Thursday, February 23, 2023

Like a Thief in the Night


“But concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need that anything be written to you. For you yourselves know well that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night. For when they are saying, "Shalom and safety," then sudden destruction will come on them, like birth pains on a pregnant woman; and they will in no way escape. But you, brothers, are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief. You are all sons of light, and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night, nor to darkness, so then let us not sleep, as the rest do, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep in the night, and those who are drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, since we belong to the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and, for a helmet, the hope of salvation. For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. Therefore exhort one another, and build each other up, even as you also do.” 

(1Thessalonians 5:1-11, HNV)

After having just described to the Thessalonian believers some detail about how the rapture of the body of Christ will unfold in chapter four, verses thirteen through seventeen, Paul continues his correspondence with them about this very important piece of information in the passage above. What I must first point out is this: The content of this passage does not refer to the second appearance/coming of Christ at the end of Israel’s seventieth-week/seven-year Tribulation Period, as some people have said. For one thing; not one of these Thessalonian believers – neither any believer in the church-age – will be raptured at the Christ’s second appearance, but rather they will be brought along with Jesus when he comes to rapture the body of Christ that is still on the earth before the Tribulation Period even begins. The reason he brings the 1st century Thessalonian believers along with him is because they are long-dead, which is obvious. When Paul had correspondence with them, they were as alive as you and me, but since they are already dead, they will be supernaturally reunited with their earthly bodies once the trumpet sounds just like Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy will be (4:13-16; 1 Cor. 15:52-53). Another thing; Paul did mention twice, the day of Jesus’ second coming with the believers at Thessalonica – the day the Messiah will come to redeem the remnant Jews – but this passage above is not one of them. He mentions to them his second appearance/coming in his second letter in the first chapter (2 Thess. 1:4-10). There he informs them that when this event happens, he will punish those that refuse to repent and obey the gospel (2 Thess. 1:8). Then in just half a sentence he mentions it again, saying that on that day the Lord will overthrow and destroy the Antichrist (2 Thess. 2:8b; Rev. 19:20). I will write and add more information about these two references later in this chapter, sixteen.    

The reason why some think this passage refers to the Tribulation Period is because of the phrase, “the day of the Lord” (5:2). I agree, that phrase does refer to the Tribulation Period, but only sometimes. The Old Testament prophets prophesied about the day of the Lord, in the context of Israel’s seventieth-week, indicating that God will pour out his wrath on the fallen angels, the kings of the earth, and all the rebellious (Isa. 13:6-13; 24:1-22; Joel 2:1-27, 30-32; 3:1-16). But the phrase “the day of the Lord” also refers to the day when God will rapture the church. The day when Jesus comes to get his bride (his faithful followers), it is his special day (Matt. 25:1-13; 24:36-44; 1 Cor. 5:5; 2 Cor. 1:14; 2 Thess. 2:1-2; 2 Pet. 3:3-10a). Then there is another “day of the Lord,” the day Jesus redeems the remnant Jews (Matt. 24:29-31; 25:31; Acts 2:20-21; Isa. 24:23; Rev. 1:7). Some think this phrase only has one meaning, but when you look at the Scriptures it has a double and triple meaning.

Paul reminds the Thessalonians that the day and hour of the rapture of the body of Christ will come without warning, like how when a thief breaks into a man’s house in the middle of the night (5:2)—his break-in is without forewarning. There is no doubt in my mind that Paul was thinking of the words of Jesus (Matt. 24:42-44; 25:13; Lk. 12:39-40; Rev. 3:3). Paul could not foretell the exact day and hour the rapture will happen, that is why he would not even attempt to make the error of saying it would happen on a certain day (5:1). Jesus had said that only the Father knows the day and hour when the catching away will be (Matt. 24:36; Mk. 13:32). Do not let the precise day and hour language of the day of the Lord confuse you. Some pastors and teachers have used this language to deceive the church so that they can continue with their own agenda. Some say that since the church does not know the day and hour of the rapture then there is no need to talk about it, it is not necessary for them to teach about it, nor is it essential to even dwell on it. Their conclusion is that the Lord will come when he comes so the church does not need to hear about it. The Lord has said that nobody will know the precise day and hour of this glorious event but he does not leave the church in the dark. For Jesus did prophesy the season of the rapture of the church, the seven-year Tribulation Period, and his second appearance at the end of the terrible seven years, by saying these events will all happen during the lifespan of the generation that witnessed the rebirth of Israel (Matt. 24:32-34, 9-31, 36-44; Mk. 13:28-30, 13-27, 32-37; Lk. 21:29-32, 12-28, 34-36)—refresh your memory about the fig tree (Israel’s rebirth) in chapter five of this book.

Just prior to the church being raptured people will be saying “shalom and safety,”—peace and security (5:3a). The Greek Bible says, “ὅταν λέγωσιν” (ótan légosin), which in English translates, “when they say.” My question is; what people will be saying this? Is it the whole world or just a certain group of people? Why will they be saying there is, “Εἰρήνη καὶ ἀσφάλεια” (Eiríni kaí asfáleia), peace and security? Paul does not give any clues to who it is that he is referring to, neither does he suggest what type of peace or what kind of protection these people will be receiving. Although, he does indicate that the people who will be saying this are the ones who are in darkness (5:4). That could mean the whole unbelieving world. But I am inclined to believe he is speaking specifically about a certain group of people, a certain group of leaders, quite possibly the globalists who at the time of me writing this book are on the verge of dominating every nation in the West. They are at this moment nefariously implementing the biblically prophesied one-world government that the Antichrist will take control of during the seven-year Tribulation. The destruction (5:3b) that comes upon them is referring to the mayhem and chaos that will occur after the body of Christ is taken off the earth. 

Some have thought this could be referring to the time just after the Antichrist confirms a covenant between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (Dan. 9:27a), which will cause many to think there is finally peace in that territory. But I do not agree with this speculation, because it seems to me that Paul is indicating this group of people are saying this just prior to the rapture of the church. In addition to my previous notion above, about who it is saying peace and safety, the globalists are currently ruling the West with not so much secrecy anymore. They have made their rule known and almost all the western leaders at every level of government do everything they say, because for the politician, obeying the globalists edicts is the difference from retaining their political power and making lots of money to being booted out of office and ending up impoverished; maybe even dead—that is the level of power the globalists yield.

Their plan to increase their rule over western society is under the guise of the Great Reset.[1]  Could it be that these globalists, who are also Luciferians, will begin bragging openly before the world that because of their strict mandates that peace and safety has finally been achieved? Some people that call themselves freedom-fighters think they have defeated the already harsh mandates the governments had put on their citizens. They will tell you that because of their persistence the governments caved in on lockdowns and masks, and the such. But the globalists just used those mandates to test society, and they saw that they can do more. And they have plans to do more when they determine the time is right.

America and most western nations have given the World Economic Forum (WEF) a great deal of control over their countries. Soon it will be total autonomy. Most countries, including the USA, are in the process of giving the World Health Organization (WHO) autonomy over their pandemic policies. The WEF’s dominance over the Western Hemisphere will be fully realized before this decade is over. I can say this with almost 100% reliableness because of their 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.[2]  I can also say this with almost 100% sureness because of occultic/Luciferians like Charles Webster Leadbeater, Helena Blavatsky, Manly P. Hall, and Alice Bailey, who all predicted that the return of Saturn’s reign (the Bible refers to it as the seven-year reign of the Beast, the Antichrist) will begin in the decade of the 2020’s. I also can say with almost 100% certainty, that the one-world government will be established before this decade is over because of Bible prophecy concerning the generation that witnessed the rebirth of the modern state of Israel.

You may be wondering who Saturn is that the occultic/Luciferians are expecting to return and reign the earth. Saturn was believed by the ancients, and is still believed by the Luciferians today, to be the king of the cosmos. His rule came to a temporary end by Jupiter, the Roman equivalent to the Greek’s Zeus; both Jupiter and Zeus were known as the storm-god. The Roman god, Saturn, is equivalent to the Greek god, Kronos, who was the king of the Titans. The Titans, who were also the gods of the Greeks, are the fallen angels, or Watchers, that had sexual relations with human woman before the Great Flood in the Genesis 6:1-4 account, and in 1st Enoch (chapters 1-36; The Book of the Watchers). Of course, Saturn and Kronos, and all the Greco-Roman gods, were known by different names to previous and other civilizations; all the gods of the ancient civilizations are fallen angels and not just myths as some Christians think. Saturn, according to the Romans, ruled the earth during what they refer to as the “Golden Age” which existed before the Great Flood. They believed that men lived as gods during this age, and did not suffer hardship—the Greek version has Kronos as the god of the earth that ruled this ancient utopia. When the storm-god brought Saturn/Kronos’ rule to a temporary end – temporarily because he returns – he was cast into the netherworld along with the Titans. This netherworld that the ancient Greco-Romans refer to is what the Bible refers to as Tartarus (2 Pet. 2:4), where the fallen angels that had sexual relations with human women were cast into. The Luciferians believe Saturn and all the Titans (old gods) will break free from the netherworld in the decade of the 2020’s. This is why the occult/globalists are working toward implementing their global government, because they believe it will be the government of the new golden age. The Revelation reveals the fallen angels and evil spirits bound in Tartarus, the Abyss, will be released from there during Israel’s seventieth-week/Tribulation Period (Rev. 9:1-11).  

I said all that to say: The occultic/Luciferians have prophesied and believe that Saturn will return and set up a new golden-age again. The world’s elites adhere to the Roman pagan form of worship, their occultism is Satan worship. You can get a better understanding of the pagan gods in Derek P. Gilbert’s books: The Second Coming of Saturn, and, Last Clash of The Titans. You may ask why would a Christian have any interest in the pagan gods? Maybe because these pagan gods are the kingdom of rulers, the spiritual powers, the evil cosmic powers, the spiritual wickedness in the heavenly realm that the believer struggles with (Eph. 6:12).

That little detour into the Luciferian occultic world I believe was important. But now I return to Alice Baily: She had written tens-of-thousands of articles before her death in 1949, that were published in about twenty-four books in the first half of the 20th century, where she had referenced at least fifteen different times the year 2025. According to her occultic prophesies the year 2025 is supposed to be the year when Saturn will begin his world reign again. She claims to have received this information from her spirit-guide named, Master DK.[3]  Of course, every occultist that communicates with spirit-guides are really communicating with the evil spirits that roam the earth. An evil spirit is the spirit-being portion of a Nephilim, but once a Nephilim dies their spirit-being cannot go to heaven because it is confined to the earthly realm. The spirit-beings from dead Nephilim speak to both willing and unaware humans what the fallen angels tell them to communicate.

Regardless of who these people are that will soon be boasting about initiating peace and safety one thing is for sure, they are people that have surrounded their lives in darkness. If it is the global elites that Paul’s prophesy is referring to, I doubt that they will be overly surprised when the followers of Christ are immediately taken out of this world, because they have long known by communication with fallen angels, and through pagan prophecies by the spirit-guides of occult channelers, that the true followers of Jesus Christ will be removed off the earth. [4] They do not believe the Christians will be raptured into heaven but rather are removed so the rest of the world can advance into a higher consciousness. They believe the Christians will be removed not by Yahweh, but by extraterrestrial life. Some global elites refer to the fallen angels as aliens when speaking to the public, because that is what some think they are.[5] But the high-ranking occultists who give the global leaders their orders know exactly who these so-called aliens are, they know that they are angels who are associated with the chief angel, Lucifer. They have direct communication with these angelic-beings and the evil spirits from their offspring, the Nephilim. Today’s occultic/Luciferians worship Lucifer and these evil entities just like the ancient rulers of past civilizations did, namely, the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans.

Today’s Christian is living in the season when the rapture of the church will occur, so not one should be surprised when it happens, that is if they are living in the light instead of darkness (5:4). The Christian has been given the special opportunity in becoming a son of the light and a son of the day—positionally the Christian does not belong to the night or the darkness anymore (5:5). It looks like Paul used a little psychology on the believer with verses six and seven to test them; to get the Christian thinking about their personal behavior. He just wrote that the church does not belong to the night or darkness anymore, so now the believer should test his personal behavior to determine whether he is a son of the light or a son of the darkness—like looking in the mirror to see what they see. He should test if he is like those that are asleep (5:6a), because those that are asleep sleep at night, when it is dark (5:7a). Paul is not referring to the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep that the human body needs to rejuvenate, nor is he referring to the believer that is asleep-in-Christ (4:13-14), but rather he is referring to the person that acts like a sloth, the person that is in a lazy state of mind concerning the day of the Lord; the rapture. Those that sleep, and those that get drunk (5:7b), are emblematic to the unbeliever and the listless Christian. The Christian should not be asleep, lazy, and apathetic, their behavior should not be compared to the one that is stupefied, the unbeliever. The moment the rapture happens not one Christian should be surprised. When it comes to the day of the Lord, the rapture of the body of Christ, the believer must be alert and sober (5:6b), able to watch and be ready for when the call to “come up” is given (1 Thess. 4:16a; Rev. 4:1-2). Since the follower of Christ belongs to the day, the time to be awake, he needs to be sober and able to watch for the rapture (5:8a), wrapping around his thorax (chest), faith and love (5:8b), and put on his head the hope of salvation (5:8c). Since the Christian received the Lord’s initial act of salvation when he first believed (Eph. 2:4-8), this, ἐλπίδα σωτηρίας – elpída sotirías – hope of salvation, is referring to eternal salvation when the salvation process is completed. This is referring to the glorified body that is essential for eternal salvation. The believer will receive one once the salvation process is completed, when the rapture occurs (1 Cor. 15:51-53).  

In verse nine Paul refers to the time of God’s wrath again, when he will judge the rebellious angels, unbelievers, and the first and second Beasts during the seventieth-week of Israel. In chapter one, he told the Thessalonians there, that God will rescue the believer from his wrath that is still yet to come (1:10c). Here he tells the Thessalonians that the believer is not appointed to suffer God’s wrath, but to receive salvation through Jesus (5:9). Again, the salvation being referred to is eternal salvation, and as I have written before, escaping the time of God’s wrath is proof that the rapture is a pre-Tribulation event. Those appointed to eternal life (Acts 13:48; Jn. 10:26-27; Rms. 8:30) will not enter the seven-year Tribulation Period.

In verse ten he reiterates what he said in chapter 4:13-17, Jesus was crucified so the body of Christ will one day live with him in the eternal realm (5:10), this is receiving eternal salvation through the Christ. Whether the believer is passed away from this life or not, when the rapture happens those asleep and those awake will meet the Lord where the physical and heavenly realms meet (4:17). And once again, Paul informs the believers to encourage each other and build one another up with the words he has written (5:11a). The Thessalonian church was doing just that (5:11b), todays church would be doing good to take Paul’s words earnestly and do the same. 

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[1] The World Economic Forum: The Great Reset initiative.

(Accessed 2/20/2023)

[2] The United Nations: Department of Economic and Social Affairs – Sustainable Development

(Accessed 2/20/2023)

[3] Spirit of The Antichrist, Volume Two, chapter four; by J.B. Hixon

Also see his interview with Jan Markell; Spirit of the Antichrist: Ruling from the Shadows – Pastor J.B. Hixson

(Accessed 2/20/2023)

[4] The Rapture: According To New Age Channelers:

“The disappearance of millions of people will be explained away using several different tactics. The first explanation is that certain groups of people will have to be evacuated by our extraterrestrial "space brothers” because of catastrophic earth changes: Channeler Thelma Terrell, who goes by her spiritual name, “Tuella," wrote a book called Project World Evacuation (1), these are some quotes from that book. They are messages channeled from a being who calls himself Ashtar, the leader of an alien confederation.”

“Our rescue ships will be able to come in close enough in the twinkling of an eye to set the lifting beams in operation in a moment. And all over the globe where events warrant it, this will be the method of evacuation. mankind will be lifted, levitated shall we say, by the beams from our smaller ships. These smaller craft will in turn taxi the persons to the larger ships overhead, higher in the atmosphere, where there is ample space and quarters and supplies for millions of people.”

(Accessed 2/18/2023)

[5] Canadian Minister of Defense on "Galactic Federation" of Aliens

(Accessed 2/18/2023)