Saturday, July 14, 2018

Shaken and Uncomfortable

I was talking to a brother briefly yesterday about how President Trump is like a thorn in the side of the current world leaders.

The 2018, NATO Summit just wrapped up in Brussels, Belgium, the other day, where NATO Heads of State and Government spent two days discussing European security, the battle against terrorism, ways to update NATO Alliance, and the most important issue on President Trump’s agenda was his demand that the rest of the NATO countries pull their weight in military spending.   

I will not go into the details of the Summit because bluntly putting it, it is boring! but the issue of other countries paying their fair share was the hot topic, which gave the liberal mainstream media something else to twist and spin so that they could ridicule and mock the POTUS—their contempt for him is unlike anything I have ever witnessed before.

Trump accused Germany of bowing down to Russia, saying that Germany is dependent on Russia for a large percentage of their energy supplies, and whether or not the President has his numbers right it was just another so-called important topic for the liberal media to give extensive coverage to which really in the end doesn’t matter; he also made a point to call them out personally for not paying their fair share into defense spending which drew the ire of some pompous Democrat leaders.

This, of course, rattled the feathers of some European Diplomats, and even the U.S. Republican Senator from Arizona, who happens to be the, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, saw the President’s stance as no more than just a “performance” in which he gave him a failing review.

If you Google the 2018 Summit, you will see nothing but journalistic scorn towards President Trump, and his belief that the United States has carried NATO for far too long, and he is wholly determined and sure that the other nations will increase their spending to offset the tax burden that the U.S. taxpayer has strapped on their back; carrying the military spending burden for the rest of NATO is something that the United States, under President Trump, will bring to an end.  

The brother, that I mentioned above, and me, have talked a lot over the past year and a half about how every world leader just seems to despise President Trump, the only likely exception might be, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel—I cannot think of any other world leader that would consider Trump an ally or political friend, certainly not the U.S. neighbor to the north and their liberal leader, but there is optimism that Mexico’s new leader is willing to have friendship with President Trump.

Do you know the reason why these politicians hate him? it is for no other reason than they are Globalists, with the agenda of establishing a one world government, and he is not, he is just the opposite, he is a nationalist.

Many in the liberal media now refer to nationalism as being backwards and toxic.

President Trump is an America first type of leader, he vows to put America ahead of globalism, where many of the United States elected Government officials are in step and singing the tune of a one world government, they dance and sing along with the European Union heads, and their sole purpose in power is to implement a globalist government, which happens to be prophesied in the Bible, so it will be established.

Their idea is no borders, one big government, the individual is not important but only the collective, this is by the way, what Nimrod was trying to establish when he was building the Tower of Babel, as he was building a passage way to a heavenly portal in that area, hoping to allow more fallen angels easier access to the earth.

The liberal mainstream media, the international banking system, and many multinational corporations are all part of this one world government enterprise, and they will stop at nothing to fulfill their agenda.

Western nations now have a huge number of their population that buy into this one world agenda, something that even thirty or forty years ago would have been impossible to have a consensus on, but now many are in harmony with the song of globalism, a one world government will achieve world peace and prosperity for all they think, therefore their disdain for President Trump and his nationalistic view is evident in the continual vitriol and violent attacks against anyone that either works for him or is a Trump supporter.

Yesterday, in our brief conversation, as my brother was referring to the Peter Strzok congressional hearing, that took place Thursday, he said something that dawned on me.

He made mention to the two witnesses in the Revelation, chapter eleven, and how they will be a thorn in the side of the world leaders in their day too; just like President Trump is like a bull in a china shop with his contemporaries.

These two witnesses, are the two olive trees and the two lamps referred to in the Book of Zechariah, they are anointed by the Lord to serve him in the seven-year Tribulation Period—the time of Jacob’s trouble, which is the final seven years of Israel’s 490-year decree mentioned of in the Book of Daniel.

The parallel between President Trump and the two witnesses of the Tribulation Period is extraordinary.

Both, my brother and me, seem to see that just as the two witnesses will disrupt the agenda of the one world leaders in the Tribulation Period, President Trump is now disrupting the lives of the future one world leaders right before the Tribulation Period.

In the Tribulation Period, the two witnesses will make life unbearable for the world leaders and their followers by miraculously stopping the rain from falling during their time of ministry, they will have power to turn the waters into blood, and cause as many plagues as they choose to strike the earth.

The world leaders and the followers of the Antichrist will despise these two lamps, these two olive trees anointed to carry out the Lord’s work.

Today, President Trump has the power of the United States Government behind him, and he is using it to shake and make uncomfortable the Globalist’s, those that are determined to destroy the United States of America and make it a border-less nation, turn it into a globalist so-called utopia, which will eventually end up as part of the one world government with ten districts—the States could be one district, or maybe not, I do not know for sure.

I am not sure if the President knows bible prophecy or what the future is for the West according to the Scriptures, but whether he knows or not he is not going down without a fight; his desire is to keep America a great and powerful nation.

Since he has come into the office of the POTUS he has not only shaken the leftwing socialist’s in the United States, but he has shaken the left ideologues in every nation across the West.

He scares the United Nations, and he seems to make it uncomfortable for every globalist that thought once Hillary Clinton became President then their dreams of a one world government implementation would finally come to pass, but instead Donald Trump became President, and Hillary, I would politely suggest get some needed therapy to get over her 2016 Presidential loss.

The Globalist’s have suffered a temporary loss, according to the Scriptures, that is why they have not given up in trying to get President Trump impeached, or dethroned, or however you want to look at it—the Globalist’s may feel worried that their long-awaited plan did not occur when they thought it would, but according to Bible prophecy there will be a one world government for at least seven years; the Church has to be raptured before it can be officially realized.  

There is a book on Amazon called, ‘The Paradigm’ written by, Jonathan Cahn, a man whom I consider can really hear the Holy Spirit, and who has deep understanding of the Scriptures, especially as they pertain to the prophetic.

In this book, The Paradigm, Jonathan Cahn correlates the lives of a few specific individuals in ancient Israel, and certain events that occurred in their lives—one of these people is King Ahab, a very evil king in ancient Israel, and Ahab’s wife, Queen Jezebel, the daughter of King Ethbaal of the Sidonians—with the lives of former President Bill Clinton, and his wife, former First Lady, Hillary Clinton.

The parallels do not end there, as the archetypes also reach to specific people involved in the Clinton’s circle of associates over the last twenty to thirty years or so; even Donald Trump is seen as part of the paradigm in this book.

I cannot give you an in-depth synopsis of this book, although I would like to, because this book is a work of knowledge revealed by the Holy Spirit, this work reveals mysteries from the Bible that are prophetic in nature, this book is a must read—get it on Amazon.

The Holy Spirit revealed to Jonathan Cahn that Donald Trump is part of an unfolding template from ancient Israel, in particular the time surrounding King Ahab and his wife, where Donald Trump is the antitype of an ancient figure in the Bible by the name of Jehu.

Jehu was the bold and brash military commander of King Ahab’s military forces, who was anointed by the Lord to eventually become king of Israel, but before he became king he purged Israel of Baal worship and literally eliminated those that introduced the worship of Baal and Asherah into the nation of Israel.

As the likeness goes, between the two witnesses of the Revelation and President Trump, they both cause headaches not only for the world leaders in their prescriptive age, but they both drive their historical audiences crazy because the people in opposition can find no way to stop them.

Today, democrats and liberals, and everyone that has a leftwing ideology along with a socialist agenda cannot stand President Trump, even so, the people during the 1260-day minister of the two witnesses will wish that these two prophets of God Almighty were dead.

The mainstream liberal media, all over every Western nation, does nothing but report endless negative coverage on President Trump, they continually take actual good news and spin it into negative news, which causes uniformed and benighted left leaning individuals to lose their minds to the point where they want him dead; there have been some that have even called for his assassination in one way or another, and I do not know why they are not in jail right now.

The two witnesses will cause so much havoc on the world in their time, devastation ordered by the Lord to reveal his wrath, that the people who are devoted to the one world government and the Antichrist go insane with hatred towards them, and then, when the beast that comes up out of the Abyss kills them the world will rejoice.

The two witnesses will lie dead in the street for three days, and the people that follow the Antichrist will refuse to bury them, this may be ordered from the top, but nonetheless their dead bodies lie exposed to the vermin, the people will be delighted and will celebrate with one another over the death of these two prophets of God.

I cannot help but perceive amid the striking similarities between Donald Trump and the two witnesses that the President is not only the most powerful leader in the world right now, being the President of the United States, but that he could also be a forerunner to the two witnesses of the Tribulation Period; I mean in Biblical proportions.

What I mean is; what are the chances that this side of the Tribulation Period a man arises from out of the business world and who was a former television personality to become the most powerful leader in the world, he now has the unwanted attention of all the liberal media across the world, who are in fact Globalist’s, who despise him so much they are trying everything to discredit him, mock his supporters, and demean his wife and family, and by his manner and behavior you can see similarities between him and the two witnesses in the Tribulation Period.

Every other world leader would prefer that he would just vanish off the face of the earth, because since he has been in office he has continually chided them because their countries have used the USA as a never-ending spout to make their countries richer, taking advantage of the American’s in trade and commerce, at the fault of former President’s before him, but now President Trump has said that it will not continue.

He is never politically correct, he says what is on his mind whether people like it or not, and he uses the strength and the power of the United States to make the lives of the Globalist’s shake and be uncomfortable; he continually drives the Globalist’s mad, along with every person that is a one world socialistic enthusiast.

The two witnesses will drive the world leaders in their time crazy—some whom I predict are already or have been leaders in the world this side of the Tribulation Period—with their righteous denunciation of them, as the Tribulation citizens try to harm the two lamps, and because of the mighty power of God that they will command and exert.   

I can see God Almighty using Donald Trump to not only put egg on the face of all the Luciferian’s that had the 2016 Presidential election in the bag for Hillary Clinton, but that he is also giving these Globalist’s an early taste that will surely intensify of the two witnesses that will arrive in their new world order, and for half of their one world government reign, which is the whole of the seven-year Tribulation Period, they will receive even more misery and torment than what Donald Trump is causing them to suffer now.

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons