Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Preordained Judgement of The West

Is the West already entering into the sphere of God’s judgement?

Are we now beginning to experience the first taste of doom because of the culture war, the shift from morality to amorality; we have become an immoral society?

It used to be not that long ago that good really meant good, and bad really meant bad.

Society’s moral compass gave it the ability to judge right from wrong and most would behave in a manner that would reflect the right side of the compass.

Since the beginning of the 1990’s the West has moved downward from a principled position to one that is as unethical and as rotten as a society can be.

The West has moved from the right to the left not only in politics, but if there is even a hint of you having morals, living in God morality, you are judged as weird and even wicked by today’s world and their standards.

I used to hear the expression: If God does not judge America then he would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. But now that same-sex marriage is legal across the West I do not hear this expressive hopeful undertone anymore.

In Canada, it is illegal to purchase sexual services but legal to sell sexual services—can someone tell me how that works.

We know through Scripture that God will judge the inhabitants of the earth during the seven-year Tribulation Period, with the seven seals, the seven trumpets, and the seven bowl judgements.

The judgements progressively get harsher as the seven years continue, with the bowl judgements releasing the seven last plagues on the earth, which will be filled with and complete the wrath of God—God’s wrath seems to produce unbearable torment on the inhabitants of the earth.

I see the beginnings of a world being transformed or metamorphosed to enter into the Tribulation Period, for society during the Tribulation Period will not just happen overnight—the major shift makes its appearance before it even begins.

The Tribulation Period society has been shaping up as planned, aligning itself up in the sense of its leadership, market system, and its religious belief system.  

When the Antichrist is revealed, the one appointed to be the one world leader, the seven-year Tribulation Period will begin, and the Tribulation society will already be off and running.

Prior to the Tribulation Period, the West has been quickly transforming over the last twenty-five years, and has been using its immigration policy to speed things up.

The West’s immigration policy has not been balanced in who it allows to immigrate, by allowing those of the Islamic community the most extensive applications.

Since the Arab-Spring, that began in late December of 2010 and then faded by mid-2012, which was engineered by the Obama administration, and carried out by the CIA, under the direction of the Globalists, the West has exclusively brought in those from the Islamic community from the Middle East and Africa.

Why has the West allowed so many of the Islamic faith onto its shores, especially able bodied young men, that could easily be soldiers in their own country to fight so-called radical Islam, while the West at the same time has a problem with taking care of their own people.

I am all for compassion, but if you cannot take care of the family you already have than how can you adopt more?

So, the West floods their countries with migrants, Islamic migrants, while not having the ability to take care of its own people first.

Is there a plan afoot that most in the West are unware of?

The majority of the migrants that have invaded the West, especially over the last several years, have not contributed to the economy or welfare of the West but has only put a severe strain on it.

Not only have they not integrated into Western society but they are all for in making the West into the same places they came from.

Most of the recent migrants hate Western society, so why do they travel on boats to get here?

The majority of Muslim migrants from the past several years are not afraid to speak out and demand that the West conform to the Islamic Law, called Sharia.

Many of those that have recently arrived to the West, are encouraging Muslims that have been in the West for a while to think like they do, make the West into an Islamic state.

The mainstream media will not report the true situation taking place in the migrant filled areas, or of the crimes that many of the new migrants are committing, but instead they are hiding it.

Much of the law enforcement across the West are not allowed to slap the cuffs on Muslim men that are committing sexual crimes, thefts and violent crime, as they have been given orders to stand down.

Most politicians are being corrupted by the Globalists and are making sure that Western communities are being populated with those of the Islamic faith, and are changing their laws to accommodate Islamic Sharia.

Of course, this is the Globalist agenda, to populate the West with those of the Islamic faith, have Western law changed to Sharia law, so that once the one world leader is announced, establishing the one world government, Islam will then be readily admitted as the one world religion.

This scheme will allow the West to be forced into and bound under the Globalist agenda.

Why is God allowing this to happen to the West?

Is the West not mainly a Christian society, so why is God allowing it to be transformed into an Islamic society?

I hear many Christians say that God is in control, so why does it seem that he is not controlling this situation?

Is the West not God-fearing, does it not revere and esteem the God of the Holy Bible, and have great admiration for his word?

As said, the West has moved away from being a moral society, to an amoral one, and is even considered now to be a deeply immoral society.

Most Western leaders follow the occult instead of God, many are high ranking occultists, abortion is really sacrificing children to Baal, sexual immorality has been made to look normal ever since we learned about a sexual liaison in the Oval Office.

A romantic entanglement that had the West excited rather than disappointed.

Not defending ISIS, or radical Islam, but why do you think they refer to the West as being of the devil?

ISIS is really of the devil, but how is the West any better?

In the West, true Christianity is considered as evil, as it has moved away from God to become a dark society.

What is paradoxical in all this, is that Islam is being accepted in the West as a viable and alternative religion to Christianity.

I cannot help but think that the total transition taking place in the West is somehow a preordained judgement against the West.

For decades, the West has all but renounced the God of the Holy Bible, so it seems now that God has decided to give Western society the alternative.

He did this in Israel’s history, using pagan nations to discipline his people.

Is God now using Islam to discipline Western society or just to judge it?

In many parts of Europe Islam is growing dominate, in the UK there are hundreds of Sharia courts, and the current Federal Government of Canada seems poised in moving forward to make it a crime to disagree with, or be opposed to Islam, or even challenge the writings of the Quran and the sayings of the Hadith.  

Certain individuals in Canada have already been arrested, some made to pay steep fines, and all for violating Sharia law but under the guise of Human Rights, so what will it be like when that country passes their anti-Islamophobia law?

Islam, not Christianity, is being honored by politicians and the Left throughout the West.

How long will it be before they make it law that all other faiths are outlawed?

Is God judging the West before the seven-year Tribulation Period even begins?

I realize the judgment during the seven-year Tribulation Period will be far worse than any judgement this side of it, but if God is judging the West, and to me it sure looks like he is, then it is a wake-up call to every believer to get our lamps filled with oil, and to stop being so foolish.

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