Saturday, December 12, 2015

Climate Change or Climate Deception

Today, the twelfth day of December, two weeks before we celebrate Christmas 2015, world leaders stand and cheer as they celebrate their so-called powerful efforts to save Mother Earth, from what they call ‘catastrophic climate change.’
I do not know what you have felt about this climate conference that is being held in Paris, France, but ever since these special envoys from 195 nations around the world first began this conference I have felt this nauseous and sickening disturbance deep within my stomach.
I wish I could just expel it and this nightmare would be over. 
I have been able to control most of my emotions while I heard report after report about this elite group and how if they cannot come up with some climate deal the earth will burst into flames.
I guess they are afraid we will all end up as barbecued wieners if they do not do something quick.
I am a little apprehensive that they may just see us as no more than wieners.
I want to confess that there has been moments where I had to vent my disgust of the deceptive nature of  these climate change charlatans.
These leaders are misleading their people and they have no conscience about it either. 
The claims they make are not a valid science but they insist otherwise.
They spend billions of dollars to manipulate statistics only so they can fleece every hard working tax paying person across the European Union, and North America.
The money they accumulate in taxes to fight this fictitious global warming is in the trillions of dollars, which is already being siphoned from the world's richest countries.
The idea of climate change/warming is only a contrived political and environmental agenda, according to many who have studied this subject.
The co-founder of the Weather Channel in the US, John Coleman  claims that  man-made climate change is not credible; it is just not scientific.
Mr. Coleman believes, like many others, that the reason for the minute rise in global temperature change is only natural to the earth’s ecosystem.
He further believes that: "The oceans are not rising significantly, the polar ice is in fact increasing, and Polar Bears are not decreasing but increasing in number. As far as heat waves are concerned they are not increasing but diminishing, and the amount and might behind storms are not accumulating but abating."

Who do you believe?
I see on one side a large movement using scare tactics to force the workingman to hand over what little extra money he has to governments and organizations that are very large and extremely powerful.
They pull on your heartstrings claiming that they are only protecting the earths poor helpless inhabitants from imminent catastrophe and sheer calamity.
Save the planet!
They make you think they are sophisticated while they slide their taxation into your pocket to take your last dime.
Than you have on the other side groups of people like John Coleman, and credible organizations that dispute the agenda of the global warming cabal, but the main stream media will not give them hardly any news coverage.
So who are you to believe?

This conference and every climate change conference have a secret agenda behind it.
World leaders today unfortunately have traded the truth about God Almighty for a lie, and they worship what God has created, in this case the earth, instead of worshipping him (Roms.1:25).
Most world leaders are Luciferians and are so bound to the occult that their ability to even know the one and only true God is slowly diminishing.
While we wait for the coming of the Lord they wait for the coming of the lawless one, who will deceive them even further with the power of Satan, because they have chosen to serve not the truth but the lie (2Thess.2:9).
YouTube Video: Historic Climate Change Deal Reached in Paris 
YouTube Video: John Coleman (founder of The Weather Channel) Global Warming Scam

Friday, September 18, 2015

A One World Society, Arising Quickly

There is so much going on in the world right now that suggests the world is at the point of no return; a point of no return to the way it used to be.
It used to be that we were able to have at least some trust in our government leaders to do what is right for the nation that they swore an oath to govern, to have our countries best interest as their main concern, and it did not matter what party held the keys of national power.
But now, and for some time now, it is hard to know by our leader's actions whether or not they are actual public servants of the people they swore to govern, or whether we the people are just expected to swear complete allegiance to them and their administrative powers.
Our leaders believe that they have been illumined to know what is best for us and in their mind we do not.
Most people in political office today see their citizens as no more than just subjugates whom they have conquered and gained control of through the guise of the political process.
It is not difficult for anyone who pays attention to the state or national scene to see that their leaders do not have their state or nations best interest at heart, because they are more concerned with transnationalism, better known as globalization, which is the technical way of saying the world is quickly phasing over to a one world government, one world currency, and a one world religion.

Many people today live everyday with their head buried in the sand, and the many people that I am referring to primarily belong to the Christian community.
Oh, I know, it is not nice that I demean some people in the Christian community by writing such a remark.
But in my defence I write this so that those who have their head buried deep into the sand hill will lift their heads out and look up.
It would be better for you if you had your head in the clouds, because then at least your ears would be closer to hear from Heaven than to have your attention downward in the opposite direction.
Many people that confess their faith in Jesus Christ think and talk as if the unique little world that they live in is going to continue for years and decades to come, they refuse to believe that the world is headed for ultimate disaster.
It does not work in with their special plans.

I despise it when I hear a believer in Christ say when countries and people are being torn apart to not worry about it because God is in control.
What are these people suggesting with that conclusion?
If God is in control of the countries that are being torn apart then why are they being torn apart?
The Syrian and Iraqi Christians are being brutalized, their children are being raped, and the parents are being beheaded in front of the children. 
I have my own thoughts on why some believe that their world will just continue the way it is for a long time to come, and it is because each has their own agenda.
Their mind is set on earthly pleasure rather than things above (Col.3:1-2).

Their plan is to enjoy life as much as they can.
I am not saying that there is anything wrong with enjoying life but when the brothers are  having their heads cut off with daggers and being crucified than  the plans to enjoy life to its fullest by some in the Christian community makes me concerned.
Yes, there are prayer meetings, calling for God to send peace on the earth and for another grand scale revival, and indeed we need him to send these things.
I am sure the Syrian and Iraqi Christians agree completely.
But there is something you must consider. 
Where do you think the world is positioned on Gods time clock right now?
You have no idea?
You are definitely not alone.
Many do not know where the world is positioned on Gods time clock today, especially when they come out thinking and saying that things will get better, and they believe and brag that they will see their little children grow up to become prosperous citizens.
Then their children will have children, and they will sit these youngsters on their laps and bounce them up and down just like their grandpa did to them, tickling their little bellies. 
God's time clock is past that hour my friend.
Open your eyes so that you can see, and unblock your ears so that you can hear, all the signs that are in the earth today are pointing to the shift from the days we once knew to a time that will change the world to period of great tribulation.

What do we see going on in the world today that reveal the time is short?
Do you see particular events that are moving at a high rate of speed indicating the world is entering into its next phase of becoming a world that either acknowledges or considers Jesus Christ anymore, and where society is turning on his people?
The worlds next phase of the evolutionary process, as the New Age Movement refer to it—the NAM has its roots in esotericism and  Gnosticism, which evolved into Rosicrucianism, then into Freemasonry, which at its highest levels is the secret government behind the government referred to as the Illuminati—reveals that we are now entering into a new age of enlightenment. 
All indicators point to a one world government, a new world order, which  will be led by a one world leader who is ready to be introduced to the world anytime now.

Is there room in the new world order for the believer in Christ?
The new world order hates Christ.
The knowledge we have of what is now taking place in the Middle East, the atrocities against the Christians and against people who do not meet the standards of faith by those who are waging jihad, the evil men who have as their goal to initiate a global Islamic caliphate, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and groups like them with the same ideology in Northern Africa, will happen on a global scale once the one world government is initiated.
There may be different players once the initiation takes place but the same idea will emerge, which is global dominance.
The bible prophesied these events throughout the Scriptures and we can now see it through the imagery written in the book of Revelations.
Do you not think it is odd that the leader of the world's most powerful nation, the USA, and the leaders of the European Union, just sit back and do nothing but debate and discuss the situation in the Middle East?
They sit on their hands while tens of thousands of people are being slaughtered by ISIS.
Why have they not come up with a viable strategy to eliminate this army of cold blooded killers?
Is it in their best interest to stand down?
Is it in the best interest of the shadow government  to do nothing?
It looks to me like the shadow government is using this as an opportunity to fulfill their purpose, because all that is going on in the world today is clearly leading to the emergence of the one world government.
Do you think it is a coincident that only now there is a serious refugee crisis, where all of a sudden there are hundreds of thousands, even millions of people now fleeing Syria and Iraq, being driven out of their birth place by the butchering men of ISIS?
There are so many refugees fleeing into Europe that they cannot handle it.
Is ISIS really to powerful for America and the EU to eliminate? ISIS thinks so, even boasting about it.
Little does ISIS  know but  they are just being used as pawns by the Illuminati, to create absolute chaos so they can bring to power their one world leader and form their one world government at the appointed time.

A few weeks ago we had a stock market meltdown where trillions of dollars instantly vanished out of the financial system, and the world is not really out of it yet.
Financial forecasters have been announcing for years that there will be a world wide economic collapse that will happen very soon.
China is on the verge of economic collapse, the European Unions economic forecast does not look good either with some of their member states on the verge of bankruptcy, and now with this huge influx of refugees pouring into Europe the financial strain on them and the world will be catastrophic.
Germany is expecting in the rage of 800,000 refugees before the end of the year, and the BBC reports that almost two weeks ago on a Saturday there were more than 10,000 refugees who made their way into Munich.
Granted Germany is a rich nation, but are they going to be able to house and feed 800,000 new people without it putting a very heavy burden on their own residents?
These events are all leading to the introduction of a one world currency that will be initiated by the leader of the one world government once he is announced and put into power, leaving the elites in the world with the only source of financial wealth; just as the book of Revelations predicts.
“And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine” (Rev.6:6, KJV).

The call for this new world order, and a one world leader, who issues a one world currency, and institutes a one world religion, has slowly been making its way into society for many decades now, even though it has been in the works for centuries.
The bible predicts this one world government (Dan.2:40-43; 7:16-24), along with the one world currency (Rev.13:16-17), along with the one world religion (Rev.13:11-15; 17:1-18).
The man who will lead this government (Rev.13:1), will be announced to the world as a leader of peace (Rev.6:2), and the world will worship him (Rev.13:4, 8a).
Modern leaders have been giving subtle hints to their people that this new world order is ready to be established in their speeches, national addresses, and through the media.
Look closely at music videos, music album and CD covers, and many movies and television programs, and you will see many occultist symbols that are being used by the new world order to promote its arrival.
There are even certain well known recording artists who proudly and loudly proclaim that they are members of the Illuminati.
Way back, even in the seventies, when the West was in the midst of a sexual revolution, national political leaders in the USA were announcing the coming of the one world government, by using codes and secret society language to condition the minds of the populace to the acceptance of a one world society.
Certain Presidents in this modern era have announced the coming of the new world order from both political parties as they address the nation, even political leaders in Britain have recently made statements insinuating that countries should abandon the idea of protecting their own nation, because the world is now an international state.

Who will this world leader be that will forcefully lead the world in a singular society through a new world order?
God gives a description of him in the book of Daniel, saying that he will make war against the saints (Jews and Gentiles who repent and turn to God in the seven year tribulation period, which is less commonly referred to as the seventieth week of Israel) in the seventh chapter.
This leader will have a face with strong features, and cannot be trusted as he will be very deceptive; to put it mildly he will be a liar. He will become very powerful prospering in his deceit, even considering himself superior to everyone and everything (Dan.8:23-25).
This man will be the one whom the nation of Israel will think is their long awaited Messiah, because he will prevail at making peace between Israel and the Palestinians for a period of seven years (Dan.9:27).
Earlier this year an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish leader, Rabbi, Chaim Kanievsky, made the plea to all Jewish people living outside of Israel to make their way back to the promised land, claiming he had revelation that their Messiah was going to arrive September the twelfth.
As you know, since September the twelfth has come and gone, and their Messiah did not show up, the Rabbi made a slight mistake in his prediction.
Israel has been waiting for their Messiah to return because they do not yet believe that Jesus is the one whom they are looking for, they rejected him when he was on the earth, so consequently they will accept the false messiah (Jn.5:43), this man of peace (Rev.6:2), and this political figure will be the man who orchestrates the peace agreement.
The current government in the US, with certain individuals in the EU, has been working feverishly over the last few years to get a peace deal done with Israel and the Palestinians; with some measure of difficulty.
But with all we have been witnessing in the world today the peace deal is not far from being confirmed.
You think the world is in horrible shape now, this is nothing compared to what it will be like once the peace agreement is enacted into law.
Thank God though, for the promise the believers in Christ have is that we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air prior to this peace agreement (1Cor.15:51-53; 1Thess.4:16-17; 2Thess.2:1-8).
YouTube Video: The Illuminati and the One World Government HD
Behold Israel
YouTube Video: Global Governance - EU President Admits One-World Government is Here - NWO - New World Order

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Kim Davis Dilemma, What is The Real Issue

I am not surprised by the media attention that a Rowan County clerk, in the State of Kentucky, USA, is getting over her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples.
Her name is Kim Davis.
When all is said and done, her actions are not an issue of whether or not she is violating a Supreme Court order that gay marriage is supposedly now legal in the United States of America.
Or whether or not gay marriage is actually even legal, because at the time of this writing the US Congress has officially not made it law yet. 
The real issue behind this media frenzy is that someone who believes in Jesus Christ has refused to grant marriage licenses to same sex couples.

Look at all the media attention this woman is getting; listen to the hosts and commentators on CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox News. 
They talk about how she is violating the Supreme Court decision to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples which is a valid discussion in itself, but some of them are using this as an opportunity to throw their jabs in concerning her faith. 
They judge her faith insisting she is not pure, because she has been married numerous times and has children from different fathers.
This is a knock against her recent conversion to faith in Jesus Christ.  
Some call for her quick and immediate release from her duties as county clerk, saying she is a government employee, and that she must obey the law rather than her conscience and her faith.
Even though the Congress has not enacted same sex marriage into law.
These pompous media blowhards are calling for the resignation of this city clerk who is really not breaking the marriage laws in the state of Kentucky anyway.
Gay marriage is against Kentucky public policy in 2015, even to the level if a gay couple is married in another state and then chooses to reside in Kentucky their marriage not recognized by the laws of the State; therefore their marriage is null and void (1).

This is what society has become.
Does a government official just turn their conscience on and off like a light switch?
Is this what society wants?
When the voters elect a government official, like Kim Davis, do they not realize that they bring with them their conscience and their faith into their duly appointed office?
Remember, in 2015, gay marriage is against public policy in the state of Kentucky.
Society can sometimes be so naïve.
If a community does not want a Christian person as their elected representative, like a city clerk, than they should not vote them into office.
If you do not want a Muslim as your political representative than do not vote them into office.
People bring into their political office their talents and abilities, but they do not check their conscience at the door.   
What Kim Davis did my refusing to grant marriage licenses to same sex partners is not the real issue here.
The real issue is that a Christian woman is refusing to grant marriage licenses to gay couples.
If Kim Davis happened to be a Muslim would the media even be covering this story?
Muslims are against gay marriage.
Try not to forget the facts in this story.
The US Supreme Court decides in June that they are going to make gay marriage legal in the United States, even thought the Supreme Court cannot make laws but only enforce them.
The Congress is the only lawmaking body in the US.
In Canada, the Supreme Court thinks they can make laws too, but it is only the Parliament, the Senate and House of Commons, who can legally make laws in Canada.
So when this unlawful decision by the US Supreme Court makes the nightly news some in the gay community think that it is okay for them to get legally married in Kentucky, even though State policy says it is not legal.
Instead of the main stream media using their communication power to report the news responsibly they go headstrong and report a narrative of homophobia, against a woman who not only is following her conscience but obeying public policy in the state she serves.
I can tell you, if Kim Davis was a Muslim this story would not even be in the news right now; let alone a top story all over the world.
The people who sued her would have thought twice before suing a Muslim woman, and the judge who incarcerated her without bail would have run away from this issue with his tail between his legs.
Instead of acting so high and mighty. 
If a Muslim woman denied a marriage license to same sex couples in the state of Kentucky the story would be buried on some producers desk, but because a Christian woman has denied the marriage license it is an opportunity for the world to do some more Christian bashing.
The media is demanding that Kim Davis resign her position not just because she is denying marriage licenses to same sex couples, but because she is a Christian woman denying same sex couples marriage certificates.
The media believes that a Christian cannot impose her faith in this legal case even though she is not technically breaking any state laws. She is following her conscience which is actually in line with Kentucky law.
Wait and see when the first Muslim person refuses to grant some similar public service because of their faith in Islam.
Will they pounce on the Muslim like a hungry lion like they are this Christian woman?
You can be sure they do not.
YouTube Video: Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Denies Same-Sex Marriage Lincense | ABC News
ABC News
YouTube Video: CNN Bias! Don Lemon in Heated Row with Matt Bevin over Kim Davis

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Messiah Cometh

We are now into September of 2015, and as some of you may know there are many events scheduled to take place this month that will have an important effect in the world as we now know it.
They will have significant influence in the spiritual realm if even some of  these develop.
On Steve Quayle’s website (1) you will find a list of twenty seven of these events that are suppose to take place during this month, beginning on or around the twelfth day of September.
These events are a sign that the church age is soon coming to an end.
Please do not misunderstand; I am not saying that the church age is coming to an end at the end of September 2015. What I am saying is with these events occurring it is apparent that the rapture is very near. 
Come! Lord Jesus!  
These events are indications of how close certain prophetic events are from being fulfilled, but sadly prophecy is of little interest to so many who claim to believe.
Many believers do not pay attention to events like these, which are really warnings to those who have ears to hear, and eyes to see.
Far too many believers if they even read bible prophecy or by chance hear it in a message unfortunately see nothing.
A deficiency of spiritual insight occurs and they find it hard to concentrate. 
On this list of twenty seven events there is one particular event that caught my attention right away, and it so happens to be the first one.
This prediction expresses that the Jewish Messiah is coming, or will be revealed, on the twelfth day of September, according to Rabbi, Chaim Kanievsky.
This is the twenty ninth day of Elul on the Jewish calendar, which is the end of this Jewish year, 5775. 
Rabbi, Chaim Kanievsky, is a leading figure of authority in mainstream Ultra-Orthodox Judaism.
He has been calling all Jews who live abroad to return to the Holy Land, or rather to make Aliyah.
Aliyah means they are to proceed to Jerusalem from wherever they now reside.
The Rabbi urges the Jewry to come back to the land of Israel with swiftness, because the coming of their Messiah is imminent, he is ready to be revealed, in particular, the twelfth day of this month.

Those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord know without any doubt that the Jewish Messiah has already come two thousand years ago.
Jesus of Nazareth  gave his life as the atoning sacrifice of all people. 
This work was the result of his  death on the cross.
Three days later he was resurrected from the grave by the power of God.
Unfortunately for the nation of Israel, at that point in time, the religious leaders rejected the carpenter's son. They believed him to be an imposter, and no more than just a lunatic.
They were actually jealous of him.
They refused to believe in Jesus and the miraculous powers coming from him.
They despised him because he healed the sick and cured those with disease. They hated him and chose to kill him because he said he was God (Jn.5:18).
The religious leaders were a stubborn people that spoke on Israel's behalf. 
Jesus scolded them and prophesied  that because of their rejection of  him they will indeed someday receive a false messiah (Jn.5:43; Matt.24:4-5).
This messiah whom the nation of Israel will receive will be the one that Rabbi, Chaim Kanievsky, says is coming on September 12, 2015.
This is of course if  this person does show up on this day and Israel believes he is the one they have been waiting for.
If this event does not occur on the twelfth of September than it will for sure happen on another day after that; and not too long after that I predict.

This messiah whom, Rabbi, Chaim Kanievsky, predicts is coming in a few days is not a man that will have the Jews best interest at heart; he will pretend he does but he certainly will not.
It is prophesied that this man will enforce a seven year peace treaty upon the Jews and Arabs that live in Israel. 
He will likely enforce the Oslo agreement.
In the middle of this seven year period he will turn on the Jewish people and try to destroy them (Dan.9:27; 12:11; Matt.24:15-16).
When this man is revealed the nation of Israel will truly believe he is their Messiah, and many in the world will believe that he is the man of peace that they have been waiting for.
He will be the leader of the one world government that is soon to be established (Rev.6:2); many people have heard of  this man under the pseudonym, the Antichrist.

As far as bible prophesy is concerned this false messiah will come, but he will come and be announced to the world only after the believers in Christ are caught up to meet Jesus in the air  (1Thess.4:16-17; 2Thess.2:1-12).
If the Rabbi’s prediction is correct, and this false messiah is revealed on the twelfth, than we who are true believers in Christ will not be on this planet after September 11, 2015.
I sure hope he is right. 
YouTube Video: Israeli Rabbi Says "Arrival Of Messiah Is Imminent"
Paul Begley


Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Door Continues to Spin

Round and round life goes, where it stops, nobody knows.
Actually we do know where it stops, and we do know where it is going; if you can understand bible prophecy.
The scripture could not have been written anymore perfect, it could not be anymore clear, it has been written with absolute accuracy so that there is no mistake.
In my previous article I wrote that the revolving door of world events continues to turn without slowing down, it never stops as its bearings roil faster and faster on its axis—it spins so quickly that you can smell the bearing grease as it becomes hotter and hotter.
The bearings are not able to contain the load that the world is putting on them.
Coming out of the revolving door of events is bible prophecy unfolding, one prediction after another.
You may not understand some or maybe even most bible predictions before they exit out into the physical realm, while they are being held in abeyance as they lie dormant on the pages of Holy Scripture.
It is like they have received some kind of divine suspension.
Once they become physical reality and their life begins to emerge like a new born baby who receives its first breath, as it bursts forth from its mother's womb, then you begin to see the image of bible prophecy as your eyes are open for the very first time.
You get your first opportunity to gaze into the analogous of the unfolding bible prophecy and the world event it relates to.

What nation has been a daily current event, catching the attention of the concerned especially over the last few years?
I mean besides the nation of Israel.
If you guessed it is Iran then you are right.
You may move to the front of the class.
I was twenty years old in 1979 when a mob of Iranian students who were deeply influenced by the new leader of Iran, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, seized the U.S. Embassy taking more than sixty American people hostage for 444 days.
This act was given the appellation ‘the Iran hostage crises’ as many can remember.
In 1980, Iran’s military force went to war with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, after he attacked Iran’s oilfields; this war lasted eight years.
The Americans were attacked in 1983 twice, in Beirut, Lebanon, killing hundreds of soldiers and civilians, by terrorists affiliated with Hezbollah, who receive their orders from Iran’s Supreme Leaders.
The Reagan administration, in 1984, declares Iran a terrorist’s state, while they continue to abduct Americans, even abducting the CIA Station Chief of the time.
Over the next few years the U.S. makes deals with Iran to get hostages released.
President Bush, in 2002, refers to Iran as an “axis of evil” so Iran supports insurgent groups in Iraq, to bog down the U.S. military there.
In 2007, Iran warns the Unites States that they would attack U.S. interests if they came under attack because of its nuclear program.
It was also revealed that Iran was contributing substantially to the violence in Iraq, which caused the U.S. to impose heavier sanctions upon some Iranian banks, then the following year Iran is further accused of supporting the Taliban.
The United States votes in a new President, Barack Hussein Obama, who takes office in 2009. Then his administration begins to try and win over the axis of evil with smooth talk and deal making; somehow hoping for better diplomatic relations.
This approach is not as successful as they hoped as the U.S. is now forced to impose heavier sanctions on Iran, because of their reluctance to be transparent on its uranium enrichment program.
This can go on and on because there has been so much happen over the last six years.
In July of this year, 2015, the world powers led by the U.S. and the U.K. along with  Russia, France, China, Germany and the EU, reach a framework deal with Iran over their nuclear program.
Can Iran be trusted considering the deceitfulness of their nation in the past?
Obama and the Democrats give each other a high five, while Israel sits on the edge.
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is not fooled by this outcome and is still ready to defend the Jewish nation no matter what it takes.

Iran has continually threatened Israel with complete annihilation upon their nearest ability to use nuclear weapons, ever since their former President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, told Germany and Austria to host a state of Israel in their own backyards.
While Ahmadinejad was in power he gave speech after speech before the Iranian people declaring Israel’s death, and that rhetoric has continued even after he lost the election in 2013.
The Supreme Leader of Iran has as his primary objective to eliminate Israel and the Jewish people.
One can see the striking similarities between the talk of Ahmadinejad, and the Ayatollah’s, with Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, one of the ancient rulers of Persia, under the authority of the then king, Ahasuerus, in the fifth century B.C.
Haman hated the Jewish people and conspired to have them all killed in the Persian Empire (Est.3:6, 8-9), but his plan backfired and he and his ten sons were put to death instead (Est.7:1-10; 9:7-10).
The spirit of Haman still exists in the leaders of Iran and some of their people to this very day, and their dream of destroying the people of Esther and Mordecai, the Jewish people, is growing close to becoming a reality.
Especially with the Obama administration pushing Iran’s nuclear dream into existence, and basically is willing to give them all the tools they need to achieve the Iranian dream.

Has Israel the right to be apprehensive over Iran’s nuclear dreams, or are they just being paranoid?
I believe they are wise in being suspicious considering the prophecy in Ezekiel, chapters thirty eight and thirty nine, where the nation of Iran is mentioned as being one of a host of nations who will attack Israel in the not so distant future.
The prophecy predicts that Russia, who is Magog, will partner up with Iran, who is Persia, along with a coalition of other Middle Eastern nations, will attempt to invade Israel because they believe that this tiny nation is exposed, with their defences being lowered at that time in the future (Ez.38:10-12).
I believe this will happen after the church is caught up to meet the Lord Jesus in the air (1Thess.4:16-17), because after this miraculous event occurs the newly announced one world leader will then make a peace covenant with Israel, and in it he will promise her protection (Dan.9:27; 2Thess.2:1-12).
His promise will turn out to be a lie; nonetheless initially Israel will believe him.
Iran and Russia will advance upon Israel like a storm (Ez.38:9), thinking that because Israel’s defences are down that they can plunder her and carry away her wealth (Ez.38:13).
Iran and Russia both have growing military and diplomatic ties presently, and this prediction, cannot be anymore clear that an invasion upon Israel by this coalition will take place.
The prophecy does reveal that this invasion will arouse God’s wrath against Iran and Russia, and God will then come against these nations for Israel’s sake (Ez.38:18-23; 39:1-6).
Gog, the man who will be the leader of Russia at this prophetic moment, and the military of Russia, is the man and the military that the Lord’s wrath is fuelled against, but Iran is also a willing participant in this invasion against Israel.
I do not know if Vladimir Putin, the present President of the Russian Federation, is Gog. But we are so close to this prophecy being fulfilled he just might be.
The prophet, Jeremiah, wrote that Iran would not escape the wrath of God, in chapter forty nine, verses thirty four through thirty nine—Jeremiah uses Iran’s ancient name which was Elam.
This prophecy predicts that God will bring disaster upon Iran because his emotions have risen to the level of fierce anger, and he will bring an end to them as he pursues them with the sword (Jer.49:37).
Could this be because of their continual threat to annihilate Israel once they have nuclear capability, and because they invade Israel along with Russia once Israel’s defences come down, because the Jews have a covenant of peace with the one world leader?     

Jeremiah wrote, that God will break the bow of Iran, which would mean the instrument of Iran’s power and could be conceived as Iran’s nuclear power at this stage; it is their future nuclear capabilities’ that they threaten Israel with (Jer.49:35).
Israel has resisted Iran’s threatening rhetoric with a threat of their own, the threat of a pre-emptive strike if they do not stop their nuclear enrichment.
So is this what this prophecy is referring to, in the writings of the Prophet, when it states that God will bring the four winds against Iran, meaning a nuclear weapons strike by Israel?
The revolving door of world events continues to spin and bible prophecy continues to unfold, one prediction after another.
YouTube Video: Iran Hostage Crisis 1979 (ABC News Report From 12/3/1979)
ABC News
YouTube Video: The Iranian Hostage Crisis
YouTube Video: Iran War - Thames Television
YouTube Video: 1983 US Embassy Bombing in Beirut April 18 1983
YouTube Video: 2002: Bush defines enemies
YouTube Video: Obama to address deal with Iran
Washington Post
YouTube Video: Ahmadinejad: Israel Will Disappear From Map
Associated Press
YouTube Video: 10 Things You Need To Know About Vladimir Putin
Alltime 10s

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Revolving Door

                                      Warning: Video Graphic
The revolving door of events occurring in this world is incessant, it is at a constant pace, and it ceases to find any rest as the door just keeps spinning round and round.
Revolving on its bearings as it churns faster and faster.
Exiting out one end comes one event that shifts the world from a state of normalcy to something anomalous, like men not knowing that they are men but thinking there may have been some mistake at birth.
They assume Mother Nature made a boo-boo; they should have been born female.

As the door whirls around on its axial out comes another episode of egregious conscience as the US Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage, even though Americans are sharply divided on the issue
Decades ago most Americans would think this issue as unthinkable, but the revolving door of events has spewed out yet another ordination by the gods in the establishment of the new age.
The new world order is fast approaching, which we can rightly say is already here, although it is slightly veiled behind the cloak of secrecy until an extremely chaotic event will usher it to light.

Egressing out of this door is another occurrence in Ontario, Canada, where the Ontario government there is going full steam ahead in adopting in their health and physical education curriculum this fall a plethora of changes.
There has been continuous protest and much opposition from the provinces bamboozled parents.
One of these changes will be to teach children in grade school to question their sex.
They will be taught to question whether they are male or female, and will be taught that they must accept that there is a new family structure, or what I see as a new family order, that consists of two woman or two men.
This curriculum teaches that the new family order is just as normal as the traditional family structure of a man and a woman.
These changes are an all out effort to disassemble Gods idea for sexual relations written in his word, by a government who is out to change the minds of children to coincide with the new age, the new world order agenda, that is encompassing the western world as fast as the revolving door twirls.

This movement to change people’s ideas of traditional sexuality that started off in the 1960s with free love, open sexual orgies, and that gave strength in bringing out of the closet the lifestyle of homosexuality, should not surprise anyone who reads and understand the Holy Bible.
These new sexual alternatives, instead of traditional sex which is between a man and a woman, are really old alternatives.
They have been explored and practiced even since Cain killed his brother Able, but ever since the introduction of the sexual revolution there has been a definite upswing in this sexual lifestyle. 
In the days of Noah fallen angels came out of the spiritual world through spiritual gateways and had sexual relations with women that gave birth to giants (Gen.6:1-7).
In the days of  Lot there were two angels from Gods kingdom who came to rescue Lot from the pending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. These two divine deliverers were challenged by the men of Sodom who became violent and were obsessed with raping them (Gen.19:1-9). 
But it seems that ever since the beginning of the new age, the sexual revolution, the spirit of sexual perversion has become so powerful that society cannot distinguish from what is pure and what is not, and what is safe and what is not.

You can go back over the history of just the last fifty years and see how obsessive society has become when it comes to the sexual component of the human consciousness.
Every year society comes out with something greater to debase the image that God intended for mankind.
This obsession drives the human race today and will continue to grow more powerful, even when the world will suffer horrendous days in the seven year tribulation period, they will refuse to give up and repent of their new age sexual revolution (Rev.9:21c).
YouTube Video: The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s
Ian Taylor
YouTube Video: U.S. Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage
YouTube Video: Sex Ed & Public Schools in Ontario
Public Education Advocates for Christian Equity

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Cain Syndrome

I am sure you cannot help but notice society accelerating into utter chaos.
We are in the abysm of  the Cain Syndrome.
Am I my brother's keeper?
The atrocious acts being committed by many wicked individuals just keeps increasing.
The heart of man is becoming unidentifiable.
There is no such thing as right or wrong anymore.
Many people have much in common with Cain; they resemble him.
You know Cain, the guy who killed his brother Able.
Cain killed his brother because of anger, he was jealous of him. 
I am not talking about the most violent acts against one another.
Though you cannot overlook them.
Instead I am expressing my frustration that occurs just on the roadway. 
This is the Cain Syndrome.
The manifestation of rage can be set off when people are in a hurry, when someone tries to get from one place to another in a short period of time.
They are now late.
Fury becomes a hurricane on the expressway because they blame the car in front of them for their difficulty.
It is the guy ahead of them that has made them late.
If you drive on the streets in any big city you know what I am referring to.
Is it the psychology of a person, or maybe to be more accurate, the spiritual condition of a person, because they are infected with the contagious Cain Syndrome?
Why do so many people think they have to act like the worlds greatest tyrant when they get behind the wheel of their automobile?
They get behind the wheel of their four wheel weapon and then some alien  power possesses them.
They change from the good neighbour next door to something like Godzilla.
You better get out of their way or they will run you off the road.
It is archetypical Cain attacking his brother, jealousy filled his heart, aggravation overtook him, so then he kills his brother.

What does giving another driver the finger say about that person?
What does this  immature gesture reveal anyway?
Are they  just innocently saying they are in a rush and need to get where they are going in a hurry?
So they are pleading for your patience?
Is your vehicle just an inconvenient obstacle to them?
So they just swerve in front of your vehicle, causing you to slam on your brakes, so that you do lose the front end of your car. 
Is the middle finger gesture just some kind of humble apology?
Does this mean they are sorry for being a jackass?
Unfortunately this kind of behaviour is the manifestation of Cain Syndrome; his anger is so out of control that given the opportunity he will attack you like Cain attacked his brother Able.
Why should he care anything about you, he is not your keeper?  

To the discerning individual, those who have spiritual discernment and have an understanding of the motivation of  a mans heart, the driving patterns of many individuals is simply archetypical of what lives within their heart.
Occasionally we do see a driver that is actually courteous behind the wheel; maybe one or two.
Unfortunately it is rare.
I would be safe in guessing that the thoughtful driver is an individual that is considerate even when he is not in his vehicle.
The antithesis to the courteous driver is the man who thinks his pickup truck his personal sledge hammer to run you off the road.
His obsession to be ahead of you only exacerbates the anger in his heart like the fury that raged within Cain that caused him to kill his brother Able.
Have you noticed how more people in the supermarket are using their grocery carts as weapons.
It is just not safe in the candy and gum aisle anymore.
They should sell life insurance policies as you walk through the front door.
The care and respect that people used to have for one another is almost gone.
Centennials, Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers, each have their own ethical standard.
From what I see just driving my car the obligation of respect to one another is just something of the past.
Lawlessness abounds on the roadway.
Caring for others has become cold.
There is conflict and quarrelling for space on the roadway because too many people care only for themselves.

YouTube Video: Road Rage in America (USA) 2014
Road Rage 1014, Fail Complication 2014
YouTube Video: Don't Give the Finger to a Truck Driver