Thursday, January 7, 2016

Germany is Unfolding

The recent events in Germany over this past week, resulting from the criminal activity that came out of the New Years Eve merrymaking in Cologne city with the alleged sexual molestations, muggings, and even the report of at least two rapes of so far 121 women, by gangs of young males who are said to have the appearance of being of middle eastern descent and being described as primarily Arab, is very disturbing.

There are reports that similar attacks occurred in Hamburg and Stuttgart.
What is more disturbing than the attacks themselves is that there is every indication that the German authorities, or at least a small few officials, are trying to cover up the whole rotten incident.

The reports of the attacks have continued to come in since the New Year began, with every indication that many of the perpetrators are asylum seekers, males who have recently migrated from the civil war in Syria.
German officials have warned against using the recent migrants as scapegoats—nobody has been convicted of these crimes yet, and if any of them are asylum seekers it has not yet been proven at this point.

Today, the 7th of January, Germany’s Justice Minister, vows that if any of the perpetrators are recent migrants than they will be sent back to where they came from; they will assuredly be deported.
What else would the Minister of Justice say, especially when the law in Germany demands deportation of  an asylum seeker if they are convicted of a crime, particularly  a sexual offence, and the law is supposed to imprison the convicted criminal for at least one year or more.
He has to assure the citizens of Germany that he will enforce the law, since most are outraged at these crimes and largely if those responsible are recent migrants.
A week after these crimes German officials are expressing anger at what happened to these woman, they have to, they are politicians, and they have to sound like they are on the side of these women, but it took four days after the attacks for the German public broadcaster ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) to do a report on the incident; they have since apologized.

Did the state broadcaster get orders from someone in the government to hold back the report, or was it just a simple mistake by the largest public broadcaster in the EU?

Such an important news story like this, that went unreported for four days, would get someone fired anywhere else, but you would not get the axe if you were given a direct order by a government official and instructed to be quiet about it.
If anyone gets fired from the state broadcaster now, over the delay in broadcasting this story, it will only mean that someone was thrown under the bus.

How come at least two government officials are now on record for excusing these vicious attacks even blaming the women?
One by comparing the attacks as being no more harmful than the repercussions of useless or careless chitter-chatter, and another who outright accuses the victims of these attacks as getting what they deserve, because the insinuation is that these women do not know how to behave themselves in public.

Could it be that these two government officials are pro-immigration and they are afraid that the Cologne incident will be used to set back Germany's push to house and take care all of the Syrian refugees they brought in last year, since there is many in Germany who are opposed to this move by the government?

Those who genuinely oppose the infiltration of these refugees are not because they are bigots, but they feel the government is acting too hastily.

What is the reason for Germany, France, the UK, the US, and Canada being in a state of urgency to welcome Syrian asylum seekers anyway?
The Syrian crisis started almost five years ago, and now there is such a push to bring these people into these countries at any cost. Even though these governments know that ISIS has infiltrated these asylum seekers and that they are sending their field operatives into these countries to wage jihad.

I completely understand the compassion that should go out to the Syrian people, but do you think these politicians really have a heart for these people, especially when they let their own people sleep on the streets.
There is more to this refugee crisis than what the politicians are willing to reveal to their citizens.

I cannot help but think of the one world religion that the bible predicts will be established after the one world leader takes his charge. Could it be Islam?

Do you not find it strange that Germany’s first intentions were to make excuses for the behaviour of these men and to attempt every effort to push it under the rug?
Here we have a group of young men who happen to be devoted to a particular religion and it so happens to be Islam. These young men believe it is within their religious right to sexually molest and rape infidels, people that are non-Muslims. You can deny this or believe it is true.   
There are reports that many women had their bodies groped so viciously by these men that it left bruises on them; they were on what they believed to be a sexual freebie.
The early in-action by the German officials tells me that a certain scheme is unfolding here.
YouTube Video: Germany: Footage shows NYE chaos in Cologne as assault allegations emerge
Ruptly TV
YouTube Video: Police to probe Cologne Sex assault claims
YouTube Video: German Liberal Mayor Blames Women For Being Raped
The Alex Jones Channel
YouTube Video: Female Islamic Scholar Says Muslims Can Rape 'Non-Muslim Women’
benalvino 1860

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Nuclear Threats Again?

World governments are concerned today at the claims made by the North Korean government, who say that they have successfully tested a miniaturized version of a hydrogen bomb.
Experts quickly weighed in denouncing such claim, saying that they may have conducted an atomic test, something they have done three times over the last ten years, but that it is very doubtful that they have just tested a hydrogen bomb.
North Korea has been warned before, by the UN Security Council, to cease their atomic testing and now threatens to take stiffer measures against Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.
Pyongyang leaders are standing strong that they have tested the H-bomb, stating that their success brings them up to the next level where their increased nuclear strength provides them with the ability to defend themselves against their foes; those enemies being the United States and others who make threats against them.
In all likelihood, the claims by the North Korean capital, of just recently testing the hydrogen bomb are highly exaggerated, unless the experts are mistaken with their analyst, or they are intentionally misleading the public; time will reveal the truth.
Even so, the world should be concerned that a rogue nation, like North Korea, has even the capability to test atomic weapons.
Do they actually have the technology, along with the capability, to produce atomic warheads?
If they do you can be sure that they will certainly use them.
Why do you think the level headed American is concerned about Tehran getting nuclear weapons?   

The world has been concerned about nuclear war ever since the Americans dropped the first atomic bombs, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in 1945, to end the Second World War.
The world worried for the next forty four years—1947-1991—as the Western Bloc nations, led by the US, and the Eastern Bloc nations, led by the Soviet Union, butted heads with each other on who was the number one super power of the world.
Both the USA, and the USSR, armed themselves to the teeth with nuclear capability to show who held the biggest gun, but never used any of this nuclear weaponry as the men who held the purse strings back then did not allow them to.
The time to cause nuclear havoc on this planet was not  back in the Cold War period but is set for a future date. We see it happening in the Book of Revelation. 
Nevertheless, the world’s population did not know this during the time of the Cold War, so the inhabitants of the earth were always on edge wondering when the big one would come.
I can remember when many people were afraid that some lunatic, from either super power, would flip the switch that would send the world into nuclear annihilation.
Many people would live it up, drink and party, because they thought that maybe tomorrow we could be vaporized by nuclear explosions. They didn't really comprehend the reality of an afterlife.
The anti-nuke protesters, powered by money that came from sources unknown to them, or did they even care, would have sit-ins, and rallies, protesting the government and its nuclear arms build-up.
They did not realize that the two super powers were never going to send any atomic warheads into the air anyways. They had limited knowledge back then to the workings of a one world government and that the leaders of the superpowers were not really the people in charge. 

When the Cold War ended, or supposedly ended because it really never ended, many people breathed a sigh of relief, because they believed after 1991 that the world was now safe from nuclear war.
Today, under the Obama administration, the USA has let its guard down, only because the secret powers who pull all the strings have instructed them to do so, allowing Russia to get stronger.
Who would have thought this after seeing the so-called collapse of Communism?

As we are now in the middle of the second decade, of the twenty first century, people are experiencing terrorism all over the world, and nuclear threats come from rogue nations like North Korea, Iran, and terrorists like Al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq.
So many people have gotten use to burying themselves into their own little world, loving nobody but themselves, coveting everything they lay their eyes on.
You can describe most people's character as deceptive; it is hard to find anyone you can trust.
The motto of society today is that good is bad and bad is good. Self-gratification is sought after more than God, for he is no more than just a fable to many; especially Millennials (2Tim.3:1-5).
Meanwhile, the men who pull the strings in the West have a globalist agenda and are ushering in a one world totalitarian system.
This one world government will be headed up by a powerful and charismatic man (Dan.2:41-42; 7:16-24; Rev.13:1-8), that will implement a one world currency (Rev.13:16-17), and institute a one world religion (Rev.17:1-18).
Many people today reject Jesus Christ as God, and reject his authority, so they will fit in well as the followers of this new world order.
If the world thinks the new world order will keep them safe from nuclear annihilation they better think again.
The bible does prophecy that once the world has an official one world government, led by the one world leader who will command the nations, there will indeed be nuclear confrontations.
During the seven year tribulation period (Dan.9:26b-27a), known as the hour of trial (Rev.3:10), and the time of God’s wrath (Rev.6:17), which happens after the believers of Christ are caught away into heaven (1Thess.4:16-17), the world will experience great catastrophe with a third part of the earths trees and grass being burnt up (Rev.8:7).
It will not be caused by global warming either, it will be caused by fire and brimstone (Ps.11:6); which is symbolic for atomic warfare.

Because of the nuclear confrontations a third of the sea will turn to blood causing a third of the sea creatures to perish; along with a third of the shipping vessels (Rev.8:8-9).
The Prophet Zechariah predicted that the skin of those who come against Jerusalem will consume or melt away as they stand on their feet, their eyes will vaporize in their sockets and likewise their tongues in their mouth (Zech.14:12).
Zechariah's prediction looks quite similar to the devastation caused by hydrogen and atomic weaponry, which was the same reason for the immediate destruction of the poor people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in the Second World War.
YouTube Video: World leaders condemn North Korea's hydrogen bomb test
YouTube Video: Experts doubt North Korea h-bomb claim
YouTube Video: North Korea H-bomb test was to 'help keep the peace' says official
euronews (in English)
YouTube Video: How Many People Can't Walk Without Their Smartphone?


Monday, January 4, 2016

Does Charlie Hebdo Have Something Here?

You will recall one year ago, January the 7th, 2015, when two Islamic Jihad sympathizers, the Kouachi brothers, burst into the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical weekly newspaper, in Paris, France, massacring eleven people and wounding eleven more.
Their objective was to kill as many of the newspapers employees as possible for drawing and publishing cartoons of the Muslim Prophet, Muhammad.
In their haste they further killed a French National Police officer in cold blood.
Two days later, after taking hostages and being held up in a factory north-east of Paris, the butchering brothers were eliminated by French authorities, but not before a series of additional related attacks took place within the two day span, across the Île-de-France region, killing and wounding more innocent people.
Who could forget the brutality of these evil men all because of cartoon images, and the intense manhunt that pursued to capture these Islamic executioners that had the nations glued to their media devices waiting for what turned out to be the final end of their wickedness?
This Wednesday, January the 6th, Charlie Hebdo plans to release the one year anniversary edition of their satirical magazine with a cover that with all intents and purposes is making some politically correct propagators nervous.
The cover is laid out with the caricature of what some are calling ‘God,’ carrying over his should a Russian Kalashnikov, clearly displaying his garments soaked in blood; which is not meant to be his own blood either.
The headline of the magazine cover is written in French, “1 an après: l'assassin court toujours,” but in English it reads, “One year after: the murderer still at large.”                                                        
The caricature clearly mocks the religion of Islam, even though the manager of the newspaper, cartoonist Laurent Sourisseau, has a dislike for all religions.
I am sure he has particularly bitter thoughts toward Islam considering who the individuals were who gunned down his friends and colleagues in such brutal fashion.
The politically correct media is focusing on a caricature that they say represents all religions, because they are afraid to write what seems to be Charlie Hebdo’s revenge against the Islamists, who have indelibly forced an image into the newspapers memory that they will never be able to erase.
Why would the media not think this, or even be courageous enough to write what they see, when they clearly see the caricature of an Islamist fleeing away from what looks like a massacre scene, with the murder weapon strapped over his shoulder, and his victims blood all over his garment?
The media reinforce that they will not let the terrorists win.
They have to be kidding!
The magazine cartoon image is bound to make people nervous; especially the people of France.
The French have a legitimate fear of another terrorist attack in retaliation of this magazine cover, and its assumed mockery of the Muslim religion.
But what really is the motive of Charlie Hebdo in releasing this image; is it to get back at Islam or is there another reason?
Take a good look at this image and what do you see?
Do you see only a caricature of an Islamist fleeing away from a murder scene or does something else catch your eye?
Look over the head of the fleeing Islamist and you will see a drawing of the all-seeing eye floating inside a triangle, which happens to represent the capstone of the unfinished Pyramid of Giza.
This image is the most popular and recognizable symbol of the Illuminati, the shadow government behind all western governments—the biblically prophesied one world government (Dan.2:41-42; 7:16-24; Rev.13:1-8).
The one world government is not fully out in the open just yet, we still have sovereign nations in the West, but it works behind the scenes shaping world affairs for their diabolic purposes.
It will come out in the open once the body of Christ is raptured out of the earth (1Thess.4:16-17), and then this government will introduce to the world the man who will lead the world into a new world order (Rev.6:1-2).
This man will be the one whom Israel has been looking for to bring peace to their volatile region (Dan. 9:26b-27); they will be fooled by his deceitfulness and their eagerness for peace.
Now why did the cartoonists from Charlie Hebdo insert the capstone of the unfinished Pyramid of Giza, with the all-seeing eye, on top of the head of this Islamist terrorist?
Did they do it to stir up controversy when they have all ready stirred up enough argy–bargy with the drawing of the Muslim terrorist?
Does Charlie Hebdo know something that most of the people do not know, like who was really behind the attacks in Paris last year?
Is Charlie Hebdo letting the real perpetrators of these terrorist attacks know that they know who is really pulling the strings behind the scenes?
Do you know that the globalists and their plan for a one world government, led by one carefully chosen man (Dan. 9:26b-27; Rev.6:1-2; 13:1-8), uses chaos all over this planet to convince the populace that for world peace and security a one world government is essential?
Something tells me that Charlie Hebdo does.
YouTube Video: Paris terror attack: Jihadists shoot dead 10 Charlie Hebdo magazine staff, 2 police 
TomoNews US
YouTube Video: Charlie Hebdo Suspected Terrorists Killed: Report
New York Daily News
YouTube Vide: Charlie Hebdo marks anniversary of attack with scathing special edition