Thursday, October 18, 2018

Possessed by The Holy Spirit

The title of this article may seem to some as a little extreme or slightly strange, others may even think it is not sound perhaps somewhat unorthodox, but I assure you this article is neither extravagant or unscriptural.

When a  believer first receives the Holy Spirit at conversion there is a definite change is his behavior, there is a  positive modification of manners, he  rightly notices that his attitude is changing, the way in which he used to think about this or that or the way he thinks about certain people is slowly becoming different, his outlook on life  begins to see beyond the physical and slowly but surely perceives the  spiritual aspect; his spiritual eyes have mercifully been opened  to the heavenly kingdom from which he has been born-again. 

Years go by, spiritual growth has been evident, but then the  former life creeps up from behind with a vengeance and piles on with great force, the kingdom of darkness from which the believer has been redeemed is relentless, two kingdoms are in opposition, the believer has been blessed with power to go through a spiritual transformation, the spiritual conversion is a process and will not be fully realized until the transition is in complete metamorphosis; the believer receives his glorified body at the rapture of the Church when his redemption is concluded.

Contrary to what many think and teach, some discard the power and cannot make it, they fail to continue after  the transformation begins to take place,[1] the believer must stay grounded and never move away from the truth, he must stand firm to the end of salvation, keeping the law of God is paramount and adhering  to his words is key  so that the believer can remain in his love, he must stay true to the faith, it can be hard but the Holy Spirit will assist the Lord’s followers so they can hold firm their confidence in Christ, the believer must not let go of his original conviction holding on until the end of salvation, he has to take a stand and not become entangled again in the  corruption of the world—a friend of the  world becomes hostile toward God.

Lovers of the world are obedient to the world, they are driven by the spirit of the world, they love what the world has to offer, the world and those that chase after it have the same spirit, they that love the world are possessed by the spirit of the world, they love the world and cannot get enough of it, the world’s lover craves for more, his eyes lust for more and he continually brags of his possessions and rants over his exploits; hot air is his aura.

The believer will suffer much if he truly belongs to the Lord, if he is an heir of God then he will certainly know what it is like to suffer as Christ suffered, it is predicted that if you believe in Jesus you will suffer because you have faith, I absolutely in no way mean that you will suffer God’s wrath for if you are God’s children you will never experience his indignation, rather you will suffer  the control of the spirit of this world, the god of this age will scheme against you knowing he may disable your body and possibly drive you mental.

The spirit of this world will attack you in your body, the god of this age will attack your mind, the Apostle Paul experienced the former on numerous occasions and I highly expect he suffered  the latter likewise, or he would not have practiced taking every thought captive, it is no coincident that the demons strike the  areas where Christ endured death and pain for our provision, the Lord assumed our sickness and disease and carried our mental and physical pain, the enemy works to incapacitate they that have the seal of ownership, the people that have received the  Spirit of God as a deposit that guarantees an inheritance, the devil works hard to impair the redeemed even to convince them to give up.

Words are like seeds, once they are planted they will grow, it does not matter whether a word is true or a word is false, all words will take root and grow if they are planted and fertilized, words of truth will bring freedom while words masterminded in deceit will bring bondage, they will produce either liberty or subdue you into darkness, false words are too often believed while truth is usually up for debate, truth is typically not trusted as deception frequently gains the upper hand, the god of this age is a master deceiver, the spirit of this world has gained a wider audience than the Spirit of truth.

The people of the world are bound by words and they do not even know it, the spirit of the world keeps them in submission by continually planting and fertilizing words he speaks through different types of communication, especially through mass communication mediums like radio and TV, film is huge while even newspapers and books are used by the devil to plant his thoughts in peoples minds, this is why it is important that the believer has discernment and knows the truth because they are  susceptible to having the lies of the enemy planted and fertilized within their minds just like those that have no faith; the believer can also believe the lies of the enemy just like the person of the world.

The spirit of this world has filled the minds of its audience, it possesses the hearts of they that love the world, the invitation has gone out, get what you can, love your life as you live it to the full, some that believe have been ensnared and their mind is too dull to understand, the wayward one is tepid, he is neither hot or cold; he cannot live in two kingdoms.

The world is a battle ground, the two opposing forces are the kingdom of heaven and the kingdoms of this world, the kingdoms of this world are darkness whereas the kingdom of heaven is light, we know in the end which kingdom will prevail but until then the battle continues, people can choose which kingdom they will be in, people can either live in the light or live in the darkness, the believer has the advantage over they that do not have the Holy Spirit, the people without the Holy Spirit only have the spirit of the world to guide them while the believer has the Spirit of God to lead and discern, this is why the believer speaks truth so the people of the world can receive it and believe.

Meanwhile, the god of this age attacks the believer, his greatest weapon is words, he continually bombards the believer with lies, he speaks them into the minds of believers all the time especially when the believer sleeps, when the believer wakes from sleep sometimes his mind is full of pulsating fiction that mentally and emotionally weakens  the child of God, through the day the believer suffers attack and because he is busy with work or special activities his prayer is nonexistent, after so many bad seeds have been planted into the believer’s mind the words begin to grow as they are fertilized by the supernatural power of the devil, after time the believer turns soft, he becomes feeble, he ends up spiritually delicate, he gets spiritually and physically disabled because the power of the enemy has been continuously injected similar to daily medication.

The disciple is to be strong in the Lord, be strong in the Lord’s mighty power by putting on the full armor of God, the devil knows how to make the follower of Christ ineffective and he does it usually by filling the believer with his words, they that are devoted to  Jesus must know how to put on the armor of God which when all summed up is being filled with the Holy Spirit, absolutely he must be possessed by the Spirit’s power, the child of God must understand that the Father has certainly equipped him with the authority of Christ which means he can be prepared against the devil schemes, the believer has divine power to be fit when the schemes develop and strength to destroy the devils strongholds, the god of this world uses his words as a stronghold over the mind of the believer, you defeat the power of this world by taking every thought captive, everything that comes into your mind you confine it like you would a criminal that breaks through your front door and then submit these thoughts to Christ, if the word is true than let it grow but if it is a lie than command it to die, cast it to the ground and kill it so that the thought ceases to exist, do it as many times as it takes; it is an ongoing process in the life of the redeemed.

The believer hears a word in church and expects God to speak to him through it, the biblical practice is to be like the Berean Jews who checked to see if the preaching was scriptural, if it is scriptural than the believer is safe but if it does not meet the scriptural test than the word has come from the god of this world, the spirit of this world pretends to be an angel of light and he uses people even in church as willing instruments of deception, Satan has been doing this ever since the first bible studies were conducted, words that come from a false angel of light are meant to disable the Church and have the whole congregation go in the wrong direction, even in the assembly of believers every word must be confined and put under the spotlight of Christ’s truth.

"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5, ASV).

 Picture: CC0 Creative Commons

[1] Col 1:22-23; Psalms 125:5; Matt 24:13; Jn 15:10; Acts 14:22; Heb 3:6, 14; 2 Pet 2:19-22