Thursday, July 19, 2018


The United States President, Donald Trump, and Russian President, Vladimir Putin, met on Monday in Helsinki, Finland, to make an attempt to improve relations between the United States and Russia due in part to the alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, and they also wanted to discuss the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2016—the summit was hosted by the President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö.

For two years now, the mainstream liberal media has focused on the so-called Trump-Russian collusion that was supposed to have given the 2016 Presidential election win to Donald Trump, leaving the Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton standing in astonishment and disbelieve over her loss.

Both President Trump, and Russian President Putin, have denied the allegations of any collusion, and since the investigation started in May, 2017, there has been no evidence of collusion found of a Trump campaign colluding with the Russian state—the deep state, Illuminati driven saga continues.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, according to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, began his official political career in May 1990, in the city of Leningrad, later named Saint Petersburg, as an international affairs adviser, to the Chairman of the Council of Leningrad at the time.

Before his political career, Vladimir Putin, worked in the internal counterintelligence offices, the Second Chief Directorate, for the KGB, the Committee for State Security, the law enforcement agency for the former Soviet Union, and after his time in internal counterintelligence he was transferred, or was promoted to the First Chief Directorate offices, which was the office responsible for foreign intelligence.

For five years before the reunification of Germany, Vladimir Putin, served the First Chief Directorate, in Dresden, East Germany, which at the time was officially referred to as the, German Democratic Republic, where on the record he was working as a translator, but according to the International Herald Tribune, October 09, 2006, Putin was undercover as a KGB spy.

Early in 1990, before Vladimir Putin began his political career in May, he returned to Russia from East Germany, and he was given a position in the Leningrad State University, where he worked for the Vice-Rector, in the International Affairs offices, as an administrator.

Vladimir Putin, worked for three months at the Leningrad State University, and at the same time used it as an opportunity, or was just part of his assignment as a KGB officer, to recruit students as potential KGB operatives—Putin claims that he stepped down as a Lieutenant Colonel for the, Committee for State Security, in August 1991, two days after the coup attempt against Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet President at that time.

While working at the university, or you may call it, while on special assignment, Vladimir Putin gets in contact with, Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak, his former mentor and teacher, who coincidentally became the chairman of the Council of the City of Leningrad, in May 1990, then in 1991, Anatoly Sobchak was elected Mayor of what would then become Saint Petersburg, once again;  it was through his connection with Sobchak that Putin first became an international affairs adviser and began his career as a Russian politician.

Vladimir Putin’s career as a politician, continued throughout the 1990’s in Saint Petersburg, then he moved onto Moscow in 1996, after Anatoly Sobchak lost his reelection bid as Mayor of Saint Petersburg in that year.

In Moscow, Vladimir Putin was given the job as Deputy Chief, of the Presidential Property Management Department, also known as, The Department of Affairs of the President of the Russian Federation, and during his time as Deputy Chief he was in charge of transferring assets from the former Soviet Union, and the Communist Party, to the Russian Federation that had succeeded from the former USSR, late in 1991.

In early 1997, Vladimir Putin, then worked for President, Boris Yeltsin, as his Deputy Chief of Staff, then he was promoted to First Deputy Chief of Staff in 1998, and then following this was a very brief appointment in charge of delimiting the powers of regions, as he was then again promoted as the Head of the, Federal Security Services, which replaced the KGB.

The extensive list of appointments and promotions just go on and on for Vladimir Putin, but when the real power began to come into place was when he was appointed Prime Minister on, August 09, 1999, to which he also agreed to run as President, because President Yeltsin’s health was failing him, although Yeltsin’s opponents did what they could to keep Putin from being Yeltsin’s successor nevertheless Vladimir Putin became very popular which helped him to beat the competition.

Vladimir Putin became the, Acting President of Russia, in December of 1999, once Boris Yeltsin resigned, and in March 2000 Putin won the Presidential election in the first round, and was inaugurated as, President of the Russian Federation, on May 07, 2000.

Since, March 26, 2000, President Vladimir Putin, has won two consecutive  four years terms, 2000-2004 and 2004-2008, but since it is against Russian Constitution to run three consecutive terms, there is only a consecutive two term limitation, Vladimir Putin could not run again in 2008 so then Dmitry Medvedev, the former  First Deputy Prime Minister was elected, President of the Russian Federation, however a former President can run again for another two terms after sitting out one term in between.

When, Dmitry Medvedev was President, the terms of Presidency were changed from four years to six years in length, but still the two-term limit still applies.

Vladimir Putin, was appointed Prime Minister while President Dmitry Medvedev was President of Russia from 2008 until 2012, this was Putin’s second term as Premier, then in 2012 he won his third term as President, and since Presidential terms are now six years Vladimir Putin ran again earlier this year and won his fourth term as President.

If you were to ask Vladimir Putin if his political career has always been above board I am sure he would say that he is honest and upright, motivated to help the people of Russia, but the truth is his career has not been without the odd impropriety and continual allegations of misconduct.

He was investigated for understating prices and allowing the export of materials valued at almost $100 million in exchange for food aid that never made it into Russia early in the 1990’s, it was recommended that he be let go as the head of the Committee for External Relations but instead he remained on the job.

The woman that brought forth the allegation of his part in this corruption continued to keep this wrong-doing in the minds of the public even up until he became President, but because he then occupied the highest position in Russia she moved away from Saint Petersburg and kept quiet about her investigation until 2010, when she then gave a radio interview repeating the corruption insinuations that Putin had allegedly been involved in.

This woman, was considered to be one of Vladimir Putin’s oldest enemies, according to some reports; she died of a sudden massive coronary in 2012.

It is common for journalists to end up dead after reporting certain or unfavorable articles in the Russian Federation, even as far back as the Yeltsin years, but what is interesting is that if a journalist or political opponent of Vladimir Putin is critical of him and his Presidency some have found themselves with a quick end to their career and even their life.

Some of Putin’s critics have died horrible deaths, one man died for example after he unknowingly drank polonium-210,a deadly poison which is highly radioactive, another woman was shot by assassins outside of her home, another journalist that covered human-rights abuses in Chechnya by Russia was abducted and then shot in the head, even lawyers  that worked for some journalist’s that have been critical of Vladimir Putin have been assassinated, and the list is extensive—these are all allegations of involvement in the wrongful deaths of these people, nobody has ever proven that Vladimir Putin had anything to do in these assassinations.

The Prophet Ezekiel, recorded the word of the Lord as it was given to him, and in his thirty-eighth chapter he writes about a man called Gog, this man is the leader of Magog, he is the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.

Where is Magog, Meshech and Tubal?

It all depends who you listen to, some differ in their opinion of the supposed locations or geographical areas, but the consensus among many Bible teachers that have some understanding of the biblical catalog of nations, or the generations of Noah, and some insight into biblical prophecy seem to agree that Magog is Russia and parts of Central Asia, this may include, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

The countries of Central Asia referred to are situated south and southeast of Russia, they all happen to be predominantly Muslim; some prophecy teachers believe that Turkey alone is Magog.

Meshech and Tubal, it is believed are predominantly Turkey, Southern Russia, and Northwest Iran; these nations too have a majority Muslim population.

Gog is the leader of Magog, and since it is generally agreed upon that Magog is Russia, Gog would be the President of the Russian Federation, he is the Head of State, who has extensive powers over Russia’s domestic and foreign policy, and as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief the President has great powers over Russia’s military policy; whatever he says goes—if you believe that Turkey alone is Magog then your idea of who Gog is changes everything.

The Russian Federation also has a Prime Minister, who is appointed by the President, and agreed upon by Russia’s parliament system, but typically whomever the Russian President appoints as Prime Minster the parliament usually approves; the Prime Minster would be like the right hand of the President as he has extensive powers also.

When the Lord’s word came to Ezekiel, God told him to set his face against Gog, which suggests take a stand in opposition against Gog, exhibit an action of non-acceptance, this reveals that God disapproves of Gog, and then Ezekiel was instructed to prophecy against him saying that, God is against Gog—of course Ezekiel was to symbolically set his face against Gog since the one that was being prophesied against was not even born yet.

Since God’s word is prophetic and was meant to be fulfilled in Ezekiel’s future, and at that time concerned people and places in his future, as of the day that I posted this article this prophetic word has yet to be fulfilled but that does not mean in the near future it will not be, because this word can be fulfilled in this day and age.

It could not have been fulfilled in any other generation until now, because the alliance of these nations has never occurred before until this day and age, and the relations between these countries right now are as solid as can be, because they all have a similar goal.  

The nations referred to in the word given to Ezekiel, all by their ancient names to us but would have been familiar to Ezekiel and the people living in his generation, have been studied and revealed to be by their modern names written above and also below, all have very close alliances with one another at this point in time like never before, and the main alliance with these nations are with Russia, the Magog in Ezekiel’s prophecy, the underling nations all submit to Mother Russia and submit to her direction.  

The prophecy also includes, Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer, Beth Togarmah and many nations with them.

Today, Persia is Iran, who changed their name from Persia to Iran in the mid 1930’s before World War Two, to appease the Nazi Regime in Germany whom they collaborated with against the Jews, Cush is modern day Sudan, Put is Libya, Gomer and Beth Togarmah both refer to ancient countries that are now part of Turkey, and the other nations that are  in alliance with Gog would most likely be Syria, maybe Iraq; Syria for sure because Russia is deeply entrenched in Syria militarily at this present time and will never vacant Syria now—Gog will likely bring his military through Syria to invade Israel.

It is no coincident that Magog, who is modern day Russia, one of the most powerful nations in the world right now, who pretty well rules the Eastern nations because of their nuclear might, and whom also desires to be the one and only world power, has worked out deals and made alliances gradually over the last ten or so years with all the nations mentioned above.

Why are these nations so heavily allied, what is their purpose and their intentions?

Ezekiel’s prophecy declares that Magog, along with the underlings, Meshech, Tubal, Persia and the others will attack Israel, coming upon her with the intention to completely destroy the Jewish nation, Gog will lead these nations against Israel and cover her with troops like a cloud that covers the earth in a storm.

Russia has for some time now coveted the wealth of Israel’s natural gas reserves, and they want a part of it, really, they want it all, as Europe depends on Russia’s energy exports to fuel their homes, but since Israel is looking to become a player in this market Russia will not allow this to happen without them.

God said that he will put hooks in the jaws of Gog and his allies, and that Gog is to take command of all Magog’s allies, in modern terms this would mean that God will put a hook in the Russian President’s jaw and all his allies, and that the President of Russia must take command of all of Russia’s allies, who happen to be Turkey, Iran, et cetera.

The Scriptures say that they will be called to war against those whom the description reads is the Jewish nation of Israel because of the thoughts that will come into Gog’s mind, Israel is mentioned by name further into the prophecy so the description does not take any guessing to who the Lord is referring to, and Gog will devise this plan to attack and try to overtake Israel for her energy wealth, he will attempt to plunder and loot the people of Israel.

Sheba and Dedan, are the ancient names for the region known today as the Arabian Peninsula, in particular, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, these nations will protest the invasion of Israel by the Russian Federation, Turkey and Iran, but only in diplomatic terms, they will not come to Israel’s defense, although in the end they will not have to.

There will be another group that will also voice their protest, Tarshish and her young lions, whom many believe are the British Isles and the United States, in whom they just may be correct, as Tarshish in the time Ezekiel was given this word was in the farthest regions of the West, which today is the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

In the Psalms, it refers to the kings of Tarshish and their islands being in the West, so the United Kingdom is the closest possibility along with her young lions, which may reference Britain’s colonies like the US and Canada.

Russia, and its allies will invade Israel when the Jewish nation is at peace, her security walls have been removed, and the Israeli Defense Forces are somewhat dismantled, as the word of the Lord says that Gog’s thoughts produce an evil plan to attack Israel when they are at peace and unsuspecting of any attacks.

Today, Israel seems to always be on high alert every day, as they defend themselves from rocket attacks from Gaza on a daily basis, Iran threatens them every day with extinction, and so on, so right now they are not at peace and are always expecting one of their enemies to attack, and they have many enemies.

Some prophecy teachers think this invasion may occur before the seven-year Tribulation Period begins, but I disagree, as the conditions for the attack and the plan of Gog is to attack Israel when they have their guard down, so the idea of this attack happening prior to the peace treaty just does not line up with Scripture.

The Bible prophecies that the soon to be established one world government leader, the diabolical Antichrist, will enforce a seven-year peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians which will cause Israel to depend on this peace plan to afford them peace and safety, so I am convinced this attack will happen once Israel is being protected under the provisions of the peace treaty, the attack could happen within the first three years of this peace treaty, but this is something that will be more accurately defined  once it happens.

Then there are others that ponder whether this attack will happen in the second half of the Tribulation Period, and again I would have to disagree, because in the second half of this most horrible time on earth the Jews that are still alive after the first half of the Tribulation Period flee to a place prepared for them by God.

They flee because the one world dictator will try to eliminate them similar to what Adolph Hitler’s scheme was, he will turn on Israel whom he made the seven-year covenant with, he will begin his plan of extinction right in the middle of the 2,520-day Tribulation Period just as the Prophet Daniel said he would.

The Antichrist will enter the Third Jewish Temple that he will sanction the Temple Mount Institute to build in the first three years of the Tribulation Period, the construction of this temple could be right after the invasion of Russia for it to still be standing in the middle of this time period and for the daily sacrifice which will be re-instituted to still be occurring once the man of sin enters the Third Temple and desecrates it.

Once this prophesied event of the Antichrist desecrating the Temple takes place the Jews are then wise to the one world dictator’s scheme, and through Divine revelation they flee to a place of safety, this place will be prepared for the Jews that flee and they will be taken care of for 1,260 days which is exactly the last half of the Tribulation Period.

The possibility for the invasion of Israel by Gog and his military forces and his multilateral partnership is not likely to happen after the Jews flee to the place prepared for them by God, which some Bible scholars over the years think it may be Petra in the deserts of Jordan, because the Scriptures do say the place prepared for Israel is in the desert, and Petra seems the most likely probability.

My spiritual sense tells me that the invasion will most likely occur not only in the first half of the seven-year Tribulation Period but shortly after the one world dictator enforces the peace treaty, because as said, Israel’s barriers come down because the one world government will guarantee their protection, and immediately for the first time since Israel’s rebirth in 1948 they feel safe, so what a great opportunity for Russia to take advantage quickly of an unsuspecting people.

President Putin, already has visions of obtaining Israel’s energy supplies as he has been in negotiations to become a partner with them in the energy sector, but he would rather have it all for himself being an extremely shrewd and ruthless, discreet dictator, so that he can dominate the exportation of energy everywhere his heart desires.

When the time comes, the peace treaty is enforced and Israel feels secure, whether it be the current President of Russia or just  the leader in charge for sure, in his mind he may be thinking strike now and strike fast—I hope you can see that Russia, Turkey and Iran are masters at deception and have already been thinking about this scenario and for sure have contingency plans in place, it is no coincidence that Russia moved into Syria a few years back so that they can be right across the border from Israel, right beyond the Golan Heights.

It is likely that the Antichrist will not be as determined as he should be in protecting Israel anyways, right now the United Nations could not care less if Israel exists or not, so once the treaty goes into effect I can see the one world leader’s protection of the Jewish people will not be a priority, and Gog will know and see this too, he may quickly take the opportunity to carry out the thoughts his mind, to carry out this invasion while not only Israel is off guard but so will their one world protectors be asleep as far as Israel is concerned.  

As said, God will put a hook in Gog’s jaws to bring him the idea and the courage through greed to attack Israel, but God’s motive to stir on this attack is so that he may show his might and power through Gog so that Israel will see it, it will be something similar to the Six-Day War, when God saved Israel from the destruction of the outside forces in that war.

When the President of the Russian Federation attacks Israel in this prophesied invasion God’s wrath will explode, he will then cause a great earthquake to occur in the Holy Land, every fish, every bird, every animal that lives on the land, and every person on the face of the earth at that time will be filled with fear because the Lord will reveal his presence.

When the Lord reveals his presence at this time it does not mean the earth’s inhabitants will see him, but it means his Holy Spirit will rush through the earth like a hurricane coming in off the Atlantic Ocean into the Florida Keys, mountains will be uprooted, hills and every wall will come tumbling down unto the ground because of the great and awesome presence of the Lord.

The Lord will attack Gog, and those he leads, causing the invaders to attack one another, it will be similar to how the angel of the Lord put 185,000 Assyrian soldiers to death in just one night when their king besieged Jerusalem and threatened to overtake it, God will execute judgment on Russia, Turkey, Iran and every other invader of Israel with them.

As said, this attack must happen soon, because the alliance of these prophesied nations has never been so perfect as it is at this time, and it is doubtful they will stay allied for another 5 or 10 or 15 years, nations do not keep their alliances forever, and here we have  three and more  prophesied multilateral nations that Scripture says will agree together  to attack the land of Israel, so the time looks like it is now for the fulfillment of this prophecy—how long do you think these nations will stay in union and be allied with one another?

The current President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, will be in his position for at least another six years after winning the 2018 Russian Presidential election, so if this Magog, Meshech and Tubal invasion into the land of Israel happens within the time period of his current term, it will only stand to reason that President, Vladimir Putin is the Gog, of the land of Magog.

As said, this invasion will most likely not happen until after the peace treaty is enforced, and the rapture has to happen before the man of sin can enforce the peace treaty according to the Scriptures, also knowing that Jesus prophesied that his return to earth to set up his earthly kingdom—not meaning the rapture because these are two separate and distinct events—will be witnessed by some that witnessed the rebirth of Israel in 1948, then by simple mathematics Vladimir Putin will still be in his position of the Head of State in Russia, or at least be appointed as the Prime Minister again for the third time in the next election year if the time should lapse, and we know that when he was Prime Minister under Dmitry Medvedev that Putin still was the man in charge.

It is looking very sure that the Gog, of the land of Magog, may very well be the current President of Russia—ostensibly speaking of course.  

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons