When most Christians see the phrase,
Tribulation Period, in an article presented to them, they at that moment make a
conscious decision not to read it. If someone injects into a conversation the phrase,
Tribulation Period, most Christians will quickly either change the topic or
just simply walk away. Why are so many people that associate themselves with today’s
Church afraid of the words, Tribulation Period? In fact, because of the phrase,
Tribulation Period, in the title of this article, many will not even bother to read
it. I know this not only because of experience, but because it has been
revealed to me, but even so, I must write this article anyways. Some Christians
are not afraid of just the word, tribulation, because they have suffered some
measure of affliction in their life, and they understand the meaning of that. Some
are not afraid of even using the word, tribulation, when they attempt to sound
spiritual when boasting about their works before others. But when confronted
with the phrase, Tribulation Period, it shoots fear into the hearts of many in today’s
Christian community.
When many in today’s Church hear
the phrase, Tribulation Period, it is not the Holy Spirit that envelopes them
in a cloak of fright, it is not him that strikes their heart with fear, but
rather it is the demonic spirits that they have not dealt with in their life; the
spirits of the dead Nephilim that roam the earth being used by the god of this
world to devour every Christian that is not alert, each one that is distracted
and not paying attention to the day we live in. There may even be a measure of
pride in their heart as they are not truly surrendered to the Lord, but their
ego has them fooled into believing they are submitted. When a Christian sees
the phrase, Tribulation Period, written in an article or hears it spoken in a
conversation, and then can’t distance themself fast enough from these words it
is a sign they have both a pride problem and a revelation issue. The Lord knows
they have their own spiritual agenda that is not consistent with what is written
in Scripture therefore he will not reveal to them his end-time plan that he keeps
secret from the world.
The Tribulation Period is the
time of Jacob’s trouble written about by the prophet, Jeremiah.[1] It
is the seventieth-week of Israel written about in the book of Daniel,[2]
when Yahweh will redeem the remnant Jews on the very last day of the seven-year
Tribulation Period. During the Tribulation Period, Yahweh, the God of Israel, will
allow the Jews to be afflicted like never before, but in the end, he will save
them out of it. When that time-period is over Israel will anoint Jesus as their
king and believe him to be their Messiah. During this seven-year period two-thirds
of the Jews going into the time of Jacob’s trouble will be struck down and
perish, but the remnant will be saved.[3] The
one-third that will be left to receive the salvation of the Lord and receive Jesus
as their Messiah will go through the fire, as they will be refined like silver
and tested like gold, but at the end of the Tribulation Period remnant Israel
will call on Jesus and receive him as Lord.[4] The
seven-year Tribulation Period isn’t even for the Church, the Body of Christ
will be raptured out of the earth before this hour of trial even begins.[5]
Any teacher that tells you the Church will either go through the Tribulation
Period, or even part of it, then you should maybe test and see by what spirit
they are speaking.
The Tribulation Period is also a
period referred to as, the day of the Lord’s wrath, when he will judge the
fallen angels and the world for their rebellion against him.[6] This time period begins with the Antichrist
enforcing an agreement between current-day Israel and their neighbors, specifically
the Palestinian Authority.[7] The
Tribulation Period will be a world ruled by the one-world government and its
ten political rulers at the beginning, an area that will cover most of the
Western hemisphere. Once the global government has control over the West the
ten political leaders will give the Antichrist total and complete control of
the global government.[8]
But, again, Christians today have no reason to fear the Tribulation Period,
because if they remain faithful to the Lord and truly follow him they will not
be left on the earth to experience this terrible affliction.
What we see taking place on the
earth at this present-time is the establishment of the one-world government
that is prophesied to be in full control once the Antichrist is revealed;
especially since the lock-down began in March 2020.[9] The
people of the West will be under the control of this single government in ever
aspect very soon, as we see events
unfolding very quickly to take away our freedoms. There is no use thinking that
things will go back to the way it was even in 2019, when at least the Western
population had some freedom and control over individual lives. With the coronavirus
lock-downs, the riots and vandalism being allowed to completely destroy the USA
from within, something like the fall of ancient Rome, any hope for individual
freedom is just a memory now. The control government has over people will only
increase as most politicians and healthcare officials are drunk with power—this
sensation comes from the demonic spirits guiding these people. It will not be
too much longer when the government officials will be demanding that people not
only forfeit individual freedom for the sake of safety, but they will demand
that people begin to forfeit personal property for the sake of taking care of
the needy population. Some Christians think things will be okay, they say the
Lord is in control, but the bible says God has given Lucifer, and his angels,
control over this world and that is why we see the mess it is in. This is why
we see the one-world government being established, because this is the chief
fallen angel’s plan. Eventually he will declare to his followers that he is God
and there is no other. The Tribulation Period has to come so that Yahweh can
judge the fallen angels, and the wicked world, and also redeem the remnant Jews.
For Christians to distance
themselves from end-time prophecy, to not teach it or to even want to be taught
it, is not the will of God. For Christians to run and hide when they hear the
phrase, Tribulation Period, is a sign that they are not in tune with Scripture.
It is a sign that they are really not interested in the truth but their own
Picture: Gamba Amadi
[1] Jeremiah 30:7
[2] Daniel 9:24-27
[3] Isaiah 59:20-21; Jeremiah 31:33-34; Zechariah 13:8; Romans
[4] Zechariah 13:9
[5] 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; Revelation 3:10
[6] Romans 2:5; Zephaniah 1:8,15; Isaiah 13:9; Revelation
[7] Daniel 9:27
[8] Revelation 17:12-13,17; Daniel 7:24
[9] 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12