and blood of man, earthly bodies, cannot inherit or come into possession of the kingdom of God; meaning ascend into heaven, or enter the eternal realm (15:50a). He adds, that corrupt or decaying earthly bodies cannot come into possession of the place where there is no corruption or decay (15:50b). In heaven there is no corruption, it is a perfect place, there is nothing that perishes or sees decay in that realm. Nothing ceases to exist in heaven. So, a body of flesh and blood cannot ascend into the eternal realm because an earthly body will eventually die. And nothing dies in heaven, but rather anyone or anything in heaven lives forever. That is why flesh and blood cannot take possession of heaven. Although, God has seen to it that his new creation (the body of Christ) will take possession of the kingdom of God in heaven one day – a very important day indeed.

God has made provision for the sons of God to inherit his kingdom in heaven on a certain day. The apostle reveals to the body of Christ a mystery (15:51a), something that was unknown and is still unknown to those without the following revelation. First, when the last trumpet sounds, those that have already passed away in-Christ, the faithful followers of the Lord, will be raised to life again in a new body, a glorified body that will never perish (15:22-23; 52b; 1 Thess. 4:13-16). When a believer passes away their spirit/soul goes to heaven (Ecc. 12:7; Acts 7:59; 2 Cor. 5:8), in a place between physical death and the future resurrection of their earthly body – Author, Don Stewart, a contributor to the Blue Letter Bible website, calls this the “intermediate state.” Their earthly body is left on the earth to experience decay, but the spirit/soul portion of their existence is taken into heaven waiting for the day when their earthly body will experience the resurrection (the same cannot be said of those who pass away who are not spiritually connected to the Christ). Then, when the dead-in-Christ are resurrected, we who are still living will be transformed (15:51b, 52c; 1 Thess. 4:15ab, 17) and be given new bodies also, glorified bodies that will never see corruption. All this happens the moment the rapture of the body of Christ occurs. God has made provision so that the believer can inherit the kingdom of God in the eternal realm, by giving each one a gloried body once the rapture occurs. And like I said, the provision has already been made for this certain day, which bears repeating, the day and hour when the rapture of the church occurs (Matt. 24:36-44). This event is the final process in the salvation of the believer-in-Christ. The final transformation will happen in less than a nanosecond, the time it takes for an eye to blink (15:52a). The moment the rapture occurs the believer’s corruptible flesh will be changed in the twinkling of an eye so that they can enter the eternal realm (15:53a). The believer’s mortal body will be clothed with immortality, meaning a supernatural body, so that they can live in eternity forever (15:53b).

Picture: Afterdeathsite

[1] ASV – American Standard Version

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Waiting For Christ to Be Revealed


The following is a teaching that I have written from a passage taken out of the first letter the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian church in his day:

“So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who will also confirm you to the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

(1 Corinthians 1:7-8, Webster’s Bible)

The apostle Paul wrote these words to the church in Corinth (circa AD 55), but he also included the entire new creation (the church) continuing throughout the church-age (1 Cor. 1:2). He adds that the church is called to be holy because Christ has sanctified us. He has consecrated the body of Christ by the power of his sacrifice.

He states that the church does not fall behind or lack in any gift (some translations add spiritual, gift). The Greek word Paul used was χάρισμα, it sounds like khar'-is-mah, and its transliteration is charisma. Charisma can mean divine favor or gift. In the early church, charisma was understood as an expression of divine grace, as it has its roots in charis, the Greek word for grace (Lk. 2:40; Acts 4:33; Eph. 2:8). But they likewise understood that charisma is also assigned to believers by the Holy Spirit to function in divine power for the good of the church (1 Cor. 12:1-11). Paul declares that the church does not lack any charisma as we be “waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”[1] This does not refer to the second appearance of Yeshua Hamashiach at the end of Israel’s seventieth week (the end of the Tribulation Period), but rather, it refers to the rapture of the church (1 Thess. 4:16-17).

Some Bible translations say, like the American Standard Version, “waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The revelation (apokalypsis in Greek) of our Lord, refers to the moment he manifests himself to the body of Christ that is still on the earth once the church is caught up to meet him in the eternal realm. At this time Jesus will be revealed as he is in his glorified state, and all those raptured with the church will see him (1 Jn. 3:2). This is why the church is supposed to be waiting for the rapture to occur, and some Bible translations even use the phrase “eagerly waiting,” because we will witness our Lord and Savior in his glorified state—If you as a believer-in-Christ are reluctant for the rapture to happen until you complete your personal agenda here in this world then it might be possible the Lord will give you what you desire most. This would mean that you will not witness him in his glorified body the day and hour the church is raptured into the eternal realm but you would be passed over and remain in the world and enter into the seven-year Tribulation Period with the unbelievers and hypocrites (Matt. 24:45-51; Lk.12:41-48).

Paul also writes that the Lord will confirm the church until the end (1 Cor. 1:8a). What does this mean? The Greek word Paul used that has been translated as confirm in the Webster’s Bible, and in many other translations is, βεβαιόω. The transliteration is bebaioō, and is pronounced beb-ah-yo'-o. Bebaioō translates on some Greek to English translator sites as the English word, assure. Translating bebaioō as confirm, gives the idea that Jesus is keeping the church strong, or strengthened, because that is what the word confirm means in some instances: “To make firm or firmer—strengthen.”[2]  If bebaioō is translated as, assure, in this statement, we get the idea that Jesus will keep the church safe, that he will make the church safe from being conquered by the powers of darkness, because that is what the word, assure, means in some instances: “To make safe (as from risks or against overthrow)—insure.”[3]  So, I guess whether we translate bebaioō as confirm or assure it doesn’t make too much of a difference. Whether we see the church as being strong or strengthened or being kept safe “to the end” doesn’t change the thought that Paul likely had when he wrote this. Jesus keeping the church strong and safe “to the end” refers to the end of the church-age; the end of the church’s salvation period when the believer’s body of flesh will finally be redeemed. Of course, it bears repeating over and over again, that the believer’s body of flesh will be redeemed at the day and hour of the rapture of the church.

Why does Jesus, work so hard at keeping the church strong and safe until the end of our salvation? He does so that when he comes to snatch us out of this world, we will be found blameless. Satan and the fallen angels will not be able to criticize us before God once this event occurs. The enemy will not be able to accuse the church of guilt anymore. His charges of the new creation being lawless will not hold up anymore because the church will have come to the end of their salvation. We will be fully and completely redeemed, spirit, soul, and body (1 Thess. 5:23). The phrase, “in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ,” can be said to be Christ’s special day. It is the day when his bride’s salvation will be completed. That day, is his day. Because every person that the Holy Father has give to him (Jn. 17:6) throughout the church-age, he will keep safe and strong until the day he comes back to take his bride to be with him, into eternity; to his Father’s house (Jn. 14:1-3).

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[1] This truth opposes the doctrine of Cessationism. Cessationism teaches that the divine gifts of the Holy Spirit recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, ceased with the passing away of the early Apostles.,particularly%20associated%20with%20the%20Calvinists.

(Accessed 9/27/2022)

[2] Definition of the word: Confirm

(Accessed 9/27/2022)

[3] Definition of the word: Assure


Thursday, September 1, 2022

Falsity Over Truth


It has become apparent that this generation has increasingly chosen falsity over truth. Fabricated stories are what fascinates many in the world today. Why is that? Is it a psychological issue deep within the mind that cause people’s emotional and mental state to crave something that is not true? Is it a spiritual issue that works alongside our soul that is influenced by otherworldly sources that supernaturally have an effect on our moral compass? I can’t truly analyze the condition. Nevertheless, God knows the reason for the state. Fascination for stories dreamed up have not only become one of the world’s main interests, but fiction has likewise become a delightful attraction to many in the church. Many in the church are mesmerized by stories. Many times, they take priority over the Holy Scriptures. I will get to the attraction in the church to tales, but first let me suggest why the world has progressively elected fiction over truth.

There has always been a preference for falsehood, even in ancient times. Adam’s wife, chose the lie of the serpent over the truth of Yahweh, when she believed that fallen angel’s fabrication over Jehovah’s truth.[1] The false narrative that he spun to the woman was preferable to her even though she had been warned of the consequences of doing exactly what the serpent was suggesting she should do.

Did you know; that ancient societies like the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites all chose to venerate the spirits of the dead Nephilim (sons of the Watchers[2]), and the angels whom Yahweh put in charge of the nations,[3] and worshiped them as gods instead of the true Elohim? They did this because they were convinced by the fabricated stories passed down to them from their ancestors. Yahweh even warned Israel to be careful not to worship these angels that he had put in charge of the nations: “And when you look up into the sky and see the sun, moon, and stars—all the forces of heaven—don’t be seduced into worshiping them. The LORD your God gave them to all the peoples of the earth” (Deut. 4:19, NLT). The “forces of heaven,” are the hosts of heaven, referring to the angels of God (Deut. 32:8). These ancient societies preferred cultural fiction over the truth that Yahweh is the one and only Elohim, and that their gods are the angels (sons) of God,[4] and the spirits of their offspring (the Nephilim[5]). And without trying to belabor my point; look how Israel and Judah preferred to worship the false gods of their neighbors (like Molech, the Baals, Ashtoreth’s) rather than worship Yahweh, the Elohim who brought them out of bondage to the Egyptians. Israel and Judah, and every ancient culture preferred falsity rather than the truth. They chose fallacy instead of fact. When a person or a culture chooses fallacy over truth eventually truth is evil to them and delusion is wholeheartedly accepted.

You have heard it said: “Things change over time.” Well, when it comes to falsity over truth time changes nothing. This generation is no different than the time of ancient Israel and their pagan neighbors. Except this generation is living in deceit on steroids. This generation is like the woman in the Garden that preferred to hear what she wanted to hear. She ignored truth for a fictitious narrative that she could be a god; because that lie delighted her senses. The schemes of the devil are hyper-deceiving this generation. This is the generation that will witness the seven-year Tribulation Period (seventieth-week of Israel), and the second appearance of Yeshua Hamashiach to redeem the remnant Jews.[6] And of course, this generation will also witness the rapture of the faithful followers of the Lord Jesus.[7] The world will watch as the body of Christ is snatched up into the sky and taken into the eternal realm. Sadly, there are many that don’t believe this. They don’t believe it because they are misguided.

Many people today accept fiction more readily than they do facts. From about the late 19th century into the earliest part of this 21st century, Western society has had a fascination with fiction. It seems since the induction of the movie industry and then television the fascination with fiction has only increased. Countless people don’t want to load up a DVD to get truth. They want to be entertained with fiction. They want to watch story telling. People want fables, fairy tales, fantasy. Non-fiction is not as popular as fiction in this generation. Society in general, would rather be deceived than to hear cold-hard facts.

Falsity over truth really became noticeable when Donald J. Trump decided to take a run at becoming the president of the United States in 2016. Right from the start the Democrats and media thought there was no way that he would get the Republican nomination. They were hoping an established Republican would get the nomination, a politician from the DC swamp, like Jeb Bush. But, on May 3, 2016, Donald Trump was declared the presumptive Republican nominee, he would then go head-to-head with the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to become the 45th President of the United States. The mainstream media began to say that Trump was Vladimir Putin’s puppet; that he was a Russian asset. The Clinton/FBI manufactured Russia collusion story dominated the news cycle. When the truth began to unfold, that the media was lying, and there was no Russia collusion, many liberal Americans would not believe it. They preferred Trump be guilty of being a Russian operative. Many Democrat politicians and much of the media stuck with the false narrative, they chose to stick to their false stories about Trump rather than admit the evidence that their stories were false—fake news. From the time he became President and even today, a lying spirit has been in the mouths of both Democrat politicians and some Republicans who accuse Donald Trump of betraying America; some have indicated he even be executed for treason. The media continues to propagate lie after lie about the former president because they prefer falsity over truth. Some Americans love the fiction that the media has spun and prefer to stick with the false narrative rather than accept the truth of the matter.

For the last two years, a lying spirit has been in the mouth of many governments across the world, especially across the West. Their healthcare officials have knowingly broadcast false information about an infectious disease issue that has affected many particularly by the mandates they harshly implemented. Healthcare and government officials knew that they were promoting fear rather than facts, they knew their information was false, but they continued anyways. They knew that the fictitious narrative they were spinning was not true, but because of the lying spirit in their mouths they could not stop spreading their false information. The California State government, has just passed a bill to punish doctors if they are accused of spreading what they deem “misinformation” and “disinformation” about this certain infectious disease.[8] Like many states, California’s definition of “misinformation” and “disinformation,” is completely out of whack; it needs to be adjusted. Is it any wonder that so many young people cannot tell the difference between what is true and what is not? When governments, healthcare officials, and the media accuse someone of spreading disinformation you can be sure that the accused is really telling the truth—at least more than not anyways. But because western society has become accustomed to fiction, they want the fake news. Many choose falsity over truth. Why do you think CNN and MSNBC still has viewers? Because some people crave false narratives. This generation has spent all their lives being entertained with fiction that accepting the truth now will cause some to have mental breakdowns. Have you seen the mental breakdowns by some liberals on Twitter? These people enthusiastically accept the false narrative propagated by government and healthcare officials; the fictitious information intoxicates them. They prefer falsity over truth.

Remember I said above that fascination for stories is not something that only the world enjoys? That is because the church does too. A short story that leads up to a meticulous message from the Holy Scriptures can be a good and effective tool. But that is not what I am talking about. What I am saying, is that it has become a practice in church for the pastor to preach nothing but stories, and as I said, they have taken priority over actually teaching the word of God. And why should we be surprised? The Scriptures prophesied that: “For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts” (2 Tim. 4:3, ASV). That time has come. This warning is an endtimes prophetic message to the church. Some pastors are more in groove with their own personal spiritual aspirations than they are with the spiritual needs of the church. So, is it a shock that they don’t know or can even comprehend that the church-age is almost complete? The trumpet of God is ready to sound[9] and some pastors are busy telling jokes and stories. They are supposed to be getting the church ready for the rapture of the church,[10] but instead some would rather entertain the church with their fiction. Story tellers have a habit of embellishing their tales to make them sound more exciting. The church shouldn’t be fooled into thinking that the stories they hear are not sometimes stretched in a way to tickle their ears. The prophecy continues to warn that people: “Will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” (2 Tim. 4:4, ESV). Do you understand that verse? The word of God prophesies that the people will not want truth anymore. They want anything but. This truth refers to endtimes prophecy, warnings for the generation that will be alive at the end of the church-age. This truth is important information about the seven-year Tribulation Period, about the second coming of Christ, and especially the good news about the rapture of the church. The apostle writes: “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction” (2 Tim. 4:2, NIV). Since he went on in the next two verses to prophesy about the final days of the church-age, preaching the word in season also has the implication to preach information persistently about the Rapture, Tribulation Period, and the Second Coming in the final generation of the church. Just as Jesus commanded the pastors and teachers in Matthew 24:36-51. But sadly, too many in the church don’t want their pastor to speak on these things. So many pastors don’t. Too much of the church wants falsity over truth, and their pastor gives into their worldly desire instead of the commands of the Lord. Their pastor gives into their lusts because he himself cannot understand endtimes prophecy and the warnings that accompany them. He doesn’t want to preach about the end of the church-age because he doesn’t want the rapture of the church to happen before his personal spiritual aspirations all happen. Visions of spiritual grandeur have been dreamed and envisioned by many in the ministry today and by doggy they will not let any rapture get in the way of that.

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[1] Genesis 2:16-17; 3:1-6

[2] The Book of Enoch; chapter #15

(Accessed 8/30/2022)

[3] Deuteronomy 32:8: “When the most high nation was divided, as it was spreading the sons of Adam, who set up the limits of the nation in the number of angels of God” (Septuagint).

“When the Most High assigned lands to the nations, when he divided up the human race, he established the boundaries of the peoples according to the number in his heavenly court” (New Living Translation NLT).

See how the NLT reads, “[God’s] heavenly court.” The heavenly court refers to the angels of God. The Dead Sea Scrolls reads; “the number of the sons of God,” meaning the angels of God. The Septuagint reads; “the number of the angels of God.” But, the Masoretic Text (what most English Bibles use as reference to their Old Testament translations) reads, “the number of the sons of Israel.” The trouble with that interpretation is that Israel wasn’t even a nation yet when Yahweh put his angels in charge of the nations (see Ps. 82:1).

[4] Psalms 82:6-7

[5] Genesis 6:1-4

[6] Daniel 9:24

[7] 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

[8] California Passes Bill To Punish Doctors Who Spread COVID ‘Misinformation’

(Accessed 9/01/22

[9] 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53

[10] Matthew 24:42-51 

Friday, August 19, 2022

It’s Happening Soon Folks


Yesterday I saw posted on my Facebook feed a comment by a Christian sister, that seems to indicate that she is being mocked for wanting the rapture of the church to happen as soon as possible. I don’t doubt that she is suffering the contempt of scoffers for proclaiming that the Lord Jesus is coming very soon. The apostle Peter prophesied that some Believers would be faced with those that mock the rapture (2 Pet. 3:3-4). When the apostle prophesied these words, he was not referring to the world mocking the Lord’s coming, but he was referring to the derision by many in the church. Today, many people in the church, and even the leadership, scoff at anyone that proclaims the rapture is going to happen in this generation. The scoffers want nothing to do with the rapture ready believer. This sister’s desire for the rapture to happen quickly is because Jesus is her God and king. She adds, and rightly so, that he died on the cross for us so that whoever believes in him may receive eternal life; will have the opportunity to be with him forever. I agree with her, but as I write this article, I will add more to why we should be excited about the rapture of the church to happen as quickly as possible.

I want to make something clear. The rapture of the body of Christ and Christ’s second appearance are not the same event. It is sad, but many that say they are a Christian don’t know this. Sometimes they can’t distinguish between the two separate events. That is because they are not taught the difference in the church body they attend. And more importantly, they don’t study these events on their own. The error rests upon the individual primarily, but their pastor/teacher will be held accountable for this lack of teaching also.

The word of God gives us signs to when the second appearance of Yeshua Hamashiach will appear. His second appearance is better known as the second coming. What is most important for Christians though, is the rapture of the church, because that is when the body of Christ will be snatched out of the world into heaven. The second appearance occurs on the last day of the seventieth-week of Israel. On day 2,520 (the final day of a biblical seven-year period). The rapture of the church will happen at least seven years before Christ’s second appearance; the day and hour of this glorious day are unknown. I call Christ’s second coming his second appearance because, this will be the time when he appears to the Jews the second time. The first was back during his earthly ministry, and the second time will be on the last day of their seventieth-week.

Most don’t know that the seventieth-week of Israel is the seven-year Tribulation Period (Revelation, chapters 6-19). The seventieth-week of Israel is the final seven years prophesied by the angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel of a seventy-week period decreed upon Israel to finish their transgression against their God, Yahweh (Dan. 9:20-27). At the end of this seventy weeks, Israel will no longer sin against Yahweh and in fact will anoint Yeshua as their Messiah and King (Dan. 9:24). Gabriel released this prophesy to the prophet Daniel in about the year 539 BC, which was nearing the end of Judah’s seventy-year exile in Babylon (I hope I don’t mix you up by mentioning Judah’s seventy-year exile in Babylon and Israel’s seventy-week period both in the same paragraph).

The seventy-weeks of Israel is prophetic language revealing the future of the nation of Israel, and is prophetic language meaning, 490 years (biblical years; 360-day year). The 490 years would commence once the decree went forth so that the Jews could rebuild the city of Jerusalem (Dan. 9:25a). The decree was issued in the year, 445 BC. The decree was issued by King Artaxerxes I, of Persia (Neh. 2:1-9). If you notice in Gabriel’s prophecy (Dan. 9:25b-26a), that once the decree was issued so that the Jews could rebuild the city, there would be a period of “seven weeks and sixty-two weeks” (NKJV). This period is prophetic language meaning a sixty-nine-week period, which translates to, 483 years (biblical years; 360-day year). Gabriel was prophesying: that in the 490 years decreed upon the Jews to finally no longer sin against Yahweh there would be a break after the 483rd year; at the end of the sixty-nineth-week. That was because the Anointed One (Yeshua Hamashiach) would be cut off and have nothing (Dan. 9:26a). Or rather, he would be rejected, and it will appear that his goal had failed. This happened the day Jesus came riding into Jerusalem riding on the back of a young donkey (Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:2-7). He was rejected by the Pharisees as they demanded the people stop praising him (Lk. 19:39) at the end of the sixty-nineth-week; after the 483rd year. They rejected Israel’s Messiah and cut him off from presenting himself as their Messiah. Israel did not recognize him as the anointed one or that God was revealing himself to them, they did not perceive that it was their time of God’s visitation to them (Lk. 19:44). The 490 years decreed upon the Jews will commence when the seventieth week starts on the very day that the Antichrist will force a covenant between Israel and the Palestinian people (Dan. 9:27a). The day this covenant is ratified and put into effect will start the seven-year Tribulation Period. At the end of this seven years Jesus comes back to redeem Israel (Rev. 19:11-21).  

As I stated above: The rapture of the church will occur at least seven years before the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period; day 2,520 of Israel’s seventieth-week. But how do I know this? Are there not other people saying the rapture of the church happens during the Tribulation Period, and some even saying at the end of this time? Are not some even saying that the Bible doesn’t even say the church will be raptured at all? Well yes, there are people that disagree with me that the rapture of the body of Christ will happen before the seven-year Tribulation Period. But let me point some things out to you. The rapture of the church is a catching up (harpazō) of the people that are in-Christ out of this world suddenly (1 Thess. 4:16-17) when the time of our salvation period is over. At this time the Believer will be changed in a moments time (1 Cor.15:51-52); “in the twinkling of an eye” (ASV). The people that will be changed will be those in-Christ that have already passed away, and those in-Christ that are still in their earthly bodies at the moment that specific trumpet sounds. The Believers earthly body will change and become incorruptible; it will be everlasting. It will become pure, completely holy; divine (1 Cor. 15:53). The raptured Believer will be given the same type of body that the Lord Jesus Christ has (1 Cor.15:49; Phil.3:20-21; 1 Jn.3:2-3). 

The rapture of the church occurs before God pours out his wrath upon the unbelieving world and especially the fallen angels. The seven-year Tribulation Period has been scheduled for the punishment of the world and the fallen ones. It is also the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jer. 30:7). The time of Jacob’s trouble will be used by Yahweh to turn Israel away from their sin so they can put their faith in Jesus. Israel’s seventieth-week period, the seven-year Tribulation Period, is not in God’s plan for his new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). The Tribulation Period is referred to as the “wrath to come” (1Thess. 1:9b-10), and the faithful follower of Christ is promised to be preserved from, or saved from (rhuomai, in the Greek) this time of God’s hot anger. In 1 Thessalonians 5:9, it is written: “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ” (KJV). The salvation mentioned in this previous Scripture is the finished product of the work of salvation; salvations transformation from its beginning to the end. The final metamorphosis of the process of God’s salvation will occur at the moment the rapture occurs (1 Cor. 15:51-53). The purpose of salvation is mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 5:10: “Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever” (NLT). The Tribulation Period is also referred to as the “hour of trial” (Rev. 3:10). Jesus promised the church that if they keep his command: “to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth” (NIV). The seven churches spoken to in chapters two and three of the Revelation were initially the churches in the apostle John’s time. In the messages given to them there were aspects that applied to each of them. The messages to them also relate and apply to all believers throughout church history, and that means even todays church. This means that in all eras of church history the original messages to the seven churches do in one way or another speak to believers in one facet or another. So, when Christ tells the church of Philadelphia that existed in John’s time, that is if they endure, he will keep them from the hour of trial, then that message is also relevant to the church in this age. Obviously, the members of the early church of Philadelphia have all passed away before the endtimes Tribulation Period even begins. But that message to them helped to keep them on the straight and narrow, and at the same time is being used as a prophetic warning to the church of today. If the church of today keeps Christ command to endure patiently, then he will guarantee us to keep us from entering into the seven-year Tribulation Period. That time is not going to be a fun one. It will be a time of God’s wrath to test those that belong to the world.

The apostle Paul said, that God’s wrath comes upon those that are disobedient (Eph. 5:6). He is saying that if the believer imitates God, lives a life of love (Eph. 5:1-2), then they will not suffer God’s wrath. God is not pouring out his wrath at this time, because it is reserved for the Tribulation Period, the hour of trial. Also, because of greed, and the veneration of evil spirits and angels, and sexual immorality, lust, impurity, and evil sinful desire, the wrath of God is coming (Col. 3:5-6). Meaning it is coming during the Tribulation Period. The Christian is promised that they will not suffer this time of wrath if they set their heart and mind on things above, on Jesus Christ and his position in heaven, and not on earthly things. If they do, then when the rapture occurs, they will appear with him in glory (Col. 3:1-4). Nobody suffers the wrath of God at this time. Nobody on this earth. But once the church is taken out of this world by the power of God, then he will release his wrath onto those that choose to be disobedient.

Earlier I mentioned that the word of God gives us signs revealing when the second appearance of Christ will happen. Sadly, too many pastors can’t see them because they refuse to believe them. They refuse because they have their own agenda. Their agendas are not in accordance with God’s word or his will. Because Bible prophecy reveals the season of the second appearance of Christ, the Christian can then get a good idea when the rapture will happen, meaning its season also. I have tried to show you that the rapture of the church will happen before the Tribulation Period begins, therefore, simple deduction reveals it will happen at least seven years before Christ’s second appearance. But we just don’t know the exact day it will happen. Remember, the Bible says the day and hour of the rapture is not revealed (Matt. 24:36, 42, 44; 25:13; Mk. 13:32). God has decided not to reveal this day and hour to the church, but more importantly he has also kept this knowledge from the world and the fallen angels. He has done this for a good reason. But once the rapture of the body of Christ does happen the world leaders who are being directed by the fallen angels and demons will manipulate and distort the narrative of the sudden disappearance of the faithful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Their deceptive explanation will be believed by many.

Before the seventieth-week of Israel begins the gospels reveal that deception in the world will be very strong. Many will claim to be Israel’s Messiah (Matt. 24:4-5). There will be a lot of talk about wars and speculations of war (Matt. 24:6). There have always been wars, but the wars being referred to here are in my opinion primarily wars that involve the nation of Israel. When this prophecy was given the Jews did not rule their own nation, the Roman Empire did. It was not until 1948 did the Jews rule their own nation again. Since 1948 Israel has had to fight at least seven recognized wars, and has had many armed conflicts with the Arabs.[1] Jesus prophesied that in the world, nations will be against each other, races and cultures will clash and be divided like never before as the time of his coming draws near. He also said that the majority of people in the world will suffer greatly with lack and the earth will produce many earthquakes (Matt. 24:7) in the days leading up to Israel’s seventieth-week period. These are just a few of the signs that the word of God reveals will take place before Christ’s second appearance. During Israel’s seventieth week there are many signs revealing how soon the Christ is coming to redeem his chosen nation (Matt. 24:9-31).

But one of the most important signs of Christ’s second coming is the rebirth of the nation of Israel. As you know, it happened May 14, 1948. Jesus prophesied it (Matt. 24:32-34; Mk. 13:28-31; Lk. 21:29-33). Many don’t recognize this prophesy because Jesus used metaphorical language to prophecy Israel’s rebirth and to reveal the timing of his second appearance. Like he did in not revealing the rapture of the church, he spoke about the timing of his second appearance in metaphorical language to keep it hidden from the world, but also from people that don’t have a good understanding of the word of God, especially endtimes prophecy. And I am not only referring to the unbelieving Jew, but also Liberal Christianity. This would also include schisms in the church that have their own agenda and don’t care about endtimes prophecy; Christians that don’t want the rapture to occur while they are enjoying all that the world has to offer them. You may say, would the Lord do that? Does he hide revelation of his word from even Christians? Yes, he does! He spoke in parables many times to keep the mysteries of heaven from them that they are not given to (Matt. 13:11). Jesus spoke in parables so that even though some may see and hear, they really don’t see and hear nor do they really understand (Matt. 13:13). This word was initially spoken about the Jews (Matt. 13:14-15; Isa. 6:9-10), but with the obvious lack of understanding of endtimes prophecy and the absolute total noncomprehension of the day and age we live in I am sure that many Christians’ including some pastors can be included in this word. But thank God, some in the church today do understand, just like the apostles and prophets did (Matt. 13:11-12, 16).

The gospels prophecy about Israel’s rebirth reveals: that the Jews that witnessed it will also witness their Messiah’s second appearance at the end of Israel’s seventieth week (Matt. 24:27, 29-31, 32-34). So do the math. If the Jews that witnessed Israel become a nation again in 1948, will still be alive to witness Christ’s second appearance than there doesn’t seem like much time is left before he comes back to redeem the Jewish remnant (Rom. 11:25-27; Isa. 45:17). I dwell on the fact that they who sadly had to endure the Holocaust (the Shoah) but gladly witnessed the rebirth of Israel, will likewise witness their Messiah come out of heaven riding a white horse, his eyes will burn like fire, and he will be dressed in clothing that is dipped in blood (Rev. 19: 11-13). They will witness him defeat the kings and leaders of the global government, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet (Rev.19:15-21). The remnant Jews will be hidden from the global government during the last half of the seven-year Tribulation Period (Rev. 12:14-16; Matt. 24:15-27), but will finally realize at Christ’s second appearance that Jesus of Nazareth is their God. Hallelujah! It’s happening soon folks.

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