know a man whose heart is to share the words of God to anyone who will listen.
This man is just an ordinary man except the Spirit of God dwells within him,
teaching him, revealing to him what the words of God mean, especially what they
mean in these final days of the church age—this certain individual does not
have the arrogance or pretension that he has all knowledge and insight but he
does know what God is revealing to him, and he is quite determined to share it
with any person that God instructs him to.
day as this man was sitting among a group of people there were those who began
to talk about the events that were making headline news all over the world. He added
his part into the conversation, as he found room to add his thoughts, and
exclaimed that what is occurring has been predicted in the bible. The heart of
one of the group began to speak very loudly and be contentious, in an attempt
to frustrate the man from revealing the information that he was beginning to
unfold, but that did not stop the man from going forward with the revelation he
was revealing. The authority of God that this man possessed was able to bring a
peaceful end to the disruptive agenda that the loud and disruptive heart was
trying to accomplish, making it possible for him to continue with the
revelation of things to come.
group was intent on hearing what this man had to say, and to what the bible had
to say, about the times that we are living in, and what things are about to
come; their faces revealed an intense interest. The man was bombarded with
question after question from most of this curious group, as he continued to
line up current events with the prophetic words of God, their hearts seemed to
be soaking in everything he had to say,
not contradicting even one word that came from his mouth.
of the group was under the impression that there is nothing that anyone can do
with what is making news headlines, and what the world is heading for, with the
emergence a one world leader who will come to power and force a peace covenant
with Israel—this forced peace treaty will begin a seven year period of horrible
tribulation for the inhabitants of the earth—he was under the impression that
all men will have to endure this terrible time and just submit to this one
world government. With all the prophecy that this man was revealing he made
sure that this group was not left in the lurch, as he went on to explain that
God has promised a way of escape from the most terrible time that this world will
ever experience. He explained how faith in Christ is the only way of escape,
and that all those who have continuous faith in Christ will be caught away out
of the earth before world events get to the point of a one world leader and a
one world government, whose agenda is to oppress the world causing them to
submit to his every command.
am left with the question, whether this group will take what this man said
seriously and put their faith in Christ, will they continue to believe the
prophecy about what is coming upon this earth, or will they be like seed that
falls on stony ground, quickly forgetting what they heard? The man encountered one
individual who quickly forgot everything that was discussed just a short time
after the discussion, this person even began to be critical of him who shared
such valuable information. It is like what Jesus described about anyone who
hears the words of God and the revelation of them; they cannot understand what
was said because Satan robs them of what was sown into their heart. The man at
the center of the discussion did notice that one of the individuals sat back
and just listened as the discussion carried on; the one who sat back did not
add even one comment as the rest of the group shared back and forth their
thoughts. I wonder if he was just soaking all the revelation of God into his
heart and is like the one who has good soil, who then goes on to produce a
harvest of fruit that leads to eternal life. I suppose I will have to wait and
see, some prayer will help also.