is so much going on in the world right now that suggests the world is at the
point of no return; a point of no return to the way it used to be.
It used to be
that we were able to have at least some trust in our government leaders to do
what is right for the nation that they swore an oath to govern, to have our
countries best interest as their main concern, and it did not matter what party
held the keys of national power.
But now, and for some time now, it is hard to
know by our leader's actions whether or not they are actual public servants of
the people they swore to govern, or whether we the people are just expected to
swear complete allegiance to them and their administrative powers.
Our leaders believe that they have been illumined to know what is best for us and in their
mind we do not.
Most people in political office today see their citizens as no
more than just subjugates whom they have conquered and gained control of
through the guise of the political process.
It is not difficult for anyone who
pays attention to the state or national scene to see that their leaders do not
have their state or nations best interest at heart, because they are more
concerned with transnationalism, better known as globalization, which is the
technical way of saying the world is quickly phasing over to a one world
government, one world currency, and a one world religion.
people today live everyday with their head buried in the sand, and the many
people that I am referring to primarily belong to the Christian community.
Oh, I
know, it is not nice that I demean some people in the Christian community by
writing such a remark.
But in my defence I write this so that those who have their
head buried deep into the sand hill will lift their heads out and look up.
would be better for you if you had your head in the clouds, because then at
least your ears would be closer to hear from Heaven than to have your attention
downward in the opposite direction.
Many people that confess their faith in
Jesus Christ think and talk as if the unique little world that they live in
is going to continue for years and decades to come, they refuse to believe that
the world is headed for ultimate disaster.
It does not work in with their
special plans.
despise it when I hear a believer in Christ say when countries and
people are being torn apart to not worry about it because God is in control.
What are these people suggesting with that conclusion?
If God is in control of
the countries that are being torn apart then why are they being torn apart?
The Syrian and Iraqi
Christians are being brutalized, their children are being raped, and the parents are being beheaded in front of the children.
I have
my own thoughts on why some believe that their world will just continue the way
it is for a long time to come, and it is because each has their own
Their mind is set on earthly pleasure rather than things
above (Col.3:1-2).
plan is to enjoy life as much as they can.
I am not saying that there is anything wrong with
enjoying life but when the brothers are having their heads cut off with daggers and being crucified than the plans to enjoy life to its fullest by some in the Christian community makes me concerned.
Yes, there are prayer meetings, calling for God to send
peace on the earth and for another grand scale revival, and indeed we need him
to send these things.
I am sure the Syrian and Iraqi Christians agree completely.
But there is something you must consider.
Where do you think the world is positioned on Gods time clock right now?
have no idea?
You are definitely not alone.
Many do not know where the world is
positioned on Gods time clock today, especially when they come out thinking and
saying that things will get better, and they believe and brag that they will
see their little children grow up to become prosperous citizens.
Then their
children will have children, and they will sit these youngsters on their laps
and bounce them up and down just like their grandpa did to them, tickling their
little bellies.
God's time clock is past that hour my friend.
your eyes so that you can see, and unblock your ears so that you can hear, all
the signs that are in the earth today are pointing to the shift from the days
we once knew to a time that will change the world to period of great
do we see going on in the world today that reveal the time is short?
Do you see particular events that are moving at a high rate of speed indicating the
world is entering into its next phase of becoming a world that either
acknowledges or considers Jesus Christ anymore, and where society is turning on his
The worlds next phase of the evolutionary process, as the New Age Movement
refer to it—the NAM has its roots in esotericism and Gnosticism, which evolved
into Rosicrucianism, then into Freemasonry, which at its highest levels is the
secret government behind the government referred to as the Illuminati—reveals
that we are now entering into a new age of enlightenment.
All indicators
point to a one world government, a new world order, which will be led by a
one world leader who is ready to be introduced to the world anytime now.
there room in the new world order for the believer in Christ?
The new world order hates Christ.
The knowledge we have of what is now taking place in the Middle East, the
atrocities against the Christians and against people who do not meet the
standards of faith by those who are waging jihad, the evil men who have as
their goal to initiate a global Islamic caliphate, the Islamic State of Iraq
and Syria (ISIS), and groups like them with the same ideology in Northern
Africa, will happen on a global scale once the one world government is
There may be different players once the initiation takes place but
the same idea will emerge, which is global dominance.
The bible prophesied these events
throughout the Scriptures and we can now see it through the imagery written in
the book of Revelations.
Do you not think it is odd that the leader of the world's
most powerful nation, the USA, and the leaders of the European Union, just sit back and
do nothing but debate and discuss the situation in the Middle East?
They sit on their hands while tens
of thousands of people are being slaughtered by ISIS.
Why have they not come up with a viable strategy to eliminate this army
of cold blooded killers?
Is it in their best interest to stand down?
Is it in
the best interest of the shadow government to do nothing?
It looks to me like the shadow
government is using this as an opportunity to fulfill their purpose, because
all that is going on in the world today is clearly leading to the emergence of the
one world government.
Do you think it is a coincident that only now there is a serious
refugee crisis, where all of a sudden there are hundreds of thousands, even
millions of people now fleeing Syria
and Iraq , being driven out
of their birth place by the butchering men of ISIS ?
There are so many refugees fleeing into Europe
that they cannot handle it.
Is ISIS really to powerful for America and the
EU to eliminate? ISIS thinks so, even boasting
about it.
Little does ISIS know but they are just being used as pawns by the
Illuminati, to create absolute chaos so they can bring to power their one world
leader and form their one world government at the appointed time.
few weeks ago we had a stock market meltdown where trillions of dollars
instantly vanished out of the financial system, and the world is not really out
of it yet.
Financial forecasters have been announcing for years that there will
be a world wide economic collapse that will happen very soon.
China is on the
verge of economic collapse, the European Unions economic forecast does not look
good either with some of their member states on the verge of bankruptcy, and
now with this huge influx of refugees pouring into Europe the financial strain on
them and the world will be catastrophic.
Granted Germany
is a rich nation, but are they going to be able to house and feed 800,000 new
people without it putting a very heavy burden on their own residents?
events are all leading to the introduction of a one world currency that will be
initiated by the leader of the one world government once he is announced and put
into power, leaving the elites in the world with the only source of financial
wealth; just as the book of Revelations predicts.
“And I heard a voice in the
midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three
measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine” (Rev.6:6,
call for this new world order, and a one world leader, who issues a one world
currency, and institutes a one world religion, has slowly been making its way
into society for many decades now, even though it has been in the works for
The bible predicts this one world government (Dan.2:40-43; 7:16-24),
along with the one world currency (Rev.13:16-17), along with the one world religion
(Rev.13:11-15; 17:1-18).
The man who will lead this government (Rev.13:1), will
be announced to the world as a leader of peace (Rev.6:2), and the world will
worship him (Rev.13:4, 8a).
Modern leaders have been giving subtle hints to
their people that this new world order is ready to be established in their
speeches, national addresses, and through the media.
Look closely at music
videos, music album and CD covers, and many movies and television programs, and
you will see many occultist symbols that are being used by the new world order
to promote its arrival.
There are even certain well known recording artists who
proudly and loudly proclaim that they are members of the Illuminati.
Way back, even
in the seventies, when the West was in the midst of a sexual revolution,
national political leaders in the USA were announcing the coming of
the one world government, by using codes and secret society language to
condition the minds of the populace to the acceptance of a one world society.
Presidents in this modern era have announced the coming of the new world order
from both political parties as they address the nation, even political leaders
in Britain have recently made statements insinuating that countries should
abandon the idea of protecting their own nation, because the world is now an
international state.
will this world leader be that will forcefully lead the world in a singular
society through a new world order?
God gives a description of him in the book
of Daniel, saying that he will make war against the saints (Jews and Gentiles
who repent and turn to God in the seven year tribulation period, which is less
commonly referred to as the seventieth week of Israel ) in the seventh chapter.
This leader will have a face with strong features, and cannot be trusted as he
will be very deceptive; to put it mildly he will be a liar. He will become very
powerful prospering in his deceit, even considering himself superior to
everyone and everything (Dan.8:23-25).
This man will be the one whom the nation
of Israel will think is their long awaited Messiah, because he will prevail at
making peace between Israel and the Palestinians for a period of seven years (Dan.9:27).
Earlier this year an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish leader, Rabbi, Chaim Kanievsky, made
the plea to all Jewish people living outside of Israel to make their way back
to the promised land, claiming he had revelation that their Messiah was going
to arrive September the twelfth.
As you know, since September the twelfth has
come and gone, and their Messiah did not show up, the Rabbi made a slight
mistake in his prediction.
Israel has been waiting for their Messiah to return
because they do not yet believe that Jesus is the one whom they are looking for,
they rejected him when he was on the earth, so consequently they will accept
the false messiah (Jn.5:43), this man of peace (Rev.6:2), and this political
figure will be the man who orchestrates the peace agreement.
The current
government in the US ,
with certain individuals in the EU, has been working feverishly over the last
few years to get a peace deal done with Israel and the Palestinians; with
some measure of difficulty.
But with all we have been witnessing in the world
today the peace deal is not far from being confirmed.
You think the world is in
horrible shape now, this is nothing compared to what it will be like once the
peace agreement is enacted into law.
Thank God though, for the promise the
believers in Christ have is that we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air prior to this
peace agreement (1Cor.15:51-53; 1Thess.4:16-17; 2Thess.2:1-8).
YouTube Video: The Illuminati and the One World Government HD
Behold Israel
YouTube Video: Global Governance - EU President Admits One-World Government is Here - NWO - New World Order