Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Door Continues to Spin

Round and round life goes, where it stops, nobody knows.
Actually we do know where it stops, and we do know where it is going; if you can understand bible prophecy.
The scripture could not have been written anymore perfect, it could not be anymore clear, it has been written with absolute accuracy so that there is no mistake.
In my previous article I wrote that the revolving door of world events continues to turn without slowing down, it never stops as its bearings roil faster and faster on its axis—it spins so quickly that you can smell the bearing grease as it becomes hotter and hotter.
The bearings are not able to contain the load that the world is putting on them.
Coming out of the revolving door of events is bible prophecy unfolding, one prediction after another.
You may not understand some or maybe even most bible predictions before they exit out into the physical realm, while they are being held in abeyance as they lie dormant on the pages of Holy Scripture.
It is like they have received some kind of divine suspension.
Once they become physical reality and their life begins to emerge like a new born baby who receives its first breath, as it bursts forth from its mother's womb, then you begin to see the image of bible prophecy as your eyes are open for the very first time.
You get your first opportunity to gaze into the analogous of the unfolding bible prophecy and the world event it relates to.

What nation has been a daily current event, catching the attention of the concerned especially over the last few years?
I mean besides the nation of Israel.
If you guessed it is Iran then you are right.
You may move to the front of the class.
I was twenty years old in 1979 when a mob of Iranian students who were deeply influenced by the new leader of Iran, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, seized the U.S. Embassy taking more than sixty American people hostage for 444 days.
This act was given the appellation ‘the Iran hostage crises’ as many can remember.
In 1980, Iran’s military force went to war with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, after he attacked Iran’s oilfields; this war lasted eight years.
The Americans were attacked in 1983 twice, in Beirut, Lebanon, killing hundreds of soldiers and civilians, by terrorists affiliated with Hezbollah, who receive their orders from Iran’s Supreme Leaders.
The Reagan administration, in 1984, declares Iran a terrorist’s state, while they continue to abduct Americans, even abducting the CIA Station Chief of the time.
Over the next few years the U.S. makes deals with Iran to get hostages released.
President Bush, in 2002, refers to Iran as an “axis of evil” so Iran supports insurgent groups in Iraq, to bog down the U.S. military there.
In 2007, Iran warns the Unites States that they would attack U.S. interests if they came under attack because of its nuclear program.
It was also revealed that Iran was contributing substantially to the violence in Iraq, which caused the U.S. to impose heavier sanctions upon some Iranian banks, then the following year Iran is further accused of supporting the Taliban.
The United States votes in a new President, Barack Hussein Obama, who takes office in 2009. Then his administration begins to try and win over the axis of evil with smooth talk and deal making; somehow hoping for better diplomatic relations.
This approach is not as successful as they hoped as the U.S. is now forced to impose heavier sanctions on Iran, because of their reluctance to be transparent on its uranium enrichment program.
This can go on and on because there has been so much happen over the last six years.
In July of this year, 2015, the world powers led by the U.S. and the U.K. along with  Russia, France, China, Germany and the EU, reach a framework deal with Iran over their nuclear program.
Can Iran be trusted considering the deceitfulness of their nation in the past?
Obama and the Democrats give each other a high five, while Israel sits on the edge.
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is not fooled by this outcome and is still ready to defend the Jewish nation no matter what it takes.

Iran has continually threatened Israel with complete annihilation upon their nearest ability to use nuclear weapons, ever since their former President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, told Germany and Austria to host a state of Israel in their own backyards.
While Ahmadinejad was in power he gave speech after speech before the Iranian people declaring Israel’s death, and that rhetoric has continued even after he lost the election in 2013.
The Supreme Leader of Iran has as his primary objective to eliminate Israel and the Jewish people.
One can see the striking similarities between the talk of Ahmadinejad, and the Ayatollah’s, with Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, one of the ancient rulers of Persia, under the authority of the then king, Ahasuerus, in the fifth century B.C.
Haman hated the Jewish people and conspired to have them all killed in the Persian Empire (Est.3:6, 8-9), but his plan backfired and he and his ten sons were put to death instead (Est.7:1-10; 9:7-10).
The spirit of Haman still exists in the leaders of Iran and some of their people to this very day, and their dream of destroying the people of Esther and Mordecai, the Jewish people, is growing close to becoming a reality.
Especially with the Obama administration pushing Iran’s nuclear dream into existence, and basically is willing to give them all the tools they need to achieve the Iranian dream.

Has Israel the right to be apprehensive over Iran’s nuclear dreams, or are they just being paranoid?
I believe they are wise in being suspicious considering the prophecy in Ezekiel, chapters thirty eight and thirty nine, where the nation of Iran is mentioned as being one of a host of nations who will attack Israel in the not so distant future.
The prophecy predicts that Russia, who is Magog, will partner up with Iran, who is Persia, along with a coalition of other Middle Eastern nations, will attempt to invade Israel because they believe that this tiny nation is exposed, with their defences being lowered at that time in the future (Ez.38:10-12).
I believe this will happen after the church is caught up to meet the Lord Jesus in the air (1Thess.4:16-17), because after this miraculous event occurs the newly announced one world leader will then make a peace covenant with Israel, and in it he will promise her protection (Dan.9:27; 2Thess.2:1-12).
His promise will turn out to be a lie; nonetheless initially Israel will believe him.
Iran and Russia will advance upon Israel like a storm (Ez.38:9), thinking that because Israel’s defences are down that they can plunder her and carry away her wealth (Ez.38:13).
Iran and Russia both have growing military and diplomatic ties presently, and this prediction, cannot be anymore clear that an invasion upon Israel by this coalition will take place.
The prophecy does reveal that this invasion will arouse God’s wrath against Iran and Russia, and God will then come against these nations for Israel’s sake (Ez.38:18-23; 39:1-6).
Gog, the man who will be the leader of Russia at this prophetic moment, and the military of Russia, is the man and the military that the Lord’s wrath is fuelled against, but Iran is also a willing participant in this invasion against Israel.
I do not know if Vladimir Putin, the present President of the Russian Federation, is Gog. But we are so close to this prophecy being fulfilled he just might be.
The prophet, Jeremiah, wrote that Iran would not escape the wrath of God, in chapter forty nine, verses thirty four through thirty nine—Jeremiah uses Iran’s ancient name which was Elam.
This prophecy predicts that God will bring disaster upon Iran because his emotions have risen to the level of fierce anger, and he will bring an end to them as he pursues them with the sword (Jer.49:37).
Could this be because of their continual threat to annihilate Israel once they have nuclear capability, and because they invade Israel along with Russia once Israel’s defences come down, because the Jews have a covenant of peace with the one world leader?     

Jeremiah wrote, that God will break the bow of Iran, which would mean the instrument of Iran’s power and could be conceived as Iran’s nuclear power at this stage; it is their future nuclear capabilities’ that they threaten Israel with (Jer.49:35).
Israel has resisted Iran’s threatening rhetoric with a threat of their own, the threat of a pre-emptive strike if they do not stop their nuclear enrichment.
So is this what this prophecy is referring to, in the writings of the Prophet, when it states that God will bring the four winds against Iran, meaning a nuclear weapons strike by Israel?
The revolving door of world events continues to spin and bible prophecy continues to unfold, one prediction after another.
YouTube Video: Iran Hostage Crisis 1979 (ABC News Report From 12/3/1979)
ABC News
YouTube Video: The Iranian Hostage Crisis
YouTube Video: Iran War - Thames Television
YouTube Video: 1983 US Embassy Bombing in Beirut April 18 1983
YouTube Video: 2002: Bush defines enemies
YouTube Video: Obama to address deal with Iran
Washington Post
YouTube Video: Ahmadinejad: Israel Will Disappear From Map
Associated Press
YouTube Video: 10 Things You Need To Know About Vladimir Putin
Alltime 10s