I remember watching back
in the 1990’s a Seinfeld episode, where Jerry joked about aliens watching people
from outer space walking behind their dogs carrying their little poop bags, and
thinking that maybe the dogs were the leaders.
That was a funny, yet striking
analogy.I do not concur with the comedian that there are aliens from other planets, but what if these fictitious aliens were looking down today and observed how people constantly have their nose stuck into their cellphone?
They may assume that the cellphone is a human magnet, or quite likely some kind of god, since people just cannot seem to detach it from their hand and face.
I would never have imagined even ten or eleven years ago that the world would not have the capability to lift their heads up from a mobile device.
Selfies, texting, Facebook and Twitter have all drawn the attention of people with an amazing hypnotic spell that has made the mobile device become the babysitter, boyfriend and girlfriend, even the brain of many people today.
I guess you could say that it is just the day we live in.
Is it just me, or have you noticed that many millennials do not have certain phrases in their language.
The phrases ‘thank-you’ ‘you’re welcome’ and ‘I am sorry’ seems to be forbidden speech in many people’s vocabulary today. I notice it a lot when going through the drive-thru.
I suppose it is just the day we live in.
It is a bit edgy in the grocery isle if you are a passive shopper.
They should hand out protective body gear as you enter one or any of the big-box stores, or at least give you the option of taking out temporary injury insurance policies as you purchase their inventory.
I have learned that there is need for precaution, and it is wise to assume a defensive posture while buying groceries, so that I leave the store without the back of my ankles sore or grocery cart marks on my pants.
I often see three hands on certain products I pick up to examine; my hands and a third from some woman I do not even know.
At this point I generally hear a gentle voice in my head that says, “Be polite.”
Does the day we live in really have to be like this?
Conversations that I engage into about the day we live in often leads to dialogue on bible prophecy.
Ten, even five years ago, it was hard for me to imagine what people would be like during the Tribulation Period.
Thinking back, I was usually curious about what Tribulation people would be like, I would ponder on how they would act and carry on with each other.
What would their character or their personalities be like, would they have the same temperament or disposition as people had when I first began to think about these things?
I think this way because the bible indicates that once the Church is raptured societies moral turpitude will be widespread across the world—no light equals complete darkness.
I was used to the character and disposition of individuals even up to just five years ago, because people’s behavior did not deviate much from what I always knew as normal; growing up and into my adulthood.
Being familiar and dealing with many personality types—as everyone must to survive in this world—about five years ago, as said, it was somewhat difficult for me to comprehend what a Tribulation Period community would look like, but I wanted to know all the same.
Now, as the last few years have passed, and I continue to be keen on human observation, watching and experiencing human behavior in everyday life and activity, the Tribulation Period society is becoming clearer and the evidence of it is on our doorstep.
I have studied Christ’s Revelation of the Tribulation Period for a long time, and one thing I notice is that they that are not consumed by the horseman on the fiery red horse, or by the horseman on the pale horse, whose name is Death and Hell, will take part in the deaths of they that John saw under the alter in Heaven—future tense.
These people will suffer and eventually be put to death because of the word of God during the seven-year Tribulation Period.
They will not deny the word of God that will be revealed to them about the truth of Jesus Christ, and they will refuse to give in and follow the one world religion that will be officially instituted under the rule of the Antichrist.
The people that are not destroyed during the devastation of the second and fourth seals, opened by the Lamb of God, and kill the Tribulation Saints for not denying the word of God, are alive in society right now.
If you are surprised at this vision than you need to pay closer attention to what is taking place in the world today, and evaluate it with bible prophecy.
The bible says that in the days prior to the Tribulation Period the world will be dangerous, fierce, and hard to bear.
Today every nation is collapsing under the weight of greed, corruption, violence and so many other different things.
Under the noses of so many Westerners a one world government already exists, just like the bible predicted, and is ready to be publicly established very soon.
The one world leader has already been chosen and is waiting for his inauguration day, when he will be announced to the world as the leader of this new world society.
Some in the Church think they can stop this by prayer, but you cannot stop what the bible says will happen.
People have never been perfect since Adam disobeyed God, and instead listened to his wife, and then ate of the tree.
Man is not in the image of his God ordained perfection at this time.
Societies have always been disobedient to God and done evil things to one another, but over the last several years this behavior has taken a dramatic shift from bad to worse.
Governments are corruptor today than they have been in my lifetime.
There has always been corrupt government, but the degree of a politician’s dishonesty and misconduct over the last several years has climbed to new heights.
The unchallenged criminality in Western governments and their politician’s today is fundamentally transforming society that will be typical in the Tribulation Period.
I would be amiss not to mention that there are some sincere people in government, but they are far and few between.
The bible says to pray for government leaders so that there may be peace in the land.
What we are witnessing in the West is not a result of a lack of prayer for government leaders, but it is a spiritual paradigm shift developed by the god of this world because he is allowed to—good is bad and bad is good is society today.
You can be sure that every truly honest politician in the West today will not have a seat in the one world government once it is established.
The bible predicts that in the final days of the Church-age that people will be lovers of themselves.
Society has always loved self, especially since self-help psychology says it is important to a healthy and wealthy lifestyle.
Some of the Church has been deceived by this precept also, as some Christian Counsellors prescribe that the Christian must first love themselves before they can love anyone else.
I would suggest the Church first love the Lord Jesus Christ, and then the ability to love others will come.
I am truly seeing much clearer over the last several years the behavior of the Tribulation society.
The theory of good is all but gone from this society, as evil is embraced as if it is good.
Judeo-Christian ethic is being forced out of Western society completely, as it is viewed as a hindrance to a new philosophy, a new society, and a new world order.
This new society and its philosophy is really an old ideology that is similar to Vladimir Lenin’s Communist Party.
The one world government that the Illumined Ones have prepared, and will widely be accepted by most millennials, will be similar to the Bolshevik’s consolidation of power in 1917 Russia.
The new West will take charge of all aspects of the new world order economy, will forbid all faiths except their one world religion which will be Islam, there will be a thorough crackdown on all dissidents, as secret police will be watching people’s every move.
The day we live in right now is the next step to the beginning of the Tribulation Period civilization.
Picture: CC0 Creative Commons