Many of the patriots reading this
article are not going to like me saying this, but the United States of America has
run its course as a sovereign and independent nation, I am not stating this
lightly but its reputation as the powerhouse of the West and the World for that
matter is over, it has traveled the road of many great empires like the Achaemenid
Persian Empire, the Roman Empire, and even the British Empire, but as these
empires were once known for being mighty in the world they all came to an end
in one way or the other (America is a nation but because of the power it wields
across the world it could be considered an empire), the Persia Empire came to
an end because their leaders failed its responsibilities and its people, Rome
came to an end because of the internal conflict and division within its government,
and without doubt, America is finished because of its political establishment,
its divisive politicians, its elite media, it has been destroyed from within
because of its internal conflict over
whom the Progressive’s believe should be
in power; America has not been destroyed from without, either by Russia or even
China, but its destruction has come from its own politicians hungry for power.
When the Puritan’s came and
settled in New England in the early 17th century it is said that they
considered it their New Jerusalem, a place where they could worship the God of
the Bible without being persecuted by the European elites, without being
hindered by the Church of Rome, there is an argument whether or not the Puritan’s
were actually pure considering some of the methods they imposed on those whom
they considered to be impure, but putting that argument aside the early
settlers undoubtedly found a place far from the tyranny they were under in
Europe and a place where they could worship the Lord according to Scripture and
their conscience, a century or two after this
America became a place known for its Judeo-Christian values
which would then go forward to make America a place where Yahweh would be revered
for a period of time—reverence for the God of Israel and the New Creation in
America has unquestionably come to an end in this current generation.
However, as the early settlers
came across the Atlantic Ocean by boat to their promised land so too came the
occultists from Europe, the occultists did not worship the same God as the Puritan’s
but instead worshiped the god of this
world, the Luciferians came over from the old world and secretly turned America
into a place of occult worship, they
gradually made their new world into a location where they could worship their
god with all its occultic rituals (child sacrifice, pedophilia, and drinking
blood is not a new phenomenon in America), and because they had the financial
wealth and power to secretly make America into a place where Lucifer and the
rest and the fallen angels could be worshiped the Lord God Almighty then made
America into a base where the gospel of Jesus Christ would be preached all over
the world, it is like God one-upped the occultists, more people have received
the gospel from America and received Christian literature and teaching than any
other country in the world, but even though America is known for being a Christian
nation and has been the gospel reaching capital of the world there has always
been a deep underbelly in America where Lucifer and the fallen angels are venerated,
not many are aware of it but the occult has always flourished in America and as
has been reported it is the fastest-growing religion in America in this
America has experienced many good
times but has also suffered its share of bad times, but even so, nobody can
deny that America has been a beacon on a hill that has contributed greatly to the
many peoples and many countries of the world, when there is a disaster anywhere
on the planet the government and people of America have always been counted on
for help, the world has actually come to expect the American’s to help them in
their time of need, from a spiritual standpoint more people on this earth have
experienced the goodness and grace of God through the ministries of men and
women dedicated to Jesus Christ than any other country in history, God has made
sure that even though America was dedicated to Lucifer by the elites even in
its early stages that he would bring some good out of America’s existence.
But now the time has come for God
to allow the Luciferian agenda to bear its dark fruit, the time has come for
the occultists to realize their dream, we are living in the day when the
destruction or the ruination of the “city upon a hill, [where] the eyes of all
people are upon us”[2] is
happening right before our eyes, it is like the Roman Empire falling all over
again, and it is not surprising that the people being used to create the
destruction of America is the Progressive Left, the adherents of the Progressive
Movement are possessed with a one-world agenda and they will do anything at
this point to make their vision a reality, there is no turning back because it
is written in Holy Scripture that the Western world will succumb to a one-world government with a
one world dictator along with a one-world religion; the last country in the
West to resist this global government has been America but it will very soon capitulate
under the dark forces being wielded by the globalists.
The Left would have you believe
that the current President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, is a
dictator, a fascist, an Adolf Hitler type figure, but nothing could be further
from the truth and they know it, they know that the country will believe what
they say if they continue to bombard the population with its deception because
the darkness of the occult has overwhelmed the world, the Left spew hatred
toward him every hour of every day because he is not their one world leader, having
practiced their occult rituals for two centuries the modern occultists believed
that Hillary Rodham Clinton was going to win the 2016 presidential election and
then she would have quickly transitioned America into a socialist-communist
style government that would then be the power base of a one-world government, this so-called socialist government that
the Progressive Left is covertly building in their party platform will be similar
to Marxism–Leninism, except the modern progressive’s believe they can do it
better than the former Soviet Union; the elites have been waiting for more than
200 years for this one world autocratic government to happen.
The Illuminati have even boasted
about the transition of America from a sovereign nation to being the primary
political support of the global government with their out-in-the-open occultic
predictions through the years, even the Great Seal of the United States reveals the intentions of the elite for America, even on the back of the one-dollar U.S.
Federal Reserve note the occult prediction of when their one-world vision will
take place,[3] the
Luciferians expected the year 2016 to be the year when America would then
initiate the final countdown to their one world leader who will lead the West possessed
with the power of Lucifer.
It is no coincident that the sore
losers of the 2016 presidential election have been relentless in their attacks against
the Republican President, it is he and he alone that ruined their plans to establish
America as part of the global government, but of course one would have to be
blind to not see that it was God Almighty who was behind this temporary Luciferian setback, although
the political obstruction will not last long, the progressive agenda will soon
come to pass, but for now and for only a short time God has put a monkey wrench
in their plans to show the occultists if
anything that he is God and Lucifer is not, in the end, the world will witness that only Yahweh’s prophecies are accurate.
The political establishment knows
that the only reason their diabolical plans
to transition America into the Luciferian agenda has been contravened is because of the Trump Administration, they
are even trying to convince America that Trump’s presidency is illegal hoping
that everyone will buy this story so they can get him out of office, some of Christ’s
followers know that the real reason the progressive plans have been temporarily
thwarted is because of our God, Trump knows what the agenda of the elites has
been for years and that is one of the reasons why he ran for President of the
United States, interviews in the past
that he has participated in reveal that he is wise to the agenda of the
elites and because he is a patriot he was inspired to run as a Republican candidate
in 2015, which eventually paved the way for him to become President.
The Left’s hatred for this
President is obvious, the mainstream media is complicit in this coup to bring
down the Trump Administration and it looks like they will stop at nothing to
get it done, it is sickening to hear
their open loathing for a man that was duly elected, this repugnant non-concession has never happened
in America before that I am aware of, the actions of the Left are similar to a
banana republic.
The Scriptures predict that a one-world government will be established and we are living in the time it will
happen, even though the one-world government with its one world leader and a one
world religion is the will of the people of the world it seems that God is taunting them just to show them who is
really the Lord, Lucifer is not the true
God but Yahweh is—of course, this temporary reprieve will not last for very long
because prophecy indicates the one-world government will be established anytime
The despicable and abominable actions of the Left have grown
since the political failure of Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016, Obama’s tearing
apart of America could not be continued at that point because of her electoral
loss so this has stirred them to even greater depths of depravity, this is why we
are witnessing the destruction of America right before our eyes, the
Luciferians will set America on fire and burn it to the ground so that they can
then rebuild their Olympus from its ashes.
Some of the Democratic Candidates,
and the elite news media, have revealed their
true character and satanic agenda just since this past weekend (August 3-4,
2019), not as if their darkness hasn’t really been unveiled before, but as we
witnessed two mass shootings in Texas and Ohio and even while the terror was
still unfolding the Progressive’s began immediately to blame the President for the deaths, all
week they have been non-stop crying saying that the tragedy is his fault, they
will say anything they have to in order to destroy President Trump, they will
lie through their teeth so that they can
get their agenda back on track and transition America into the global government;
the Scriptures reveal it will happen soon so get ready Church to meet the Lord
in the air.
“He causes all, both small and
great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or
on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:16-17, NKJV).
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