Thursday, September 1, 2022

Falsity Over Truth


It has become apparent that this generation has increasingly chosen falsity over truth. Fabricated stories are what fascinates many in the world today. Why is that? Is it a psychological issue deep within the mind that cause people’s emotional and mental state to crave something that is not true? Is it a spiritual issue that works alongside our soul that is influenced by otherworldly sources that supernaturally have an effect on our moral compass? I can’t truly analyze the condition. Nevertheless, God knows the reason for the state. Fascination for stories dreamed up have not only become one of the world’s main interests, but fiction has likewise become a delightful attraction to many in the church. Many in the church are mesmerized by stories. Many times, they take priority over the Holy Scriptures. I will get to the attraction in the church to tales, but first let me suggest why the world has progressively elected fiction over truth.

There has always been a preference for falsehood, even in ancient times. Adam’s wife, chose the lie of the serpent over the truth of Yahweh, when she believed that fallen angel’s fabrication over Jehovah’s truth.[1] The false narrative that he spun to the woman was preferable to her even though she had been warned of the consequences of doing exactly what the serpent was suggesting she should do.

Did you know; that ancient societies like the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites all chose to venerate the spirits of the dead Nephilim (sons of the Watchers[2]), and the angels whom Yahweh put in charge of the nations,[3] and worshiped them as gods instead of the true Elohim? They did this because they were convinced by the fabricated stories passed down to them from their ancestors. Yahweh even warned Israel to be careful not to worship these angels that he had put in charge of the nations: “And when you look up into the sky and see the sun, moon, and stars—all the forces of heaven—don’t be seduced into worshiping them. The LORD your God gave them to all the peoples of the earth” (Deut. 4:19, NLT). The “forces of heaven,” are the hosts of heaven, referring to the angels of God (Deut. 32:8). These ancient societies preferred cultural fiction over the truth that Yahweh is the one and only Elohim, and that their gods are the angels (sons) of God,[4] and the spirits of their offspring (the Nephilim[5]). And without trying to belabor my point; look how Israel and Judah preferred to worship the false gods of their neighbors (like Molech, the Baals, Ashtoreth’s) rather than worship Yahweh, the Elohim who brought them out of bondage to the Egyptians. Israel and Judah, and every ancient culture preferred falsity rather than the truth. They chose fallacy instead of fact. When a person or a culture chooses fallacy over truth eventually truth is evil to them and delusion is wholeheartedly accepted.

You have heard it said: “Things change over time.” Well, when it comes to falsity over truth time changes nothing. This generation is no different than the time of ancient Israel and their pagan neighbors. Except this generation is living in deceit on steroids. This generation is like the woman in the Garden that preferred to hear what she wanted to hear. She ignored truth for a fictitious narrative that she could be a god; because that lie delighted her senses. The schemes of the devil are hyper-deceiving this generation. This is the generation that will witness the seven-year Tribulation Period (seventieth-week of Israel), and the second appearance of Yeshua Hamashiach to redeem the remnant Jews.[6] And of course, this generation will also witness the rapture of the faithful followers of the Lord Jesus.[7] The world will watch as the body of Christ is snatched up into the sky and taken into the eternal realm. Sadly, there are many that don’t believe this. They don’t believe it because they are misguided.

Many people today accept fiction more readily than they do facts. From about the late 19th century into the earliest part of this 21st century, Western society has had a fascination with fiction. It seems since the induction of the movie industry and then television the fascination with fiction has only increased. Countless people don’t want to load up a DVD to get truth. They want to be entertained with fiction. They want to watch story telling. People want fables, fairy tales, fantasy. Non-fiction is not as popular as fiction in this generation. Society in general, would rather be deceived than to hear cold-hard facts.

Falsity over truth really became noticeable when Donald J. Trump decided to take a run at becoming the president of the United States in 2016. Right from the start the Democrats and media thought there was no way that he would get the Republican nomination. They were hoping an established Republican would get the nomination, a politician from the DC swamp, like Jeb Bush. But, on May 3, 2016, Donald Trump was declared the presumptive Republican nominee, he would then go head-to-head with the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to become the 45th President of the United States. The mainstream media began to say that Trump was Vladimir Putin’s puppet; that he was a Russian asset. The Clinton/FBI manufactured Russia collusion story dominated the news cycle. When the truth began to unfold, that the media was lying, and there was no Russia collusion, many liberal Americans would not believe it. They preferred Trump be guilty of being a Russian operative. Many Democrat politicians and much of the media stuck with the false narrative, they chose to stick to their false stories about Trump rather than admit the evidence that their stories were false—fake news. From the time he became President and even today, a lying spirit has been in the mouths of both Democrat politicians and some Republicans who accuse Donald Trump of betraying America; some have indicated he even be executed for treason. The media continues to propagate lie after lie about the former president because they prefer falsity over truth. Some Americans love the fiction that the media has spun and prefer to stick with the false narrative rather than accept the truth of the matter.

For the last two years, a lying spirit has been in the mouth of many governments across the world, especially across the West. Their healthcare officials have knowingly broadcast false information about an infectious disease issue that has affected many particularly by the mandates they harshly implemented. Healthcare and government officials knew that they were promoting fear rather than facts, they knew their information was false, but they continued anyways. They knew that the fictitious narrative they were spinning was not true, but because of the lying spirit in their mouths they could not stop spreading their false information. The California State government, has just passed a bill to punish doctors if they are accused of spreading what they deem “misinformation” and “disinformation” about this certain infectious disease.[8] Like many states, California’s definition of “misinformation” and “disinformation,” is completely out of whack; it needs to be adjusted. Is it any wonder that so many young people cannot tell the difference between what is true and what is not? When governments, healthcare officials, and the media accuse someone of spreading disinformation you can be sure that the accused is really telling the truth—at least more than not anyways. But because western society has become accustomed to fiction, they want the fake news. Many choose falsity over truth. Why do you think CNN and MSNBC still has viewers? Because some people crave false narratives. This generation has spent all their lives being entertained with fiction that accepting the truth now will cause some to have mental breakdowns. Have you seen the mental breakdowns by some liberals on Twitter? These people enthusiastically accept the false narrative propagated by government and healthcare officials; the fictitious information intoxicates them. They prefer falsity over truth.

Remember I said above that fascination for stories is not something that only the world enjoys? That is because the church does too. A short story that leads up to a meticulous message from the Holy Scriptures can be a good and effective tool. But that is not what I am talking about. What I am saying, is that it has become a practice in church for the pastor to preach nothing but stories, and as I said, they have taken priority over actually teaching the word of God. And why should we be surprised? The Scriptures prophesied that: “For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts” (2 Tim. 4:3, ASV). That time has come. This warning is an endtimes prophetic message to the church. Some pastors are more in groove with their own personal spiritual aspirations than they are with the spiritual needs of the church. So, is it a shock that they don’t know or can even comprehend that the church-age is almost complete? The trumpet of God is ready to sound[9] and some pastors are busy telling jokes and stories. They are supposed to be getting the church ready for the rapture of the church,[10] but instead some would rather entertain the church with their fiction. Story tellers have a habit of embellishing their tales to make them sound more exciting. The church shouldn’t be fooled into thinking that the stories they hear are not sometimes stretched in a way to tickle their ears. The prophecy continues to warn that people: “Will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” (2 Tim. 4:4, ESV). Do you understand that verse? The word of God prophesies that the people will not want truth anymore. They want anything but. This truth refers to endtimes prophecy, warnings for the generation that will be alive at the end of the church-age. This truth is important information about the seven-year Tribulation Period, about the second coming of Christ, and especially the good news about the rapture of the church. The apostle writes: “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction” (2 Tim. 4:2, NIV). Since he went on in the next two verses to prophesy about the final days of the church-age, preaching the word in season also has the implication to preach information persistently about the Rapture, Tribulation Period, and the Second Coming in the final generation of the church. Just as Jesus commanded the pastors and teachers in Matthew 24:36-51. But sadly, too many in the church don’t want their pastor to speak on these things. So many pastors don’t. Too much of the church wants falsity over truth, and their pastor gives into their worldly desire instead of the commands of the Lord. Their pastor gives into their lusts because he himself cannot understand endtimes prophecy and the warnings that accompany them. He doesn’t want to preach about the end of the church-age because he doesn’t want the rapture of the church to happen before his personal spiritual aspirations all happen. Visions of spiritual grandeur have been dreamed and envisioned by many in the ministry today and by doggy they will not let any rapture get in the way of that.

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[1] Genesis 2:16-17; 3:1-6

[2] The Book of Enoch; chapter #15

(Accessed 8/30/2022)

[3] Deuteronomy 32:8: “When the most high nation was divided, as it was spreading the sons of Adam, who set up the limits of the nation in the number of angels of God” (Septuagint).

“When the Most High assigned lands to the nations, when he divided up the human race, he established the boundaries of the peoples according to the number in his heavenly court” (New Living Translation NLT).

See how the NLT reads, “[God’s] heavenly court.” The heavenly court refers to the angels of God. The Dead Sea Scrolls reads; “the number of the sons of God,” meaning the angels of God. The Septuagint reads; “the number of the angels of God.” But, the Masoretic Text (what most English Bibles use as reference to their Old Testament translations) reads, “the number of the sons of Israel.” The trouble with that interpretation is that Israel wasn’t even a nation yet when Yahweh put his angels in charge of the nations (see Ps. 82:1).

[4] Psalms 82:6-7

[5] Genesis 6:1-4

[6] Daniel 9:24

[7] 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

[8] California Passes Bill To Punish Doctors Who Spread COVID ‘Misinformation’

(Accessed 9/01/22

[9] 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53

[10] Matthew 24:42-51