Wednesday, August 10, 2016

They Came Out Of The Abyss

Recently I watched this television program on Netflix that is about these two brothers who battle against evil supernatural forces, in their attempt to save and protect people from evil adversaries.

This show is not a Christian program but just a fictional, fantasy, horror type television series, so these young demon and ghost hunters do not invoke the name of Jesus Christ to drive these demons out, they just use weapons that the producers/writers dreamed up to fight supernatural beings.

This show is just an imaginative concoction meant to feed the supernatural curiosity of their audience, so there is no mention of Jesus Christ, the true and living God, or the power of his Holy Spirit, because than the series would have go to in another direction, a direction that would actually be true.

We know that the entertainment world is anything but true, because Hollywood and its rivals usually feed an audience what the turnout is looking for, and generally TV and movie viewers are not looking for truth but for fantasy. 

I found this particular episode interesting because of the script the shows characters had to follow, and the eerie otherworldly storyline behind it.

In this program the two brothers were directed to a specific place where there sat a structure that looked like a mausoleum. It had two large doors that needed a key to open it, but they were given instructions that it was important these doors must be kept closed; because it was extremely dangerous to open them.

The brothers did their best to keep these doors closed, but one of their unfriendly opponents got the advantage over them and by using the key he opened the doors, and as the tomb doors opened up  out came large amounts of black smoke rushing into the atmosphere in all directions.

The reason why the doors of this mausoleum had to be kept closed is because this was not just any ordinary tomb, but this burial chamber was the writer’s version of the gateway to hell, and once the gates of hell were opened then out came an army of demons pouring into the air; this is what the clouds of black smoke represented.

Keep in mind that this program is just fantasy, created by its producers and writers to stir up the imagination of its audience, but I was intrigued how the storyline of this particular episode was not too far fetched, but had similarities near the truth.
The person who wrote this script obviously has some knowledge of bible prophecy, and he or she had to know what they were writing, because this episode and some of the detail in it reveals a prophetic event that will take place in the tribulation period, and this event is found written in the book of Revelation.
In Revelation, chapter nine, like the rest of this prophetic book, the Apostle John recorded what was given to him by a messenger angel, and the visions that he saw while he was in the Spirit, while he was exiled on the island of Patmos by the Roman Emperor Domitian. This all began on the Lord’s Day.

John saw a star that had fallen from the heavens, and he is not referring to one of the many balls of burning gas up in space, but rather he is using a metaphor to represent an angel that is given a key to the shaft of the Abyss in the apostles vision. Some call the Abyss the bottomless pit, and the key is used to open this bottomless pit.

The scripture causes you to search and discover whether this angel is one of Gods holy servants, who descended to the earth from heaven to obtain the key to the Abyss to follow up with the task at hand, or whether this angel is one of the fallen angels, one who has fallen under judgement, because he with the other fallen angels lusted after human women and slept with them, producing hybrid humans called the Nephilim, which are violent and evil giants. You can see this history in the book of  Genesis; chapter six.

If this angel is the latter, a fallen angel who abandons heaven, than he is in concert with the angel of the Abyss who is called Apollyon, he is the Destroyer, his familiar name is Satan; his servants refer to him as Lucifer.

If this angel is the former, one of Gods holy servants, with the assignment of opening the Abyss, than he is literally going to release an outbreak of hell onto the earth.

It is more likely that this star/angel is a fallen angel, because John uses the Greek word ἀστήρ (astēr) to describe this being, in order to make the difference between him and the angel ἄγγελος (aggelos) who sounds the trumpet, which is the onset to the event that follows in Revelation, chapter nine.

The angel who makes a sound with his trumpet that allows the event to commence is one of Gods holy messengers, and the star that was given the key to open the Abyss is a fallen angel; a servant of the Destroyer.

When this angel opens the Abyss, in what I predict the very near future, smoke will come roaring out of it and will likely be as black as coal as it was in the Netflix program.

This black smoke will fill the atmosphere above and will even block the earth from the light of the sun—the environmentalists will scream.

In this Netflix performance, when the black smoke came gushing out of their version of the Abyss, it made me think about what is recorded in Revelation, wondering if the event that is going to happen is even slightly analogous to the special effects of this shows segment, and if so, then the world will be in for one scary of a time—it will be more frightening than A Nightmare on Elm Street.

It is recorded that in the future when the Abyss is opened up out of the smoke an army of locusts will suddenly appear.

These creatures will not look like the National Geographic locusts that we see on their program feeding on vegetation, and neither will these creatures from the Abyss do so, because they will be forbidden to touch any of the earth’s vegetation; they are forbidden to touch even one tree.

There is undoubtedly a reason why the earth’s vegetation is restricted to them.

These locusts are demonic, for Apollyon is king over them.

They have supernatural power to sting people with a sting that is resemblant to scorpions.

The sting is not powerful enough to kill humans but powerful enough to torture them, and for a period of only five months they have the authority to sting people and inflict them with this kind of agony—it will be worse than waterboarding.

The reason they have been warned to not harm the grass, plants or trees, is because they have been given specific instruction to harm only people; for this is where their focus is to be. Furthermore, their detailed instruction is to focus and to torment only certain people, and these people will be the men and women who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
The only people whom the demonic locusts cannot torture will be 144,000 specific Jewish males, precisely twelve thousand from each tribe of Israel, and  these chosen individuals will be selected as the servants of God (Rev.7:2-8; 9:4; 14:1-5); they will be untouchable.   

The demonic locusts being described to us by the apostle are extremely strange looking beings.
You may have seen on the internet this past July some articles, and some pictures, of this grotesque little creature that was found alongside a Mexican highway. It was found by a little boy who then gave it over to a journalist to do an investigation.
This animal looks like nothing we have ever since before except maybe in the movies.
People are weighing in with their opinion to what this little guy might be, with one researcher saying that it has similarities to the locusts described in the Revelation.

I do not believe that this little winged creature is this video is one of the locusts that is to be released from the Abyss in the tribulation period, or that it has any association to these demons at all. If it is one of these demons than it would mean we are in the tribulation period right now, and I guarantee you that we are not.

The world has yet to embark the horrors of the seven year tribulation period.

Furthermore, if the Abyss gates were open presently then the world would be suffering an evil onslaught with such horrible effects that you would literally see men everywhere trying to commit suicide without success.

If the world was in the tribulation period described in the Revelation you would surely know it.

John describes the locusts with much detail, and he does it in the same style as an Old Testament Prophet. He puts me in mind of the Prophet Ezekiel, when he saw visions from God by the Kebar River, where he was exiled with his Jewish brothers in Babylon. 

Ezekiel saw a vision of the glory of God, with the four living creatures that encircle Gods throne; the detail he writes is inconceivable yet is very extraordinary.

Moreover, John too saw the same four living creatures in his visions from God while on the island of Patmos, but he wrote with less detail of his experience than Ezekiel did; in Revelation, chapter four.

John's description of the way the locusts look indicates that they wholeheartedly intend to wage an all out war. It will be a gruesome demonic attack.

The apostle said they look like horses, or that their shape was like horses prepared for battle, which means that they were all armoured up like a soldier and his military steed.
These locusts are demons and nothing else. They will be released from the Abyss which informs us that they are there right now.

You may be curious as to the location of the Abyss.

Many evil men  have been curious over the centuries and have tried to discover its location. Their motive has been to explore the possibility of gaining some supernatural power out of it.

Could the Abyss be in the same area where Nimrod built the Tower of Babel; in the plains of Shinar?

Shinar is where Iraq is today, where two of the earliest world empires existed. These early empires  were Assyria and Babylon.

What is the possibility that the Abyss is in the same location where Nimrod built the tower?

Consider my speculation for a moment, and consider that Nimrod built this tower (Gen.10:9-11; 11:2-4) to reach a gateway into one of the few gateways on the earth that reach into the spiritual dimension. He obviously knew that it was a gateway where the fallen angels were coming through to take up habitation on earth.

Scripture indicates that Nimrod had knowledge of how to become a mighty warrior, which is a גִּבּוֹר (gibbowr), meaning a mighty one, a tyrant; in short he became a giant (Gen.10:8-9; 1Chron.1:10).

Nimrod had supernatural help to grow into a creature like one of the Nephilim, and the only way he could do this was with the help of the fallen angels. He possibly bowed down and worshipped them as gods, and through their magical incantations or something that requires supernatural power he grew into a mighty giant; a Nephilim.

With the area where the Tower of Babel was built being a highly likely gateway into the next dimension, where fallen angels have made their way into this dimension, is it highly plausible that this is where the Abyss might be.

Of course the destination of the Abyss will not be revealed until the day it is opened and the demons come rushing out of it.

Without speculation, this is what I do know about the Abyss, and that it is the place where the legion of demons did not want Jesus to send them to (Lk.8:31). It is a place that demons are being held right now (Rev.9:1-2).

Satan is the king over the Abyss and every demon in it (Rev.9:11), and he comes up out of the Abyss to attack, overpower and murder, the two prophets (Rev.11:7) who terrorize the unbelievers with miraculous signs from God, for three and a half years, in the tribulation period.

He will come up out of the Abyss and the people of the earth will be astonished when they see him, but this leads to his destruction (Rev.17:8), it is also the place where the Devil will be sent to for one thousand years after the return of Christ to the earth (Rev.20:2-3).

This does not mean that all demons are in the Abyss right now, but just these particular demons that come out of the bottomless pit after the fallen angel uses the key to let them out.

Who sent these demons to the pit remains to be said.

We know that Jesus has the authority to send them there, but did he send this specific group there all at once, or over a period of time? We can be certain, because it is written, that this army of demons will be released from the bottomless pit to cause terrible pain on mankind when the time comes.

Their physical appearance is a cross between flying creatures that look like locusts, he said they have wings, yet they are partially humanoid, meaning they look partly human.

Keep in mind that John said that on their heads they are wearing crowns, which may mean they have received some special reward from their king, for some great devastation they most likely caused on the earth in times past.

They have human faces and they have hair that looks like woman’s hair, suggesting that their hair is long and further implies that their entire head must be humanoid.

These demons have teeth that resemble lions teeth, so picture what you have seen on television as vampire teeth; it is likely similar.

To make war against mankind is their battle plan because they wear body armour, their wings pound so hard it sounds like horses charging into battle which means they have superior strength.

For five months they will have the advantage over people and will make their victims look weak, striking them constantly with their scorpion type stinger tails, afflicting pain on them, to where people will get to the point that they want to die; but they will not be able to.

This is not some fictitious storyline like the television program I watched with the demon hunting brothers. This horror will actually come true.  
Pictures: Public Domain

You Tube Video: What Is This Weird Creature With Wings In This Jar? 
 Brien Foerster