Thursday, November 22, 2018

Am I Healed or Not?

{To my email subscribers: Click onto the title so you can view the article directly from my blogsite}.

There is an obvious stench of disunity within the Church in these the final days of it, I am not saying that division is something new among the followers of Christ because there has always been a lack of consensus among the believer’s  even since the early days, the discord is detected particularly but not solely around the supposed illumination of Scripture,  but I assure you that Scriptural controversy is not God’s fault and it is  definitely not his plan, he is certainly not the one that has schemed dissension into the Church over how Scripture is interpreted; he is not the one responsible for the rivalry that exists within and between Christian congregations.

The dispute over what the Spirit of God is actually saying through God’s word is to some extend  the work of seducing spirits, but all the blame cannot be credited to these evil spirits that mislead the believer, the believer is usually led into error because of ministerial egotism but more times  than not seducing spirits have their power because of parishioner laziness, many members of the Church are unwilling to be like the Berean Jews who investigated the word of God for themselves to see if what even the Apostle Paul was teaching was true—if the believer back then was willing to scrutinize the teaching of Paul then today’s teacher is not above having what he teaches examined.

Why have I started this article with a seeming rebuke, can I not just indulge you with a good uplifting inspirational piece of literature, why does the beginning of this written discourse resemble a reprimand, or is it just possible the attempt to admonish you is disguised because the introduction of this essay appears to lack sensitivity?  

The Lord God Almighty, is three persons-in-one,  God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, each one has taken up the responsibility in man’s salvation in many and various ways, overall the Father sent his Son to atone for our sin and bring us salvation, predominantly  the Son gave his life so we might receive eternal life, chiefly the Holy Spirit leads the believer and guides him into all truth, the Spirit of God  is the one that speaks the word of the Son and then helps the believer to understand and comprehend it; and then the believer is empowered to explain it correctly.

The Spirit knows how to do his job but because of the many hidden agendas and countless individual aspirations within a number of the clergy some of the end-time believers  end up spiritually entangled, even confused, because  they hear a myriad of strange voices that they hope and believe is the word of the Lord but unfortunately the Spirit of God is often not the one speaking through some of these end-time  ministry offices, much of the Church today is being taught the hidden agendas and personal aspirations of the men behind the pulpit instead of the true will of the Lord, and this is an important factor why division lives because of the inconsistency in Church doctrine; one crucial doctrine where conflict exists within the Body of Christ is in end-time education even though  teaching about the rapture exists minimally because most ministers refuse to teach it.

Schism with the Church is usually a result of the misinterpretation of Scripture, one group believes certain Scriptures say one thing while another group believes the Scriptures say something else, the fetor of disunity begins to grow because the human ego is a powerful force, the Spirit of God will not interfere in the will of man, he will allow individual agendas to supersede his will on the earth at this time, but that time is almost over as the disposition of man and the personal desires that drive and motivate the keepers-of-the-sheep is soon coming  to an end as the Scriptures predict.

It does not occur to some in the Church that the Scripture was given to man as way for God to speak directly to them, especially to everyone sealed with the Spirit of God, but unfortunately even some ministers ignore the Scriptures and then are thereby deceived when the enemy speaks to them, they think it is God’s voice they hear but how do they know when they cannot truly comprehend the word of God, some stand on the platform and wait to hear a voice come out of the air and when they hear something they think is God speaking, but usually it is no more than just the voice of the masquerader they hear.

Everything God speaks is truth and if you want to hear the truth than God will speak to you through the Scriptures by the power of the Holy Spirit, the word of God is truth but because of the differences in interpretation many that supposedly expound the Scriptures make God out to be either a big fat liar or that he is just the greatest vacillator of all times, many ministers interpret his word wrapped up with their own personal  aspirations which leave some to think that God’s voice is no more that just a bunch of fluctuating statements, his word mutates depending on what fellowship the believer belongs to.

There are many different interpretations of God’s word out in the church world today, I am not talking  about the various translations of the Bible but the diverse explanations of certain passages of Scripture, especially pertaining to the end-times, many ministers forbid education about end-times in their congregation because it will interfere with their personal goals, as far as some ministers are concerned the rapture of the Church can wait until their agenda has been fulfilled, they hear from the one that masquerades as an angel of light and his word to them sounds familiar to their personal aspirations so they gladly buy into the deception because it is too hard for them to turn down, so now they interpret the word of God to line up with their agenda even though their agenda does not line up with end-time prophecy.

Some  minister’s follow the voice of the masquerader because it benefits them personally and as a result their ability to hear from God in the Scriptures becomes dull, the deceived minister then begins to misinterpret other portions of Scripture because he is confused by the two different and competing voices, the voice of the masquerader in whom he follows  to fulfill his aspirations and the voice of God that will actually truly benefit him in the end if he would only actually obey the Spirit of God.

When a minister unconsciously follows the voice of the masquerader it is because his message is more delightful to him than what is actually written in the word of God, cluelessly he then begins to misinterpret other promises that God has given in the Scriptures to the Body of Christ because his knowledge of the Scripture is weak, he cannot really hear the Spirit of God because the seducing spirit that has become part of his life has drowned out the voice of the true God—sometimes the minister does perceive that his message is different than what the word of God says but all that matters to him is his agenda which is more important to him.

A Scripture passage can have one or more even many layers to it depending on the section, but if one of those layers in that segment contradicts another layer than the contradiction has not been given by the Spirit of God, furthermore if a layer from one passage contradicts another layer from another passage than the Spirit of God has not spoken it either, rather it would be a seducing spirit’s voice the interpreter is hearing, when a minister realizes that he has misinterpreted a Scripture passage he should then confess that he did not hear from the Spirit but rather was misled in his understanding of that Scripture, if he does not confess his sin then pride will take root and grow in his life and will become the  predominate spirit in the ministers further attempts to understand and explain the meaning of Scripture, thereby leading his hearers astray, this is one of the works of seducing spirits; unfortunately some ministers are tightly  bound with these spirits and the Holy Spirit is shut out of their life and ministry.

Another  important promise, other than end-time prophecy, is the healing power of Jesus Christ for the believer, there are  far too many ministers that have given the Church false information concerning God’s will for the believer’s health and his miraculous healing, the God of the Bible desires that his children be healthy all the days of their life on the earth, Jesus actually suffered not only so that the believer could be forgiven of his sins but also so that he could be healed from all sickness and disease,[1] the provision for healing was made by the wounds the Christ suffered the night he was betrayed and handed over to be beaten by the Roman soldiers.[2]

Some  ministers have taught that the believer must suffer with sickness and disease unless God shows the afflicted mercy and then graciously heals them, this is what many churches teach, they believe that it is God’s will to heal certain individuals but not others, they make it sound as if the affliction is the believer’s  destiny in life or that it is his fate,  it is highly likely they get this idea from their ministerial experiences which has then dragged them into deception, seducing spirits have led many ministers into false doctrine and therefore many believers into error because it is certainly not the Spirit of God revealing this lie to them, because of erroneous  teaching many believers have been led astray because they do not practice the Berean way and examine what they have been taught, some do not study the Scriptures for themselves or they would find out that it is God’s will that every believer be healed of all sickness and disease, it is a promise and benefit of our salvation.  

They key in receiving God’s healing power is that first and foremost the child of God has to believe that it is God’s will he be healed and he must have sincere  faith in God that what he says is true, if the believer doubts even one miniscule then he cannot receive anything from God, he is like a man that has two minds, one mind is of faith and the other is of doubt, the doubt will wipe out the faith, he must believe that Christ has already made the provision for his healing by the wounds he suffered at the hands of the Romans.

Isaiah prophesied the outcome of the Christ’s work on the cross, looking forward God showed him that the Messiah would carry not only our sin to the cross but also our griefs and our sorrows,[3] griefs and sorrows are a poor English translation from the Hebrew words ‘choliy’ and ‘mak’ob,’ in that they actually mean: choliy—sickness, disease and anxiety; mak'ob—pain, both mental and physical pain, the beating and scorching that Jesus endured actually has brought us healing,[4] the Apostle Peter even reminds the believer that the follower of Christ has already received healing because of the wounds Jesus suffered;[5] the Greek word he used was ‘iaomai,’ which means to cure, healed, made whole.  

There happens to be some that do not like the following  kingdom policy, but nevertheless;  it is the believer’s responsibility as a child of God to have faith in Jesus and truly believe what he says, he has to trust in the Lord with all his heart that his word is true and not just think that just maybe his word is true or that even possibly he can do miracles, even Jesus could not do many miracles in his hometown but only heal a few sick people because they did not believe in him, they had no faith in the Son of God, if they were to receive his miracle working power they had to believe that Jesus could and that he would heal them, which is no different for the believer today, if the  believer does not believe that God has already made provision for his healing then he will not be healed, he has to believe with all his heart that he has already been healed no matter how long  it takes for the manifestation to occur, if the disease happens to overtake the believer before the manifestation of healing occurs then that does not mean the provision has not already been made or that the believer was not already healed, to believe otherwise is not interpreting the word of God properly; as long as the child of God believes the word of God and puts his faith into practice he then has nothing to be ashamed of when he stands before God and gives an account for his faith.

The believer will give an account for how he practices faith, our faith really isn’t our faith at all, it is God’s faith, he gives it to us as a gift, it is produced within us by the word of God, and as the word of God is taken care of within us like watering it and feeding it growth will happen and faith will increase, you cannot live off of another person’s faith, they cannot deposit their faith within you, you can only be inspired by someone else’s faith, their faith can motivate you to feed on the word of God so that faith will become powerful within you but you cannot rob them of their faith.

The afflicted believer can have someone pray for them but they still must personally have faith that God has already healed them, I did not say that God will heal them but rather I said that God has already healed them and that by the wounds Jesus has already suffered, the afflicted child of God must believe that the Christ has already carried their sickness and disease in his own body along with their sins, if Jesus did not carry our sickness and disease then he did not carry our sins either, God who lives in eternity already sees the believer healed, putting ones faith into practice means that you confess the word of God over your situation, you speak it over the doctor’s diagnoses and believe what the word of God says and that is that you are healed by the wounds Jesus suffered for you.

The believer participates in the divine nature of God[6]which not only allows him to escape evil but also to appropriate God’s  power of healing, the believer has the gifts of the Spirit within them and they are not only used for the good of others but also for oneself when needed, God “calls things that are not, things that one cannot see, things that are blind to the eye, as though they were”[7] which means that he gives life to the dead, what is not seen with the eye is made real or brought into actuality by the word of God, by God’s word the worlds were created, he spoke them into their physical being out of nothing, when the believer speaks God’s word persistently and diligently over his affliction doing it by faith believing that what he is speaking is undoubtedly true the healing will manifest at some point.

Below is a number of Scriptures to help the believer to have faith in God to receive his healing power.

a) Exodus 23:25, “Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you.” (NIV)

b) Psalms 30:2, “LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.” (NIV)

c) Psalms 103:2-3, “Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.” (NIV)

d) Psalms 107:20, “He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.” (NIV)

e) Proverbs 4:20-22, “My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.” (NIV)

f) Isaiah 53:4-5, “Surely He has borne our griefs {choliy—sickness, disease, anxiety} and carried our sorrows {mak'ob—pain, both mental and physical pain}; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes {chabbuwrah—his wounds and bruises caused by the beating and lashings, and the punches to his head} we are healed {rapha'—to heal, or make healthful}.” (NKJ)

g) 1 Peter 2:24, “He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed {iaomai (Greek)—to cure, healed, made whole}.” (NLT)

h) Matthew 8:16-17, “When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.” (NIV)

[1] Psalms 103:2-3
[2] Isaiah 53:4-5
[3] Isaiah 53:4
[4] Isaiah 53:5
[5] 1 Peter 2:24
[6] 2 Peter 1:4
[7] Romans 4:17

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons 

Monday, November 12, 2018

This is the Season

{To my email subscribers: Click onto the title so you can view the article directly from my blogsite}.

The title of this article is not in reference to the upcoming Christmas season celebrated every year across North America and Europe, even though the United States is ready to celebrate Thanksgiving on November 22, this year, and after this the anticipation of Christmas day is just over a month away, but this article is about another season, a season that many either have no knowledge of or just do not take time to consider.

The season referred to in this article is the season in which the Tribulation generation exists, it is a short time lasting only seven years, 2,520 days to be exact, but this short period will seem to be the longest duration of time ever for they that will live and abide in that time period.

Some will survive the full 2,520 days of this season, but most will only survive the first 42 months of this time according to the Scriptures, as before the mid-point of the Tribulation Period most of the earth’s population will perish in one way or another,  they that make it through into the second half of the Tribulation Period will either perish at the end of this season at the battle of Armageddon or they will make it through the full 84 months  to see Israel’s Messiah-King set up his earthly throne in the great City of Jerusalem, and these final survivors  will only be a small number compared to the size of the world’s population today but nonetheless they will actually witness the Christ’s  earthly millennial reign.

The Tribulation generation that will exist in the Tribulation season  has been in full construction mode over the last few years, this distinctive generation has been  a devious work in progress for years but I have just come to realize and recognize it for what it is just over the  past few years, if I was to be precise I would have to say I first noticed it about 2015, prior to 2015 I could only imagine what the Tribulation generation would look and behave like but once it was revealed to me I see it ever so clearly, and even more now as it increases in deception and dishonesty at a rapid pace; it certainly is not clandestine anymore.

I have only been saved since the year 1985, many of my readers have been saved a lot longer than me, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit no more than a month after receiving salvation, ever since my divine conversion and especially ever since I was baptized with the Holy Spirit’s power I have studied the word of God diligently, I believe I was given a hunger for the Scriptures by the Spirit of God so that I could know the glorious Father even greater, I believe that I have received the Spirit of wisdom and revelation just like every member of the Body of Christ is commanded to, without taking glory in myself I like many others have received the knowledge of God’s will with the help of the Holy Spirit through his wisdom and understanding by what he reveals in the Scriptures, it is by this means I have been now able to realize and recognize the behavior and attitude of the Tribulation generation which exists already this side of the seven-year Tribulation Period.

Now that the official midterm elections voting day in the United States  is over by a week already  there seems to be some apparent and without question voter fraud taking place, they will determine this when they do their investigation, if you are not on the leftwing side of the political spectrum you would most definitely concur, it seems that in a number of districts an unacceptable amount of ballots cards are now turning up out of nowhere, the districts where these miracle voting ballets have suddenly appeared are in districts where the Republican candidates have won seats as of the closing of the official polls, and now as they count these flash ballets the Democrat candidates now seem to be overtaking and gaining the majority of the votes in their individual yet contentious races, this means that any of the supposed Senate gains that the GOP won are slowly being stripped away by these imagined  mystery ballets, what is happening is reminiscent of the days when Al Capone was able to pull off  the same slight-of-hand ballet rigging in Chicago.

There is no doubt that there is ballot rigging taking place in these 2018 midterm elections so that the globalist can get the upper hand in American politics so they can establish the Democrats in power, establish the Democrats in power so that they can make their attempt at carrying out a not-so-silent coup to bring down the Trump administration and then establish their global government, they either establish their one world government through the American political system or by all out civil war and violence, the globalist’s which consists of both Democrat and Republicans in name only politicians will commit treason by either means.

In the every day life of things for us not living in the world of the political and economical elites it is not hard to notice the behavior and attitude of the every day person, in the malls or out on the streets or even just trying to navigate the roadways the behavior of people has changed dramatically over the last few years, the days of receiving courtesy or politeness is quickly diminishing, civility is gone the way of cooking your own breakfast, godless attitudes are the normal no matter what venue you travel, hostility is emerging like never before as people are not concerned about their neighbor anymore but only about their own personal well-being, if you innocently get in the way of most people today they throw patience out the window and will trample you like you are the worse threat to their life, this generation loves itself way too  much instead of loving their neighbor let alone God first, the majority of society is too self-important, people are vain, they are unreliable, it is hard to put trust in anyone, earthly pleasure has taken captive the hearts of society leaving God in the closet like an old pair of jeans that is out of style.

I remember when I first became a Christian, the congregation I was attending was in the midst of building a new and bigger church building, at that time it was considered a more modern structure  than the one they had been worshiping in for decades, one of the older men who had been in that congregation for years had said to me that he was concerned that the new place of worship is in danger of becoming no more than just a country club where people that believe in Jesus just form cliques and become spiritual snobs, I am not sure if he was prophesying about that particular church body or if God was using him to tell me what the Church in what was then future would become, today we are witnessing a falling away from the faith like never before, much of the modern church has incorporated new age philosophy into their programs and even worship, many in the Church today are only gathering to themselves teachers that will say only things they want to hear, they forbid sound doctrine anymore, in many churches the leadership does not warn the people of what is ahead, end-times prophecy is forbidden, the devil is masquerading as an angel of light in most Church bodies today;  false teachers abound.

This is the season for the rapture to occur, for the seven-year Tribulation Period to then commence, a one world government and religion is already being established and is ready to be implemented as is prophesied in the Scriptures, yet the church is asleep, the mind of the Church is on earthly things instead of what is important, Christ is seated at the right of the Father and this is where the heart of the Church is to be focused, end-time prophecy and the coming of the Lord is not to be cut out of the bible and yet this is what most Christians have done, the season of the Tribulation Period is ready to be launched as this is the season for the Body of Christ to be raptured, the Church needs  to receive the knowledge of God’s will and put aside personal ambitions, the aspirations of many in leadership is no more than a needy desire for a longer stay here in the earthly realm they so passionately love so that they can build fame and worldly riches—as winter comes so does the cold and snow.

“For a long time Israel was without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law; But when in their distress they turned unto Jehovah, the God of Israel, and sought him, he was found of them” (2 Chronicles 15:3-4, ASV).

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Midterm Election is a No-Win Situation

The midterm elections in the United States is only a week away, Tuesday, November 6, 2018, which could be for all intents and purposes the most important elections ever in America, and already we have witnessed a brutal win-at-all-costs approach by the Democrats that should really be a concern to not only Americans but the citizens of the West in general.

For two years the Progressive Left has concocted every dirty trick in the political playbook to bring down the Trump presidency, Americans have never before witnessed the chicanery and the outright deception by both  the left-wing and their untrustworthy willing co-conspirators, the fake  mainstream media, both groups have been seditiously active in their attempt to overthrow a sitting president of the United States—I suppose the deception we have witnessed over the last two years even tops the Democrats effort in not accepting the inauguration of the 16th President of the United States,  the Republican, Abraham Lincoln, who in the end was assassinated by,  John Wilkes Booth, an American actor and Confederate sympathizer who was vehemently in favor of slavery in the USA.

In the last month the Democrats unsuccessfully tried to derail the confirmation of, Brett M. Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court, this turned out to be a complete circus of lies and false accusations that failed because of the lack of credible corroboration by his accusers, nonetheless the Progressive Left in America and around the world were hoping that the Senate Judiciary Committee would believe the accusations brought forth at the last hour in an attempt to get one-step closer in their hopeful attempt to win back political power; the Senators on the Democrat side say they believed  the unverified accusations except one, the one voted to confirm the Judge to the Supreme Court,  but in the end the  scheming Democrats did not have the votes to deny Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court .

A week ago a number of pipe bombs began to show up at the addresses of prominent politicians and people on the Left with the first arriving at the home of a heavy liberal campaign donor, in all there were 13 bombs sent to what the mainstream media stresses are all critics of President Trump, I find it odd that none of the 13 bombs had the capability to ignite and blow-up; the perpetrator who is now in custody is being portrayed by the media as a staunch Trump supporter—Hillary Clinton who is one of the recipients of the Wile E. Coyote type bombs classifies Trump supporters as “Deplorable's.”

A friend and spiritual brother, and me, find it a ridiculous coincident  that just weeks before the midterm election that like a plot out of a mystery novel  Wile E. Coyote bombs just happen to be sent out and received by leftwing progressives, especially that these television type crime drama explosives are sent to progressives that openly hate and despise the current President, many bomb experts agree that these devices were not capable of causing physical harm and that the intention may have been just to scare the recipients and I would add  the democrats in general, we find it strangely suspicious that all the evidence of the perpetrator’s actions is so neatly packaged  in unquestionable guilt and that his criminality is also setup too easy for immediate conviction, he just so happens to be a Trump supporter, his van just so happens to be fully decorated in anti-democrat,  pro-Trump stickers, the authorities just so happen to have a picture of him at a Trump rally holding a Trump sign taken from social media—we have discussed that it would be no surprise to us that something else may happen before the election in an attempt to dissuade the American voter from checking off Republican candidates so that Trump’s winning agenda will cease. 

The Republican’s are predicted to win the Senate, but it is also predicted that the Democrats will win the House of Representatives, if the Democrats do take back the lower chamber of the United States Congress they will then have the power to stop Trump’s agenda which is something they have vehemently  vowed to do even though the President’s agenda is actually turning out to be a winner for the United States, but what most do not realize is that Trump’s agenda also includes the arrests of many hundreds of prominent individuals and current and former political leaders, even thousands that are actively involved in the Deep State, these people are behind the overthrow of the American government so they can establish a long awaited and Luciferian desired  one world government.

The arrests of this seditious gang of treasonous Americans is something the Democrats do not want to happen since some of their beloved leaders are among those to be arrested, not all Republicans are what they seem to be also; President Trump’s administration is the only thing standing in the way of the United States of American being overwhelmed and transitioned into part of the global government that will have no borders.

If the Republicans do happen to win both the lower and upper chambers of the United States Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate, then  the Left will create untold violence and chaos, something they have already declared they will do, there are leftwing groups well known that are prone to commit violence and that are waiting and ready to cause horrendous damage to large cities and the public if the Democrats come out as losers on November sixth, there has even been insinuation that there could even be severe physical violence committed against those on the Right that win seats, even Hillary Clinton suggested that there can be no civility if the Republicans are in power of the country.

If the Democrats come out as winners in the 2018 midterms they will bring an end to Trump’s agenda early next year when they assume congressional power beginning in January, if they lose the election and the political power stays status quo than the intended violence will be unparalleled in the United States since the American Civil War, it will likely make the Civil War look like no more than just a Major League Baseball bench clearing brawl compared to the anticipated violent actions just waiting to happen if Trump’s agenda is allowed to carry through into the next two years.

As Christians, we are to pray, but many are asleep in this generation, their minds are set on earthly things instead of things above, by things above I mean that the believer is to have their heart and mind on the agenda of God, and his agenda for this generation of believers  is to be raptured into eternity where Christ is already seated, for Christ is ready to appear in the clouds of the air where he will call us up to meet him there.

The United States as it once was, not unlike the rest of the West is sadly over, it is only a matter of time before it will be consumed by the globalist’s no matter how hard the nationalists fight to stop it from happening , the Scriptures predict this will happen and I am only writing about it in the prophetic sense, the USA is the only country left for the globalists to conquer and transition the West into a global government as the Lord has said would happen, this does not mean that the nationalist give up but they must understand that what is written in the Scriptures will happen, so it is better that people just receive Christ as Lord so that when the rapture occurs they will be part of it, get saved but still push back the powers of darkness until Satan is allowed to then have his final days on the earth.

Christ is ready to appear and call up his Body, this event is not scheduled for 100 years from now, or even 50, or even 20 years from now, it is not scheduled to happen even  in the next generation, for this is the generation of the Lord’s return, the Lord Jesus prophesied that the day he would come back to the earth to redeem Israel would be witnessed by they that witnessed the rebirth of the state of Israel in 1948, there will be Jews that survived the Holocaust that will also still be alive to witness heaven open up and see the Christ come back to earth with his army following him to then set up his earthly kingdom in Jerusalem, the rapture of the Church will occur at least seven years before the redemption of the nation of Israel takes place; so the time period when the believer  and follower of Christ will vanish off the face of the earth is very short indeed.

"For our citizenship is in heaven; whence also we wait for a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ" (Philippians 3:20, ASV).

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Possessed by The Holy Spirit

The title of this article may seem to some as a little extreme or slightly strange, others may even think it is not sound perhaps somewhat unorthodox, but I assure you this article is neither extravagant or unscriptural.

When a  believer first receives the Holy Spirit at conversion there is a definite change is his behavior, there is a  positive modification of manners, he  rightly notices that his attitude is changing, the way in which he used to think about this or that or the way he thinks about certain people is slowly becoming different, his outlook on life  begins to see beyond the physical and slowly but surely perceives the  spiritual aspect; his spiritual eyes have mercifully been opened  to the heavenly kingdom from which he has been born-again. 

Years go by, spiritual growth has been evident, but then the  former life creeps up from behind with a vengeance and piles on with great force, the kingdom of darkness from which the believer has been redeemed is relentless, two kingdoms are in opposition, the believer has been blessed with power to go through a spiritual transformation, the spiritual conversion is a process and will not be fully realized until the transition is in complete metamorphosis; the believer receives his glorified body at the rapture of the Church when his redemption is concluded.

Contrary to what many think and teach, some discard the power and cannot make it, they fail to continue after  the transformation begins to take place,[1] the believer must stay grounded and never move away from the truth, he must stand firm to the end of salvation, keeping the law of God is paramount and adhering  to his words is key  so that the believer can remain in his love, he must stay true to the faith, it can be hard but the Holy Spirit will assist the Lord’s followers so they can hold firm their confidence in Christ, the believer must not let go of his original conviction holding on until the end of salvation, he has to take a stand and not become entangled again in the  corruption of the world—a friend of the  world becomes hostile toward God.

Lovers of the world are obedient to the world, they are driven by the spirit of the world, they love what the world has to offer, the world and those that chase after it have the same spirit, they that love the world are possessed by the spirit of the world, they love the world and cannot get enough of it, the world’s lover craves for more, his eyes lust for more and he continually brags of his possessions and rants over his exploits; hot air is his aura.

The believer will suffer much if he truly belongs to the Lord, if he is an heir of God then he will certainly know what it is like to suffer as Christ suffered, it is predicted that if you believe in Jesus you will suffer because you have faith, I absolutely in no way mean that you will suffer God’s wrath for if you are God’s children you will never experience his indignation, rather you will suffer  the control of the spirit of this world, the god of this age will scheme against you knowing he may disable your body and possibly drive you mental.

The spirit of this world will attack you in your body, the god of this age will attack your mind, the Apostle Paul experienced the former on numerous occasions and I highly expect he suffered  the latter likewise, or he would not have practiced taking every thought captive, it is no coincident that the demons strike the  areas where Christ endured death and pain for our provision, the Lord assumed our sickness and disease and carried our mental and physical pain, the enemy works to incapacitate they that have the seal of ownership, the people that have received the  Spirit of God as a deposit that guarantees an inheritance, the devil works hard to impair the redeemed even to convince them to give up.

Words are like seeds, once they are planted they will grow, it does not matter whether a word is true or a word is false, all words will take root and grow if they are planted and fertilized, words of truth will bring freedom while words masterminded in deceit will bring bondage, they will produce either liberty or subdue you into darkness, false words are too often believed while truth is usually up for debate, truth is typically not trusted as deception frequently gains the upper hand, the god of this age is a master deceiver, the spirit of this world has gained a wider audience than the Spirit of truth.

The people of the world are bound by words and they do not even know it, the spirit of the world keeps them in submission by continually planting and fertilizing words he speaks through different types of communication, especially through mass communication mediums like radio and TV, film is huge while even newspapers and books are used by the devil to plant his thoughts in peoples minds, this is why it is important that the believer has discernment and knows the truth because they are  susceptible to having the lies of the enemy planted and fertilized within their minds just like those that have no faith; the believer can also believe the lies of the enemy just like the person of the world.

The spirit of this world has filled the minds of its audience, it possesses the hearts of they that love the world, the invitation has gone out, get what you can, love your life as you live it to the full, some that believe have been ensnared and their mind is too dull to understand, the wayward one is tepid, he is neither hot or cold; he cannot live in two kingdoms.

The world is a battle ground, the two opposing forces are the kingdom of heaven and the kingdoms of this world, the kingdoms of this world are darkness whereas the kingdom of heaven is light, we know in the end which kingdom will prevail but until then the battle continues, people can choose which kingdom they will be in, people can either live in the light or live in the darkness, the believer has the advantage over they that do not have the Holy Spirit, the people without the Holy Spirit only have the spirit of the world to guide them while the believer has the Spirit of God to lead and discern, this is why the believer speaks truth so the people of the world can receive it and believe.

Meanwhile, the god of this age attacks the believer, his greatest weapon is words, he continually bombards the believer with lies, he speaks them into the minds of believers all the time especially when the believer sleeps, when the believer wakes from sleep sometimes his mind is full of pulsating fiction that mentally and emotionally weakens  the child of God, through the day the believer suffers attack and because he is busy with work or special activities his prayer is nonexistent, after so many bad seeds have been planted into the believer’s mind the words begin to grow as they are fertilized by the supernatural power of the devil, after time the believer turns soft, he becomes feeble, he ends up spiritually delicate, he gets spiritually and physically disabled because the power of the enemy has been continuously injected similar to daily medication.

The disciple is to be strong in the Lord, be strong in the Lord’s mighty power by putting on the full armor of God, the devil knows how to make the follower of Christ ineffective and he does it usually by filling the believer with his words, they that are devoted to  Jesus must know how to put on the armor of God which when all summed up is being filled with the Holy Spirit, absolutely he must be possessed by the Spirit’s power, the child of God must understand that the Father has certainly equipped him with the authority of Christ which means he can be prepared against the devil schemes, the believer has divine power to be fit when the schemes develop and strength to destroy the devils strongholds, the god of this world uses his words as a stronghold over the mind of the believer, you defeat the power of this world by taking every thought captive, everything that comes into your mind you confine it like you would a criminal that breaks through your front door and then submit these thoughts to Christ, if the word is true than let it grow but if it is a lie than command it to die, cast it to the ground and kill it so that the thought ceases to exist, do it as many times as it takes; it is an ongoing process in the life of the redeemed.

The believer hears a word in church and expects God to speak to him through it, the biblical practice is to be like the Berean Jews who checked to see if the preaching was scriptural, if it is scriptural than the believer is safe but if it does not meet the scriptural test than the word has come from the god of this world, the spirit of this world pretends to be an angel of light and he uses people even in church as willing instruments of deception, Satan has been doing this ever since the first bible studies were conducted, words that come from a false angel of light are meant to disable the Church and have the whole congregation go in the wrong direction, even in the assembly of believers every word must be confined and put under the spotlight of Christ’s truth.

"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5, ASV).

 Picture: CC0 Creative Commons

[1] Col 1:22-23; Psalms 125:5; Matt 24:13; Jn 15:10; Acts 14:22; Heb 3:6, 14; 2 Pet 2:19-22

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Beyond Recovery

There is always the person that has a different opinion other than yours, viewpoints are as numerous as there are streets in New York City, one man’s conviction is another person’s notion that he is right and you are wrong, we can only believe what we identify as truth and anything apart from that is only our imagination.

The United States of America, without a doubt has been the most powerful nation the world has ever witnessed, more powerful than the British Empire, even the Roman Empire, certainly more powerful than ancient Egypt, the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Alexander’s Grecian empire put together, but like all predominant world powers it is looking like American supremacy is coming to an end.

Many will be offended at my remark, but this is more than just one person’s comment, it is more of an observation of events that have taken place over the past number of years, and having knowledge of the forces behind these incidents is not only alarming but utterly revealing.

It was not just by chance that the Democrats won the 2008, and 2012 presidential elections, launching Barack Hussein Obama II, the US Senator from Illinois, into the highest office of the United States, which then gave him two, four-year terms to transition the American republic into a key component of the one world government; he did say that he would, “fundamentally transform the United States of America.”

In eight short years, President, Barack Obama, with help from his high-ranking assistants, and key individuals internationally, weakened the United States, militarily and economically, he is even responsible for changing the cultural dynamics of the country to where racial divide has surged instead of diminishing, in my life time I have never witnessed racial divide grow more noticeable than I have in the last decade, instead of the promised racial mending I have observed  racial tearing , the first black president was promoted by the mainstream media as the racial-healer, but instead the opposite has happened—enough of his accomplishments.

The Illuminati thought their time had come, they put a man in the White House in 2008 to weaken the USA, and then they rigged the democratic primary to get their prophesied moon-child, the goddess Babalon, in position to win the 2016 presidential election, the reason, to complete the work Obama had started in revolutionizing  the USA  from an autonomous power into a vassal state, the most powerful nation in the history of this world restructured and made subservient to the prophesied global government.  

Make no mistake, the one world government will be established, but it will not happen until the Body of Christ is raptured, this antichrist government will not be established until after the Church is caught up to meet the Lord in the air, then the West will be completely restructured under the rule of ten kings initially, but then one will be established to rule over the whole of the global government, the United States of America is a vital section is this global state.

It is not difficult to notice that left-wing politics has changed in America, the progressive-left absolutely detests  their current President because he is not their anointed one, he is not the one that has been satanically consecrated to complete the transition of the USA, he is unholy to the Luciferians, they must by any means remove him from office because his goal is to not let America be seized by the  anti-American forces that intend to take over the country.

Many saw the anti-Kavanaugh protest on Capitol Hill on Thursday, October 04, 2018, where the participants gathered at the Hart Senate Office building, you could see on their faces from the live-coverage on the Internet the deep-rage within their souls because President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee was at that time on his way to becoming the next  judge to sit on the Supreme Court, the FBI finished its seventh investigation and presented their results to the Senate on Wednesday evening, where they deduced  that there is no evidence of the sexual misconduct allegations made against him—Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, has been confirmed to the Supreme Court at the time of this writing, Saturday, October 06, 2018, in the afternoon.

If you happened to be watching the confirmation vote today, you would have heard the crazy-left as they shouted and hollered in the senate gallery as the Senators were confirming their vote for or against Kavanaugh,[1] the Vice President continually had to instruct the Sergeant at Arms to restore order as the unhinged protesters loudly voiced their disgust at the confirmation of the new Supreme Court Justice, these people might or might not be from groups like the Women’s March but you can be positively sure that the money behind the protesters were not out of their own pocket but it comes from certain members of the Illuminati.

I wish the Left would be honest for just once, this Supreme Court confirmation was not about Brett Kavanaugh, there is no doubt that if Trump announced he would bypass his nominee because of this political circus carried on by the Democrats they would certainly put on this same shameful and corrupt display if Trump even nominated Judge, Amy Coney Barrett, from the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals instead of Kavanaugh, they would have for sure prolonged proceedings even if the President nominated Judge, Thomas Hardiman, from the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, or  either  Amul Thapar, a Sixth Circuit Judge, or even Raymond Kethledge, a federal appellate judge, but integrity with the progressive seems to not fit in with their style of politics.

The real reason why the Left is so concerned about whoever Trump nominated and what conservative judge gets confirmed is  because then President Trump, the pit-bull from Queens, New York, the only president that I know of that will fight tooth and nail to keep America sovereign, will have the judicial power to get his mandate carried through, the Republicans will have the majority of seats on the Supreme Court and this frightens the Left.

In my last article, ‘Conspiracy,’ I informed you that Mike Adams, an investigative journalist in the United States, that FBI and FISA Court documents have been ordered to be declassified by the President, once these documents are unredacted they will reveal the silent coup taking place right now in the United States to bring down this current President.

Have these documents been unclassified yet, no they have not, at least not on this date, because the deep state players are not cooperating with the President’s office, but once he has the judicial power in the Supreme Court and the votes to back up his agenda there could be legal warrants issued and many of the top players in this silent coup will be arrested, the Democrats know this and this is why  they have fought like street fighters  to keep Trump’s majority vote from being confirmed onto the Supreme Court where arrest warrants can be legally issued; they were hoping that if they could delay this majority vote from being confirmed until after the midterm election that they could then stop it by possibly winning the House of Congress in November.  

The Trump Administration knows every person involved in this silent coup to take him down, but even if he does get the arrest warrants issued and the military police do begin to arrest these high-profile subversives, that are surely guilty of treason, it will not be enough to recover the United States of America; it is beyond recovery.

It is not like Donald Trump is not working hard to make America like it once was, he is doing fabulous work in turning the American economy around, he is working his fingers to the bone to get US respect back again from the international community, and it is working, other nations are quickly learning that the United States government is not a pushover anymore like they have been over the last decade, and that they cannot use the United States as their personal money spout any longer; this is all good for the American people.

If you believe that the rapture of the Church is still years and decades away from now than you likely believe that America will get back to the good ole days, where everyone will be happy-go-lucky and everything will be peachy-keen, you may think the leftwing activists will realize that they are wrong and America should be the strongest nation in the world and they will work to that end, that they will notice that socialism does not really work and therefore will stop their violent protests and stop harassing anyone that supports views other than their  own twisted ideas of saving the planet, and you cannot be so naive to think that their false idea will cease that a one world government headed by just one high-ranking leader is essential to the continued existence of mankind—sorry but their agenda is not going to stop and I foresee that  it is only going to become more violent.

I realize that many Christians do not like to hear pessimistic  talk or receive a distressed  overview of the world, they would rather be optimistic and hear only good things like how they can prosper and live a long full life, and that their children and grandchildren will have peace and safety on this earth for decades and even centuries to come; these people keep clear of this type of negativity, doom and gloom is not allowed in their hearing.

In ancient Israel certain kings hated when the prophets would tell them the truth and bring them nothing but bad news all the time, one king in particular was King Ahab, he loved it when his personal prophets would tell him what he wanted to hear, that he would have continued success and nothing bad would happen to his kingdom, everything will get better and Israel’s enemies would be defeated, that all would be right in his world, Ahab hated it when a prophet from the Lord would never preach anything good but only bad things, many Christians are like King Ahab in that they like to hear only good things and not bad things, and yet there is nothing good about the future of  America because it is beyond recovery, it will lose its sovereignty very shortly at the hands of the deep state communists that are deeply involved with the silent coup to topple over  the United States government.

Oh boy, I wish this were not so, I wish every one of them would be exposed and arrested and sent to prison, I wish that America would stay a powerful nation state and not be taken over  by the Luciferians that have worked long and hard to establish their one world government, for as America goes so does the rest of the West, but unfortunately  the Lord predicts that the West will become a one world government run by a dictator that will establish a one world religion, and this collapse will not be down the road after this generation passes away, but it will be in this generation in spite of all the plans being made by many believers to pass on their legacy to their descendants for generations to come.

If the Church has any insight into the Scriptures and the desire to obey them, they would  realize that now is not the time to be asleep, like those that are in darkness, the Church must be fully aware of the times we are in, the Christ prophesied that when Israel becomes a nation again his coming would be shortly thereafter, when the dry bones came to life and they were clothed with flesh it was so they could establish their nation again in order that they would surely witness the Son of  Man coming back to establish his kingdom on earth; the Church will not establish the kingdom of God on this earth but Jesus Christ will when he comes back on the last day of the seven-year Tribulation Period—be aware that the chaos in America will not come to an end, the road to recovery is unfortunately imaginary, but be mindful that the Antichrist government will be established and is but a trumpet sound away.

“He said unto me, Prophesy over these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of Jehovah” (Ezekiel 37:4, ASV).

 Picture: CC0 Creative Commons

Saturday, September 29, 2018


We live in perilous times in America, I am not surprised because the Scriptures predicted that this generation would be terrible, the days are fierce and often very difficult to deal with, life is uncertain because it is hard to put confidence in people and the people that lead, men have become savages as their behavior is sadistic, the heathen make the rules in America as the righteous get shoved aside and are demonized; these are the last days of the Church age.

Despite what the socialist tells you, regardless of what the progressive’s advocate, mankind is headed in the opposite direction of the Utopian society they are promising, their commitment to make society better and to improve the quality of life for all people is counterfeit; it is flawed.

The leftist assures their world is better for everyone because the people make the rules, so all will be beneficiaries of their decisions as peace fills the planet, meanwhile they use violence and intimidation against anyone that opposes their paradise on earth image, but the problem with this approach to solving the world’s woes is it is all going down in flames, it is destined to fail miserably, for what awaits the people that exclude Jesus in their globalist Shangri-La is that their worst nightmare is about to happen, they hear the angel of light speak and heed his voice with excitement as he leads them further into darkness; their blindness is catching.  

If you only watch CNN, NBC or the CBS news networks, and believe every report as the absolute truth than I am not afraid to tell you that you are in information darkness, your knowledge of world events is shaded with deception, you are being chained down with the greatest level of chicanery that America has ever witnessed, if you only read leftwing print media and obtain all your news knowledge from liberal sponsored broadcast news, that is without a doubt an extension of the Democratic Party, than you are deceived and it is your fault that you are being misled.  

American politics has always had the stench of corruption, from within the bowels of federal government all the way down to state government, local government is not immune from dishonesty and fraudulent behavior either, but there has never been the level of criminality especially at the federal level as America is witnessing today.   

If you are a democrat you see the current President and his administration as evil incarnate, illegitimate residents of the White House, you think that Hillary Clinton should have the keys to the Oval Office and not Donald Trump, you would have voted for Barack Obama for a third consecutive term but because of the constitution a president can only hold office for two consecutive terms; thank God for the 22nd amendment. 

Every day and night the mainstream media deliver’s a false narrative, they have peddled this erroneous Russian collusion story for way too long, the Special Counsel investigation  began in May, 2017, the so-called Russian collusion is no more real than the initial story that Bill Clinton did not have sexual relations with his former White House intern, but the mainstream media just keeps pounding their audience  with the notorious Russia/Trump news story and editorials, this Russian hoax has been exposed by a number of very good investigative journalist’s but the mainstream liberal media refuses to revise their coverage, even though they know full well that the Trump White House and even his former campaign did not collude with the Russian’s to win the 2016 presidential election, because the leftwing media is complicit in the silent coup to bring down the American president.

Mike Adams, also an investigative journalist, has communicated that the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), and the FISA Court (The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court), classified documents have been ordered to be declassified by the President, once these documents are declassified and unredacted they will reveal the active coup against the United States government and the individuals involved.[i]

Therefore, sometime soon it is intended there will  be massive arrests and subsequent military tribunals of certain current and former government representatives that are all part of the silent coup against the Trump administration, among those to be arrested are the individuals behind the Russian collusion hoax, which are many, along with certain Democrats that signed a letter insisting that the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, defy the President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, and refuse to carry out his executive orders.

As you have seen over the last couple of weeks, the Democrats are using every corrupt method to stop the confirmation of Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court from happening, in doing this they hope to delay the vote and his confirmation until after the midterm elections  in November, the Democrats hope to take back the Congress which will then give them the power to stop the Trump White House from exposing the Deep State and all those involved in the illegal overthrow of his government, because if Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination is voted on and confirmed before the midterms  then Trump can proceed right away in exposing those that have been carrying out the silent coup that has been underway even from day one of his administration—If the Judge is confirmed he then would be in place to support the President to carry out his proposed state of emergency, so the military police can then arrest those involved in the deep state.

According to Mike  Adams, there are many high profile names that will be arrested when the President gives the order to the military police to arrest those that are allegedly being accused of conspiracy to commit treason and sedition against the government of the United States, you can click on the link below and watch his report in full, these people are guilty of selling uranium to Russian linked  corporations that work on behalf of the Kremlin, who then in turn allegedly provided Iran with the nuclear material to make nuclear weapons,  these traitors are also guilty of providing Iran with internationally laundered money in the billions of dollars which is illegal, the so-called treasonous  even personally delivered this money to Iran on a United States military cargo plane, other charges are also on the arrest warrants which include giving Iran US technology like is used on military drones.

If and when these high-profile arrests take place it will cause nationwide chaos across the United States, there will be rioting and killings by leftwing organized hit squads, the President will have to invoke martial law, names in the liberal news media are apparently also on the arrest warrants for aiding and abetting in the spreading of the false narrative when they knew they were lying to the American public, so I wonder how the news will be reported once and if this state of emergency even occurs.

The reason why these deep state figures are carrying out this treason and openly carrying out their subversion is because Trump interfered in their plans, they have had a long drawn out agenda to cripple the United States and weaken it to the point where the American people will then be under the control of the one world government which will circumscribe Western nations, then the citizens of the USA will be forced to adhere to its scheme of a one world leader and one world religion, the primary reason Donald Trump even ran for President was because he has known of this Luciferian scheme for years, he knows that the Illuminati has planned and organized the takeover of the United States merging it with western Europe and make it into what they refer to as the New Atlantis ever since the days of the founding fathers, Trump saw what was happening to his birth nation and chose to try to stop it; he has thrown a monkey wrench into their plans.

Even though the President has frustrated and irritated the members of this global government, not only at home but also overseas, to the point where they will do anything to get back onto their devious track they just cannot seem to get him out of the way, the Russian collusion story has not worked, so what are they going to try next, it is obvious they think if they stop  the confirmation of Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court, they will have a victory and then without a doubt they will try somehow someway to rig the midterms—If the Democrats win the House of Congress they can then put the brakes on the Trump train to bring it to a quick and sudden halt.

Some diehard patriots in alternative news, like Mike Adams, Alex Jones and others, are hopeful and believe they can defeat this globalist government, they believe that everyone that is part of the conspiracy to crash and burn the Trump presidency will end up being charged with treason, then they will be convicted and go to prison, they may be hopeful that some of the captains of this globalist plan will even receive the ultimate penalty for treason which is the death penalty, and even though this is what should happen to these adherents of  the one world government it will not happen.

Yes, the possibility of some being arrested is quite high, but for the hardcore Illumined Ones their plan of an established one world government will  happen because the Scriptures reveal it will, a one world leader will take over and he will be anointed by Lucifer to carryout this plan, in case you did not know it is rumored that the 33rd Vice President, of the United States, Henry A. Wallace, predicted that a future US President would one day be the leader of  this one world government, if his prediction comes true then this means that a former United States President will be the Antichrist, the man of sin who will claim to be God once a certain spirit possesses him; his ancestry would have to be part of the Roman Empire, his DNA would have to include some trace of this.

I hope the report of Mike Adams actually does come to pass, and these traitors of the United States will be openly accused and arrested, that shame will come to them as they are supposedly charged with conspiracy to commit treason and sent to prison for sedition, but I am uncertain the arrest and prosecution of these people will happen, because the Illuminati will not allow it to happen, I pray that President Trump, and Vice President Pence will be kept safe by the power of God as the leaders of the one world government get their global utopia established and anoint their one world leader, I know that when the prophecy of the Antichrist and his global government is established the Body of Christ will already be raptured into God’s presence, then what happens after that is something that I want no part of.

“For Jehovah knoweth the way of the righteous;
But the way of the wicked shall perish” (Psalms 1:6, ASV).

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons