We live in perilous times in
America, I am not surprised because the Scriptures predicted that this
generation would be terrible, the days are fierce and often very difficult to
deal with, life is uncertain because it is hard to put confidence in people and
the people that lead, men have become savages as their behavior is sadistic, the
heathen make the rules in America as the righteous get shoved aside and are
demonized; these are the last days of the Church age.
Despite what the socialist tells
you, regardless of what the progressive’s advocate, mankind is headed in the
opposite direction of the Utopian society they are promising, their commitment to
make society better and to improve the quality of life for all people is
counterfeit; it is flawed.
The leftist assures their world
is better for everyone because the people make the rules, so all will be beneficiaries
of their decisions as peace fills the planet, meanwhile they use violence and
intimidation against anyone that opposes their paradise on earth image, but the
problem with this approach to solving the world’s woes is it is all going down
in flames, it is destined to fail miserably, for what awaits the people that
exclude Jesus in their globalist Shangri-La is that their worst nightmare is
about to happen, they hear the angel of light speak and heed his voice with
excitement as he leads them further into darkness; their blindness is catching.
If you only watch CNN, NBC or the
CBS news networks, and believe every report as the absolute truth than I am not
afraid to tell you that you are in information darkness, your knowledge of
world events is shaded with deception, you are being chained down with the greatest
level of chicanery that America has ever witnessed, if you only read leftwing
print media and obtain all your news knowledge from liberal sponsored broadcast
news, that is without a doubt an extension of the Democratic Party, than you
are deceived and it is your fault that you are being misled.
American politics has always had
the stench of corruption, from within the bowels of federal government all the
way down to state government, local government is not immune from dishonesty
and fraudulent behavior either, but there has never been the level of
criminality especially at the federal level as America is witnessing today.
If you are a democrat you see the
current President and his administration as evil incarnate, illegitimate residents
of the White House, you think that Hillary Clinton should have the keys to the
Oval Office and not Donald Trump, you would have voted for Barack Obama for a third
consecutive term but because of the constitution a president can only hold
office for two consecutive terms; thank God for the 22nd amendment.
Every day and night the
mainstream media deliver’s a false narrative, they have peddled this erroneous Russian
collusion story for way too long, the Special Counsel investigation began in May, 2017, the so-called Russian
collusion is no more real than the initial story that Bill Clinton did not have
sexual relations with his former White House intern, but the mainstream media just
keeps pounding their audience with the notorious
Russia/Trump news story and editorials, this Russian hoax has been exposed by a
number of very good investigative journalist’s but the mainstream liberal media
refuses to revise their coverage, even though they know full well that the
Trump White House and even his former campaign did not collude with the
Russian’s to win the 2016 presidential election, because the leftwing media is complicit
in the silent coup to bring down the American president.
Mike Adams, also an investigative
journalist, has communicated that the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), and
the FISA Court (The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court), classified
documents have been ordered to be declassified by the President, once these
documents are declassified and unredacted they will reveal the active coup
against the United States government and the individuals involved.[i]
Therefore, sometime soon it is
intended there will be massive arrests
and subsequent military tribunals of certain current and former government
representatives that are all part of the silent coup against the Trump
administration, among those to be arrested are the individuals behind the
Russian collusion hoax, which are many, along with certain Democrats that
signed a letter insisting that the Department of Justice, and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, defy the President of the United States of America,
Donald J. Trump, and refuse to carry out his executive orders.
As you have seen over the last
couple of weeks, the Democrats are using every corrupt method to stop the confirmation
of Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court from happening, in doing this
they hope to delay the vote and his confirmation until after the midterm
elections in November, the Democrats
hope to take back the Congress which will then give them the power to stop the
Trump White House from exposing the Deep State and all those involved in the
illegal overthrow of his government, because if Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination is
voted on and confirmed before the midterms then Trump can proceed right away in exposing
those that have been carrying out the silent coup that has been underway even
from day one of his administration—If the Judge is confirmed he then would be
in place to support the President to carry out his proposed state of emergency,
so the military police can then arrest those involved in the deep state.
According to Mike Adams, there are many high profile names that
will be arrested when the President gives the order to the military police to
arrest those that are allegedly being accused of conspiracy to commit treason and
sedition against the government of the United States, you can click on the link
below and watch his report in full, these people are guilty of selling uranium
to Russian linked corporations that work
on behalf of the Kremlin, who then in turn allegedly provided Iran with the
nuclear material to make nuclear weapons,
these traitors are also guilty of providing Iran with internationally
laundered money in the billions of dollars which is illegal, the so-called
treasonous even personally delivered
this money to Iran on a United States military cargo plane, other charges are also
on the arrest warrants which include giving
Iran US technology like is used on military drones.
If and when these high-profile arrests
take place it will cause nationwide chaos across the United States, there will
be rioting and killings by leftwing organized hit squads, the President will
have to invoke martial law, names in the liberal news media are apparently also
on the arrest warrants for aiding and abetting in the spreading of the false
narrative when they knew they were lying to the American public, so I wonder
how the news will be reported once and if this state of emergency even occurs.
The reason why these deep state figures
are carrying out this treason and openly carrying out their subversion is
because Trump interfered in their plans, they have had a long drawn out agenda
to cripple the United States and weaken it to the point where the American
people will then be under the control of the one world government which will circumscribe
Western nations, then the citizens of the USA will be forced to adhere to its
scheme of a one world leader and one world religion, the primary reason Donald
Trump even ran for President was because he has known of this Luciferian scheme
for years, he knows that the Illuminati has planned and organized the takeover
of the United States merging it with western Europe and make it into what they
refer to as the New Atlantis ever since the days of the founding fathers, Trump
saw what was happening to his birth nation and chose to try to stop it; he has
thrown a monkey wrench into their plans.
Even though the President has
frustrated and irritated the members of this global government, not only at
home but also overseas, to the point where they will do anything to get back
onto their devious track they just cannot seem to get him out of the way, the
Russian collusion story has not worked, so what are they going to try next, it
is obvious they think if they stop the
confirmation of Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court, they will have a victory
and then without a doubt they will try somehow someway to rig the midterms—If
the Democrats win the House of Congress they can then put the brakes on the Trump
train to bring it to a quick and sudden halt.
Some diehard patriots in
alternative news, like Mike Adams, Alex Jones and others, are hopeful and believe
they can defeat this globalist government, they believe that everyone that is
part of the conspiracy to crash and burn the Trump presidency will end up being
charged with treason, then they will be convicted and go to prison, they may be
hopeful that some of the captains of this globalist plan will even receive the
ultimate penalty for treason which is the death penalty, and even though this
is what should happen to these adherents of the one world government it will not happen.
Yes, the possibility of some
being arrested is quite high, but for the hardcore Illumined Ones their plan of
an established one world government will happen because the Scriptures reveal it will,
a one world leader will take over and he will be anointed by Lucifer to
carryout this plan, in case you did not know it is rumored that the 33rd
Vice President, of the United States, Henry A. Wallace, predicted that a future
US President would one day be the leader of this one world government, if his prediction
comes true then this means that a former United States President will be the
Antichrist, the man of sin who will claim to be God once a certain spirit
possesses him; his ancestry would have to be part of the Roman Empire, his DNA
would have to include some trace of this.
I hope the report of Mike Adams
actually does come to pass, and these traitors of the United States will be
openly accused and arrested, that shame will come to them as they are
supposedly charged with conspiracy to commit treason and sent to prison for
sedition, but I am uncertain the arrest and prosecution of these people will happen,
because the Illuminati will not allow it to happen, I pray that President
Trump, and Vice President Pence will be kept safe by the power of God as the
leaders of the one world government get their global utopia established and
anoint their one world leader, I know that when the prophecy of the
Antichrist and his global government is established the Body of Christ will
already be raptured into God’s presence, then what happens after that is
something that I want no part of.
“For Jehovah knoweth the way of
the righteous;
But the way of the wicked shall
perish” (Psalms 1:6, ASV).
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