Hi everyone! This is my very first blog. I hope I can make it as interesting as possible for you. If you are a person of faith, then you are the one whom I want to reach. Of course, if you are not a person of faith, then I hope you would be. What do I mean by 'a person of faith'? I mean a person who has put their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord (and confesses that, with their mouth), and believes that He has truly risen from the dead. If you believe this statement then you have received God's salvation (Romans 10:9-10). Many people have made this confession, and truly do believe it. You are my audience today.
Did you notice the title of my blog? Go back and take a look at it. For you younger people, I am referring to the "Signs of the times" that we are living in. Your parents know what I am talking about. We do not hear this phrase much anymore; do we, Dad and Mom? If it is brought up in conversation, many of our friends tend to make mockery of it. They make mockery of it because they cannot understand it (I am giving them the benefit of the doubt). They do not know how to discern the times, so they would rather talk about something else. Does your Pastor ever teach you how to discern the "signs of the times"? If he has not, or does not, then what is he teaching you?
Do you know that we (this generation of the Church) are a very blessed people? I am not referring to the amount of material items we North Americans possess, but I am referring to the amount of revelation of the Word of God that is available to us today. Oh yes! The Lord is revealing more of a deeper understanding of His Word, than He has, even one hundred years ago. It seems to have been catapulted by the 'Pentecostal Revival' at the beginning of the twentieth century. Our Lord is revealing so many things to the Church, especially in this generation. By generation I am not meaning the last twenty, thirty or forty years. But I am meaning the generation who witnessed Israel become a re-established nation in 1948.
The Lord has been revealing to us some very basic elements of who, we the New Creation, really are. For example: He has been revealing (once again) the authority, and the power, that we have in Christ Jesus our Lord. This is a very basic rudiment of our faith that the Lord had to re-establish, for us in this generation, so that we can be effective and be a part of His plan, in these last days of the Church age. The apostle Paul knew it. That is why he taught it in his writings. Many Christians are learning this principle, but for the wrong reasons. Whatever reason you may have, conjured up in your mind, why you are learning who (and why) you are in Christ, is for one reason. The reason is so we the Church, can follow the plan of the Lord, and "discern the signs of the times". Discern the times, because of His great plan for Israel and the Church.
What time is it! Mr. Logos's revealer, you may ask. I am so glad that you asked this, Mr./Mrs./Ms. blogger reader. This is the time when Jesus will come and redeem the nation of Israel, and they will anoint Him as their Messiah and King (See Daniel 9:24). Likewise, this is the time when the Church age is about to come to an end (See 1Thessalonians 4:16-17; 2Thessalonians 2:1-2). This is the time when we need to "discern the signs of the times", more then our brothers and sisters in Christ, at the 'Pentecost Revival'.
The disciples (unknowingly) asked Jesus this question: "What is the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?" (Matthew 24:3, HNV). The reason I say that the disciples unknowingly asked Jesus this question is because: First, they thought they were asking something pertaining to Him setting up his kingdom power over the then ruling Roman Empire. And secondly; they had no idea of an entity called the Church, or the New Creation, as we now know it; and they later learned. Unknown to the disciples they, at the time of asking, were inspired by the Holy Spirit to ask the Lord Jesus Christ, information for our use in this generation (remember, I am referring to the generation which are living in this time of Israel's existence as an independent nation), pertaining to the signs of the times so we may be ready for the end of the Church age.
As I said already to the younger people, your parents have heard some of this before, but likely not for sometime. But please, Dad and Mom do not be a mocker and say: "Where is the promise of his coming?" (2 Peter 3:4a, HNV). If you say this, the Lord will call you a scoffer, who follows only after their own lusts (See verse three). So I encourage you to line yourself up with the Word of God. The coming of the Lord for the Church will complete the end of the Church age. Do we as a Church discern the signs of the times, or are we like the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who could not even discern the time of the Lord's coming the first time? (See Matthew 16:1-4).
In upcoming blogs I will discuss more of this very important subject. Until then, ask your Father in heaven to reveal more of His holy Word (logos) to you.
Walk in God's grace, and be blessed!