Some of us know that the
one world government ruled by the Antichrist is fast approaching.
It likely would already
be established if Hillary Clinton, instead of Donald Trump, would have become
the 45
th President of the United States of America, because she is a
member of the globalist group that has been preparing the US for this
transition, and he is not.
The USA is the crucial
component country to make this global government happen, but the current US
administration is hindering the global takeover.
If you talk to many
young people today they have the idea that a one world government would benefit
the West.
Many millennials
protest in favor of a socialist, or progressive, or leftist style of government
believing that it will then provide them with all their needs—free health care,
free housing, free food, free post-secondary education, et cetera.
They have been led to
believe that the one-percenters, they that make a six figure income and beyond,
should have to provide everything they need through government confiscation of
wealth—they call it taxation but in reality it is actually seizure of a person’s
personal property.
The millennials and
many that are leftwing see the government as their champion and savior.
I am not sure if millennials
fully understand what will be required of them when this one world government they
hope for comes to power, and it will, very shortly.
When the West comes
under the power of single government there will be no such thing as the freedom
that Westerner’s enjoy today.
They will not have free
healthcare as is publicly provided now in most of the West, or will they
receive free welfare or social assistance benefits; they will work for every
social program they receive from this government and for the bread they eat
each day.
There will be no such
thing as a high paying salaried jobs or even minimum wage, because a day’s
wages will only buy you a loaf of bread.
To participate in any
commerce at all you will be required to pledge allegiance to the leader of this
Freeloaders will not be
tolerated as they were not in Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union.
There will be no
freedom to express oneself through protest as there is in the West today, as there
will defiantly be no free speech in this new world government.
The government that is
shaping up in the West will be nothing like what we have seen or experienced being
born here and growing up with during the last half of the twentieth century.
People born here during
this era experienced freedom to explore their human potential in whatever area
of life they desired; and they reaped whatever benefits came from it.
If you worked hard and
exerted yourself you could become whatever your human ability allowed you to
If you desired just the
simpler things of life Western society allowed you to fulfill that dream also.
What people do not
realize is that all the freedom the West has experienced since the end of World
War Two has been similar to an opiate that has lulled the population into sleepy
contentment, a life of ease, one of self-gratification.
Many people do not know
that the West’s self-satisfaction has been purposely contrived, manufactured
artificially, by a group of individuals that have an interest in enslaving the
citizens of the West to fulfill their long and patient plan.
The contented citizens
of the West have been diabolically led along like sheep off to slaughter and
are now positioned for life similar to what the citizen’s of Hitler’s Germany
The control of Hitler’s
Germany was small in comparison to the control the one world government will
have, as this government being like a Nazi Germany will control not just parts
of Europe but all of the Western Hemisphere.
The West is quickly
headed for a reconstruction of governmental powers where the separation of
borders and national walls will cease to exist in favor of a single government
entity ruled by a single despot.
It is not a coincident
that the West has opened their borders to allow migrants from a distinct
religious culture, from Islamic countries, to flood in and overwhelm Western
The recent migrants,
so-called asylum seekers, are putting a heavy burden on the citizens of the
West as politicians are catering to the asylum seekers at the expense of their
taxpaying constituents—you dare not say anything or you are labeled racist and
Now the citizens of the
West—which for over two centuries and even longer in Europe has had their own
customs and culture, whether they are good or bad is not for someone from a
different part of the world to come in and determine—are expected even under
the threat of proposed new laws to accommodate the culture and religious
beliefs of these new migrants, even though they are in direct conflict with their
own customs and culture.
This is not just a
simple case of the West’s tendency of being friendly, or caring, and even helpful
to they that it takes into their borders, to give the supposed refugee the
potential for a better life, but this is a clear cut case of a concealed
takeover of a society by they that cross the borders, instigated by certain
individuals that have chose to reshape and overthrow Western society.
These individuals have
had this scheme in the works for more than two centuries, to make the West into
a singular governmental entity, an autocratic government, and now they are
using a specific religious culture as part of their strategy to advance their
Many in the Christian
community, and even in the secular community, are sadly unaware of this game
plan, which is really a scheme of the fiery red dragon, even though the bible
tells the believer to be aware of the devil’s stratagem.
The believer in Christ
should not only know the plan of God but he should also know the program of the
enemy; especially because it is has been prophesied that the one world autocratic
government will happen.
Once the rapture of the
Bride of Christ occurs this prophesied one world government will then
immediately be executed—it is already to go.
They that know bible prophecy
have the understanding that the rapture will occur very shortly, any day now,
and with all the events we see in Europe, and the rest of the West, especially
with this open border policy permitting the flood of Muslim migrants, forcefully
changing laws to accommodate Islam which is introducing Sharia law, or Islamic
law, into the West, is a clear picture of the type of government the one world
government will be.
The one world
government will not only be an autocratic style government but will also be a
Sharia state, or an Islamic state, run government.
For years the Church
has wondered who the Antichrist will be, wondering what his background could be
and what culture he has been raised in.
Remember, the
Antichrist is the one world leader whom the millennials believe is the perfect
type of governmental leader.
They believe that a one
world government is essential to world peace and personal prosperity, so if
there is just a one governmental system than logical suggests that there is
only one person at the top—one king of all his kingdom.
Some prophecy teachers
are sure that he will be raised in the Muslim community; which I am convinced
of also.
I submit the idea that
the one world leader who is the biblical Antichrist, the rider on the white
horse that comes in with
peace but is
really a conqueror with the lust for victory, the one referred to as the First
Beast, has been born into the Muslim community.
I believe, and time
will tell, that the Antichrist is a Muslim, and that he was born into the Muslim
faith because at the time of his birth his father was a follower of Islam.
I contend that the
Antichrist grew up being taught the tenements of Islam, and still to this day
follow and hold the writings of the Quran close to his heart, but because his
heart is really egocentric he will deny the faith of his father during the
Tribulation Period.
The person referred to
as the False Prophet, the one that is called the Second Beast, the right-hand-
man of the Antichrist and the leader of the one world religion during the
Tribulation Period, I assert that he also is a Muslim, and right now is a
Muslim Imam; an Islamic cleric.
The False Prophet will
enforce the Muslim religion as the one world religion during the Tribulation
Period, until the day that the Antichrist brings the one world religion to ruin
after he forsakes his father’s faith.
Some Christians think
that the Jews will not accept a Muslim as their (false) messiah; therefore they
believe that the Antichrist must be Jewish. But there is no evidence of this in
the bible; in fact, the bible gives clear indication that the Antichrist is a
Gentile in the book of Daniel and the Revelation.
Something that should be
considered, and thought given to, is that the Jews who will accept the
Antichrist as some kind of savior of their nation, because he enforces the
peace treaty bringing them temporary peace to their nation, will primarily be secular
Jesus himself said, in
the Gospel of John, that even though he came to them in his Father’s name, they
still reject him, but when the false one comes in his own name they will accept
When Jesus spoke these
words he was referring not only to the Jews that rejected him when he was on
the earth, the ones that had him crucified, but also to the secular Jews of
He was not referring to
the remnant Jews back then or neither the remnant Jews in the days that lead up
to the peace treaty.
Remnant Jews back in
Jesus days began accepting Christ after he was raised from the dead and after
he was later glorified. They have been accepting him through the years and even
up until the day of the rapture they will accept him.
During the Tribulation
Period the rest of the Jewish remnant will come to realize that Christ is their
King, especially after the desecration of their Third Temple, but will have to
wait to be rescued from the Antichrist until the end of the Tribulation Period—when
Jesus comes to destroy the Antichrist and False Prophet.
Two thirds of the
Jewish people will perish in the Tribulation Period leaving one third left to
see Christ Jesus come and rescue them.
It will not be the remnant
Jews that accept the Antichrist at the signing of the peace covenant, but
rather it will be secular Jews that will accept this man, as they will accept
anyone that can bring them peace.
The remnant will have
no choice but to pretend to accept this man in the beginning of the Tribulation
Period, as it will be an outer appearance of acceptance because they are not
fully convinced of who this man really is.
They will be cautious
to not draw attention to their doubt because most of Israel will accept this
man because in particular he allows them to rebuild the Third Temple, and allows
them to resume their sacrifices for the first time since A.D. 70.
When the Antichrist
defiles the Third Temple, in the middle of the Tribulation Period, the remnant
will then be sure that this man is a fake, especially because he turns against
them, so they flee to the desert to a place of safety prepared for them by God.
The man that is the one
world leader is the Antichrist; as already said. He has already, even at this
time, been chosen and appointed by the Illumined Ones as the one world leader, but
is currently waiting until he can be lifted up by the world and be established
in his leadership role.
For the time being God
is keeping this inauguration from happening, not letting the Antichrist be
revealed until the appropriate time, by leaving the Church on the earth whom is
filled with the indwelling Holy Spirit, as it is the Comforter of the Bride of
Christ that is the one preventing the Antichrist from arising to power to
deceive the nations.
Once the Comforter
lifts the Bride up to Christ to meet him in the clouds of the air then the
Antichrist will be free to reign in his power; and not until then.
The man that is the Antichrist
has already been to a certain extent deceiving the world, because within his
father’s faith it is okay to lie to the infidels. It is not a sin for him to be
deceptive because it is in line with his birth religion.
He knows that he has
already been appointed to his position as world leader when the time comes, and
that he is a Muslim who follows Islam, but he hides both these facts from the
citizens of the West because he is a public figure.
We do not know exactly
who this man is until after he enforces the peace treaty between Israel and many
other peoples, but I am certain that he is a Muslim, and that Islam will certainly
be the one world religion.
It is no coincident
that the leftwing zealots, the anti-fascists movement, the LGBTQ community, and
whatever other social communities who are vocal in destroying the West, are embracing
Islam like a baby embraces its soother.
Many groups are
receiving money from the Establishment to cause havoc and promote open borders
so that the political leaders can fast-track as many Muslims into the West to
use them to establish their one world government.
Federal laws are being
enacted in Canada right now, and even a provincial law in Ontario, a province
within Canada, will introduce the beginning of Sharia law.
When these laws are
enacted Canadians will be forbidden to speak a word against Islam or even
question the Quran, or they will suffer stiff penalties and even go to jail.
Already in Ontario,
Canada, the provincial law enforcement agency is secretly implementing Sharia
law and charging certain individuals with violating Muslim rights, and even arresting
other individuals for allegedly speaking against the Islamic faith.
The Ontario government
insists these people have been charged with and are being charged with human
rights violations and hate crimes, but if know anything about the incidents
that they were charged with you will see that this is not the case, but what is
happening is these individuals are being and have been secretly charged with
violating Sharia law.
In the USA and Europe
they are embracing Sharia, as certain communities are making it illegal to
speak against Islam calling it Islamophobia; like in Canada.
In some places in the
USA and Europe Christianity is being banned while Islam is being celebrated and
It is clear that the
rapture of the Church is very near.
Picture: CC0 Creative Commons