Monday, November 9, 2020

Fast-forward: Time is Accelerating


As stomachs are churning and heads are swirling you may think that a stiff drink may be the cure. But believe me it is not. It may take the knots away for a moment but after that the hangover comes. You don’t want to cloud your judgment at this point because a clear head is needed right now. There is just too much happening for you to make the wrong turn, stay on the right course, don’t veer to the right or to the left but keep your eyes on Jesus, because he is the only one that will get you through all this. The redemption of our bodies is so close.

You have likely said once or twice since the end of February that the world is out of control, that things are happening at lightning speed, you have witnessed that there is just one bad thing after another, there is not even a break in-between chaos anymore. The world is on fire and there isn’t a fire hydrant in sight. What you perceive is right, the world is burning, and it is being fueled by anarchy, greed and power. The anarchy is by design, as the gods of this world have cast their net of deception over the world capturing and taking possession of the minds of those that are among the Tribulation Generation. If you don’t understand what I say, then ask your mature self why when people were being told in the media that the coronavirus was going to overtake us all everyone rushed to the stores to buy up all the toilet paper they could. Why toilet paper!? Ask yourself, why the government, and healthcare officials, are willing to keep society locked down and burdened with masks and social distancing when the evidence truly shows that the coronavirus is not even as fatal as the seasonal flu. Greed and power are magical potions craved by politicians and many in authority; they love the taste of them. The power of demonic influence is potent, and the gods of this world have released the Watcher demons granting them the ability to seize the minds of society to believe lies and keep them from the truth.

Time is in a state of fast-forward right now; the world clock has accelerated. The world is rapidly advancing towards a state of total authoritarian rule, where the rule of communism will be the political doctrine forced upon the West that will make the communist rule of present-day China and the former Soviet Union look like a child’s birthday party in comparison. The Bible prophesied this time would come, and what we are witnessing is the endtimes final world-government rule beginning to happen, it is the government of the seven-year Tribulation Period. The world is now in fast-forward quickly accelerating toward a global government ruled by the man of lawlessness, the Antichrist.

In 2016, the globalists, who are really occultists, had planned to transition the United States of America over to the one-world government entity after the presidential election, and they had already chosen ten leaders[1] to rule this global government. The reason why I say that they had already chosen their ten leaders at that time is because they have been working in the shadows of the world for many decades, even as much as a couple of centuries in order to achieve this global government. In 2016, they believed their goal would be realized, so it only stands to reason that they had been considering their leadership beforehand and had already appointed them so they could be ready to govern once the United States was handed over to them. This global government will be different than any other world power ever. This final world-government will be even more powerful than America at the height of its power, even more powerful than ancient Rome at the height of its power, and when it is finally established it will devour the West completely crushing its citizens not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually.[2] These occultists have not only lined up their people to assume top leadership roles but they have also anointed their man that will be head over everything, he is the Antichrist whom I mentioned above and they refer to him as their messiah. During the Tribulation Period the ten top rulers will hand over all their power and authority to their messiah as is mentioned in Revelation.

These occultists (the globalists) are following pagan prophesies handed down to them by deceased occult leaders, powerful elitists that have been influence by the  gods of this world, the fallen angels, and by the spirits of their progeny, deceased Nephilim (giants; hybrid men or the heroes that the Greco-Roman era worshiped as demigods) that the Watchers had sired before the Great Flood and even after that.[3] If you ever wondered where evil spirits come from I can tell you that God did not create them. Jewish writers during the Second Temple period (516 BC – AD 70) associated evil spirits as being from deceased Nephilim, and they called them Watcher spirits since they were created by fallen angels and not by Yahweh.[4]

Some of these pagan prophecies that the occultists adhere to are revealed on some of America’s iconic symbols, like the Great Seal of the United States and the one-dollar bank note. Embedded on some of these iconic symbols are certain dates the pagans are to follow, like on the pyramid with the all-seeing eye, there is a date encoded within the layout of the brick structure the year the pagans were to bring their messiah to power.[5] But keep in mind, pagan prophesy is not 100% accurate like bible prophecy; the occult usually has to work at making its prophecies come to pass. It has long been known in the occult world that Hillary Clinton is the world-renowned feminist that would usher in the world’s messiah, and they believed that in 2016 it would happen after the presidential election. Because the year, 2016, is encoded within the structure of the pyramid indicating the year of the beginning of their new world order.

In 1946, an evil spirit appeared in the feminine gender presenting itself to occultists Jack Parsons, and the founder of the Church of Scientology, Ron L. Hubbard, before Hillary Clinton’s birth in 1947. This spirit came through a spiritual gateway while the two men were hosting a sex-magic ritual. This evil feminine spirit told them that she will one day help their messiah come to power. The occult world came to believe decades later that this feminine spirit was actually the sempiternal spirit of Hillary Clinton.[6] This pagan messiah whom the occultists believe is their savior is actually the Antichrist of the Tribulation Period.[7]

In 2016, when it was all arranged that Clinton would win the presidency and then she could help in the transition of the United States over to the global government the occultist plan failed, because Donald Trump won the presidency instead of her; he is a nationalist so he ran for the presidency to make sure the Unites States would not end up amalgamated by the global government. So, is it any wonder why that for four years the Democrats, and the media, and every member of the deep state, have tried with all their might to get Trump out of office? Every method they used to discredit him and get him ejected from the president’s office failed. Until now. Now they have used rigged election ballots to propel Joe Biden to the presidency and defeat Donald Trump once and for all. This is only a temporary victory for the occultists because Scripture reveals what will happen to them when God releases his wrath against them and the gods they worship during the Tribulation Period, the era of their global government—read Revelation.

The media and the Democrats claim there is no evidence of election fraud, and that Joe Biden won the election fair and square. They even projected him as President-elect on Saturday, November 7, 2020, even though the electoral college has not certified the election yet, they were still counting votes on Saturday. Today, Monday, November 9, 2020, the Trump Team supposedly filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania contesting the Biden win as the Trump Team demands an investigation into voter fraud. There is evidence that the election was stolen by the Democrats, so now it is up to the courts to investigate this election.[8] The Trump Team has to file the lawsuits with the courts, they know that the Democrat nominee won the election by nefarious means. But the chances of Trump getting a fair outcome is unlikely.

Why do I say that Trump will not get justice through the courts? I say it because the world is against him. I am not saying that his supporters are against him but the world that is ruled by the occultists are. Most politicians, lawmakers, the media, and the Tech Giants are following the globalist agenda. If you cannot see that these occultists are following a globalist agenda especially since what you have witnessed concerning covid-19 then you are blind. President Trump is likely not to get justice in the Federal Courts since most Federal judges are part of the world’s evil system. The system hasn’t put Hillary Clinton behind bars for obstructing justice and her many other federal crimes (she has committed many with no indictments). They haven’t indicted Joe Biden for selling out his position as Vice-President when he blackmailed Ukrainian officials (and he did), or for selling out his political position to China while in the Obama administration (and he did). Nope! As the media says: “Nothing to see here.” Social media doesn’t even censorship the Democrats or any Liberal on social media sites when they violate their platform polices, but they have no problem censoring President Trump, or his son, or any Republican or Conservative for that matter, when they actually tweet or post something that is true. Trump must try hard to reveal this election fraud but because we are so close to the seven-year Tribulation Period the possibility for Trump to get justice may not happen. I would like to be wrong but I know what the bible says about the times we are living in.

Like I said earlier, the world is on fast-forward now to the inception of the seven-year Tribulation Period, which will begin with the revealing of the Antichrist. He cannot be revealed until after the Church is suddenly taken off the earth, so you can guess how close that event is about to occur judging how quickly the prophetic one-world government is to being officially established. With Donald Trump presumably out of office in January the Biden administation will move forward to take the United States into darkness. Do you remember Biden saying that the United States is headed toward a dark winter in the last presidential debate? He really wasn’t referring to covid-19 either. He knew at that time he would have more votes than Trump, because he knew the globalists had the election rigged for him. Read the agenda that Biden has planned for America.[9] Once Biden/Harris are inaugurated watch how quickly they will hand over the United States to the powers of the one-world government.

I hope you notice that I never give you a specific day or hour of the rapture, because that would put me in the same category as a false prophet. I did not say that I am a prophet either, but I am saying that I am a teacher. I have the calling of a teacher and I am anointed to do so. That is why I study the Scriptures intently to see what the Spirit of God is saying so that I can then teach them to other people. And this is why I also focus on endtimes prophecy, because Jesus has commanded everyone whom he has called to feed his household in the latter part of the endtimes that they better feed his household the right food at its proper time (during the latter endtimes teach the endtimes message). But if a minister does not feed the household of God the right food at the proper time than the consequences of disobedience will be horrible. They will be cut off from the body of Christ and assigned a place with the hypocrites. In the gospel of Luke, it says the Lord will assign them a place with the apistos (รค'-pe-stos), the unbelieving.[10] If you hear pastors telling you that we are not in the final days of the Church Age, or that they don’t believe this is the endtimes, and if they deny that the Tribulation Period is knocking on the world’s door, or they try to convince you that the rapture is not important or that it is not going to happen any time soon, like in this generation, then depart from their ministry. They are false teachers. They will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ to give an account of their pride and disobedience. But you, go get the proper food in this the proper time.

The Lord has commanded that pastors and teachers feed his household endtimes doctrine once Israel became a nation again which happened in 1948. The word he gave prophesying Israel’s rebirth was the prophetic illustration of the branch on the fig tree becoming tender and then its leaves are revealed.[11] This illustration is a prophecy of Israel’s rebirth foretold in the Old Testament.[12] Right before that he was revealing to the disciples his second coming, which happens at the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period,[13] and at that time he redeems the remnant Jews.[14] Before that he revealed what it would be like during the Tribulation Period for the Jews.[15] Jesus told his disciples that when the Jews see all the things that he teaches happening that the redemption of the Jews will be in sight, and they that witness Israel’s rebirth will also witness the remnant’s redemption at the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period.[16] But even before the seven-year Tribulation begins the Church is taken suddenly off the earth,[17] before the Antichrist is revealed,[18] before the hour of trial begins.[19]

The world is now on fast-forward to the establishment of the prophesied one-world government. Time is accelerating to the time when the seven-year Tribulation Period begins with the Antichrist in charge. Keep your eyes on Jesus, don’t grow weary, the trumpet of God is ready to sound.

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[1] Revelation 17:12-13; Daniel 7:24

[2] Daniel 7:23

[3] Genesis 6:1-4; Deuteronomy 2:20-21; 3:11; Numbers 13:33; Ezekiel 32:27; etc.

[4] 1 Enoch 15:8-16:1

[5] See Tom Horns books: Apollyon Rising 2012; Zenith 2016.

[7] 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 8-9; 1 John 2:22; 2 John 1:7; Revelation 13:1; 17:8

[10] Matthew 24:45-51; Luke 12:42-46

[11] Matthew 24:32; Mark 13:28; Luke 21:29-30

[12] Ezekiel 37:11-13; Isaiah 66:8-9

[13] Matthew 24:30-31; Mark 13:26; Luke 21:27

[14] Daniel 9:24-27

[15] Matthew 24:9-29; Mark 13:9-25; Luke 21:12-26

[16] Matthew 24:33-34; Mark 13:29-30; Luke 21:31-32

[17] 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

[18] 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 8-9

[19] Revelation 3:10