Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Annexation of America

The 2016 US presidential election will be decided in a matter of days now, next Tuesday, as it happens, November the 8th, which will decide the 45th President and 48th Vice President of the United States of American.
The American Establishment envision they have this election wrapped up yet again, as they always do in American politics, for the outcome of this event is high on their agenda.
The aftereffect of  every presidential election—Congressional and Senate elections as well—determines the measure of power they will  be able to yield going forward.
While the power brokers use every dirty trick imaginable, like spying, lying and profuse smearing to get their candidate elected, they usually get an epidemic amount of help through the mainstream media.
The mainstream media collude with the power elite and side with the kingmakers chosen presidential nominee giving that aspirant only positive coverage, while giving only negative coverage to the other presidential candidate.
Has it ever been so evident as it has been this election season?
Will the American public ever be able to trust the mainstream media ever again?
The American Establishment generally has it easy every four years, as they usually have both nominees dutiful to big corporations and interest groups, along with super PACs (Political Action Committees).
What certainly should not be overlooked is that those who end up being the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees are both members of the same political establishment; they both represent the same power elite.
This year seems to be a year of exception though, at least from an outward appearance.
Have you ever heard of the Bilderberg Group?
If you are curious check on-line the list of US politicians who have been or currently are participants of the Bilderberg Group, the multinational organization dedicated to a new world order under a one world government.
Here is a short list for your convenience of some of the members and participators of the Bilderberg Group that you may know: Bill and Hillary Clinton; Colin Powell; Condoleezza Rice; George H.W. Bush; John McCain; John Kerry, even Barrack Obama.
So generally it does not matter to the establishment who wins the election because they can still dominate policymaking with whatever candidate wins the presidency.
But, make no mistake about it, every four years the power elite prefer one candidate over the other from within their own establishment to be president; as the last eight years has definitely proven that.
You can even go back as far as the George H. W. Bush Presidency, January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993, and every succeeding presidential election, to see how the Establishment easily appoints one of their own into the White House.
I am not sure whether Ronald Reagan, the 40th U.S. President, was a true power elite or just one of the few who did not swear allegiance to the Bilderberg Group and the new world order cabal. If anyone has any knowledge of this please leave your comment below.
The US and EU power elite have on their agenda the establishment of a one world government that will encompass the West completely, having one man be the leader of this one world domination.
The bible predicts this will happen, even describing this one world dictator as the first beast, and because of the authority he will possess the inhabitants of the earth will worship him.
This is what the power elite in the West are striving for, and they are determined to destroy the US in the process.
In Europe, the power elite have worked for the past few centuries to create a new world order under the dominance of a single government body, initially being funded by the wealth of the Rothschild family and now the UN and multinational corporations.
With the passing of the 20th century Europe has neatly been aligned for this one world governance using wars and extreme hardship to attain their goal.
After WW2 the power elite convinced the European citizenry that the amalgamation of European states would bring an end to war and produce prosperity and peace within; as a result the European Union was formed.
Now the power elite is using extreme migration from Middle Eastern countries, where these people have been taught by their political and religious leaders to hate European culture, to infiltrate European society to weaken it further so the European population will gladly accept the first beast of the bible—Australia and Canada are doing the same thing.
The first beast, the leader of the one world government, will make Adolf Hitler look meek and mild in comparison.
Logic should tell you that if you allow people into your nation that hate you then eventually they will turn on you and try to overpower you, but today’s leaders have global dominance in their sights and are only using the migrants as a means to their end game plan.

The power elite have chosen this time for the US to get on board the one world government train, but first they must weaken US pride and sovereignty; but don't be fooled because the US has been part of the plan all along.
As we have witnessed for some time now the power elites first line of attack on the US has been a well organized plan to destroy it from within, similar to what brought down the once powerful Roman Empire, by introducing and encouraging an amoral society, where any type of a lifestyle is a human right no matter how deleterious it is—truth is relative.
Political leaders once had a certain level of respect in the US, but as we have seen during this election season if you want to run for the highest office in the land and you can only get there by lying and deceit than surely you can go for it, because your party and the mainstream media will not demand that you account for your corruption.
To quicken America’s downfall the elite had to give the US citizens a president who would betray its constitution, and weaken it further by bowing down to foreign leaders, kissing the behinds of those whose main desire is to see the US fail, yet treat the American people as a stepping stone for his worldly aspirations.
The world has witnessed the ruination of America’s national identity as people are burning and stomping on the American flag in public, and in many places citizens cannot even hang the flag outside of their house or business without being threatened with prosecution.
Many sports athletes are refusing to honour American soldiers by not standing when the national anthem is sung, which is tantamount to thumbing their nose at the soldiers who fought do give them freedom.
America’s economic and military power is decreasing while national divide is increasing, and this is largely due to Obama and his administration, ever since he was handed presidential power by the kingmakers in 2008.
Now the American Establishment wants to hand the US presidency over to Hillary Clinton, who will continue with the same destructive policies used by her presidential predecessor, to make sure that the US continues to diminish so the one world government will have no trouble annexing what is left of what was once the greatest sovereign nation ever.  
YouTube Video:  6 Problems with Mainstream Media 
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YouTube Video: Women UNITE to Defend Donald TRUMP against Mainstream Media Lies + False Narrative
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YouTube Video: Colin Kaepernick Refuses to Stand for National Anthem During 49ers vs Packers Pre Game
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