Since most of us have more time
now these days, then what we know to do with, we have been able to scan the
internet for city churches across the country that are now holding their Sunday
services online. I realize that some just view their own local church and are
afraid to seek out any other church service online because they think it is an
act of being unfaithful to their minister and their home congregation. If this
is the policy of the congregation you attend then I hope you understand that this
is not being unfaithful to your home church or your pastor, but rather it
reveals you are part of a cult.
Being forced to live life basically
indoors has really slowed time down considerably. Twenty-four hours now seems
like a week, by the end of each week it feels like I am a year older, at this
rate I am going to be an old man soon. Is your dwelling place getting smaller,
can you now see spots on your ceiling that you never knew were there before? I
think it is now time for the bureaucrats to open society back up. Don’t you?
Across America we are now able to
view online what many city pastors and teachers are preaching and teaching to
their congregations, whereas before the coronavirus lockdown much of this was
kept securely within the walls of their local church buildings. Some Christians
usually have certain ministers online that they get additional teaching from through
the week, ministers that have an online presence even before the coronavirus
lockdown, but now every church pastor from every congregation across North
America is preaching his weekly message online too, using their church Facebook
page or their church YouTube account as their preaching medium.
Churches have had to adapt to a
world now under heavy government restrictions if they want to have any kind of ministerial
life, and what was once only for their local parishioners is now made public to
the world, to anyone that tunes into their Facebook or You Tube accounts. Churches
now cannot depend on the offerings received from the pew during the various
services gathered in every Sunday, so as the preaching has had to adapt to an
online audience so now the offering plate has gone virtual also. Every online
service now has someone telling their viewers to give online, just like the TV
Evangelists, because church mortgages still have to be paid, hydro, water, and
gas bills are still due each month even though the church building is restricted
to any Sunday gathering. Church leaders have to be paid even though church
services are not allowed to be conducted because of the draconian measures
being instituted by the state. Every governor and every mayor’s office across
the United States and Canada have been enforcing physical distancing rules as
if we are under Communist rule. For the lights to stay on in empty church assemblies’
city pastors now have to preach online to their congregations to continue to
generate revenue (tithes and offerings) like the online minister has been doing
for years. If they don’t preach online to their congregations there will be no
online giving. Some may think that my
comments are way out of line especially because the church is told to adapt
during this coronavirus pandemic, but what I find ironic is that for years many
pastors of small congregations have criticized the online minister before the
coronavirus lockdown for using the internet as a platform to preach, and now
because they have to keep the lights on in their own building and since they still
want to secure a paycheck they are forced to do what they have criticized
others of doing.
Christians that often use the
traditional online minister for extra Scriptural knowledge have a good idea of
what each online teacher uses to feed his online audience as their spiritual
food. A lot of online ministries have specific doctrine they like to teach as a
general rule, so this is why many Christians will bookmark certain online
ministries over another. Good online ministers do mix up the material they
preach to their online audience, this is why many will feed on the online
ministry through the week. But now with the increase of city churches going
online the competition out there for the online offerings has got competitive
as well—did I just say that. Putting that previous statement aside; the
emergence of city pastors grabbing their part of the virtual world to preach
their message has revealed what their message usually is, and because many have
not seized the coronavirus lockdown to adjust their message to at least convey
the signs of the times we see that what is being preached in most city churches
is anything but a message relating to the times. Some are preaching words of
encouragement hoping to get their people through a tough period of time, of
course the need to not fear is needed, but what is sorely lacking is the
message of the times.
Of course, the word of God from
Genesis to Revelation is always to be the spiritual food of the Body of Christ,
the Lord speaks to his Church as needed with what has been written, but what I
have noticed since this coronavirus lockdown is that the message of the times
is not being preached as it should be by the city churches that have recently
made the internet as their church service. I don’t know if they think the
government restrictions will pass and every city church can then just get back
to the way it was before the heavy government oversight because of the
coronavirus. As I have checked out many city churches online over the last almost
two months, I have noticed that the typical city pastor just does not see the
signs of the times, at least the messages they have been preaching on the
internet does not reflect it. Maybe the many new online pastors are imperceptive,
and they just cannot see that the power the state has gained because of covid-19
will never go away. The state has gained enormous power over its citizens because
of this pandemic which is a sign that the prophesied one-world government is
being established here and now, but the online newbies are not only not warning
the Church about it but they are not even warning the world.
According to the Scriptures, the
ministers of Jesus Christ have an obligation to feed God’s Church a specific
message in the times we live in, and even though the signs of the end of the
Church age are clearly evident the pastors that are new to online services are
not delivering the message of the times like they have been called to do—if they
are not preaching it online now than they were not preaching it to their congregations
when they assembled in person. Prior to the coronavirus lockdown only city
congregations heard what their local pastor taught each Sunday, but now their
messages are broadcast across the internet and anyone in the world can hear
what they are feeding the sheep. Many of the established online ministers do
teach what God has called them to teach in this day and age, this is why so
many Christians go to the internet through the week so they can be fed and
nourished with the message of the times we live in. But sadly, what is being revealed,
is that what is usually preached behind the pulpit in city church gatherings
before the coronavirus lockdown is still being preached while the Antichrist
government of the end-times is being established right before our very eyes.
The message of the times is
revealed by Jesus in the gospels of Matthew,[1]
and Luke,[3]
and of course in many other areas of Scripture. In the gospels Jesus reveals a
little bit of information about the time we live in today which is the time
just prior to the seven-year Tribulation Period. He also is brief on what the
world will be like when the rapture occurs. He gives small detail of what the
Jews will face during their Seventieth-Week Period, the time we refer to as the
Tribulation Period. The Lord reveals the time at the end of the Seventieth-Week
of Israel when he comes out of the heavens to the earth. Jesus warns that the
people be alert and on guard, be watching and ready. He is referring to the
rapture when he said watch and be ready, be alert and on guard, and even though
the Church was not birthed at the time Jesus taught this message he had the
Church in mind here. He even gives a picture of the Bride of Christ just prior
to the rapture and warns us to keep watch because the day and hour of his
arrival is a mystery to us.[4] Jesus
reveals that prior to his arrival for his bride there will be a mix of wise and
foolish believer’s.
Many pastors in the Church do not
preach the end-times message because they believe we cannot know when the rapture
will occur, or when the Tribulation Period will begin, or when his second
coming will happen. They even use Jesus own words of warning, that we do not
know the day and hour, as an excuse to not teach the Church end-time prophecy.
But Jesus is the one that says this information must be taught to his household
and in the season that all these things will occur. Some ask, when will these
things occur? Jesus told us when they will occur. They will occur just after
Israel becomes a self-ruling nation again.[5] The
salvation message is not only preaching for people to get saved, but it is also
teaching the saved the end-times message.
Jesus warns every minister of the
gospel to teach the end-times message, and the primary day and age for the
end-times message began at the rebirth of the nation of Israel, May 14,1948.
After this prophesied day took place[6]
then the ministers of God were commissioned to preach the end-times message, it
is the message of the times. The reason for people to get saved today is not
only so that they can be forgiven but so that they don’t miss the rapture of
the Church. Everyone appointed to eternal life has to know this.
Jesus said there will be
ministers in this day that would not teach the house of God this information,
and these pastors will suffer the consequences of not obeying his will. What do
I mean? The message of the day is to preach Jesus Christ and salvation through
him, but also ministers are to teach the end-times message, because if they don’t,
he will assign them a place with the hypocrites,[7]
Luke writes he will put them with the unbelievers. But, if the ministers in
this time do preach what the Lord has commanded, he will give them all he has,
he calls them faithful.[8]
So I speak to every minister of
God: Since what you are accustomed to preaching is now revealed to the world
because you have now begun to preach online, do you want to obey the Lord Jesus
Christ and do as he commands, do you want to do the job you have been called to
do, or do you want to teach your own agenda and be wicked? Because every
minister that does not obey the commands of the Lord this is what he calls you,
he calls you wicked.[9] When
the rapture occurs, do you want to be cut up into pieces and be cast away and
end up with the unbelieving world?[10]
It is time for every minister to reevaluate their spiritual condition and the
message they preach to the house of God, whether it be online or during the physical
gathering of the assembly of God.
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[1] Matthew, Chapter, Twenty-four
[2] Mark, Chapter, Thirteen
[3] Luke, Chapter, Twelve, Seventeen & Twenty-one
[4] Matthew 25:1-13
[5] Matthew 24:32-34; Mark 13:28-29; Luke 21:29-32
[6] Ezekiel, Chapters 36-37; Isaiah 66:8
[7] Matthew 24:48-51; Luke 12:46
[8] Matthew 24:45-47; Luke 12:42-44
[9] Matthew 24:48—49;
[10] Luke 12:45-48