Friday, February 9, 2018

The Vatican or Islam

Most church-goers never hear anything that relates to bible prophecy from behind the pulpit on Sunday mornings, or through the week, either at bible class or even in their small groups.

Most pastors are okay with mentioning prophecy about the Christ’s first arrival, born by a virgin who had to sleep in the stables the night she gave birth, because that was more than 2,000 years ago, and that doctrine really does not challenge the usual church-goer so the clergy gets no blowback.

End-time prophecy seems to scare many that teach behind the pulpit so they just will not study it and teach it.

Sad for them, because they are not obeying what God called them to do, and sad for the people in their pews because they are not being informed so they can have knowledge of the time we live in.

Yes, the argument can be made that many who teach prophecy are usually not in agreement with one another, it can get confusing, but that is still no excuse.

For the anointed pastor, the truth will come, and he can teach his congregation everything God desires his Church to know about the rapture of the Church, and everything else that surrounds this holy event.

After the Church is raptured, a singular religion will dominant the spiritual aspect of man, the people left to endure the seven-year Tribulation Period will be forced to adhere to a one world religion; there will be no door-two that a person will be able to choose from.

The Scripture refers to this one world religion in the feminine, calls her a great prostitute, and has titled her, ‘Mystery Babylon,’ she is ‘the mother of prostitutes.’

Many are not in the least bit interested in having knowledge of Mystery Babylon for various reasons, the primary being they believe prophecy is not important, that it is irrelevant in today’s Church.

Much of the Church is content with light-hearted messages from the bible to make them feel good, assure them that they are blessed and going to heaven one day.

The Church will be absent during the seven-year Tribulation Period so some think it is not important to have any Revelation knowledge, not stopping to consider that Jesus Christ thinks differently.

“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things that are written therein: for the time is at hand” (Rev.1:3, ASV).

The kings of the earth, those that will be in charge of certain territory during the Tribulation Period, will use Mystery Babylon for their own purposes, to get the people of the earth in line after the rapture takes place, but once they are done with her they will completely destroy her because they really do hate her.

They will use her like a drug to get the earth’s inhabitants to agree with the edicts they will initiate so they can rule the earth, as the one world religion will convince the people that what is being decreed by their leaders is good for them, which they will then believe because they are drunk with her deception.

Mystery Babylon, rides on the back of the scarlet beast, that is the Antichrist, the one world primary leader, as she gets her authority from him until he like the ten other leaders is finished with her; he will not need her anymore because he will end up with total control of the one world government, and the people on the earth with the help of another man referred to in Scripture as the second beast.

Scripture says, that this prostitute will kill many saints that pledge allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Some believe this refers to the protestant reformers of several hundred years ago, but this is more likely referring to those whom Mystery Babylon kills during her reign, in and during the seven-year Tribulation Period, the great multitude clothed in pure white that John witnessed in Revelation, chapter seven, and those whom he seen under the alter once the fifth seal was opened, those killed by Mystery Babylon because of the word of God and because they would not convert to the intoxicating deceptive philosophy of the unholy prostitute.

Many good bible teachers, through the years, believe this one world religion will have its base in the city of Rome, operating out of the Vatican—some think differently though.

What will be the primary belief of Mystery Babylon, what god will this one world religion represent?

This corrupt spiritual entity will be an earthly representative for the one world leader, but it will also declare to the people that it is the spiritual representative of some supposed deity; that is what religions do and in the seven-year Tribulation Period the one world religion will be no different.

After the rapture occurs, the inhabitants of the earth will need a spiritual guide during the Tribulation Period because of all the chaos that will take place, and although many will be forced to adhere to this religion many will also submit to it willingly—it will be their medication.

The debate between some prophecy teachers right now is who will Mystery Babylon represent, the Vatican, or Islam.

Most believe it is the Vatican, but some are now believing that it could be Islam, because it seems to be shaping up that way.

Those that believe it is the Vatican, do so because they believe that Scripture says Mystery Babylon sits on seven hills, and they believe the seven hills represent Rome, as the city of Rome has always been referred to as the city of seven hills.

The Vatican does have a history of murdering Jews and Christians over the last 1000 years; therefore, because of this history and that the prostitute sits on seven hills, this has persuaded some to believe that Mystery Babylon is the Vatican, and that God will judge her in the Tribulation Period, recorded in Revelation, chapter seventeen.

While many believe that Mystery Babylon, the prostitute who dwells on many waters, the notorious one world religion, is Rome, other see something else emerging.

Islam is becoming the religion of choice in the West, as many governments are now pandering to the Islamic religion, and even before they complete the procedure of passing new laws to accommodate Sharia law they are already and currently covertly implementing Sharia law on their citizens.

Islam has decreed that the West belongs to Allah, and they are quickly conquering the West as leftwing politicians are helping them to do it.

In country after country Islam has taken over the streets, marching and declaring that the territory they trample on belongs to Islam, they have latched onto Western social programs like a hungry infant onto his mother’s breast, draining it dry and demanding more.

In almost every country in the West, if you complain or voice your opposition to the Islamic invasion you are classified as an Islamophobe, and a racist, usually by the leftwing and its blind followers.

Many in the Vatican have made it clear that Islam worships the same god as the Catholics do, as Pope Francis continually makes excuses for the violence being done in the name of Islam, and some Jesuit Priests, and some recent Popes have claimed that Muslims and Christians worship the same god; even in the Protestant world some ministers claim the same thing—Chrislam.

Favoritism for Islam is growing leaps and bounds in the West over the last decade, as there is a frantic agenda by Western governments to increase their populations with people of the Islamic faith, even by fast track migration—churches are declining while mosques are rapidly increasing.

Many people in the West that are of European descent, that have Christian origins, are convinced that Islam is a religion that they could adhere to.

Considering that the one world government will be centered in the West, and Islam is over taking the West sooner than statistics show, is it so hard to see what the primary faith of the one world religion will be?

Will the one world religion, even if its foundation is rooted in Islam, be centered in Rome?

I cannot see why it would not be.

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