Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Two Witnesses

I might have mentioned this before, nevertheless I will mention it again; I am extremely interested in the two witnesses that will prophecy for 1,260 days during the seven-year Tribulation Period, the length of their mission is half of the total days left for the people of Israel to finish their transgression against God, to exhaust their sin against him, to receive atonement and be cleansed of their iniquity, to finally enter into eternal righteousness that has and will exist forever, to close completely the vision and prophesy of their redemption as it will be finished, and on the last day of this seven-year period they will anoint their Messiah who is the Lord Jesus Christ, Israel will have 2,520 days from the first day of the Tribulation until its end and then the 490 years that were  decreed will come to an end.

The extent of the text written about the two witnesses is small, but the content  is loaded with how these men are extraordinarily anointed with the power of God to do mighty and commanding miracles, they will be able to turn the waters into blood,  and since the Greek text used a specific word I suppose the waters they afflict will just be the rivers and springs, waters like the Jordan and Prat Rivers, presumably only springs like the Ein Prat, Ein Fawwar and Ein Kelt Springs, and maybe the Amsa Spring in the Shomron, but it is unlikely that these prophets will strike the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee, they may leave these bodies of water untouched, they will also have power to keep it from raining during their time of prophesying, besides they will be empowered with the might to plague the earth with all kinds of trouble as much as they desire.

The people in the seven-year Tribulation Period will be there because they refuse to receive and follow the Son of God before this terrible time begins, they will pass through the final days of the Church age and then enter into the  period of time when a one world government and one religion will rule, it is not because they do not have the opportunity in the Church age for it is possible to escape this time coming that will be the most terrible time in man’s history, but the majority of people today as it always has been simply refuse to receive the Gospel message every time it is offered to them, they are presented with a gift but they willingly reject it, consequently sometime in the Tribulation Period they will have to face and be challenged by the ministry of the two powerful men come from God, two  genuine Jehovah witnesses called and heavily anointed to create chaos to those that refuse to repent during their time of prophesying.

Scripture reveals that there will be those that will try to harm these two servants of the Lord during the 1,260-day period of their prophesying,  they will not only try to harm the two witnesses physically but they may also try to arrest them to bring them up on charges for what the Tribulation generation will consider hate crimes, the prophets will not follow the globalist agenda of  a leftwing style of tolerance and acceptance because the two witnesses will surely reveal the deception of the one world government and its religion as they prophesy against it, the two witnesses will likely be referred to as far-right extremists and racists.

The wickedness beyond the Church age will increase in measure from what we witness today, it will be a carryover of the evil today but its escalation will be far more than what we can imagine, it will be like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah but it will intensify, there will be no doubt that these two  prophets will be in danger not only by the politically correct establishment but also be in danger of the Sodomites.

How do I know this, how can I even insinuate such a thing, is this not vulgar?

In the Tribulation Period, the culture will be even more sexually charged than it is now, as the Scripture says the Tribulation generation will not give up their illicit sex, this includes their homosexuality, lesbianism, and sexual activity with animals, et cetera,  the Greek word used to indicate people will try to harm the two witnesses points to a Tribulation generation that will try to hurt the prophets in a wicked way like they tried to abuse the two angels that went to rescue Lot, the men of Sodom both young and old wanted to rape the two angels therefore the sons of God had to strike the rapists with blindness so the Sodomites could not see them to harm them, this is most likely the reason why the two witnesses kill those that try to lay their hands on them, because their enemies will make the attempt to capture them and torture them and have their way with them, so to prevent this from happening fire will proceed from the mouths of the two witnesses to destroy their enemies; I believe that this act is literal and not just some liberal theological imagery.

The two prophets of God will not allow themselves to be tortured and sodomized like the Islamist’s are sodomizing their enemies in the Middle East today and have always been, you do not hear these atrocities  in the mainstream media for the restrictions on adult content, furthermore  the Globalist do not want the people in the West to have a disgusted outlook upon the people that the politicians are bringing in and giving first class accommodations to as they get fast-tracked into our countries—some  people reading this article may object and not want to hear the truth of what is really happening, they are content with the world they have created and are unaffected by the horrors of the world outside of their own—when the September 11, 2012 terrorists attack occurred in Benghazi, Libya, the United States ambassador to Libya, Ambassador Chris Stevens, was brutally killed by Islamic terrorists, but for hours before his death they tortured him and raped him repeatedly, the radical Islamist's did the same to Muammar al-Gaddafi, the former leader of Libya, before they killed him, and it is common when Islamic terrorists take anyone hostage whether male or female they will torture them and rape them before they kill them, the reason why they  are not content with just  torturing their captives and take the next step to sexually assault them is because the Islamist’s are possessed by certain evil spirits without a doubt, and furthermore the act of sodomy  is a devious exploit to humiliate and dehumanize their prisoners, this demonic sexual assault manifests dominance and power over their enemy, so if anyone in the western Church thinks that the enemies of the two witnesses will not try the same with them then they should just take a trip over to Disneyland, have some more  fun and excitement and not be too concerned about reality.

You have to understand who it is that the two witnesses will be up against, they will be contending with an Islamic population during their forty-two months of prophesying, the one world government will establish just one religion during the seven-year Tribulation Period and this religion will be unmistakably Islam, consider where the ministry of the two witnesses will be, it will be concentrated on and around the Judaean Mountains, the West Bank where the city of Jerusalem is located, it will be in the heart of Israel, the third Temple will be built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem at the beginning of the Tribulation Period and this is most likely the area where the ministry of the two witnesses will be concerted—it is no coincident that the Gentiles trample on Jerusalem for forty-two months, especially the outer court of the rebuilt Temple of God, and this is where the two witnesses will conduct a lot of their ministry activity.

The Middle East is already Islamic, the West is quickly becoming Islamic, make no mistake during the seven-year Tribulation Period the one world religion will be Islam, even when the Ezekiel thirty-eight war happens there will only be five major Islamic nations that are decimated during that battle, if it happens prior to or following the signing and enforcement of the seven-year security agreement that still leaves approximately forty-seven Islamic nations that will go through the Tribulation Period, presently there is fifty-two predominant Islamic nations on the earth.

It is recorded that the two witnesses will be clothed in sackcloth, whether their clothing will actual be made of goat’s hair or not the symbolism is that their clothing apparel represents that these holy men of God will  be mourning for the inhabitants of the earth even as they prophesy for forty-two months because of the wrath of God being released upon a rebellious people, their clothing not only represents that the two-witnesses are mourning for these rebellious people but it also indicates that God himself is mourning  for the Tribulation generation, they have been given every opportunity to repent and turn to God, but instead they kill his saints by beheading them, because this is the way the one world government and religion will kill the people in this seven-year period after the Church age has ended, they will be killed because they put their faith in Jesus instead of conforming to the ways of the one world government and its religion.

The two witnesses are referred to as olive trees and lampstands, just like the Prophet Zechariah saw two olive trees on either side of the golden lampstand in a vision the angel revealed to him, the Prophet in seeing the golden lampstand was seeing one of the seven furnishings to be placed in the second Temple soon to be rebuilt back then, the olive trees also in his vision represented  the two men at that time who were anointed to serve the Lord in getting the second Temple built, these two men were Zerubbabel, a grandson of King Jehoiachin, of Judah, and Joshua the son of Josedech, or rather Yeshua, who was the first High Priest of the second Temple, in the Tribulation Period the two olive trees are both anointed with the Holy Spirit to serve the Lord as were their predecessor’s, but it seems the two witnesses have a second and distinct anointing as the two lampstands may suggest instead of just one lampstand like Zechariah saw in his vision,  Zerubbabel and Joshua were anointed to rebuild the second Temple while the two witnesses are anointed to watch over the rebuilt third Temple in the Tribulation Period while the Gentiles destroy Jerusalem contemptuously for forty-two months, which is 1,260 days and may line up with the length of time the two witnesses prophecy.

While the two witnesses prophecy nothing can harm them, not the wickedness of men or the devil, they will not be arrested for their so-called blatant lack of political correctness, their so-called hatred and racism against a devil inspired one world religion or it’s leader, they will not be physically assaulted in any way, shape, or form, however  once the two witnesses have completed their witness against the Tribulation generation the beast that ascends from the Abyss will finally kill them; God allows this to happen so that he can shock the inhabitants of the world three  and a half days later.

The beast that comes out of the Abyss that kills the two witnesses is a spirit that is being held right now in the bottomless pit, a place referred to as under the earth or the underworld, it is the place of destruction, and this spirit has been there for an undetermined  amount of time, he was sent there by someone with the authority of God at some point in history past, the Abyss is where the evil spirits are sent to be held in chains until they are released in the Tribulation by the angel of the Abyss who is certainly a fallen angel, after the return of Christ to the earth they will be bound from their influence for sometime and then allowed to tempt man again for a short time, then they will be sent to the Lake of Fire forever.

The spirits that were driven out of the demon-possessed man from the town of Gerasenes begged Jesus not to send them into the Abyss because they knew once they were sent there they are bound, the Abyss was where Jesus’ human spirit was sent after he died when he became sin as he hung on the cross, this is where he suffered our penalty for sin, he ascended into the lower regions into the underworld, he was raised out of the Abyss three days later because he was judged and found innocent of the sins that he stood in for.

The angel of the Abyss is called Abaddon, in Hebrew, and Apollyon, in the Greek language, he is the Angel of Death in charge of the place of destruction  this is why he is referred to as the Destroyer,  he is the king over  the evil spirits and he will be given the key to the Abyss to open it once the fifth trumpet sounds, once he opens the Abyss he releases all the spirits that have been in bondage there, these spirits will be released to cause unbearable pain and suffering upon the inhabitants of the earth during this period of time,—not all evil spirits are in the Abyss at this present time as many are active in the earth roaming about oppressing and possessing men and animals.

The evil spirits are the spirits created within each and every Nephilim when they are born, just like when a person is born a spirit is created within them, a Nephilim is the progeny of an earthly woman and a fallen angel, when a Nephilim dies his spirit roams the earth seeking  human or animal vessels to inhabit because they are earthbound and forbidden salvation, evil spirits can enter into and possess the body of a person  and then they become the dominant influence in that persons thoughts and actions, fallen angels are the angelic defectors that are bene Elohim, or sons of God, and they have heavenly bodies made of a distinctive substance like the bene Elohim that have not defected the kingdom and authority of God,  their heavenly bodies prevent all angels from entering into a human body, but an evil spirit has the ability to enter into a human host.

In Corinthians, it records that God makes a body to match its seed, every flesh has its own kind of essence and not all are of the same physical substance, a man’s body is not the same as an animal, bird or fish flesh, an angel’s body is different from a man’s body, both have its own kind of essence its own individual splendor or beauty, the angels body and man’s body were created with different seed, man was created out of the earth, angels were created out of an unknown substance unique from the earth, the two are created out of different substances so they cannot be joined together, it is like trying to mix oil and water  on their own, it will not work unless you add an emulsifier, an angelic body cannot possess a human body on its own  but an evil spirit produced from the sexual union of an angel and a woman can enter into a man’s body because that spirit is has part of the physical make-up of man’s flesh, therefore it can make the human body its host, it is like adding an emulsifier to get oil and water to mix together, the evil spirits from dead Nephilim are a mixture of angelic DNA and human DNA  so the progeny of the union can now conjoin to human flesh, but the unholy mixture is an evil nature, it is not the creation of God but the creation of angels that have lost their heavenly glory or splendor and the creation of woman that has lost her glory and splendor because of the sexual union; the book of Enoch says that women that mate with fallen angels have damned themselves forever.

The two earthly beasts are; the Antichrist, who is the one world leader, he is the beast that comes out of the sea, the other earthly beast is the false prophet who comes out of the earth, he exercises all the power and authority of the first beast that comes out of the sea representing his interests, these earthly beasts are the primary agents of the red dragon in the Tribulation Period, the red dragon is Lucifer or Satan, Lucifer uses the spirits of the Nephilim to oppress and possess men to get them to do what he wants, the angel of the Abyss, Abaddon or Apollyon, is king over the evil spirits of the Abyss  but Lucifer is his master and the principle master over every evil spirit, as the Scriptures declare the red dragon is chief of the fallen angels, those that followed him in his rebellion against the Lord God Almighty.

Lucifer is a fallen angel created with the same spiritual substance that all angels are created with, he personally does not enter into the body of a man but he uses the evil spirits from the dead Nephilim to enter into people as hosts to do his work,  we often hear that the Antichrist will be possessed by Satan, that Satan will enter into him and for some reason some say it is when he defiles the third Temple, at the middle of the seven-year Tribulation Period, I am not sure where they get this idea because  I cannot find it.

The Scriptures do suggest that the beast that comes up from the Abyss enters into the Antichrist as he becomes the eighth king or even before he gets to that height of power, he is the one world leader whom Daniel saw in his vision about a king that rises up from the ten kings from the fourth predicted kingdom, this beast I suggested earlier is an evil spirit being held in the Abyss until his release by Abaddon, the angel that is king over the evil spirits of the Abyss, the evil spirit from the Abyss is the representative possessing power delegated on behalf of Lucifer and not Satan himself.

In your bible you read that Satan entered into Judas when he betrayed  Jesus, but an angel cannot enter into a man on his own as I noted above, he can only prompt him, the implication of the text is that an evil spirit under the authority of Satan entered into the heart of Judas and not the angelic being himself, the Scriptures record that prior to the Passover the chief priests were devising a plan to eliminate Jesus and Satan enters Judas because he is willing to be part of their plan, but the connotation is that Satan prompted Judas as John said and a certain evil spirit on the orders of Lucifer entered into the willing participant of the plan of Satan, just like Satan filled the heart of Ananias, the husband of Sapphira, to lie to Peter about the amount of money he received for his parcel of land, Satan did not enter into Ananias but just filled his heart with the intent to deceive Peter, when Judas took the bread off the table Jesus knew that an evil spirit entered into Judas and this is why he instructed him to go and get the soldiers at that time so they could seize and arrest the Lord.

The beast that comes up out of the Abyss that kills the two witnesses is a powerful evil spirit, as said above he would have to be locked up in the Abyss now for him to be let out later in the Tribulation Period, could it be that this evil spirit was the one and same demon that entered Judas and led him to betray the Son of Man, this evil spirit will be the same that enters into the one world leader who is the Antichrist the eighth king who will be possessed by the beast that was and is not, Paul wrote that the Antichrist is the son of perdition the one that will suffer destruction, his destiny is eternal damnation, Judas was also referred to as the son of perdition by Jesus, and Peter said that Judas went to the place where he belongs  after he committed suicide, which for all intents and purposes must be the Abyss, the place of destruction, the place where the evil demonic spirits are bound until they are released by the angel of the Abyss.  

This evil spirit that the Apostle John saw, the beast that will possess  the Antichrist,  is most likely the same evil spirit that entered into a willing Nimrod and caused him to become a Gibborim, a Nephilim, he not necessarily became a giant but nonetheless a man with super demonic strength and god-like intelligence, he can be likened to as the initial one world leader, this same evil spirit that will come up out of the Abyss will give the Antichrist authority on the earth equal to the throne of Satan, Lucifer is the god of this present world and he uses the beast that comes out of the sea so that he can conquer mankind, this spirit will give the one world leader unprecedented earthly power.    

Once the beast overpowers and kills the two witnesses they will lie dead in the streets of Jerusalem for three and a half days, I can see them lying dead on the Temple Mount in front of the rebuilt Temple, how they are killed is not revealed but I ask God that he will in some way cause them to be killed instantly, so that they do not end up being weakened first and then tortured and abused as will be the ongoing tradition of the one world religion especially as it is already their practice this side of the Tribulation Period, in that their custom is to humiliate and dehumanize their enemy before they kill them.

The Tribulation generation still living at that point in the Tribulation Period will rejoice over the deaths of these two men that will cause them on-going trouble, a full forty-two months after the beginning of the prophetic ministry of the two witnesses;  they will give honor to the beast that overcomes the two witnesses after not being able to touch them for 1,260 days straight, they will refuse to take their dead bodies off the streets and will likely abuse them by doing all kinds of messy things to them, they will celebrate more enthusiastically than the Iraqi’s celebrated over the death of Saddam Hussein, they will party more earnestly than the rebels that slaughtered the former leader of Libya, Muammar al-Gaddafi, but after the two witnesses lay on the streets for three and a half days God will resurrect their lifeless bodies, they will stand up on their feet as if they just got up from a snooze however Scripture does not say if they will say anything to their enemies, not sure how they could refrain, the people that see them rise from the dead will be in intense fear, God speaks aloud  to the two witnesses and commands them to come up where he is, the same way he will summon the Body of Christ to Heaven using the same phrase, “come up here,” he will then rapture them up into Heaven enveloped in a cloud, the enemies of the two witnesses will not be able to do anything but look on in panic.

Not even an hour will pass after the two witnesses are raptured up into Heaven but an earthquake will strike the city of Jerusalem, the Scripture predicts that a tenth of the city will be demolished, it also firmly predicts that 7,000 people will die is this judgment, I cannot help but wonder if this precise number of people will be every individual that tried to harm the two witnesses in some way or another over their 1,260 day ministry of prophesying to them, the people that will escape death from this devastating earthquake will surely give God the glory.

Some Christians regard end-times prophecy as unimportant and have no desire in its value, they esteem God’s knowledge not, his foretelling is a self-imposed concealing curtain.

As long as I have been a believer I have studied Bible prophecy, over this time I have heard that these two witnesses in the Tribulation are either Moses and Elijah, or Elijah and Enoch, but I just cannot see that these men are either of the two witnesses.

Scripture reveals, both  Elijah and Enoch were raptured up into Heaven while they were still alive, Moses died and his body was buried in Moab, opposite Beth Peor, but after some time Michael the archangel had to rescue the body of Moses and struggle with Lucifer who may have tried to abuse and even steal the body of Moses out of the grave, so when Michael rescued the body of Moses from Lucifer the only safe place for it presumably would be if the Lord then raptured the dead body of Moses up into Heaven, this  would be the only way that Moses ends up with a glorified body on the Mount of Transfiguration, so now all three men are in the heavenly realms not just in spirit but in glorified bodies;  body, soul and spirit, rather than just soul and spirit like most of the body of Christ presently, when we are raptured into Heaven we will receive glorified bodies like Jesus is clothed with as are these three fathers in the faith.

Peter, James and John , saw Moses and Elijah on the mountain  where Jesus took them to pray, the Scripture says that these two men materialized in glorified bodies, their appearance was celestial, they resembled God, they would have  been sent to Jesus from Heaven, this is why the face and clothes of Jesus changed in appearance upon their arrival, the appearance of Jesus had to transform, he had to metamorphose into a spiritual state while he met with Moses and Elijah, human flesh cannot meet with a being let alone two beings together that are in a glorified state, this is why the bright cloud suddenly  enveloped the three disciples because their physical bodies would not be able to handle the appearance of the glorified men of God.

The disciples got only a split-second glimpse of Moses and Elijah in glorified bodies and no more than that, although enough of a glimpse so that we know it happened, Matthew records that as Peter began to speak the cloud enveloped them, only Luke recorded the glorified state of Moses and Elijah because he was the most detailed in his record of events than the others.

The bodies of Moses and Elijah were unquestionably glorified, they were raised imperishable, bodies that were raised in power and glorious might, their natural bodies were raised and transformed into spiritual bodies, their mortal bodies have already been raised and converted immortal just like the Body of Christ will experience the same thing  when our salvation is completed, Enoch the father of Methuselah, the great  grandfather of Noah,  has not been seen since he was raptured  that we know of, he also has the same kind of immortal glorified body like Moses and Elijah, or his body could not be in Heaven, for this is what it means when the Scripture claims that while Enoch had fellowship with God all of a sudden he was not there because God took him, which evidently means God raptured Enoch; body, soul and spirit.

Since these three fathers in the faith already have glorified immortal bodies than there is no possible way that they can be killed, they cannot die because they are immortal like Christ, so I believe it is doubtful that the two witnesses in the Tribulation are either one of these men, but rather the two witnesses must be two men that are from the tribe of Israel who will have Christ revealed to them sometime during the beginning of this seven year period, God will anoint them with extreme power and might to prophecy  near the Temple Mount for 1,260 days, they likely are not men from among the 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel that will serve  the Lord during this seven-year period, and who are similarly raptured also when their ministry is finished,  but are separate  individuals all together.

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