Saturday, December 30, 2017

It Is Done in Heaven First

Many of us occasionally struggle when God’s power seems far away, and does not manifest in the various problems we face.
We pray, and ask him to heal us of sickness, heal us of a weakening body, ask him to intervene into situations that are greater than we are.

We pray, we wait, time goes by, and nothing seems to happen.

The sickness continues, the body gets weaker, and the unbearable condition we are in just gets more serious making us feel completely helpless—we feel doomed to negative circumstance.

A cloud of hopelessness develops, weakening our faith in supernatural resolution; deliverance seems uncertain.

Does God really care about us, does he truly want to help us?

His Holy Word says he does.

Why does his power not manifest to heal us when we know that God is a healer?

Where is his ability to make weak knees strong and healthy, when we read that he can make a lame man walk instantly, or restore a shriveled-up hand as people watch on, also raise a man from the dead even after four days?

Why does the overpowering state of lack and want stand in the way of the blessing and power of God’s divine intervention and provision to create change so we can move forward?

God’s power is manifest in his awesome works, his deeds are great, and King David was glad as he meditated on these things day and night.

Three thousand years ago, David realized and lived in the regular manifestation of God’s mighty power.

Two thousand years ago, the Apostles lived daily witnessing the mighty works of God’s power, as the Holy Spirit worked wonders and miracles routinely.

So, where is God’s mighty power, wonders and miracles, and his awesome works in—many of—our lives today?

Is it because the Church is so large in numbers that there is just is not enough mighty power to go around to cover all of our problems?

Some think that God has put his power on the shelf, and that today’s Christian should just go to the Help Center if they are in lack and need, see a doctor for sickness and a broken body—they believe that miracles passed away with the Apostles.

This is more or less a misunderstanding of God’s majesty and mighty power, and it makes him sound weak.

Is God weak, does he have limited strength in these final days, is he tired and does he have no strength left?

No wonder so many are seeking the occult for spiritual power, because they know it exists but cannot find it much in the Church.

Even some people that are not born-again know that man needs more than just physical provision, that there is more to this world than just the physical, they know that we need divine help if we are truly going to make it—those that turn to the occult for help rather than God do not realize that they are turning to the wrong source, but of course, they think they are turning to God.

Than, there are a few that are so eager for the manifestation of God that they try to imitate his power by making up false manifestations, they will have someone lays hands on them so they can flop around the floor uncontrollably—this opens up space for dark power to manifest.

In Moses time, God sent ten plagues to Egypt so that Pharaoh would let his people go.

These plagues were part of the divine element of God’s awesome power that at the climax of it all was able to set a nation free from the powers of a Luciferian stronghold.

Yet today, we plead and beg God to manifest his power to heal and release miracles because there does not seem to be much evidence that he is willing to do it—without a doubt we do need his mighty power.

God tells Moses to lift his staff and stretch forth his hand to divide the waters, and when he did the Red Sea makes a pathway so Israel can escape the Egyptian army; on a dry river bed.

Yet the difficult situations we face bury us down until our resilience and physical strength has worn out.

We see the manifestation of God’s power once in a while, it is rare, it is so infrequent that I think he is trying to tell us something.  

Does he sit on his holy throne enveloping every ounce of his mighty power, and when he gets the urge he just disseminates it like a miser handing out candy?

Is God like a heavenly skinflint that releases only bits and pieces of his mighty power so that he can watch and smirk as his children are in need?

Could Israel’s history teach us something?  

We desperately need help but it feels like he is ignoring us.

Has he put his mighty power on slow motion or even pause?

He promises to supply all our needs and yet the manifestation of his power seems like it is on hold.

Is God our Father not for us, is he against us?

Is he no better than Zeus, the son of Cronus and Rhea, the foremost god of the ancient Greeks?

I can answer this: No! He is not like Zeus, or Apollo, or Artemis or even Ares. He is far superior, and he is pure and holy.

God Almighty speaks, and the worlds came into being, out of nothing he created all that man can see.

Man can travel across the entire earth, even to the farthest galaxy, and God has made all of it by the words he spoke—whatever he speaks it is done.

He gave up his only begotten son, the one whom he loves dearly, and sacrificed him for every one of us, then he promises to favor us, be gracious to us, and give us all things.

Even so, does this mean we still have to put up with lack and deficiency, suffer from sickness, and live with a broken-down body?

I think that sometimes we forget who we are—we are God’s sons through his only begotten son.

Whatever condition we are in does not mean that he does not love us; even though it may feel that way sometimes, and admittedly we occasionally wonder if he even cares.

Nothing can detach us from Christ’s love; he will not divorce us.

Sometimes we lack knowledge, we are uneducated, we are misinformed.

We trust in men to inform us, to enlighten us, to give us the cold hard facts about life on earth; but they often fail us.

From time to time we listen to the wrong voices, men who communicate misinformation, and it causes us to be confused.

We pray, we beg, we plead, and nothing happens, because we are not enlightened, we are not spiritually developed.

God instructs us to believe him, trust every word he speaks, yet we doubt many things he has said because we are ignorant.

When we ask him for something in prayer, for anything, whatever our need may be, we should always believe that he will give it to us free of charge.

He will not demand that that we repay him for it, we cannot purchase God’s merchandise, his glorious riches.

He desires to give us whatever we ask him for; he truly does.

He will manifest his mighty power and part the sea of life for us; solid ground will keep us standing upward.

Believe that he will give you whatever you ask for, take it and believe that you have it.

Your knees are crippled, your back is full of pain, receive his healing power, Christ’s flesh was ripped open at the end of a whip so that we are healed, so that we are cured and made whole.

Have faith in what God says and do not doubt his word.

Ask him, believe and do not doubt in your heart—have faith in God.

You say that you cannot see the manifestation of his power in your circumstance.

Can you see into Heaven with a telescope?

Can you see into the Holy of Holies when you close your eyes, can you see God on his throne? Can you see the Christ at his Father’s right hand as he leans over to make a request for you on your behalf?

Can you physically see into the eternal realm?

The Throne Room of God is where our prayers are answered, this is where the manifestation of his power begins and then issues forth.

The moment we ask God for anything it is done for us in Heaven, his power is manifest and he sends it to us.

In the eternal realm there is no time and physical space like here on earth, it is continuous and infinite, it is immeasurable, and his holy power is unlimited there.

On earth, whatever things we ask for in prayer it then makes its journey to us from Eternity, because God hears our prayers, but in Eternity it was appointed for us before we even asked on earth—we cannot receive the realization of our request until we ask in the realm of time.

In Eternity, God knows the end from the beginning, because the beginning and the end are one in the same; there is no separation because there is no time.

You ask him to heal you today, but in Eternity you were healed yesterday, you were healed the day Christ suffered his wounds; he chose us before the foundations of the earth.

You cannot receive healing until you ask for it, then you must take it because God gives it to you freely—although, you cannot doubt that you have it even far beyond the moment of asking.

Whatever we ask God for in prayer it is done for us already in Heaven, so when will the manifestation of his power in Eternity join itself with us in the realm of time, when does the physical manifestation occur?

We ask God to heal us, or to intervene in the absence of provision, and we wait, time goes by, because the Holy Spirit has to have divine substance to work with—faith.

The power of God has been released, our request has been granted, but for the mighty power of God to manifest on the earth faith has to join with it.

More often than not doubt takes over, because it seems to us that the manifestation of his power is not present according to our senses.

Our thinking needs to change.

In Eternity it is done, in the realm of time we have to wait.

In Eternity, the past, present and future are all happing at once.

On the earth, time has intervals, it has seconds, minutes, hours, days, et cetera.

The physical body and all of creation, the physical realm, was designed to function in time.

Once we ask God for anything we must then wait for what is done in Eternity to manifest in time.

How long it takes depends on the size of faith we exercise in the God of Eternity.

Some think they have faith but their mouth and actions speak otherwise, revealing they truly do not trust what God speaks.

When our faith diminishes so will the manifestation of God’s power in our situation, because in Eternity our faith is already known for what it is; our faith may be a secret on the earth but in Eternity nothing is hidden.

If we hold onto our faith and work to make it expand, allowing it to develop, keeping it active, then God’s mighty power that issues forth from his Throne Room will make miracles manifest in the physical realm.

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