Friday, April 25, 2014

Revolution is Empty

            I decided to let someone else make my breakfast for me today rather than make it myself. I can only drop so many pieces of toast onto the floor before it gets to be a big chore, so off to the restaurant I went. In the city where I reside there is this little Greek diner that serves up a good breakfast, so that is where I decided to get my nourishment to start the day. I was seated in a booth behind another booth that was occupied by three young individuals who were having a conversation about the events taking place in Ukraine, among other topics, and they did not care who was listening in on them by the volume of their conversation, so that is what I did—some may say I was eavesdropping but their conversation was more of a public event rather than a private one.

            Their conversation involved many ideas about why Vladimir Putin is moving Russian troops to the border of Ukraine, and why he should be able to annex parts of the Ukraine. I thought it best not to intrude into their private little breakfast meeting and offer up my opinion into the situation, even though I may have had every right since their conversation was loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear, but I thought I should exercise a measure of wisdom here. After they discussed the rights and wrongs of the President of the Russian Federation they then moved onto their next world leader, Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of Canada. These individuals had much to say about this Prime Minister and the nation of Canada, what I gathered from the issues they were discussing is that they had their own agenda for resolving the upheavals in Stephen Harpers domain. From the issues they were discussing and the way they believed they could rectify the tumult in Canada were plain and simple to them, it was to revolt; these three individuals were self-proclaimed revolutionists.

            We hear a lot of chatter today about this being the day of the revolutionists and how this is their time now to bring down the oppressors in this world by rising up and taking control. We have witnessed recently over the last few years the Occupy Movement with their ideas to change the world and bring about social and economic equality so that everybody is on a level playing field socially and economically. What drives them are their philosophical ideas of bringing down the fat rich cats that have all the wealth and all the power, they have to be forced to spread all the wealth and the power around, especially to the revolutionists.

            You never hear the revolutionists say that with God’s help they can change the world, because they believe they don’t need his help, they can do it on their own. You never hear them say that Jesus is coming back and then things will change, no you will never hear them say this; they give no place in their agenda for Christ and his return. These people are generally not the scoffers that the Apostle Peter wrote about in his letters (2Pet.3:3-4), because most of them have no idea that Christ is even coming back. I am personally not completely against these individuals because they only want a better world as they see it, one that is not always against them, oppressing them, squeezing the life out of them; they are only doing what they think is right. The problem that I have with their ideas and tactics is that they leave God out of their movement, where I wish they would put their hope in the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, rather than putting their hope in ideas that will only bring harm to them in the end of all things. Do the revolutionists sincerely think that those with all the wealth and power will let them overtake their foothold on society; do they think they will spread their wealth and power to those they want to make subordinate?

            The bible says that things are not going to get better for man on this earth no matter what kind of revolution he attempts, but things are only going to get worse. The only real revolution that will succeed will be when the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to this earth and sets his feet on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem (Zech.14:4), as he comes out of heaven riding a white horse with the armies of heaven following him (Rev.19:11-16)—this event will be know as the second coming of Jesus Christ. At his second coming Jesus will put an end to the tyranny and injustice (Rev.19:17-21) caused by the one whom the bible refers to as the first beast (Rev.13:1-8), the one who initially comes as one who brings peace but is really not peace (Dan.9:27), he is generally referred to as the antichrist (1Jn.2:18), his partner is the second beast, called the false prophet (Rev.13:11-12; 16:13; 19:20; 20:10)—the first beast who is typically known as the anti-Christ will be the leader of the New World Order which is the One World Government. These two individuals will have as a king over them the one whom the Scriptures refer to as a red dragon (Rev.12:3; 13:1-2, 4), who is that old serpent called the devil, and Satan (Rev.12:9); he is the one who deceives mankind and leads the people in the world astray.

            The revolutionists do have, though, a measure of insight into the world that many people cannot see, even more than those who are suppose see, which is things are going from bad to worse just as the bible predicts. What most of the revolutionists fail to see is that there protests and revolts against the multinationals, and the extremely rich, is not going to change a thing, because they will not let it—they have too much power and wealth. The multinationals and the extremely wealthy have an agenda that they have been working towards for a few hundred years that will have its fulfilment at any time now—they are the Illuminati. The Illuminists are just waiting for that perfect hour of crisis to bring this plan into play, which is a new world order led by the one world leader whom I mentioned in the previous paragraph is the first beast in the book of Revelation. That perfect hour of crisis will be the catching away of the followers of Jesus Christ (1Thess.4:16-17).

            This one world government will not take place until the Christians are taken off this earth (1Thess.4:16-17), then the leader of the new world order will be announced and put into power (2Thess.2:1-4, 6-8). This beast will have his reign of power for a seven year period (Dan.9:27) after the followers of Jesus Christ are taken out of the earth, this seven year period is what the bible calls ‘the hour of trial’ (Rev.3:10), and the coming wrath (1Thess.5:9-10). The protests and revolutions will do nothing to stop this time that is coming because God saw it happen before it even happens, and he offers every man a way of escape.

            This hour of trial that is coming will come because God will test those who live on the earth (Rev.3:10), and no revolutionists will be able to change it. God offers a way of escape from the hour of trial—the seven year tribulation period—by putting faith in Jesus Christ, confessing with your mouth that he is Lord—there is no other—and believing in your heart that he was raised from the dead and is alive forevermore (Rom.10:9-13); there is no other way. It is useless to revolt against the established order of things that are taking place on the earth right now, but we can protest against it by putting faith in the only person who will bring all this injustice to an end very soon; Jesus Christ the Lord.