The World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization (WHO) have assumed control over the Western world’s healthcare, educational, and financial systems. They control both multinational corporations (MNCs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). They even have control over every country’s border, except the central European nation of Hungary, mainly because of Viktor Orban, the nation’s Prime Minister. The PM of Hungary has strict conditions for immigration into his country. But eventually, the global government will have control of Hungary and its borders too. The global government has its hands and feet in every part of this endtimes generation, they have even maneuvered themselves into some churches to implement the policies of the WEF. The signs indicating this endtimes government is here and already ruling the affairs of nation-states are as plain as the nose on your face. The United States of America was the last country they had to take control of, but then Trump was elected president in 2016. But after four years of the Trump presidency, the globalists have assumed control of the USA and this time they will not give it up. Many people, even Christians, have the hope that Trump will win a second term in 2024, but the world is too close to the beginning of the seventieth week of Israel (seven-year Tribulation) for that to happen.
The global government is under the control of the secret society known as the Illuminati. Members of the Illuminati are Luciferians, primarily from the invisible secret society of Freemasonry. The elites of the world are all initiates of the Illuminati, known in its beginning as the Bavarian Illuminati, which was founded in 1776. Its manifesto was written by Adam Weishaupt,[2] a member of Freemasonry and a devout student of Voltaire and Kabbalah. He studied ancient Egyptian esotericism, the occult, black magic, and the Mysteries at Eleusis.[3] He and Adolph Freiherr Knigge,[4] a writer, speaker, and also a member of Freemasonry, are responsible for the expansion of the Illuminati in the early days as they disguised it as a pure form of Freemasonry. When searching the most popular search engines on the internet for information regarding the Illuminati Order you will get led to websites that give skewed information and a distorted view of this Luciferian community. This is because the global government and its recruits are masters of deception—just like their father, Lucifer. Even from its beginning, the Illuminati’s goal has been to control Christianity and all world religions, to take control of all governments of the world, and to confiscate all privately owned property. The WEF plans to make sure this goal is completely realized by either the year 2030 or earlier. For more than 100 years the Luciferians have been striving for the goal of implementing their utopia in the decade of the 2020s. Theosophical writer, Alice Baily[5] and her husband Foster Baily, began a publishing company called Lucifer Publishing Company (Lucifer Trust) in 1922 but later changed the name to Lucis Publishing Company (Lucis Trust)[6] because the previous name caused outrage back then. In hundreds of magazine articles written by Baily and others through her publishing company the occultists prophesied under the inspiration of demons that their utopia, with their messiah appearing, would be realized in the decade of the 2020s—hence, the global government’s goal is the implementation of their government before 2030. The Bible has prophesied that this global government will emerge and be fully implemented as the church-age comes to completion. That being the case, by the time the seventieth week of Israel begins this government will have complete and unhindered control over the Western world which will be ruled by ten kings, and then into the seventieth week, another individual will assume control as sole ruler (Dan. 7:24; Rev. 17:12), likely near the mid-point.
Prophecy students know who this individual will be that will eventually be the sole ruler of the global government. He is the Antichrist (1 Jn. 2:18, 22). He is the beast that comes up out of the θάλασσα –thálassa – sea (Rev. 13:1b). Thálassa in most places of the New Testament refers to bodies of water; like the Sea of Galilee (the Sea of Tiberias), or the Mediterranean Sea—in Exodus 13:18, in the Septuagint translation, the Greek term used for sea is θάλασσαν – thálassan – (the Greek letter ν – nu – is added at the end of the word). When thálassa is used in describing where the beast will come out of in the book of Revelation it has the allusion of a place of darkness; it is metaphorically describing the world of unbelieving nations that are deceived. When thálassa (sea) is used in Revelation 12:12, it is also metaphorically speaking of the unbelieving nations—the “loud voice” from heaven speaks (Rev. 12:10a), he warns the nations that the devil is cast down to them; both the γῆ (gi) earth and the sea (thálassa) in verse twelve are metaphors for the unbelieving nations. It has the same symbolism as the place of “many waters” where the great harlot sits (Rev. 17:1). The many ὕδωρ (ýdor) waters where the great prostitute sits alludes to the unbelieving nations also, referring to the world where the mass of people from every nation and every language are under the influence and power of the evil ones (Rev. 17:15; 1 Jn. 5:19b). Also; take a look at Revelation 12:15, where the apostle John sees the serpent pour water (ýdor) out of his mouth to overpower the remnant Jews to destroy them. Ýdor in this context, is metaphorically referring to evil and deception just like the sea (thálassa) in Revelation 13:1. Ýdor is not meant to be literal water pouring out of the serpent’s mouth, but rather it is words of deception plagued with evil tactics that he speaks and executes, likely through the servants of the global government, to hamper and trap the fleeing children of Jacob as they head to the place of safety for the final 3½ years of the Tribulation (Rev. 12:13-14). The earth that you see in verse sixteen is figuratively speaking of a gentile nation that helps Israel to flee from the wrath of the dragon; they could be the people of Jordan. You need to remember: the book of Revelation speaks in metaphors and allegory and is filled with allusion; similar to the books of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Zechariah. Also get discernment and understanding: because not every time the Revelation refers to the earth or the sea or water does it mean that the Scripture is referring to the unbelieving nations, or their evil and deception. Most times the Revelation is referring to just the sea (thálassa) and just water (ýdor), and just the earth (gi).
By the time the beast rises out of the sea every nation will be a place of darkness without light because the church of God will already be raptured into heaven—there will be people in these nations that will eventually repent and turn to God during the Tribulation Period. The Antichrist will have his identity revealed when he: δυναμώσει διαθήκην πολλοῖς, ἑβδομὰς μία (dynamósei diathíkin polloís, evdomás mía) “strengthen the covenant of many, seven one” (Dan. 9:27a – Septuagint). This means that an earlier covenant, or previous treaty, or agreement, will eventually be established, or finally be instituted for a seven-year period. Evdomás mía, translates into English (in this context) as, seven past one, meaning a one seven-year period. This prior treaty that will be enforced with the “many” will likely be a prior treaty presented between Israel and the Palestinian people, the Oslo Accords.[7] The Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, all but declared the Oslo Accords peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians dead in 2020; as he gave his various reasons.[8] But, there is the likelihood that the Antichrist may enforce this treaty anyway, with some tweaks, which will fulfill the Daniel 9:27 prophecy that will begin the seventieth week of Israel (seven-year Tribulation). I do not think the Antichrist will enforce the Peace to Prosperity peace plan,[9] proposed by the former Trump administration in January 2020. The reason for my doubt is because whoever the individual is that is predestined to be the Antichrist is most likely an adversary of Donald Trump—they are contemporaries. I would not be wrong in saying that he likely has extreme disdain for Trump. Every globalist scorn Donald Trump, and the Antichrist is a globalist. He has to be a globalist or he would not command the attention of the other globalists. He is a member of the Freemasons (although this connection is not made public), and a devout and pious Luciferian (this affiliation is also kept secret from the public). So, the Antichrist will not impose a treaty upon Israel and the Palestinian people or force anything else upon anyone that relates to the former president. You can be sure that he is also working behind the scenes in keeping Donald Trump from becoming the presidential candidate for the Republican party in the upcoming 2024 election. As I said, the man that is the Antichrist is a globalist. He is an important and influential neo-liberal progressive that will become the dictator of the global government after it is executed. Whatever things this man says at this present time, either in the media or at conferences, or wherever, the globalists give him their attention. Even before he becomes the sole ruler of the Western world his words are like gold nuggets to the Luciferian kinship. But to the discerning follower of the Lord Jesus Christ this man is deceiving, he is beguiling. Though the discerning believer does not have the true identity of this man already revealed to them – they do not know for sure who he is – they get the sense of his mesmerizing personality, they perceive his bewitching character, and they recognize the spirit of Antichrist in the speech of specific individuals that are popular on the world stage. The Spirit of God that dwells within discerning believers lets them know that they are witnessing the Antichrist spirit.
The Scriptures allude to the forerunners or predecessors of this global government that the ten kings will rule. It is the ancient Roman Empire. Some teachers call the prophesied endtimes global government the revived Roman Empire. They call it revived Rome because it was the Roman Empire that besieged Jerusalem in AD 70, destroying the second Temple, plundering its valuables, and destroying the city. I have read that after Titus took control of the Temple, he made a sacrifice to his gods within the Temple walls[10] (this allegation may or may not be true, but some think it was possible[11]). Jesus prophesied the destruction of the Temple when he taught his disciples about the endtimes (Matt. 24:2; Mk. 13:2; Lk. 21:5-6). He also prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem when he went to the Temple Mount the Sunday before his crucifixion (Lk. 19:41-44). The angel Gabriel prophesied to Daniel that the people that would destroy the Temple and the city of Jerusalem would be the forerunners or predecessors of the one (Antichrist) that establishes the treaty between Israel and the Palestinian people in the endtimes (Dan. 9:26b, 27a). Since it was the Romans that destroyed both the Temple and the city of Jerusalem then it is presumed that the Antichrist will be a descendant or a successor in some way of the Roman people of the first century. Since the global government will become known as the Antichrist’s government, once the ten kings give him their power (Rev. 17:12-13), and it is presumed the global government is a successor in some way of the Roman Empire that existed in the days of the Apostle’s, then this is why the endtimes global power is presumed to be a revived Roman Empire.
The book of Daniel prophesied that the ten kings would be an extension of the Roman Empire that would exist in the endtimes. When Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream it was revealed to him by Yahweh that the fourth kingdom in the king’s dream would be as strong as iron (Dan. 2:40)—the statue had legs of iron (Dan. 2:33a). The legs of iron were allusive of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire would have another government extended from it described as having feet and toes made of iron mixed with clay (Dan. 2:33b; 41-43). This government having feet and toes made of iron mixed with clay would be an endtimes government implemented and led by ten kings (ten toes) that would be destroyed by a rock, not made by man (Dan. 2:34, 45). This rock is symbolic of the kingdom that Israel’s Messiah will initiate once he comes a second time to redeem the remnant Jews (Dan. 2:35, 44; Rev. 19:11-21). This government will be a worldwide government headquartered in Jerusalem that the Scriptures imply will last one-thousand years (Rev. 20:1-6; Isa. 11:1-16; 65:20-25). The endtimes global government will not be as powerful as its predecessor was, the Roman Empire in the 1st century. The image of its ten toes being made of iron mixed with clay indicates that part of this government will be strong and the other part will be weak—the proportion of strength to weakness is not directly indicated. Daniel 2:43 reveals that the ten kings of this endtimes government will not all be one specific race or of the same ethnicity, and therefore they will have their differences, they will not be fully united with one another, and the endtimes global government will have division: ὅτι εἶδες τὸν σίδηρον ἀναμεμειγμένον τῷ ὀστράκῳ συμμειγεῖς ἔσονται ἐν σπέρματι ἀνθρώπων καὶ οὐκ ἔσονται προσκολλώμενοι οὗτος μετὰ τούτου καθὼς ὁ σίδηρος οὐκ ἀναμείγνυται μετὰ τοῦ ὀστράκου (óti eídes tón sídiron anamemeigménon tó ostráko symmeigeís ésontai en spérmati anthrópon kaí ouk ésontai proskollómenoi oútos metá toútou kathós o sídiros ouk anameígnytai metá toú ostrákou) “because you saw the iron mixed with the shell, they are mixed in the semen of men and do not adhere to it after that, just as iron does not mix with the shell” (Dan. 2:43, Septuagint).
Daniel also had another dream of the endtimes global government when Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson, Belshazzar, was king of Babylon. Again, he saw the Roman Empire (the fourth beast) which was terrible, dazzling, and extremely strong; and the three empires that preceded it (Dan. 7:3-7)—Babylon (lion), Medo-Persia (bear), Greece (Leopard – including the Ptolemies and Seleucids). Daniel again saw that the global government who is ruled by ten kings would supervene the Roman Empire (Dan. 7:7d-8a, 20a, 24a), it would succeed the Roman Empire but not until the endtimes (Dan. 7:9-14, 22, 27). These ten kings are now symbolized in Daniel’s dream as horns on top of the fourth beast’s head (Dan. 7:7, 19-20a). As he saw the ten horns that were allusive to the endtimes ten kings, he saw another horn rise among them (Dan. 7:8b, 20b). This horn is another ruler, he is the Antichrist. Daniel describes the Antichrist as being proud and boastful (Dan. 7:8d, 11a, 20c). He will somehow eliminate three of the ten kings (Dan. 7:8c, 24b), and eventually be the sole ruler of the global government. The three kings that the Antichrist eliminates are likely weak leaders—three individuals whom he either has no use for or he simply disdains.
Some scholars believe that the ten kings are ten kingdoms or nations in mainly Western Europe, areas ruled by ten individuals that will make up the Antichrist’s global government. But time has revealed that is not the case. The ten-individual theory is right, just not the ten-nation limitation in Europe. As I said earlier, the global government already encompasses the Western world, not just ten nations in Europe. The prophesied global government already encompasses Australasia (Australia and New Zealand), Europe, and the Americas (North, Central, and South America)—the Western Hemisphere is situated mainly in the Americas. Again, the de facto government of the Western world, the World Economic Forum, already controls the Western world from its headquarters in Switzerland. Once the global government is fully executed, its headquarters will likely transfer to Washington DC, and eventually end up in Israel once the seventieth week of Israel is underway. The Greek term used in the Septuagint δέκα βασιλεῖς (déka vasileías) “ten kings,” reveals that Daniel was told that the ten horns were ten individual kings, meaning the ten horns/kings are rulers of only one government. You may say that kings usually rule kingdoms. But the ten kings of the endtimes global government are all ruling only one global kingdom, not ten individual kingdoms. The ten kings who were prophesied, and who now have foremost control of the endtimes kingdom, already have obtained their seats of power in that government. They are recognized by the elites as already succeeding sovereignty over the global government. The ten kings are tycoons. They have tremendous wealth and power. Their powerful influence is known worldwide. They are ten magnates who wield global influence in specific areas, like the military-industrial complex, politics, finance, global food sustainability, the environment, business, and global health. They are the rulers that are behind the Great Reset. They are the rulers that have been working at censoring and controlling the Western world for many years. You may have the feeling that you know one or two of them by name. Your discernment may be right.
When it says in the Revelation that these kings have not yet received a βασιλείαν (vasileían) reign (usually translated as kingdom), it is referring to the time of John’s writing (Rev. 17:12a). It is believed John recorded the Revelation in AD 95. But at the time I posted this article – August 2023 – these ten rulers are already in positions of power in the global government, considered by its members as the top ten senior authorities. I would not be surprised if the ten kings demand to be addressed as, Sovereign. Verse twelve continues: “They are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast” (Rev. 17:12b, ESV). The angel was telling the apostle John that the prophesied ten kings who succeed the Roman Empire during the endtimes will have the power to reign along with the Antichrist for only a very short time, one hour. A microscopic period compared to the length of time the Roman Empire was in power. Their reign will be an official dictatorship once the global government is officially executed, something that will happen very soon according to the timeline of prophecy. Since the ten kings give their power and authority to the Antichrist sometime during the seven-year Tribulation, the length of their reign will be considerably short compared to the approximate 500 to over 1000-year duration of the Roman Empire.[12]
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Free for use & download
[3] Eleusinian Mysteries
(Accessed 8/07/2023).
[4] Adolph Freiherr Knigge
(Accessed 8/07/2023).
[8] Abbas’s Declaration: The Oslo Accords are Now Dead and
(Accessed 8/08/2023).
[9] Peace to Prosperity
(Accessed 8/07/2023).
[10] The Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE: Rome Takes the Rest
of Jerusalem
(Accessed 8/09/2023).
[11] Why Historians Believe Titus Sacrificed a Pig to the
Ensigns in the Temple in A.D. 70.
(Accessed 8/11/2023).
[12] How long did the Roman empire last?
(Accessed 8/14/2023).
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