Why do you think Donald J. Trump
was elected the 45th president of the United States of America ?
Many people are convinced that
Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian
Federation , hacked or swayed the 2016 presidential
election to establish a personal puppet in the White House so he could control
the USA .
There are numerous credible reports
that say the Russian narrative is not the reason Hillary Clinton lost and Trump
won the election, they disclose that Russia
did not sway the American vote in favour of Trump, nor did they hack the US voting
But because the Establishment
wants to deceive the American people the Left continues with this heated accusation.
Some people believe that God
intervened and established Trump in the White House, but if he did then how
exactly did he do that.
Did God hack the voting machines
and switch Hillary votes into Trump votes?
He could do that if he wanted to,
but do you think God would go against the will of the American voter and commit
a federal crime to make Trump President?
Not that God could be prosecuted
for voter election fraud; how would you go about indicting God Almighty anyway.
God will not go against the will
of the American voter, what did the last eight years reveal to you?
No, it was the American voters
and their electoral system across the entire USA that gave Trump the Electoral College
victory; that is how the presidential election is determined.
Many voters in the general
election cast their ballot in favour of Trump because they believed their
nation under Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton was going in the wrong
Now did God somehow have his hand
in the outcome of the vote without violating the will of the American people?
God can certainly open the eyes
of people and reveal to them good from evil, right from wrong, and it seems
that he certainly did do that; this time.
How else would you explain the
overwhelming opposition to a Trump presidency and yet he wins?
How else did Hillary Clintons Campaign,
and the Democratic National Committee, have their dirty little secrets revealed
to the American public when they seem to be in control of the mainstream media
and the Establishment?
The mainstream media and the
Establishment still blames Russia
but I see something mysterious in it all.
The bible talks about exposing
the fruitless deeds of darkness, and if I am not mistaken, during the 2016
presidential election a huge amount of the deeds of darkness were exposed.
God can use any means at his
disposal to expose the fruitless deeds of darkness, and it is clearly evident
that he did just that.
The left-wing and their
surrogates continue to blame Russia for the leaked emails, implicating Putin of
conspiring with Trump that consequently cost Hillary the election, but how
ironic it is that if the Clinton Campaign were above reproach and not been so
shameful in their secret lives, that the emails would have revealed them to be
trustworthy, honest, and not involved in deeds of darkness.
Some American voters did choose Donald
Trump over Hillary Clinton for that very reason, the Clinton Campaign had their
sins revealed and many voted with their conscience, their moral sense, instead
of the traditional party line.
Even though Trump was caught on a
hot microphone during a private conversation making lustful comments about a
woman reporter eleven years ago.
These American voters could not
in good conscience vote for somebody that would continue the same damaged policies
as the Obama administration, and for a candidate that cannot be trusted who has
a background in shameful and corrupt activities, over a man that did not know
enough to keep his lustful thoughts to himself.
Many voted for Trump because he
offers them the opportunity of prosperity and safety; something that Hillary
did not offer.
God gives people warning signs,
especially people that are spiritually tied to him, of certain events that he
wants to change and control.
If you have eyes to see you can
discern that God wanted control over the 2016 presidential election, so that he
could change the anticipated outcome of the Establishment and frustrate the
plans of the Globalists, the Luciferians in general; even though this
frustration will be short lived.
Some people believe that God is
in control of everything that happens on this earth, but with that theology you
would than have to blame him for all the evil and destruction that occurs.
No, the god of this earth, who is
the Devil and also referred to as Lucifer, has dominance on this earth right
now and he uses disobedient men to carry out his schemes.
Through Adam, Lucifer gained this
domination through deception, but one day soon his rule will cease when Christ
comes back and takes this authority away from him completely.
God does take control of certain situations
to make sure that man is not completely destroyed by the Devil, but because of Kingdom
law he allows Lucifer power because Adam handed it over to him in the Garden.
God gave dominion to Adam over
the earth and his creation, and the man through disobedience handed his control
over to Lucifer who was disguised as a serpent.
Ever since then Lucifer has
manipulated disobedient man and he causes chaos across the earth.
God will give warning signs to
people of pending chaos and it is up to those that hear him to heed every alert.
He warned ancient Israel many
times of pending destruction so he could intervene to protect and save them, sometimes
they would listen but many times they did not.
God warned the Apostle Peter to
not call anything impure that he has made pure, which resulted in God’s control
over the gentile salvation narrative.
God sends forth signs as
warnings, so you can see it and take action, so he can intervene and take
temporary control of a particular situation, and in 2016 he revealed the
shameful things that the DNC and the Clinton Campaign were involved in so the
American voter would vote in all good conscience.
Why did God do this, why did he
not just let Clinton
win the election so that Obama’s destructive policies would continue, which
would ultimately establish a one world government?
The one world government is going
to happen anyways; the bible predicts it.
God has no intentions of stopping
the Antichrist’s rise to power, and the establishment of a one world autocratic
government; it is already written.
There is nothing you can do to
stop it or even delay it.
There is nothing that surprises
God, he knows who the Antichrist is and the day his position is established.
What have you noticed since Trump
won the White House in November?
You are witnessing in America , and
around the world actually, an undeniable loathing for the POTUS and this
vitriolic hatred seems to be increasing.
This mushrooming effect is
because the Luciferian Globalists are angry that their plan to establish their
one world government has been interrupted by a man they consider as an enemy.
If Hillary Clinton would have won
the White House, which was their plan, the transition of the US and the EU into
a one world government would be a relative smooth changeover.
But a Trump White House has put an
obstacle in their way and has caused an unnecessary delay as far as they are
Most people do not realize how
near the Globalists are to achieving and executing their one world government.
God is not going to stop or slow
down the West from becoming a single government but what he has done is
frustrated their agenda.
This has made them angry.
They accuse Trump.
Their annoyance will increase
until the day God raptures the Church out of the earth.
Trump has been in the White House
since January and he has already accomplished much for the US , but the accusations
from the Establishment have only intensified.
They not only want to impeach
Trump but they want to destroy him; they are following the practice of their
father the Devil who is also referred to as the Destroyer.
God knows that the Luciferians
will eventually have complete control over the US and the EU, but it seems that at
this point in time he desires to see them rip their hair out, scream and shout.
This could be the very reason why
Donald J. Trump is sitting in the commander’s seat in the White House right
now, and Hillary Clinton is left in her defeat out making other plans.
Picture: CC0 Public Domain