Thursday, January 28, 2021

One Step Closer to The Antichrist Government

With the inauguration of Joe Biden as the forty-sixth President of the United States of America, on January 20, 2021, the world is now one step closer to the establishment of the One-World Government prophesied in the Bible.[1] This world power is the final world empire that has been established by man as they are inspired by Lucifer. But in the end, it will be destroyed by the Lord Jesus Christ at the end of the Tribulation Period.[2]

As the Biden Administration goes forward there has already been an unprecedented number of Executive Orders signed within the first week of this new administration. At the time of this writing,[3] Biden has signed approximately thirty executive orders/actions and is expected to sign even more in the days to come. These documents were prepared by his staff prior to his inauguration. It seems that he is even unaware of what are in some of these documents as digital video has revealed, but he is told by someone near him to just sign them anyways.[4] Most of these executive orders/actions signed by Biden are meant to overturn President Trump’s work in temporarily halting the transition of the United States over to the global entity that will ultimately become the government of the Antichrist; recorded in the Revelation of Jesus Christ.[5] These executive orders/actions are an attempt to pull to pieces Trump’s policies, and put an end to his withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord and his defunding of the World Health Organization. Trump had disengaged with these global entities because they not only used America as a money-pit but were also secretly transitioning America into their global structure, with the help of some treasonous American politicians and some unscrupulous corporate leaders. Some former Presidents and some Congress members over the years have made the shadow Global Government wealthy at the expense of the American tax-payers. But that is what all governments in the West have done over the years because they want to continue in office.   

Biden has been busy with the pen realigning the United States with the Global Government by also stopping Trump’s border wall construction, reversing his ban on transgender’s joining the military, and his Democrat Party demands that he allow non-citizens to be included in the census. As the days and months ahead will reveal, the present-United States Government, powered by a Democrat controlled Congress, and a Democrat in the White House, will quickly transition America over to the Global Government. How long this will take is unsure, but even though Donald J. Trump put them behind schedule it likely will not take long—there will be no more presidential elections in the United States of America. This One-World Government has been a shadow entity for more than one-hundred years, but has gained more power since the end of WWII, and it controls every aspect of the world’s economy, healthcare, and even now its social media. In the not-so-distant future this Global Government will come out from the shadows to rule and dominate all nations states in the Western culture.      

For, four years, this shadow government has been frothing at the mouth because of Donald J. Trump. He foiled their scheme in transitioning the United States over through Hillary Clinton, the Democrat Party nominee for President in 2016. She was assigned to complete the work of former President, Barrack Obama, who had worked for eight years weakening the United States so that the elites could use America as a hub for their global government. Now that their devilish scheme is back-on-track it won’t be long before America will merge with the European Union in establishing the One-World Government that is prophesied in Scripture to be the final secular world power on Earth.  Everything President Trump did to protect America from a foreign takeover, Biden is already undoing. Everything that Obama did to weaken the United States so that they could be transitioned over to the World Government, Biden is already beginning to reinstitute.  

The Biden Administration, Democrat politicians, Democrat pundits, and the Mainstream Media, are already calling for anyone that was part of President Trump’s Administration, and anyone that endorsed him in any way, even people that voted for him, to be blackballed from getting a job or a business contract. The people on the Left want anyone that is a MAGA supporter to be reconditioned and reeducated. The media is putting the story out there that Donald Trump supporters are domestic terrorists. The Left had these ideas even before the January sixth incident at the Capitol Hill, so don’t disseminate the story that it is because MAGA people were the instigators of the Capitol Hill intrusion, because they were not, and that is the reason they must be forced to be politically reeducated. The MSM has been communicating a false narrative about Trump supporters for more than four years accusing them of being enemies of democracy. Whose democracy I might ask; the high-and-mighty liberal ideology? What happened that Wednesday afternoon was a setup, a scheme arranged by the real enemies of the United States to make Trump supporters look like they were there to cause an insurrection. God knows what really took place that day, and he knows exactly who the people are that were responsible. The perpetrators of the real subversion, using the media as their spokesman, will use the events that took place that day as a reason to reeducate people that support President Trump, and anyone that endorsed his presidential administrations policies. As the Biden Government moves forward, and puts its foot on the neck of America Trump supporters, they will be made to renounce their support of Donald Trump and his “Make America Great Again” program.  

Political ideology reeducation and political party alliance reconditioning is not something new. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party), reeducated and reconditioned the Germany people during their time in power, 1933-1945, through various programs that often-used force to carry out their agenda. Political reeducation and party alliance reconditioning was also practiced by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in Northern Eurasia, 1922-1991, also using the same methods as the Nazi Party. If the reeducation and reconditioning programs failed to produce in changing the way one of these citizens above thought then it was common practice to execute them. The One-World Government once it has America tightly in its grip will initiate an immediate campaign to reeducate and recondition Western society. With the ruling Democrats and the voices of their media minions making public the idea that anyone affiliated with Donald Trump needs to be reeducated and be reconditioned, and this being believed by many in the United States and Canada as acceptable, then you can be sure that it won’t be long before the Global Government will annex the United States of America—they already have tight control over Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and others.  

The world is one step closer to being controlled by elitist’s that have been working at the establishment of a global government for as long as all of us have been alive. The names of these globalists are a who’s who in the world of politics, business, technology, and even entertainment. They are the world’s rich and famous. Most of these people are only being used and once the Illuminati has no more use for them, they too will be exterminated. But these puppets cannot see that. Right now, they are all gung-ho in agreement with the agenda of those at the top not seeing that they mean nothing to the real people in charge. The puppets have engineered the world into lockdowns and have tightly restricted people’s movements just so they can keep their houses and careers. At least this is what they have been promised. If you disagree with the puppets and make your voice be known on social media, they will get you banned. They use company’s and business’s that adhere to liberal politics to fire people that disagree with the globalist agenda. If you are against globalism and post your views on social media there is a high probability that you will not even get a job, you will be ostracized and vilified. Your business will be boycotted, your contract could be cancelled, you will be blacklisted. The world has changed pretty quick ever since Barrack Obama was President, but ever since Donald Trump interrupted the transition of the United States over to the One-World Government the world has switched to hyperspeed, resembling a world powered by people that will be associates of the government ruled by the First Beast and Second Beast of Revelation.[6]

Now that the Democrats have overwhelming political power in the United States it will only get worse for the person that enjoys the things this world has to offer. Maybe I should say, all that this world had to offer, because everything is being restricted now to the middle-class guy. Freedom is really a thing of the past, back before the Spring of 2020. The scraps that are left to enjoy now will eventually be taken away by the Biden Administration and the Democrats in Congress. Could what we are witnessing right now be a sign to the Believer? The person that truly understands Scripture has to know that we are getting close to the seven-year Tribulation Period. If they understand Bible prophecy then they have to know that the Global Government is the government of the Antichrist? Even many that don’t have faith in Jesus Christ know that the Global Government is ready to assume control. Many Church leaders need to wake up!

This is what to look for as 2021 begins to unfold: The vaccinations for this infamous coronavirus will not get the world back to where it was before the year, 2020. Look for another coronavirus that the authorities say is coming and is supposedly even deadlier than, SARS-CoV-2. This so-called even deadlier coronavirus is a sham, the scare is manufactured so that the globalists can continue to control society. Look for covid-19 restrictions to be marginally lifted as the Biden Administration settles into the White House over the next several months, but this will not last. The restrictions will slightly lighten because the governors, and politicians, of the heavily covid restricted Democrat states will attempt to make Biden and Harris look like they are on top of things; but their leadership is fraudulent. Joseph Robinette Biden Junior, and, Kamala Devi Harris, will be known in the Chronicles of Heaven as the American Leaders that brought an end to the United States of America. Look for more people to die from suicides, heart failure, and cancer. Many of these deaths could be prevented if covid restrictions were not being enforced on all of society. Look for alcoholism and drug use to increase exponentially. Look for crime, violence, and chaos, to get out of control because the police are forced to obey their superiors and focus their attention and budgets on so-called covid violators. Look for forced covid vaccinations to be a priority for all governments in Western society. Look for the United Nations, an arm of the Global Government, to push harder for their 2030 agenda[7] to be implemented beginning in 2021.

Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, believes that the coronavirus should be used to begin the “Great Reset” as soon as possible.[8] In case you did not know, the “Great Reset” is the UN’s 2030 agenda. In this reset the governments will work to confiscate all property and wealth from all people but not from the elites. Your property will become their property, your savings will become part of their treasury, and they expect that you dare not resist. They will recondition you to be happy about it. Look for the Biden Administration, and, The United States Congress, to make free speech a crime. They will scrutinize all social media posts and arrest anyone that criticizes the Democrat Party or the Biden/Harris Administration. Canada, also is quickly moving in that direction. Right now, they are going forward with a federal ministry to monitor its citizens social media posts in order to lay charges against anyone they see criticizing their government. They will deem it as hate speech inciting sedition. That is the main goal behind this federal ministry even though they insist it is to protect Canadians. This is war against free speech in Canada, because there are already federal laws to protect Canadians against online hate and harassment. Already the Canadian Liberal Government is harassing and even charging certain Canadian journalists with crimes for just writing books that reveal the corruption in that government.[9]  

The world is now one step closer to the beginning of the Seventieth-Week of Israel. This prophesied event is the final seven years of the 490 years determined for Israel and the city of Jerusalem to: “Make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy” (Daniel 9:24, ASV). This time period is the seven-year Tribulation Period recorded in the Book of Revelation. To begin this time period an alliance will be mastered by the man that will eventually be the ruler and dictator of the One-World Government; the Antichrist.[10] Before he masters the covenant with the nation of Israel the One-World Government will already be established in this world. Its rule will already be official and will have ten primary leaders with many underlings at the beginning. The man who controls the covenant with Israel will rise to be the primary leader of the Global Government during the seven-year Tribulation period.[11] How long the One-World Government will already rule over Western society before the Antichrist masters an alliance with Israel is unknown at this point. How long will the Body of Christ still be on the Earth before the Global Government is established and initially be accepted by society is also unknown at this point. Unless our Father-in-Heaven raptures us soon we could be here as the United States of America is transitioned over and the One-World Government consumes control and becomes an official and accepted regime that has complete power over Western society. Many Christians do not realize how close the world is to the prophesied Global Government being established and ruling the citizens of the West. Sadly, some don’t even want to know and actually resist this fact. According to a correct interpretation of Scripture, the rapture will happen before the seven-year Tribulation Period begins but we could possibly have to endure sometime under an authoritarian government before we are snatched out of the world. Praying that the Lord Jesus Christ come and get us out of here soon doesn’t sound like a bad idea after all. Does it?

Picture: Pixabay License: Free for commercial use-No attribution required

[1] Daniel 2:41-42; 7:16-24; Revelation 13:1-18

[2] Revelation 19:11-21

[3] January 27, 2021

[5] The Book of Revelation

[6] Revelation 13:1-18


(Accessed 1/26/2021)

[10] Daniel 9:27

[11] Revelation 17:12-13