It has been more than a month now
since our federal and state governments have locked down society. All over the
world people have been made to stay-home, and the orders are to not come within
six feet of any other human being, this on the recommendations of the Director-General
of the World Health Organization (WHO), and broadcast by the news media 24/7. They
broadcast that these restrictions are meant to keep people safe and healthy, so
that you don’t spread covid-19 to anyone else. The consequences of not staying
home and obeying physical distancing orders is that people will die—so they say.
Even though the models and projections of this coronavirus have been way
overblown and the number of deaths they projected have not happened. Not even
close. The WHO director-general is now saying that the “the worst is yet ahead
of us.”[1] He
even wants us to trust him, these are his words and not mine. I don’t
personally trust him, because he is a globalist that is only interested in
doing his part in establishing the one-world government that the Scriptures
predicted would happen.
What we are witnessing on the
earth right now is the prophesied one-world government making the move to get
the world under their control, they are using fear and dictatorial tactics to
make everyone subject to them. Most of the world, even much of the Christian
church is deceived in believing that the World Health Organization has our
health as their top priority, but let me tell you that they most certainly do
not. If they did, they would have not let the Chinese Communist Party knowingly
spread this coronavirus across the world, something they did by allowing
hundreds of thousands of their citizens take air flights out of Wuhan to the
rest of the world while at the same time did not allow any air flights or
travel out of Wuhan to any other part of China. The World Health Organization, knew
about this coronavirus and its effects late 2019, and yet they downplayed it right
up until they called it a pandemic in early March 2020. And then at that time
they were demanding that Federal, state, and local governments take measures to
prevent the coronavirus from spreading by locking down the world and demanding
that people practice physical distancing regulations.
Everyone is affected one way or
the other by the actions taken by local, state and federal governments in what
they call “stopping the spread of covid-19.” In the United States, more than 22
million people have been put out of work in just the last 3-4 weeks, people are
told to “stay home” and only go out for the essentials. Grandparents are restricted
from seeing and giving snuggles to their grandchildren, families are forbidden
to go visit their loved ones, police are even ticketing people with large fines
for being outside if they are not out for what law enforcement deems as a good reason.
Churches have been given orders not to assemble, and law enforcement across
North America even posted bulletins online before Good Friday warning people not
to assemble on the most holy weekend on the Christian Calendar. They did not precisely
say that Christians were not allowed to assemble on Good Friday and Easter
Sunday but we all know that their directive was issued for the Church specifically.
Who else could they have been referring to? Many of the globalist leaders in
America are saying that churches should never assemble anymore so that the
world stays coronavirus safe. They are only revealing their agenda with these
comments, which is fine with me because I know that under their global rule
there will be no church anyways.
With what we have witnessed this
last month makes me think about what the Scriptures has predicted, that the Church-age
has an end date. The Scriptures predict that the Church-age will come to an end,[2] and
when this age is over the rapture of the Church will happen to complete the
Body of Christ’s salvation—spirit, soul, and body.[3] How
does the reaction and the measures implemented by government officials because
of this coronavirus make me think of the end of the Church-age? Well, I am
going to tell you. The orders from the World Health Organization, carried out
by every federal, state and local governments, has put a freeze on the
assembling together of the Church body. Some churches have tried to still hold
service in the United States but some government authorities especially at the
local levels have threatened them to desist from assembly. The media has showed
up at some of these churches and have videoed the people in attendance and then
report it on their Twitter feeds; all in a malicious attempt to shame them. Some
in the media have said that the Christians are killing people by meeting together.
Online, the hatred toward these pastors and church-goers has been posted
blaming them for spreading the coronavirus.
So, the leaders of the Church, so
they are not arrested or hassled, have to perform their services online. Using skeleton
crews, ministers and worship teams have streamed online church service so that
people can then partake from their homes. It has worked for about a month so
far, but virtual meetings will not last forever. People will eventually get out
of the habit of this type of church service and will eventually stop viewing
online altogether; this unfortunately is human nature. Even though the Church
is God’s new creation we are still in earthly bodies, we still have the flesh to
contend with. How long do you think most church-goers will last just watching a
worship team sing and a minister give a teaching online? I am saying that it
will not last very long. Yes, it could last for another month or two, but once
time roles on the idea of sitting in front of a computer or watching church by
a smartphone will become monotonous to most believers, it will get boring and
wearisome fast. This new idea that the government officials have forced upon
the whole Church will become mundane. At first many have joined in while the
church leaders streamed the service live, then after a few weeks many in the Church
just view the service later on in the day instead of joining in with the
worship team live. Then, as time goes by, and the church is still forbidden to
assemble in the pews, Christians will get in the habit of just viewing their church
service online when it is convenient to do so. It may, or may not, be just something
they will watch through the week after they have caught up on what is trending
on Netflix or Amazon Prime. I wonder after a month already if offerings are down?
The Church is a hands-on
operation, it is meant that people have physical contact with each other so
that ministry can be performed. People need one-on-one contact with pastors and
teachers, they need anointed hands laid on them and being physically prayed
over. Christians need one-on-one contact with one another, brother sharing with
brother, we all need to sense the Spirit of God as the Church assembles in
person. Christians need the discipline of getting up on Sunday morning and going
to the place where the word of God is preached from the pulpit, the place where
they can minister one-on-one with one another. They need a physical domain
where they can welcome other people, a place where the unsaved can come and
sense the love of the Christian community and receive help from them. If you
think that the world will allow the Church to ever have assemblies again like
before this coronavirus then you are mistaken. The government, and especially
the global government, will never allow the Church to amass and hold live services
anymore in fear of another coronavirus. They will use as their reason to forbid
the gathering of church-goers that people will die. Even if the government does
allow churches to assemble again you can be sure that the six-foot distance rule
will still take effect and everyone will be made to wear a mask. They will not
allow any physical contact, and without a doubt the government will send in spies,
they will be there to see if the Church abides by their physical distancing laws
that will likely be enforced forever now.
Church on-line will not last for
very long, many will begin to get out of the spiritual structure of attending
church via a computer because this is not how church services are meant to be. It
would be better if the Church were to meet secretly in homes like the Church
does in China and the Middle East, like they used to do in the former Soviet
Union. At least then it would actually cost us something to practice our faith.
But today’s Western church will not do this, pastors and leaders of the Church look
down on this method of meeting together in various homes because they are
afraid to lose control over their congregations. Something to keep in mind;
many local governments are already telling its citizens to snitch on people
that are not following the restrictions being enforced, so if Christians were
to begin meeting in homes then the snitch-hotline will ring off the wall in
most police stations—this is what the Chinese Church has to deal with
constantly. Maybe we can get some tips from them.
Some will say to me, but God is
in control over this situation; he is in control over the world and everything
that happens in it. Read your Bible, Lucifer is the god of this world and the
occult world is in control at this present time. The fallen angels are the
powers that control the nations of the world since before Abraham.[4] When
God Most High, separated man and dispersed them after the Tower of Babel
incident he set boundaries across the earth and he then put the fallen angels
in charge over it.[5] (When
you read Deuteronomy 32:8, in the Old Testament, in an English translation that
has been translated from the Masoretic Text,[6]
you will find that instead of it reading, “the angels of God,” you will see
that it reads, “the sons of Israel.” This is a mistake made by the Masoretes
when they copied and edited the Hebrew Bible between the seventh and tenth
century AD. I call it a mistake because of the vital error in translation;
their translation is misleading. Many of our modern English translations of the
Old Testament use the Masoretic Text to interpret the Hebrew into English,
which is not bad but by doing this a clear understanding is not revealed in
many of the Old Testament verses. Therefore, it is good to get a translation of
the Old Testament that has been interpreted from the Septuagint although there are
not many (Orthodox Study Bible), because the Greek translation of the Hebrew
Bible brings out more of a precise understanding of the Scriptures; Jesus and
the early Church used the Septuagint when studying the Scriptures. When you
really want to critically analyze the Hebrew text the Septuagint is a good tool
to do this. You can actually download the Septuagint online to your computer
and then study the Old Testament using the Greek translation converted to the
English language). God allows the fallen angels to control the nations and
everything that happens in them, because man chooses to worship the fallen
angels rather than him. This is one of the reasons for the seven-year Tribulation
Period, God will pour out his wrath not only on disobedient man but also the
fallen angels.
Some think a great revival or a
great awaking is going to come out of the coronavirus pandemic, but all
indications so far reveal that it is not likely to happen. Rather what is
happening is the world is turning to the World Health Organization instead of
turning their hearts to God. They are following the world government that is
inspired by the fallen angels instead of the Lord. Someone said to me that the
Scriptures point to a revival before the seven-year Tribulation Period but that
is just not so. In fact, the Scriptures indicate that in these final days of the
Church-age people will be lovers of themselves, they will be filled with
selfishness, hatred, division, deceit, and so on.[7]
Even in the Church people will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits,
they will follow their own agendas and personal spiritual aspirations that have
been offered to them by demons.[8]
Just prior to the rapture of the Church the Apostle Paul taught that some people
will rebel against the Lord and fall away from the faith,[9] so
how at the end of the Church-age is their going to be a world-wide revival or a
great awakening when the gospel message is a stench to most of the world at
this present time. Most people are actually converting to Islam as they have a
disdain for the Christian Church and its message of hope. The spiritual condition
of man really changed after the rebirth of Israel in 1948, there have been
small pockets of spiritual renewal here and there but as far as what has been prophesied
a spiritual decline is abounding.
Don’t be surprised or put off
with what I am saying, the writing is on the wall. The Church-age does come to
an end before the one-world leader receives his demonic power to take over the
Western world. When he forces Israel and the Palestinians to sign a treaty then
the seven-year Tribulation Period begins, followed by 2,520 days of the wrath
of God upon the fallen angels and those that have chosen to follow the evil
ones. What the world is witnessing this day is the establishment of the kingdom
of the Antichrist, the control the World Health Organization has over the world
right now is an indication that the Church will not be allowed to operate in
the world like it did even two months ago. What we are witnessing is the end of
an age.
But what can we do right now?
What we can do right now, more than we have ever done before, is focus our
attention away from earthly things and put our mind and heart on things above.
Seek God and his will. Contrary to what many church leaders believe, his will
right now is getting the Church ready for the completion of our salvation. This
means the rapture of the Church is any time now, so pray that the Lord come and
rapture us out of here. Pray for those that are still yet to receive eternal live
because they have been appointed to the Body of Christ. They need to be
delivered from darkness; they need to have the blindness cast off their minds
that has been put on them by the god of this world. I tell you, look up,
because your redemption is nearer than when you first believed.
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[2] Matthew 24:3; 28:20
[3] 1 Thessalonians 5:23
[4] Daniel 10:13
[5] “When the Most High divided the nations, when he
separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nation’s according to the
number of the angels of God” (Deuteronomy 32:8, Septuagint).
(accessed 4/20/20)
[7] 2 Timothy 3:1-5
[8] 1 Timothy 4:1
[9] 2 Thessalonians 2:3