With great speed Western society is travelling down the highway of darkness; a place where there is no light. Every off ramp has forsaken it leaving it nowhere to go but head-on into this blackout. This place is a dark hole of waste and destruction, and once in this place there is no returning.
A haze has covered the eyes of Western civilization, a fog of deception blinds its way as it stumbles to a state of willing paralysis of freedom; handing independence over for their belief in social entitlement.
Scenes of death begin to appear as the ruination of national sovereignty and personal freedom is inevitable now, what is certain is forced subjection to a unique individual that is engrossed with his well being and his alone.
The horrifying sounds of snarling and growling can be heard as the door of darkness swings open.
Western culture is at the threshold of this door of dread, and on the other side is their self-made environment that they have sculpted with their continuous antichrist position, along with their delusional scheme of political correctness.
America, meet the European Union. European Union, meet your partner, America. You are about to be one in heart, soul and body—your matrimonial dictatorship will be short-lived.
I call this new geopolitical power the United World, where North America and Western Europe have established an alliance of political, economic and religious power to rule the Western Hemisphere.
The United World is a world where personal freedom is not tolerated; it is a kingdom where its subjects are forced to obey brutal rulers. Be compliant to the autocrat and bow down to his image or you will meet your death—to the United World its leader is a god.
The bible predicts a one world government ruled by a one world leader.
This government is secretly already in place but is yet to be publically and officially inaugurated.
It will be publically and officially initiated once the Body of Christ is raptured off the earth by God, at the glorious event known as the catching away of the Church; written about by the Apostle Paul.
I propose that within a twenty-four hour period, after millions of people that have already confessed and believe on the name of Jesus Christ as their Lord suddenly and miraculously disappear, that the one world leader will be announced publically to the world.
He will be announced as the man that will govern and lead North America and the European Union through this astonishing event that has resulted in complete chaos, violence and panic across the whole earth.
He will be recognized as the man that in all likelihood government officials from countries like France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and America will promptly appoint as leader, and he will immediately initiate a plan of restoring order to stop all the chaos that has ensued because of so many people instantly vanishing into thin air—first order of business will be to declare martial law.
The Globalists will not have to scramble at the last hour to appoint their leader, because he has secretly already been appointed as leader. Yes, he is anxiously awaiting his new post.
The Apostle John writes that he is the rider that comes on a white horse with a bow, and he is given a crown which suggests he has been officially appointed as the exclusive ruler of the West. Out of desperation the people he will accept this man as their king.
This man is the same person that the Apostle Paul referred to as ‘the man of sin.’
This dark highway has seen all flickers of light diminishing for sometime as nobody seems to know right from wrong anymore.
In public schools educators’ have extended their reach into children’s lives beyond the essential teaching of reading, writing and arithmetic, to teaching their pupils that they are neither boys nor girls. The public school system is indoctrinating your children with the idea that there is no such thing as male and female. In fact, they teach the kids that they can choose whatever gender they desire to be.
If a girl wants to be a boy then at the appropriate time they can arrange for that. If a boy wants to be a girl than that is not a problem. They already have gender-neutral washrooms in public schools to accommodate these yet to be developed minds.
Look at the mess Europe is in now, by allowing a foreign culture to migrate into their society without any restrictions, and all these migrants want to do is just cause mayhem as they attempt to take over their host country.
This foreign culture does not choose to assimilate into European society but rather has chosen to conquer it by force, and because of by definition of being all-inclusive, the politicians and the leftwing supporters are letting it happen.
In Canada, the political leaders, both federally and provincially in one case, intend to make law it a criminal offence if anyone in that country criticizes or even questions the validity of the religion of Islam; which when made law will be the beginning of Sharia Law in Canada. Most of Canada is unaware of the consequences of this law.
There is no plan to assure Christians or Jews of this same so-called protection of their faith, but instead if you bring this issue up you are labeled as Islamophobic by leftwing politicians and devotees.
In Australia, the government has already passed a religious vilification law with the Islamic faith in mind, as they claim intolerance, displays of hatred, and offensive behavior towards Muslims is a big issue in their nation.
It is quite strange that Australia and Canada are proceeding with these anti-Islamophobia laws when the Christian faith is the most persecuted faith in the world, and Christians are even being killed at the hands of those that swear allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad.
The bible predicts that once the one world leader is announced, and his government established, that he will introduce into Western society just one religion that everyone must follow. It is a one world religion that must be adhered to or death is imminent. I predict this one world religion will be Islam.
Outside of America you may be unaware of the corruption of the Establishment within their country. The American Establishment consists of those that truly hold the power in America generally known as the Deep State, made up of both Republican and Democrat members.
The Establishment also consists of the mainstream media and is the voice of the Deep State.
Whether you like or agree with America’s current president or not, you have to be completely ignorant or just plain sold out to leftwing bias to see that the Deep State is trying to deceptively and illegally take down a sitting president.
If you listen to the news coverage in the mainstream media in the USA, the EU, Australia and Canada, and you can think and decide objectively, you are without personal and political bias, than it is easy to see how these news organizations are going at full tilt to destroy America’s 45th President. They want him both impeached and put in prison, and they want him dead.
He is all most networks talk about and discuss with disdain and obvious hatred. The sky could be following and they would blame it on him.
You can see the corruption, deceit and lies, continually being expressed from not only the mainstream media but from many members in both the Congress and the Senate, as they try to take down Donald Trump and his administration.
Believe it or not, but the reason for these endless and ruthless attacks is because Trump is a nationalist and not a globalist. He was not supposed to even win the Presidency.
Hillary Clinton was positioned to win the presidency so that she could smoothly and cunningly transition the USA over under the power of the one world government partnered with the EU.
The one world government will be established according to bible prophecy, but how and when the transition will happen remains to be seen, although what is certain is the transition will occur very soon.
If you cannot see that the world is quickly changing from grey to black than it is quite possible you will still be here to see the man of sin come to power, and the one world government takeover of North America.
If you can see the color of the world changing than you likely have your heart set on Heaven, where Christ is headquartered with God and this is where your mind is at; free from earthly and material distractions.
The United World is not a place you want to be, it will be a place multiple times worse than the former Soviet Union.
In the West we understand the former Soviet Union as a very oppressive and inhibited place, which I am certain hard-line communists would disagree, but nonetheless it will have been like Disneyland compared to the United World.
I cannot perceive there being any type of professional sports to attend once the one world government is established.
I cannot see any English Football League, National Football League, or Major League Baseball even existing anymore, because of the extensive tragedy and chaos that will be taking place on the earth.
The Apostle John writes that once the one world leader makes his introduction riding in on a white horse, and establishes his government, that then another rider will appear on a fiery red horse, and he will violently take whatever peace is left on the earth.
The chaos that ensues at the hand of this rider will cause men to slay each other.
After this, a rider on a black horse will arise who will cause poverty on the earth. Wheat will cost everyone a day’s wages, as will three quarts of barley.
After these horrors another rider comes on a pale horse, his name is Death and Hell is his associate in killing one quarter of the earth’s population.
These are only the beginning of the horrors that will occur during the establishment of the one world government, and the seven year Tribulation Period is still yet to begin; once the seven year peace treaty is forced upon Israel as recorded by the Prophet Daniel.
The man of sin will make Israel and the Palestinians sign a peace deal so that he can then commence his plan to set himself up as a god over the earth.
This man of sin, the one world leader, is also referred to as the beast—he is the first beast as there is also another one. The second beast will carry out every command of the first beast.
The first beast will be given power, his own throne and great authority by the Devil, who is referred to as the Dragon by John.
Most of the Western world will follow the first beast willingly, they will worship him, and they will also worship the Dragon because of the power he gives to the first beast.
The first beast will have a bad mouth, as he will speak proud words coming from a proud heart, and he will speak and accuse God and his people of evil things; even cursing God’s dwelling place.
He conquers the Tribulation Saints and has authority of them; those that repent and turn to God during the reign of the beast. The beast has authority over the rest of the people of the earth also, and they willingly worship him.
Discussing the bible, and certain events pertaining to the end-times with a friend, I often share with him that even just as little as a several years ago I could not imagine the society within these Tribulation years, but just watching the events unfolding in North America and Western Europe just over the last while I can now certainly see a Tribulation society.
The world is quickly travelling into the dark hole, the light is fading fast.
The destruction that is about to rise up has its evil head already showing.
You can consider Europe as already under the power and influence of the one world dictator.
Did you see the new French President, Emmanuel Macron, giving his victory speech in front of the Illuminati pyramid? The Illuminati Pyramid is a symbol that represents the one world government.
France is leading the charge for the entrance of the first beast and a society subservient to his power and authority.
When Barrack Hussein Obama began and was working through his first term as POTUS many people realized that America had seen its final years as a sovereign and powerful nation, and then when he was re-elected for a second term it was an understated confirmation.
Trump comes along and wins the 2016 presidential election over the Hillary Clinton campaign, which seemed to give some people some kind of false hope that maybe America would last a little while longer, but with the present evil actions of the Deep State and witnessing how powerful they actually are it seems that there is no turning it around.
False hope always ends up with a crushed spirit.
The one world government and a one world autocratic leader is prophesied to happen in the bible, so no matter what type of effort nationalists use it will not work.
Bible prophecy is recorded because God has already seen it happen in the future, then it is written for our knowledge so that we will know it and be prepared for when it happens.
With every factor all ready in place for this prophecy to occur at this point in time, the chance is zero that we are really in a dream and we will wake up and it all goes away.
Western society will not be returning to like it used to be; all apple pie and ice-cream.
The United World is happening right before our eyes, so just pray that you be among those who are caught up to meet the Lord in the air when the rapture of the Church happens.
After this the West will be under new leadership and the prophesied horrors will then begin.
Picture:CC0 Public Domain
Video: "All seeing eye" symbolism at Emmanuel Macron victory speech #NWO #LouvrePyramid
The Outer Light