Friday, June 8, 2018

Been Waiting

A Song

I’ve been waiting for your promise, Lord.
I’ve been waiting for the trump to sound.
To hear you shout and the archangel’s voice.
I keep dreaming, we are caught up in the clouds on high, to meet you in the atmosphere.
Caught up, in the clouds on high.
Oh! to see you, as your Father’s throne appears.
Come Lord Jesus, you have made this pledge.
Come Lord, Come Lord, your Spirit and your bride say come.

You have gone away but you will come again.
When you appear, we will be like you Lord, we shall see you as you really are, Jesus, Oh Jesus!
Expecting your appearing purifies our heart, even as you are pure, we will be like you, Lord Jesus.
Our hearts are fixed on you, hope in you purifies us, just as you are pure, Oh, Son of God.
Worthy are you Lord, worthy are you Lord.
Worthy are you Lord, worthy are you Lord.

Times and seasons, we need not be reminded, a thief in the night for those in darkness.
We are children of light, we are children of the day, the day of the Lord will not overtake us.
We fall not in slumber, our eyes our open, we watch and pray, keeping our mind sober.
Your faithfulness is the strength of our salvation, our confidence is in God’s eternal kingdom.
Not afraid of God’s wrath to come, you have promised us eternal salvation.

You have gone away but you will come again.
When you appear, we will be like you Lord, we shall see you as you really are, Jesus, Oh Jesus!
Expecting your appearing purifies our heart, even as you are pure, we will be like you, Lord Jesus.
Our hearts are fixed on you, hope in you purifies us, just as you are pure, Oh, Son of God.
Worthy are you Lord, worthy are you Lord.
Worthy are you Lord, worthy are you Lord.

I’ve been waiting Lord, for my body to change.
I’ve been waiting Lord, for immortality and incorruption.
To never see my body decay, to live everlasting to everlasting.
How wonderful it will be to be like you Jesus.
To finally be glorified, salvation completed.
In the twinkling of an eye, in a moment of time, we will be changed.
All at once, very quickly, the dead before us, salvation completed, all glory to Jesus.
The mystery revealed so long ago, salvation made whole, body, soul and spirit.

You have gone away but you will come again.
When you appear, we will be like you Lord, we shall see you as you really are, Jesus, Oh Jesus!
Expecting your appearing purifies our heart, even as you are pure, we will be like you, Lord Jesus.
Our hearts are fixed on you, hope in you purifies us, just as you are pure, Oh, Son of God.
Worthy are you Lord, worthy are you Lord.
Worthy are you Lord, worthy are you Lord.

Heaven’s door is open, come up here, will be the call.
Father sitting on his throne, shinning with the aura of jasper, emanating like sardine stone.
A rainbow of emerald encircling it, lightning, thunder, voices and sparkling crystal.
Twenty-four elders seated in honor, robed in white and crowned in gold.
Seven lamps emblazing, the sevenfold Spirit.
Four living creatures all covered in eyes, young bull, flying eagle, the face of a man and a lion, six wings each were given.
Waiting for the Lion of Judah, waiting to see the Lamb who was slain.
Worthy to take the scroll and unlock its seals.
Oh God you were slain, and now we have no more pain.
Worthy are you Lord, worthy are you Lord.

You have gone away but you will come again.
When you appear, we will be like you Lord, we shall see you as you really are, Jesus, Oh Jesus!
Expecting your appearing purifies our heart, even as you are pure, we will be like you, Lord Jesus.
Our hearts are fixed on you, hope in you purifies us, just as you are pure, Oh, Son of God.
Worthy are you, Oh Lord! Worthy are you Lord.
Worthy are you, Oh Lord! Worthy are you Lord.

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

God Almighty All Powerful

Whenever the church claims that God is all powerful the world usually retorts with accusations of this nature: The world is full of suffering, it is full of sickness and disease, look at natural disasters, there is so much evil, and, the unfortunate difficulties of the poor exhibits that he is not all that potent.

Those that do not believe in God, often use these charges against the Almighty as an excuse to deny his existence, to allege he is false, to say he is fictitious, to strengthen their belief that he is just an imaginary being used by the weak to medicate their emotions.

This type of person is hard to convince, they are set in their ways, the god of this world, the one called Satan, has blinded their spiritually dim minds, therefore they are unable to comprehend the truth concerning the Almighty God.

When we say that God is all powerful, it is intended to reveal that of all the power and might known to man, or the holy angels, or to fallen angels, or to the Nephilim, or to the spirits of the Nephilim is mediocre, because his power is inimitable compared to every other power.

God’s might wields power over every other power, over all the celestial hierarchy, over Lucifer and the sons of God that committed apostasy with him, over every spiritual strength that is evil and wicked in the spiritual realms.

God is not frightened of a world out of control, a world full of evil and wickedness, he is not intimidated by a generation that follows the god of destruction, that heeds the voices of evil spirits and even consults the darkness for advice and direction.

Opposition against him can only go so far, as far as he allows it to go, his power is the barrier to ruin, man’s extinction is not forth coming, there is only victory over death.

In the vision of God, he made a draft, he designed and then framed the worlds from the breath within his lungs, he restored the earth by the power of his words, creations existence originates from a previously nonexistent world.

Through God’s Son, he made the worlds, all that is created was made by the Son, and given to him as an inheritance, he holds the worlds together by the power of his words, God, speaks to creation through his Son, having begotten him to be ruler over all that he created.

God spoke, and called out of darkness the light, and he divided the two, darkness from light and light from darkness, then he gave them both names, the light he calls, Day, and the darkness he calls, Night.

God spoke, and he divided the atmosphere, so there would be space between the waters in the heavens and the waters on the surface of the Earth, he formed a vault to divide water from water and called the space, Sky.

God spoke, and the water on the surface of the Earth accumulated so that dry ground came into sight, thereby he named the dry ground, Earth, and the accumulation of water he named, Seas.

God spoke, and out of the, Earth, grew herbs that produce seeds, and also trees that produce fruit bearing-seed.

God spoke, and he created lights in the sky to distinguish the Day, from the Night, so that, Day, and, Night, can be signs upon the Earth, to determine days, months and years, so man can recognize time, and he gave lights to stimulate sight and illuminate the, Earth.

God spoke, and the, Seas, produced living creatures, and the, Sky, produced flying creatures, he blessed them and commanded they multiply filling the, Seas, with their own-kind, and they multiply filling the, Earth, with their own-kind.

God spoke, and the, Earth, produced living creatures that inhabitant the dry ground, live-stock and an array of all different kinds of animals that need air to breathe.  

Then God spoke, and the, Godhead, created man in his own image, using the dirt of the ground, man was made by the power of God from the substance of the Earth, he breathed life into the nostrils of the man and he came to life, from the man’s body God then made woman to be man’s helper in the governance of the, Earth, and all that God had created.

People that do not believe in how man got here are left to their own devices and imagination, God, is so powerful that he gives angels and men free-will, he does not fear if they scorn, mock or wage war against him, he is not unsettled when they do.

God speaks, and whatever things he utters they come to pass, whatever things he says they are done, whatever things he calls into existence they are created.

Jehovah, believes every word he speaks, what comes from his mouth is truth, no lie will ever come from him because he chooses to speak truth every time, and when he prophecies it comes to pass always in its time.

Be careful of your imagination, do not declare that God has said something when he has not, if it be a thought come into your mind, or a dream comes to you in your sleep, compare it to Scripture before you proclaim that he has said it.

God, shares with his children his mighty power, he gives us faith that is produced by his holy word so we can receive whatever things we ask of him, whatever things you desire believe you receive it, believe that he will give it to you, and it will then belong to you, if you can believe and there be no evidence of doubt in you then whatever you say will be done on your behalf.

Be not bamboozled by those that say this is not true, for they deny the word of God because of their religion, they think that because some men are led by the flesh than all men are, and that you ask God aside from the leading of the Holy Spirit, it is because of their unbelief that these men doubt and demand restrictions be put on believers to receive from God, for nothing shall be impossible to you if you have faith like a mustard seed, nothing is impossible to the believer if he has faith in God.

The Lord, God Almighty, is all powerful, there is nothing he cannot do, he is able to do far much more than what we ask of him, he is able to do far much more than what we even think to ask of him, because he has invested his mighty power within everyone that believes in him.

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons