Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Covid-19, Versus the Fearful Leadership

The Wuhan coronavirus originated in Wuhan China, the West is calling it covid-19 so that we don’t offend China and because they say it is xenophobic to call it any other way. This disease was first noticed in December, 2019, in Wuhan and by early February of this year, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) named it covid-19. Covid-19 is related to the SARS coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) of 2003, which first emerged in southern China 2002. On March 11, 2020, WHO officially called covid-19 a pandemic and this is the first time since the swine flu, H1N1, of 2009, that they have called an outbreak a pandemic. There were three flu pandemics in the 20th century: The Spanish flu, in 1918, that killed approximately 50 million people worldwide,[1] followed by the Asian flu, 1957-58, which resulted in over one million fatalities, and then the Hong Kong flu that killed approximately one million people in 1968.[2]

After the announcement that covid-19 was officially classified a pandemic then two National Basketball (NBA) players tested positive for the coronavirus so the league immediately put their season on hold, then the National Hockey League (NHL) followed suit on Thursday. Since last Thursday all major league sports paused their seasons, even minor league and amateur sporting events across North America and Europe have either paused or postponed their activity.

This past Sunday, March 15, 2020, most churches across the United States and Canada shut their doors because health authorities were recommending that there be no social gatherings of 250 or more. This was a recommendation that church leaders quickly complied to and then informed their congregations that they would hold services online.

Now, this week politicians are shutting restaurants, theaters, and coffee houses in Israel, Europe, and across North America, even limiting social gathering sizes to a very small number. They are heeding the advice of federal and state medical officials, who are getting their instructions from the World Health Organization. There is a term being employed that I have never heard before, it is called social distancing which is not to be confused with social distance. They are telling people to not come close to anyone by leaving at least six feet between you and another person. They say this will stop the spread of covid-19.

There are many theories as to how this coronavirus was unleashed on society, some say it was birthed in a wet market in Wuhan China, some think that this virus is really a biological weapon, some think it may have started with weakened immune systems in Wuhan because it has 5G network and many believe this technology among other things severely weakens peoples immune systems. Whatever the reason why this coronavirus got life one thing is for certain, it is alive and infecting people that are especially older and already have some kind of weakened respiratory system. Another thing that is clearly evident is that this coronavirus has the West in a panic as the media is giving it nonstop coverage. The media and politicians from every level of government have decided this is what they are going to focus on and have driven the West to overreact. I don’t really need to tell you about how fearful people have become over the last week because we are all witnessing it—a world gone mad.

It is likely a good time right now to give you this data: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), estimates that from last October, 2019, through March of, 2020, there has or likely will be 22,000 – 55,000 regular flue deaths; 370,000 – 670,000 flu hospitalizations; and 36,000,000 – 51,000,000 flu illnesses.[3] Compare that to how many people have died with covid-19 in the United States as of Monday, March 16, 2020, which is approximately 88; with more than approximately 4,500 being tested positive. Worldwide about 181,000 have caught this coronavirus resulting in approximately 7,000 deaths so far. The estimate is that over half of the 181,000 people that have caught covid-19 have recovered, and the majority of the coronavirus cases are mild.[4] Remember, covid-19 was first noticed in December, 2019, and the first confirmed case of the coronavirus in the United States was in mid-January, 2020. Seems like there is a lot of emphasis on covid-19, which has fueled country-wide panic.

What most people do not know is the one-world government is using this crisis as a means of getting control over the masses and they are using the media to do it. The saying, “never let a crisis go to waste” is being applied here, by using this coronavirus as a means to cause widespread panic is a very effective way in getting control over people. Covid-19, called a pandemic by the world Health Organization, is being used to see how easy it is to shut the economy of the Western world down, and to create fear so that people will do anything to have this thing go away. The measures we are seeing taking place in the United States and Canada because of covid-19, the government shutting almost all the service industry down, limiting the size of social gathering, and making people stick to social distancing, were not enforced in 2009 when America was hit with the swine flu, but they are now excessively.

I understand why Israel, America, Canada, and parts of Europe are shutting down their borders, why they are demanding people practice social distancing, why they are shutting restaurants, coffee houses, and everywhere else where the coronavirus has the potential of spreading. But what I don’t understand is why church leaders would shut down their services last Sunday when they were not even forced to at that time. Yes, government health officials recommended that social gatherings be no more than 250 people, but they were just guidelines in the early stages of this health crisis. Now, governments have drastically dropped the size of social gatherings way much lower than 250 because they learned there is no protest because of fear, but last Sunday there was still lots of leeway for churches to allow people to come and meet if they felt they could. I want to stress, the one-world government is not letting “a crisis go to waste” here.

Church leaders had an opportunity to keep their doors open this past Sunday, but they chose to close them to follow the recommendations of the health officials, they felt this was the wisest thing to do. But was it the wisest thing to do at that time? Health officials made recommendations but were not ordering churches to close their doors as they are right now with issuing a state of emergency. Church leaders claim they were using wisdom and acting in faith, they said they did not close the church doors because of fear; besides, they said, their congregations can watch their services online and it will be like the pastor will be right there with them at their home. Most pastors stood in front of their camera and preached to their congregations at home on either Facebook or their church website. But why were church leaders so quick to close the church doors?

Church leaders could have kept the church doors open this past Sunday so that people could have went and had hands laid on them and be prayed for. Oh, I suppose the church is afraid to have hands laid on them and be prayed for because the health officials say you are not allowed to touch anyone because of covid-19 (I hope you noticed the sarcasm)? There were many people that needed to go to a church this past Sunday so that they could have been anointed with oil and been prayed for in person by the church leaders, so at least the spirit of fear could be cast off them. The spirit of fear has come on many people over the last weeks because of the nonstop fear-mongering of the media and globalist driven politicians. This is what pastors are called to do, take care of the sheep and be there for them no matter how dangerous the situation is. Being there for the congregation online in a time of crisis when society is in total panic mode just doesn’t cut it when the demons are inflicting pain and sickness on people.  

The government and health officials could not have done a thing to church leaders if they had opened their churches to people last Sunday, they would not have been arrested or had their charitable status revoked. And yet, many church leaders across the United States and Canada chose to serve their people by talking to them through their computer screens. Pastors could have used last Sunday to teach their congregations face to face about the power of Jesus Christ, how mighty God is, and that no coronavirus is too strong for the name of Jesus Christ to deal with. Doing this in person would have been an act of faith, locking the doors to the church building and shutting personal service to their congregations is not an act of faith but a lack of it, it is fear of man and plagues. They let the god Nergal, the lord of death, pestilence and plague, chase them away from ministering healing power to their congregations in person—Nergal is the lord of the Underworld.

The typical modern-day church leader is nowhere near the man of God that the apostle Paul was. I can’t see him separating himself from people because of a coronavirus, I can see him listening to the advice of health care officials but then doing what he was called to do, minister healing to God’s church in person. He would make the opportunity happen even if his actions did not fit Rome’s narrative, so that he could lay hands on the sick, cast sickness away from them, reassure them that Christ atoned for their sickness and disease, speak peace into their hearts with the word of God so that they could go away from the service to their home having been set free from fear and anxiety. Did the underground churches in China shut their doors last Sunday because of the Wuhan virus, do they ever shut their doors because they are afraid the government is going to come in and arrest them for practicing their faith in Jesus?  

I said to you above that this panic is being driven by the powers of the one-world government, they use the media and globalist politicians to do their work to make their plans come to pass, and this covid-19 panic is so that they can ruin the  economy in America and Canada and get the people in a place where they can control them more easily. The Luciferians believe that their time is now to anoint their world ruler, they follow occult prophecy more diligently than most Christians follow Bible prophecy. The pagan leaders of this world will do whatever it takes to bring their agenda to pass and they do not care who they harm in the process. What most church leaders did last Sunday was give into the Illuminati agenda without even knowing it. They could have demonstrated a little backbone and decided that the meeting house of Jesus would have stayed open to the congregation especially when there was no decree enacted to close the doors at that time. Showing the rulers of the air that the god of plagues is not going to scare God’s people away should have been priority. The opportunity to show the pagan rulers that the name of Jesus is more powerful than any sickness or disease was missed last Sunday.

If you can accept it, the following is a word to every church leader and they that helped them to make the decision to shut down the meeting place of the Lord last Sunday:

Church leaders, who do you answer to? Do you answer to world leaders, do you answer to the World Health Organization? Last week, when health officials recommended that you close your church services, why did you so easily bow to their desire? Are you afraid of government health officials, do you take orders from them? The health officials made recommendations that it be better for the community to not hold church services last Sunday, do you answer to them? No, you answer to the God, and Father, of the Lord, Jesus Christ. They did not order you with official documents to shut your services, but rather they only suggested that social gathering should be no more than 250 people. The decision for you was easy to make since at that time there was no official decree by government officials. You say that you used wisdom, and wisdom told you to close the meeting place down last Sunday because of the coronavirus pandemic, but you did not use the Lord’s wisdom, instead you used the world’s wisdom. You did what the government health officials recommended and you say that you did it not out of fear, but yes, you did it out of fear. You feared what the government would do to you if you did not abide by the health official’s recommendation, you feared the health officials would reprimand you if you did not follow their suggestion. But they only suggested that you not meet with more than 250 of your congregation at a time, and you could not figure out a plan to meet with 250 believers at a time so that you could lay hands on them and pray for them in person? Do you not have the power of Jesus Christ, is his healing power not in you? Does the healing power of Jesus Christ not abide in every believer? Did you fear the consequences of public opinion if you conducted services last Sunday, are you afraid of being smeared by social media? Do you fear covid-19, do you fear the god of plagues more than you fear the consequences of not doing as you have been called to do, do you not fear, Yahweh? The leaders of this world have to obey what the one-world government tells them to do. The health care officials in Israel, America, Canada, and Europe have to do what the World Health Organization tells them to do. They fear having their medical credentials rescinded, they fear being demonized if they do not follow instructions and obey medical protocol. The World Health Organization is a one-world government entity, the one-world government is ready to rule as is prophesied in Scripture. Do you answer to the Lord or the one-world government?

Picture: CDC Website