Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Perilous Times

I watched a video today from a local church that serves the Columbus, Ohio region, which telecasts their teaching service over the internet; via YouTube.
As I watched and paid close attention to what the teacher was saying his message confirmed in my heart to write this article, although this article does not contain all I would like to express at this time hopefully it will get my point across.
I cannot help but notice, and some of you may too, how many people that belong to the Christian faith seem to conduct themselves no different than someone that has no knowledge of the bible at all. 
Another self-righteous, always critical, gasbag that points out the speck of sawdust in his brothers eye when a big plank sticks out of his own eye.
This judgement of me would be right if I am judging others; if that is what I am doing. But I am not judging the people of faith but only making a perceptive observation.
I don't condemn anybody who chooses not to use the word of God as a pathway under their feet. I know that I am not perfect and I understand the chain of command; Jesus will judge us when it is time. 
I observe that many even make up their own version of the scripture, it fits better with their lifestyle, and than their conscience is not pricked as they ride the fence, one foot in the kingdom and one foot in the world; they are neither hot or cold.
The world fights for their piece of the earthly pie, that is expected, but I see many Christians doing the same thing. 
Their co-worker is just an obstacle, an impediment to bring down so that they can get that promotion.
Their neighbour is only a hurdle so they can obtain more earthly pleasures.
So many church-going folk love this world and all it has to offer. Do they know that anyone who loves the world is void of the Father's love?
Many have dreams and aspirations that are only of this world, the same type of dreams and aspirations that those who choose to live in darkness desire.
God has promised his children that we are his heirs, joint-heirs with his Son, but only if we share in what Christ has suffered. How can we be God's heir when our proclivities are disposed to this world?
Nimrod introduced this world's system on the plains of Shinar. The world's system breeds the sensation of  success; though it is a fallacious success. 
When a believer is misguided the world convinces him that to be a success you must  have all this life has to offer; wealth, riches, fame, and honour. Erroneous success makes you believe that you are doing it for your family.
Some Christians get their marching orders from what is preached behind more and more pulpits these days. The call behind many sermons today is not to look up, because your redemption is near, but do not dare settle for being just an average person.
Too many churches give consent to their parishioners to move on up, to the better side, where everything is deluxe, strive to be opulent. You just have to have a Starbucks app on your Smartphone if you want to be in the right church social circle. 
What! You drive a Ford?
Some clergy preach from the American pulpit that being affluent glorifies God, but Paul writes  that we will share in Gods glory only if we share in Christ’s sufferings.
The call issued to the church from some of the leaders is to make money, make more money, make lots of money, because this will prove that you have Gods blessing on you.
To begin this New Year, in 2016, preachers are commanding the church to go and be all you can be, make your mark in this world, bring glory to God, but within this command nowhere is the instruction to go share in Christ’s sufferings.
There are church seminars on how to increase your financial wealth.
Jesus said do not work to store up treasures on earth but to store up treasures in heaven. I know this does not fit well with some of you.
How did Christ suffer when he was here in the flesh?
Did he suffer because he worked twelve to sixteen hours a day, and found disappointment when he was passed by for that 'just got to have'  promotion?
Did he suffer because he was not able to secure that fantastic vacation resort that he was just dying to get, and had to go to some second-class resort instead, with wife and kids pouting all the way?
When you live for this world, the things of this world, will be your dreams and aspirations, you will be disappointed when you cannot grab a big enough piece of the earthly pie.
Christ knew nothing of this stuff, all he knew was rejection, betrayal, and false accusations.
Isaiah the prophet saw Christ’s suffering before Jesus was even born.
“He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not” (Isaiah 53:3, KJV).
Indeed, too many Christians are more comfortable with this world than they are with real glory, they would rather enjoy the things of this world than to have Christ rapture us. 
Living a long and prosperous life on this planet is more important to them than being caught up to meet the Lord in the air (1Thess.4:16-17), and receiving our glorified body (1Cor.15:50-54).
The bible tells the believer that God did not appoint his church to suffer his wrath, which is soon to be released on a world that chooses darkness over the light (1Thes.5:4, 9).
He has appointed his wrath to come upon the earth once the one world leader is granted power and his one world government is established (Rev.6:1-2).
Some of the faithful are aware of these things and they see clearly the day and age that exists, but by contrast it is terribly sad that many are not aware of the signs that are constantly in our face, as the signs point sharply to the shift from a national governance of sovereign countries, to a bible predicted one world governance ruled by a one world dictator.
Quickly the world is approaching the final seven years of Israel’s appointed 490 year period that was divinely decreed upon her to complete her transgression (Dan.9:24). You likely know this seven year period as the time of Tribulation (Rev.7:14).
When this seven year period begins to run its predicted course the one world government will begin at the same time (Dan.7, 19-20, 23-24a; Rev.19:19), and a leader will be introduced who has been predicted in the OT Book of Daniel and the NT Revelation (Dan.7:8, 11, 20c-21, 24b-26; 9:26b-27; 11:36-45; Rev.6:2;13:1-8; 19:19-20).
You would have to be living in a deceptive dreamland to not have noticed all that has been taking place on this planet.
The prophesied anti-Christ, and his one world government, has been on the fast track of being fully and outwardly established especially since the 41st President of the United States of America, George Herbert Walker Bush, made the announcement that the invasion into Kuwait by Iraq, in 1991, will not threaten the New World Order.
The phrase, New World Order, is a code phrase used by the secret societies to represent a new kingdom and an order of rule under a one world dictator.
These secret societies, which are Luciferian in nature and by practice, refer to this man who is about to be revealed as their messiah, but the bible refers to him as the anti-Christ, the man of sin, the son of destruction (2Thes.2:3-4, 8-9; 1Jn.2:18).
What the President was revealing at that time, by the way of this secret code to those whom refer to themselves as the Illumined Ones, was that the new kingdom, under the rule of the one appointed to rule, will not be affected in being established because of the invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi forces.
Since that time the world has went through a huge transformation that has brought the world to the actual realization of a one world government, something that has been slowly in the works by the Illuminati even before the birth of the US government in 1776.
Sadly, some in the church cannot discern the signs in the world to see that the world is ready to establish this Luciferian government.
Instead they believe they are going to win the victory over this anti-Christ and establish a Christian world government, which contradicts Scripture, and is imagined through the deception of false teachers.  
Many false teachers are deceiving the church, teaching that the body of Christ should not focus on world events, using clichés like, focus only on Jesus, and that God has everything under control, but meanwhile Rome continues to burn and they cannot or refuse not to see it.
I will certainly agree that the body of Christ should focus on Jesus, and that God is in control, but focusing on Jesus is precisely why we should be interested and paying attention to world events; especially when ISIS is beheading so many of the brethren in the Middle East, and the chaos that is out of control in the EU and the USA.
Have you noticed the falling away from the faith (1Tim.4:1-2), with churches now sitting under teachers who are atheists, homosexuals, and even pastors who do not know the difference between the Muslim Allah and Jehovah?
Teachers who practice the Dominion Theology are claiming they will convert the whole world to Christianity, then they will usher Jesus back to the earth once everybody believes in Jesus Christ, but these teachers fail to see that the bible describes the end-times, which is this-time, differently than what they teach.
The bible prophecies that some individuals and some congregations will fall away from the faith (1Tim.4:1), and that terrible times will describe the condition of peoples hearts (2Tim.4:1-5).
I am not advocating the end of sharing your faith, but the bible predicts that most men will not be interested in salvation by grace in the times we now live, they will in fact despise the truth, and it is for this reason the wrath of God is coming against a world that suppresses the truth of God because of their desire to live in wickedness (Rom.1:18).
Witness to as many people as possible, for you have been commanded, but do not be surprised if it seems your efforts are not producing the results that you are looking for, the bible declares that the time will come, and has now come, when people will not be interested in what the bible says, but will be more interested in hearing only stories rather than the truth (2Tim.4:3-4).
How many churches are teaching their congregations that the rapture is about to occur at any hour now, or that the anti-Christ is alive and ready to take power, or that the seven year tribulation period will follow the anti-Christ’s rise to power, and that it will be the most terrible time the world will ever witness?
How many bible studies are being taught the Book of Daniel, or the Revelation, or even the letter to Jude, and the letters to Timothy focusing on the Scripture references in the paragraph above?
Does your bible teacher do exegesis on the over fifty Scripture references in the New Testament that pertain to the rapture?  
I know there are some teachers who are doing as they have been commanded by the Lord, teaching fervently about the days we are currently living in and how perilous they are (Mt.24:4-23, 37-39), but there are too many teachers who are teaching that everything is just fine in the world, that Jesus will not let anything bad happen to you; although the believers that are losing their homes and who are having their heads cut off in Syria and Iraq will fail to agree.
The believers in the Middle East, who are suffering terribly at the hands of ISIS, understand that their loved ones have been martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ, but do not tell them that everything is fine and that God has everything in control (God has given man control of this earth and Satan usurps this control).
Their wives, and daughters, are being raped by evil men possessed by evil spirits, the heads of their children are being cut off in front of them, and so from their point of view, and a valid point of view it is, it looks like the Devil has control in their nations.
The bible predicts that it is only going to get worse, so why not start calling on the Lord to come and rapture the church, so the one world dictator and his government can begin as prophesied, and so the Lord can begin to pour out his wrath?
This is all part of God's will.
If your desire for this world and its present system is so spellbinding than the point I have tried to make is just utterly ridiculous to you.
So I then make this urgent plea:
Because of your desire for this world and its Babylonian system, which you cannot seem to overcome, you then will be tempted to receive the mark of the one world leader so that you can continue to buy and sell (Rev.13:16-17), if you do you will also drink from the cup of Gods anger (Rev.14:9-12).
The world is in perilous times, so pay attention.
Pictures: CC0 Public Domain