Monday, December 4, 2017

Eternity: I Cannot Wait

Have you ever thought about eternity?

What it is like; this place where there is no time, this continuous and infinite place.

We usually call it Heaven, where the Lord, God Almighty dwells.

We cannot exist in eternity, because we are made of flesh and blood.

Our flesh was made to exist in the realm of time, not eternity.

A glorious body is being prepared for us as I write, and it is made for eternity.

In eternity, the past, present and future, are all one.

Think of it like this: Look down into your coffee cup, drop three cubes of sugar into it, then stir your coffee around and watch the sugar cubes dissolve.

While the sugar dissolves, as your coffee swirls around in the cup, the sugar cubes become one with each other in the coffee, and this is similar to how the past, present and the future exist in eternity.

In eternity, God knows the end from the beginning, because the beginning and the end are one in eternity; there is no separation because there is no time.

There is order, just not chronological order.

Here on earth, the physical overlaps continuously, everything proceeds in a forward motion all the time—you cannot go back in time.

In eternity, forward moves backward, backward moves forward, meanwhile they both move side-to-side similar to the four living creatures as they navigate by the Spirit on their wheels, in the book of Ezekiel.

There is no chronological order in eternity, but only Devine order as everything flows together all at once.  

The past, present and the future in the realm of time has to have intervals, it has to have pauses, it must have breaks in motion, it must stretch out over periods of time—this is how God designed time, and the physical body to exist in the realm of time.

The physical brain would overload and completely break down if it were to spend one second in eternity, this is why God is preparing a glorious body for us.

When the Prophet Isaiah, and the Apostle John, saw God on his holy throne they saw him through the power of the Holy Spirit, through spiritual vision.

In eternity, God Almighty sees the future as if it were in the past, he experiences the present as if it were the future, and the past is the present as they coexist with the future, like three sugar cubes dissolving together in a coffee cup as they whirl around at the behest of a spoon.

You do not know what will precisely happen tomorrow, or next week, or next month, while you are in this realm of time, because physical movement must occur for man to go forward, and the future be made known.

Unless God Almighty decides to give you a dream or vision, showing you precisely what will occur in the future, you are subject to the development of physical motion for you to see what will happen tomorrow.

In eternity, in your glorious body, you will see the past, present and the future all at once, and still be able to comprehend it.

The reason why God can prophecy with 100% accuracy is because he has already seen the future of humanity in the past.

He knows man’s past, present and future all at once, without getting a migraine.

When you are raptured and given a glorified body, in the twinkling of an eye, time will be in your past, and you will begin to function with an eternal body and mind.

Every man that receives an eternal body, at the rapture of the Church, will have the ability to live in eternity, where the past, present and future is one, and also have access back into the realm of time once Christ establishes an earthy kingdom.

So, what this means, is that those that receive a glorified body will become spiritual beings like the man Jesus Christ, be greater than God’s holy angels, and have the spiritual ability to exist both in the eternal realm and the earthly realm.

Wow! I cannot wait.

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons