Friday, April 19, 2013


            We step closer everyday to when we will hear the trumpet call of God sound, and in an instant millions and millions of people will suddenly vanish off the face of this earth. ‘Where have these people gone’ will be the question the rest of the world will ask. You know I am referring to the day when Jesus comes for his Church and suddenly captures those who are walking with him into the eternal realm. The new world system will have an answer to our disappearance, as they will say that we have been removed by alien powers.*

            If you read my article, ‘Very, Very Soon’, you may remember how I wrote how important the rapture is in the plan of God and how soon this day will be, by using the prophetic word of Jesus to reveal that this day is sooner than most realize; though some believers are under the impression that they will just let this day take them by surprise. These individuals have the persistent idea that they need not even think about this day because they need to occupy or to carry on business, until he comes. They have this idea from the parable that Jesus taught about the gentleman who gave his servants money to put to work for him, because he was going away to be appointed king and then he would return (Lk.19:11-27), he told them to “Occupy till I come” (Lk.19:13c, KJV). Many will quote this phrase in response to anyone who brings up the subject of the Lords coming, even though they are not using this phrase in its proper context; I wonder why they do this. Nobody is saying that they are not to be about their daily duties until the Lord comes, indeed, this is exactly what they are to do, doing what they have been called to do. So why do some use this phrase to justify their own notions that the catching away of the Church is not important, or that they are not interested that this glorious day happen until late in their future? It is plain and simple indifference to the plan of God, because the rapture of the Church has been Gods will from the beginning. Why would any believer be in opposition to this day and not want it to happen as soon as possible? Without all the religious excuses I mean.   

            The Lord Jesus had different ideas about his return than do the occupiers, his view of this day by no means was one of indifference, and he did not teach that the Church is to pay no attention to his return, he thought the opposite. Why do you think he gave us signs that would precede the rapture of the Church, and similarly spoke about the signs that would precede his return for the nation of Israel? Is this because he did not want us to think about it, or to be caught off guard like people who are in the dark, this day will take them by surprise like a thief in the night. No! To the contrary! Jesus was emphatic when he told us to watch and be ready for his coming. The notion of ‘occupying until the Lord comes’ is a good idea, but we are likewise to watch and be ready for the day and hour of the catching away of those who follow Christ Jesus.  

            Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives one day after he had left the temple and his disciples had some questions for him. Their questions would lead to Jesus’ predictions of the end times, to the time of his coming for the Church and to his coming to redeem the nation of Israel: “What is the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age” (Mat.14:3b, HNV)? The Lord then begins to give a list of the signs that will precede his return to redeem the nation of Israel from verses four to thirty five, then beginning in verse thirty six until the end of chapter twenty four he reveals information about the catching away of Church, the New Creation. I have written previously the primary sign that revealed when Christ was coming to redeem Israel, and that sign being, that before the end of every life who witnessed the rebirth of Israel in 1948 would also witness Christ coming to redeem Israel from iniquity and see her finally put faith in him, as was prophesied with parabolic language in Matthew 24:32-34; Mark 13:32-34; Luke 21:29-32. This event will fulfil the prophetic word spoken to Daniel, in Daniel 9:24, by the angelic being called Gabriel.

            The Lord taught his disciples that no one will know the day and hour of his return for the Church (24:36), he was not referring to his coming to save Israel with this statement because contrary to what many people say the second coming can be predicted to the very day according to Scripture. If this were not true than it would mean that the prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 is false, and if you believe that God would make a false prediction than you do not know him. Again, when Jesus said, “But no one knows of that day and hour, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Mt.24:36, HNV), he was referring to the rapture and not his second coming. To help you understand that I am not the one predicting the actual day of the second coming (which I am not), but it is prophecy predicting the day of the second coming, you must realize that Israel has only one more week left of the predicted seventy week period (Dan.9:24). The sixty ninth week was completed when Christ was on the earth (Dan. 9:25-26a). The seventieth week begins the day when the one word leader makes a peace agreement with Israel (Dan.9:27), this peace agreement begins the seventieth and last week of Israel and as prophesied at the end of the seventieth week Israel is redeemed by the Lord (Dan.9:24). The seventieth week period is symbolic language for seven biblical years, which is 2,520 days (Read my book ‘The Day And The Hour, Is Sooner Than You Think’** for clearer insight). If you fail to be caught up to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air at the rapture (1 Thess.4:16-17), before the seventieth week of Israel begins, than you will be able to calculate from prophetic Scripture the day when Jesus will come out of the clouds to save Israel from destruction (Mt.24:30-31; Rev.1:7; 19:11-21).  

            It is written that no man knows the day and the hour of the rapture, and there are some reasons for that. When Jesus comes for those who follow him the day and hour will vary from time zone to time zone, so the day and hour will be at different times considering where you live on this planet. You must understand that there will be believers from every nation in the world who will be caught up to meet the Lord in the twinkling of an eye at the day of the rapture, unlike the second coming of Christ which is concentrated only in the nation of Israel, in Jerusalem, with its one time zone (Zech.14:4). No one knows the day and hour of the rapture because it is symbolic to the day when an ancient Jewish husband goes to retrieve his virgin bride at his fathers command, the bridegroom did not even know what day and hour his father would send him to get his virgin bride to bring her back to the new home he prepared for her (See Jn. 14:1-4). If you want to understand what it will be like when Christ comes for his bride than consider the symbolic message Jesus was speaking with the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew, chapter twenty five. The virgins were suppose to be watching and ready for their bridegroom when he came for them but some were ready and some were not, this is why Jesus makes this demand: “Watch therefore, for you don't know the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming” (Mt.25:13,HNV).

            Earlier Jesus informed his disciples that his return will be like in the days of Noah (Mt.24:37-41; Lk.17:26-27), and like the days of Lot (Lk.17:28-29), meaning that on the day and hour he comes for the Church it will be like any other day. People will be living their life like they do any other day, with all the laughs and happy plans being made, with all the challenges and heartaches we face, then when it is least expected a trumpet will sound and people will vanish (1 Thess.4:16-17). Jesus is giving his followers warning of his appearance and commanding that we keep watch: “Watch therefore, for you don't know in what hour your Lord comes” (Mt.24:42, HNV). Does this mean we are to just ‘occupy’ and not think about his return — it will happen when it happens — or are we to occupy and watch for his return. Are you watching for his return or are you giving it any thought? I know, your life is so busy, your job, your ministry, making plans. You don’t have time to think and watch as the Lord commanded.

            If you look at the Scriptures Jesus wants our attention when he makes this comparative illustration in verse forty three saying, “But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what watch of the night the thief was coming, he would have watched, and would not have allowed his house to be broken into” (Mt.24:43, HNV). What in the world is he saying? He is comparing his coming for the Church to a man who has had his house broken into, by describing how if a man had any idea his house would be burglarized, and at what time it would happen, he would have stood guard and not have let it happen; he would have been watching for this burglar to come. We know the Lord is coming for those of us who are following him but he does not only want us to know he is coming, he also wants us to be watching for this day; and by watching I mean with a heart of expectation: “But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior” (Phil.3:20, NLT; See also, Rom.8:19, 23; 1 Cor.1:7; 1 Thess.1:10; 2 Tim.4:8; Titus 2:13; Heb.9:28).

            Jesus adds, “Therefore also be ready, for in an hour that you don't expect, the Son of Man will come” (Matthew 24:44, HNV). He says this to further explain the illustration in verse forty three, although he pinpoints the urgency of the alert with the phrase “in an hour.” If a man knew someone was coming to rob his home he would not only be watching for him but he would be ready for him, maybe with a baseball bat, because the burglar is going to come at a particular hour and the man would want to be ready when this intruder breaks into his house. The point to this illustration is if the master of the house knew at what hour the burglar was coming he would have been prepared to meet him. Jesus is warning his followers to watch for his coming so we can be ready for it, not being apathetic and being caught off guard. If you can see even clearer the Lord is demanding that we be ready even waiting for him at the very hour he returns.

            The Apostle Paul writes that the believer is not to be in the dark concerning the day and hour of the Lords coming; it should not take us off guard like a thief in the night. He said that the coming of the Lord would be like a thief coming in the night like Jesus’ illustration above, but only to those who are in the dark, not to us who are in the light (See 1 Thess.5:1-11).

* The worlds answer for those who go in the rapture:

** ‘The Day And The Hour, Is Sooner Than You Think’

(KJV) King James Version: Public Domain

(HNV) Hebrew Names Version: Public Domain

(NLT) New Living Translation:
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.