Thursday, August 24, 2017

Blind Leading the Blind

Do you remember as a child when you sat around a table with paper and pen in hand and you bounced around different types of questions to your friends?

I remember one that queried, which one of the five senses you would give up if you had to give at least one of them away.

Not sure why that was even a playful question that children would ask each other, is it from some childlore, like the riddles we used to say.

Posing enigmas and conundrums back and forth seeing who could defeat who is silly word games?

Superstition is part of the irrational thinking of most children—unless the children are mine, many parents say—as they can come up with the craziest things to ponder on.

I still wonder; does this question come from our imagination, subconsciously derived from one or more of the fairy tales we were forced to absorb, that the adults classified as classical children’s literature in times past?

I remember as a child we would tell tall tales, endeavoring devilishly to scare the heck out of one another, seeing who would run home crying to their mother first.

As fairy tales comes to mind, I remember the story of Hansel and Gretel, a fantasy tale about a wicked stepmother that schemes to drop off the children of her husband into the woods because they eat too much of her food and because she was worried about starving to death, then eventually they run into an old witch that wants to cook and eat them.

There is more to the Hansel and Gretel allegory than this short interpretation, but you can read the book.

My point is, let this fairy tale dwell in a child’s mind for a while and no wonder the thought of giving up their physical senses just seems normal.

When Jesus was on the earth he faced many challenges especially with the leaders of the Jewish society of that day.

The Scribes and the Pharisees had misled their people into following the traditions of men rather than the written Torah; the actual word of God.

If anyone should have known that Jesus was the Christ it should have been the teachers of the Law, but instead, as Jesus ministered for three and a half years the leaders just led the people farther away from the God of their father, Abraham.  

They insisted on teaching primarily the Oral Torah, the collection of oral laws compiled while being exiled in Babylon for seventy years, instead of the Written Torah, which is the writings of Moses.

The teachers of the Law made it their chief concern to teach what the Jew should eat and what not to eat, they were adamant that washing hands made you clean instead of washing the heart, they were insistent on the tithing of herbs and the giving of money to the priests, instead of supporting their own father and mother first.

The teachers of the Law taught that if the oral traditions were followed correctly than it made the Jew all right before God.

Jesus likened this type of spiritual leadership to the blind leading the blind, and he stated that both will eventually fall into a pit, and ultimately to their destruction.

The leaders of Israel were full of darkness leading their people into that same darkness.

I postulate now, and may I presume, that the Scribes and the Pharisees gave the people an ostensible spiritual requirement.

An essential requirement to make their followers duteous to their leadership.

Remember this is just a hypothesis, this is just conjecture on my part, as I let my imagination peak; I envisage of the past leadership of Israel initiating a rule for their followers to give up one of their five senses to their instruction.

I can picture Israel in one accord giving the teachers of the Law their spiritual sight, they followed them blindly instead of putting their faith in God.

Blind faith seems to have been a requisite for the faithful follower of Israel’s leaders.

Theoretically speaking this is what they did, they gave their spiritual discernment, their ability to see the truth, to the teachers of the Law—this made them spiritually blind.

The teachers of the Law, who were spiritually blind themselves, took advantage of their trust and led them in the wrong direction, down a long and wide dark path.

The blind leading the blind—blind leaders leading blind followers.

The Scribes and the Pharisees led their blind followers to crucify Jesus.

When Pilate gave them the option of crucifying the Christ or setting him free, Israel instead yelled, ‘crucify him’.  

The people were so blind they insisted that Christ’s death be upon them and their own children; not realizing what was horribly ahead for their children.

Israel’s leaders led them into one of the most horrific times they faced at that point, the destructions of the 2cd Temple and the plunder and destruction of Jerusalem, in AD 70.

Jesus prophesied this would happen in the Gospel of Luke, chapter nineteen, but because the people were blind they could not believe who he was or what he was saying.

Blind leaders leading blind followers.

Josephus, the Jewish Historian, records that during the siege of Jerusalem, AD 70, the people were so hungry that they even ate leather shoes and belts, and even human excrement.

He writes of a certain woman that was so hungry that she roasted her baby boy and ate him.

Many of the bad things that happened to the Jewish nation was because the people gave their spiritual discernment over to be possessed by their blind leaders.

In this twenty-first century, the blind is still leading the blind, but it is a little different than in the first century.

Now the politicians and the mainstream media is characteristic of the Scribes and the Pharisees, and they with leftwing propensity are like they that rejected the Christ during his first century ministry.

If you can see it, you will ascertain that the leftwing zealots have given up their spiritual insight over to a group of elitists.

These globalists are leading their blind followers into the darkest period of mankind, a time period that the bible says will be the most terrifying ever—the Tribulation Period.

The blind guides of the leftwing movement are leading the people of the West, and both will eventually fall into a pit, and ultimately to their destruction.

Since the 2011, Arab Spring, the surreptitious one world government has plunged the West into a place of weakness and total submission to their agenda.

Some call it the Arab Revolution, but this Middle East uprising was not initiated by the everyday Arab but by the Illumined Ones, using the CIA to start and fuel the chaos we witnessed on the internet.

The infiltration and influence by CIA operatives stirred the Arabs up, leading them to bring down the leaders of these Middle Eastern nations, so that the Illuminati could gain full control of these regions without the interference of their once long-standing dictators.

Over in the West, most people cheered because they thought that the poor Arabs will now be able to steer ahead to forge their own future, but instead many Islamic groups took over and went headlong killing Christians in every one of the countries that were so-called liberated.

The leaders of the West did nothing to stop the genocide of the Coptic Christians in Egypt, once the Muslim Brotherhood was granted power over the Egyptian Parliament, by the Obama administration.

While the Muslim Brotherhood had the power of government in Egypt, for approximately two years, they allowed Coptic Christians to be burned on stakes in front of the Presidential Palace every day, and the Western governments and the mainstream media kept this hidden from the people in the West.

Western governments have done nothing over the last six years to stop the genocide of the Assyrian Christians in Iraq and Syria, and in Libya it is no different as Islam makes this nation a very dangerous place to be a Christian also. 

The reason why the Obama administration, and certain leaders in Europe, was behind the removal of every leader that fell in the 2011 uprising was so that chaos would ensue bringing a flood of Muslim migrants into Europe and North America.

Why are Europe, the United States, Australia, and Canada letting primarily, and in some cases only, Muslim asylum seekers into these Western nations, and not giving Christian’s asylum?

It is the Christian’s in the Middle East that are suffering rape, violence and genocide, at the very hands of they that follow Islam.

The Arab leaders that were taken out during the Arab Spring at least made sure that Islamic movements did not massacre the Christian’s while they were in power.

Thank God, that the current POTUS is trying to change this Obama policy, but his plans seem to be finding roadblocks by the Democrats, and even by some Republican’s in the House of Congress.

The plan of the West, which is really a covert one world government, is to flood the West with Muslim men that are strong and able to fight for the cause of Islam when the time comes.

The plan is to use Islam to get their mainly white, Christian and secular, freedom loving and freethinking people under the control of a one world autocratic leader.

The force that they will use to control the populace will be under the guise of a one world religion.

The leftwing movement is calling the current POTUS, Donald Trump, an autocrat in the media and social networks, because they are truly blind to what is really ready to be revealed.

This time to come, to release the Trojan horse, is once the one world leader is announced and his government is established.

These young, strong, and soldier aged men will be the apparatus used by the False Prophet, of the Revelation, to make Western society submit to the one world religion, which will be Islam.

If you have not been paying attention, then let me warn you that the West is already submitting to Islam.

Do not be fooled by the politicians across the Western Hemisphere that say the West must be compassionate to the difficulty of the Muslims in these Middle Eastern countries, while leaving behind the Assyrian Christians and Yezidis in Syria, and the Iraqi and Libyan Christians also, to be slaughtered daily by ISIS, and every other Sharia loving Muslim.

In Canada, the current Prime Minister has made the Islamic community priority in receiving refugee status.

While Obama was the, POTUS, his administration followed the same policy, as is the policy in Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, et cetera.

Adheres to the leftwing philosophy see nothing wrong with this policy, and cannot see the real agenda behind it—the blind leading the blind.

Groups like Antifa, and other groups that supposedly oppose fascism are really themselves fascists, and are nothing more than paid puppets of the one world government.

They blindly follow their blind masters going straight into the worst time of violence, chaos and destruction this world will ever witness.

Sharia law is covertly being implemented across the West as the blind leads the blind.

Most politicians are blind to the fact that the one world government that they are working hard to establish will in the end destroy them.

They are being promised great things, like wealth, prosperity and power, but as the bible predicts they will be betrayed by the Antichrist, the whom they put their confidence in.

Leftwing millennials are the blindest of all, as they cannot see right from wrong.

Their video games, smart phones, climate change, the environment, and their sexual orientation are their biggest priorities.

They are blind and unaware of what is really ahead, not realizing that once their so-called utopia arrives that the bible says peace will be taken away, and they will start slaying each other.

Until then, the blind continues to lead the blind.

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