The other day a video commentary came up on my Twitter feed by Hananya Naftali, a Jewish man, who is a pro-Israel influencer on social media.[1] Many things Israel I am interested in, so I watched his short video—you can watch it by clicking the link below.[2] He began his video by commentating on the Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, and his visit to the Temple Mount (Har Habayit – Mount of the House) in Jerusalem. Ben Gvir visited the Temple Mount on Tuesday morning, January 3, 2023 (Tebet 10, 5783).[3] His visit was to commemorate the destruction of the Temple, and it was a Jewish fast day.
Twenty-four hours later the UN Security Council held a special meeting pertaining to Ben Gvir’s visit. The Security Council condemned his visit, with the top voices being: Saudi Arabi, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, and of course the Palestinian Authority. There were also several other Middle East countries that likewise condemned Ben Gvir’s visit. The United States, along with the United Kingdom, and France, condemned the visit in like manner. In fact, a senior official from the Biden Administration accused Ben Gvir of trying to sow chaos with his visit to the Temple Mount.
At his visit, Ben Gvir reflected on the many racists acts against Jews that visit the site, and reminded everyone of the injustice that Jews are forbidden to pray there. Jews cannot openly pray on the Temple Mount because Israel’s government in 1967 (the Six-Day-War) relinquished control of the Har Habayit after gaining control of it from Jordan. After gaining control of it an Israeli soldier tied an Israeli flag to the top of the Dome of the Rock which brought fear to some of Israel’s then governing officials. The fear caused the defence minister at that time to order the flag taken down. And then, he made a deal with Jordan’s Muslim Waqf that would allow Jews to visit the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, but on condition they would not openly pray there, even though the Har Habayit would be under Israeli sovereignty and protection. Under the agreement between Israel and the Waqf, only Muslim officials govern who can pray or not pray on the Temple Mount. This is known as the status quo agreement—only people of the Muslim faith can pray on the Temple Mount. You may notice that the Israeli police provide security on the Temple Mount, but because of this past agreement they are not allowed to let either Jews or Christians pray there.
In Naftali’s commentary he remarks how the Palestinian Authority are always ranting on how they want peace but claim that Israel is the one that opposes any peace initiative. Anyone that follows news in Israel knows that Israel wants peace even if it is to their detriment. The Israeli population suffers rocket attacks from Gaza almost daily. Young Arab men frequently throw rocks at Jews on the Temple Mount. Israeli Security are often being attacked by young Arab men. Mahmoud Abbas, and the Palestinian Authority encourage young Arabs to attack Jews and demand they refrain from making friendship with them. Naftali points out that Abbas makes frequent trips to the United Nations headquarters in New York City to cry to the governing body—he falsely claims that he wants peace. The leader of the Palestinian Authority often lies and makes the accusation that Israel does not want peace. But a liar cannot hide the bitter honey that drips from his lips. Abbas will fly across the world to say he wants peace to the global elites in New York, but will not have his driver take him from Ramallah to Jerusalem so he may sit down with the Israelis to discuss peace.
Israelis are divided, both Jews and Arabs, in dividing the land of Israel to make peace with the Palestinian Authority. They are divided on whether the government should advance the two-state solution. Only about 52% of both Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs think it is likely that there will be a peace agreement with the Palestinians within the next five years (data from July 2022).[4] As said, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, does not seem to have a keen interest in making peace with the state of Israel, but little does he know that in the very near future he will be forced to make peace with them whether he wants to or not. Contrary to Abbas’ agenda, Israel is willing to give up control of some of their land in order to get peace and safety. The Palestinian Authority do not want even one Jew living in what they believe is their land—this is how much they hate Jews.
After watching Naftali’s commentary, and hearing that Mahmoud Abbas is reluctant to make peace with Israel, someone makes this comment to Naftali’s Twitter post: “There is a man coming shortly that will force them to make peace. This forced peace will be a ruse to something extremely diabolical. But Abbas, and whoever else, will have no choice but to sign what will really be a fallacious treaty.” After that, there were a couple of men that replied to that comment. These men were anxious to know the man’s name that will force a treaty between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. They obviously have some interest in who this person’s name is. But the answer to their question did not come because his name is not known right now—although God knows who he is. But rather some Scripture verses were given from the book of Daniel pointing them to this man that will force the treaty. And a prophecy by Jesus from the Gospels was also added letting them know that this treaty will happen in the very near future. The man’s name is not known right now because nobody knows the identity of this treaty maker until it happens. And the treaty will not happen until after the body of Christ is raptured out of this world (2 Thess. 2:1-3, 6-8).
This man that will force Israel and the Palestinians to sign a treaty is living at this time; in case you may be wondering or even have doubts. He must be. Because of an important prophecy that Jesus gave that concerns the state of Israel and its rebirth (Matt. 24:32-34; Mk. 13:28-30; Lk. 21:29-32), which happened on May 14, 1948, it also pinpoints the generation when this treaty will happen (among other important prophetic events). Therefore, I assure you that this man that forces the treaty is alive right now. Jesus used prophetic/allegorical language in this prophecy to keep its meaning hidden from those that choose not to believe. But he tells those that do believe to learn “from the fig tree her parable” (Matt. 24:32a; Mk. 13:28a; Lk. 21:29a). The Greek transliteration parabolē is used, and the English translate it as parable. Parable in this instance is a prophetic utterance just like in, Numbers 23:7 and Ezekiel 20:49. The language Jesus used is this prophecy is like how the Old Testament prophets spoke when they prophesied, generally using allegorical language (2 Sam. 12:1-10; Daniel, chaps. 2 & 4). God expects his prophetic word to be deciphered so those that hear it will believe it and receive it and then acquire a good understanding of it until the prophecy comes fully to pass. And when it does come to pass its complete meaning will be fully realized.
In this word, Jesus describes the process of a fig tree when it bears fruit (Matt. 24:32b; Mk. 13:28b; Lk. 21:29b-30[5]), its branches get tender then the leaves come out and then the figs; this usually happens near the beginning of summer in Israel. In this prophetic/allegory, Israel will bear fruit at a specific time to come. Its fruit is the remnant Jews that will be redeemed; they will finally be holy before the Lord. The prediction is that once Israel is restored as a sovereign nation again (1948) then their faithfulness unto Yahweh will come after that—the fig tree must bring forth its leaves which is a sign that it has produced fruit, but the process is its branch gets tender first, which means Israel’s national sovereignty is restored (first time since 605 BC, when Nebuchadnezzar began to exile Judah) which then leads to the Jews producing fruit at a specific time. They finally become faithful to him (Dan. 9:24). Their faithfulness and right heart before God will come on the last day of their seventieth-week, the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period (Rev. 19:11-16).
The second part of Christ’s prophecy (Matt. 24:33; Mk. 13:29; Lk. 21:31) helps to pinpoint the season in which Israel’s redemption is complete. But you must go back to what Jesus prophesied before this (Matt. 24:27, 30-31). He prophesies his second appearance, his second coming (Rev. 19:11-16). But you must also go back even further to see what happens prior to his second appearance (Matt. 24:9-26), which is Israel’s Seventieth-week Period/seven-year Tribulation Period. So, Jesus prophesied that when the Seventieth-week of Israel/ Tribulation Period comes to pass, at his second appearance Israel will be redeemed (Isa. 45:17; Jer. 31:31-34; Dan. 9:24).
If you have any doubts that the man that forces Israel and the Palestinian Authority to sign a treaty is alive today, and that Jesus pinpoints the generation when this treaty will be signed, then you need to comprehend the last part of this prophetic/allegory. First; recall that he began by revealing that Israel would again have a sovereign state, this would be the first time that the Jews solely govern the land of Israel since 605 BC—its branch gets tender. This will eventually lead to a right relationship with their God, Yahweh—they produce fruit. Second; he reveals the timing of when Israel will be finally done with their rebellion and disobedience. It will happen at the Christ’s second appearance, the last day of Israel’s Seventieth-week/seven-year Tribulation Period. Now; the third part of this prophecy: “Verily I say to you, this generation may not pass away till all these may come to pass” (Matt. 24:34, YLT). Christ prophesied that the generation of people, referring mainly to Jews, who witnessed the rebirth of the state of Israel will still be alive to witness Israel be done with their sin. Of course, you must use wisdom and understand that not all that witnessed the rebirth of the state of Israel will live to the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period, but it does assure us that there will be some that make it through to see Jesus come back at his second appearance to strike down the nations (Rev. 19:15). He and the armies of heaven will defeat the world’s elites, their kings, generals, and mighty men (Rev. 19:17-18, 21)—the transliteration of the Greek term ischyros used to describe these mighty men, is homogeneous to the Hebrew transliteration of the term, gibôr (Gen. 6:4; 10:8-9; Josh. 10:2). In the Old Testament gibôr is one term used to describe the Nephilim (giants), the offspring of the fallen angels. It is not unlikely that when Revelation 19:18 uses the Greek term, ischyros, that it is referring to the offspring of fallen angels. The Lord Jesus and his army will also capture the beast (the Antichrist), and the false prophet, and cast them alive into the lake if fire (Rev. 19:19-20). So, some of the Jews that witnessed the rebirth of the state of Israel will still be alive to witness the Son of Man coming out of heaven with great power and glory (Matt. 24:30). They will be among the remnant Jews that receives Jesus of Nazareth as their king.
There is no doubt that the man who forces Israel’s leaders – whether it be Benjamin Netanyahu of Likud or whoever – and forces the leaders of the Palestinian Authority – whether it be Mahmoud Abbas of the Fatah Party or whoever – to sign the prophesied treaty is one of the worlds elites. He is heavily involved in international affairs. His political views and ideology that are presented before the public are Left-wing, but secretly they go even further than that, because he is really a hard-line socialist that leans more towards a Leninist style of communism—he is really a Marxist. He has held a world-leadership position at one point over the last twenty-five years. He is a global statesman, who is concerned more about global affairs rather than nationalism. He cares nothing for the country he claims to be born in, and has used his supposed mother country as a stepping stone to further himself in the global hierarchy. The climate, and saving the planet are part of his global portfolio; he is a climate advocate. He is an arrogant man, and egocentric in his private life but in public he comes off as charming. Because he yields a certain amount of political power, and is attractive, his global colleagues fawn over him. Men bend over backwards to get his favor. Other global leaders admire him because they think he is wise, especially concerning international affairs and the environment. Once this man is revealed, at the enforcement of the treaty, my speculation of this man’s personality will be judged as either accurate or theoretically amiss.
The man that possesses this personality above is the man that will force the leader of the Palestinian Authority to sign a treaty with the state of Israel (Dan. 9:26b-27a). This treaty is part of the one-world governments agenda, they need to get an alliance between Hamas and the state of Israel in order to primarily confiscate Israel’s natural resources, their gas and oil discoveries, without being hampered by Palestinian aggression. Hezbollah will not be a factor by the time the treaty is signed because Iran’s military will be decimated when Yahweh’s hot anger is unleashed and he executes judgement against Iranian forces during the Gog of Magog war (Ezek. Chaps. 38 & 39). At the time of the signing the body of Christ will have already been raptured out of the world into eternity (1 Thess. 4:16-17; 2 Thess. 2:3, 6-8). The global government will eventually move themselves into the land of Israel, as the abomination of desolation reveals (Matt. 24:15; Dan. 9:27; Mk. 13: 14). The man that forces the alliance between the Palestinian Authority and Israel will also be the same man who causes the abomination of desolation. He will do something like what Antiochus Epiphanes did in 168 BC to Israel’s second temple (Dan. 11:31). Epiphanes set up an alter to the pagan god Zeus, but the man that forces the treaty will likely set himself up as a god in the soon to be built third temple.
After this man forces an alliance between Abbas and Netanyahu (I postulate, because this is how close the treaty is to being forced), his countenance and demeanor will change. He will transition from being charming to become very boastful (Dan. 7:8b, 11a, 20b; Rev. 13:5). During Israel’s seventieth-week this man will blaspheme Yahweh (Dan 7:25a; Rev. 13:6). He will do everything he wants; he will consider himself superior, he will venerate his position, and he will prosper in all he does until God judges him (Dan: 11:35; Rev. 19:20). He will not regard his father’s gods, or any god, because he will magnify himself; like I said he is arrogant and egocentric (Dan. 11:37). Again, this man is prophesied in Scripture as being like Antiochus Epiphanes—parallel personalities both having their governmental power prophesied but occurring at different time periods. During his reign of terror, he will receive power and authority from the god of this world—Satan (Rev. 13:2b). He will get possessed by a certain evil spirit that comes up out of the Abyss (Rev. 9:1-2; 11:7; 17:8)—likely the same evil spirit that possessed Antiochus Epiphanes and the Roman Emperors. He will be attacked and killed while headquartering in Israel but the power of Satan will bring him back to life (Rev. 13:3)—likely by the evil spirit that comes up out of the Abyss. The world will be amazed at this miracle and will worship Satan because he will give this man his authority, and they will worship this man also (Rev. 13:4). After the mid-point of Israel’s seventieth-week, this man will begin to persecute and attack the Jews, and he will be given authority over the earth’s population (Rev. 13:7). But this man and his reign of terror against the Jews will come to a bitter end (Rev. 19:20). So, when this man sits Abbas down to sign a treaty with the state of Israel, the Palestinian leader will either comply or be replaced.
[1] Hananya Naftali @HananyaNaftali
(Accessed 1/08/2023)
(Accessed 1/08/2023)
[4] Israel Public Opinion Polls
(Accessed 1/08/2023)
[5] The Gospel of Luke, adds the phrase, “all the trees,”
which refers to all the other nations that are associated with the reborn state
of Israel but not necessarily meaning in a positive way, countries like Jordan,
Lebanon, Gaza, and Egypt (Palms 83), also other nations like, Russia, Iran, Turkey,
and Eastern Europe (Ezekiel 38-39).