Friday, May 31, 2019

The Watch Tower Deception

I am sitting here at my desktop with Microsoft Word open, my mind is as blank as is the empty document before me, through the night some really insightful verses of Scripture continued to flood my mind so I got up with pen and paper and jotted down some of those thoughts, I said to the Lord that this is good stuff and that maybe I should put it in a document and post it as an article on my blog in the morning, meaning after I have a couple of McDonald’s Big Breakfasts, with a little peanut butter and some almonds, but after breakfast here I sit looking at the notes I wrote down during my interrupted sleep, and looking kind of blurry-eyed at my reflection on the computer screen.

I have some nice relaxing music playing in the background as it usually helps me to think as I write, but the document does not want to develop into anything that I would post on the internet as I have already started two articles but quickly filed both of them away for a later date, but wait, hold on, I hear a light tapping sound coming from the other side of my front door, on the other side, is two fine looking ladies dressed in their Sunday-best, one carries across her breast a couple of large books and some magazines  like a mother would carry a baby in her arms, I knew right away that these women were from the Watch Tower Society.

Unless you never answer your front door, or never give strangers on the street the  time of day, you have encountered couples from the Watch Tower Society at one time or another, I don’t like to refer to them as Jehovah Witnesses  because they are anything but ambassador’s for the Lord Jesus Christ, but rather they represent a Jehovah conjured up by the fallen angels, unaware that they are led through the Scriptures by seducing spirits.

When I say that the Watch Tower Society represents a spirit of deception I say that because of one very important doctrine that they adhere to, and that doctrine has to do with Christ’s divinity, Jesus is God just as much as the Father is God and just as much as the Holy Spirit is God, every one of you that are true believers in Christ know this without any shadow of doubt or you would not have received the Holy Spirit when you first believed, but the Watch Tower organization and their disciples do not believe that Jesus is God and they have  cast his divinity away as if it is a satanic teaching, they do not believe that Jesus is equal with God the Father, or even  equal with God the Holy Spirit, whom they believe is not a person but just God’s agent of power; they do not believe that the Lord, God Almighty is triune, three divine persons existing in one Deity.

I cannot go into all of the Watch Tower doctrines and beliefs in this article, you can look that up on the internet if you are interested, but most of their doctrinal beliefs reveal that they do not have a true understanding of what God has revealed in the Scriptures, this has to do with their most important error in believing that Jesus is not God but just a son, like God’s angels who are his sons, even the fallen angels are God’s sons,  they believe that the Father is superior to Jesus and that they are not equally divine.

They  believe because of the craft of the fallen angels that because the bible refers to Jesus as the Son of God it somehow excludes him from deity status thereby putting him in the same class as an angel, they believe even that he was and now is just like one of them, the Watch Tower disciples are not even allowed to refer to Jesus as Lord,  but God the Father refers to Jesus as the Son because that is one of Christ’s divine titles, just as the name Father is one of God the Father’s divine titles, God designed these divine designations so that man could relate with both God the Father and God the Son easier, in a family manner, in a kindred way, these family type designations reveal that God Almighty  is interested in oneness, affection and intimacy, not only within the Godhead but within his creation as well.

God refers to his angels as sons but it does not mean that they are divine, but when he refers to Jesus as his son he does refer to him as being divine, he is relating to him as an equal, just as when Jesus refers to the Father as his father he is relating to him as an equal, but when angels and even believers refer to the Father as their father they refer to him as their superior, as better, as majesty, as royalty,  as divine; this confuses anyone that does not have God the Holy Spirit dwelling within them, the disciples of the Watch Tower Society cannot comprehend this divine knowledge revealed to those that have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  

There are some things in Scripture  that a Pentecostal, or Baptist, or an evangelical  might agree with a Watch Tower disciple when they come to the door with their message, but when it comes to the divinity of Christ  that is where the agreement hits a wall, the Watch Tower doctrine is so close to the truth in some areas  that this is why their beliefs and doctrines are so deceptive, much of what they believe as truth is like saying that two and two equals five, even though the answer to that mathematical calculation is so close to being right it does not make the answer  right, in fact, it is as wrong as two and two equals a hundred, this is how deception works, being close enough to being right does not make it truth.

Even though it is written many places in Scripture about the divinity of Jesus Christ they cannot understand it,[1] they have come up with their own understanding of the Scriptures, they think that Jesus is Michael the archangel, one of the chief princes,[2] the archangel that had to oppose one of the fallen ones for the body of Moses,[3]  but Jesus is not an angel but is in essence God, he has never been anything but God and has existed as God for eternity, when he became a man he did not consider his eternal appearance, his very nature of God, his being equal with God, he did not use his divinity for his advantage,[4] it even says in the Scriptures that all the fullness of the Godhead  lives  in Jesus’ physical being,[5] that means he was not or ever has been an angel but has always been God, he was God before he was born to Mary, he was God during his earthly ministry, and after he was resurrected from the dead he is God for evermore.

I could go on to prove my point that Jesus is God but you already know and believe in your heart that he is God, today when I explained to the Watch Tower disciples at my door that I did not agree with their theology and that I truly  believe that  Jesus is God they, unfortunately, resisted the truth at that time, one of the two started to volley  me with a bunch of Scriptures that proved she was under the influence of deception, her preaching was evidence that a seducing spirit has deceived her and what she thinks is the truth is only deception, the more mature of the two ladies grabbed the arm of the exuberate one and vigorously dragged the two of them away.

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Matthew 1:21-23 (ASV)
“And she shall bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name JESUS; for it is he that shall save his people from their sins.
Now all this is come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying,
Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son,
And they shall call his name Immanuel;
which is, being interpreted, God with us”.[6]

[1] John 10:30-33; 20:28; Philippians 2:5-7; Colossians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:16; Titus 2:13; Hebrew 1:8-9; 2 John 1:7; 2 Peter 1:1; Revelation 1:8
[2] Daniel 10:13
[3] Jude 1:9
[4] Philippians 2:6
[5] Colossians 2:9
[6] Isaiah 7:14; 9:6