It is just one day away from the
2016 US
presidential election, and what an election season it has been.
The American people are just
hours away from electing either their very first woman president or the first
man that has never held an elected office for the highest office in the land.
outcome of tomorrow’s election will defiantly be history in the making.
If this election season has not
been the most disturbing one that this generation can recall than I don’t know
what you consider disturbing.
The Republican nominee, Donald
Trump, won his battle by using good old New
York City defensive tactics, which is attack me then I
will attack you twice as hard.
For a New Yorker to stay alive and not get eaten
up in the Big Apple he must defend himself by having an offensive posture, defend
by being on the offensive, attack before being attack; this worked very well
for him.
Trump crushed every other
Republican candidate in the presidential primaries because his never back down
approach appealed to his supporters, who are sick and tired of status quo
Many Americans have finally had enough.
His approach and eventual
victory to win the Republican Party nomination for president I do not find
What I do find disturbing is how
the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, was able to gain her so-called
victory, by the dirty under working of the DNC, The Democratic National
Committee, and their rigging of the Democratic Primaries in favour of Clinton .
Leaked emails that were released
by WikiLeaks reveal that the DNC worked against Bernie Sanders to make sure Clinton won the
Then the DNC, and Hillary Clinton, showed their disloyalty and threw
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the then DNC chairwoman, under the Clinton campaign bus by firing her.
Was she
not only doing what she was told to do by following orders?
Additional WikiLeaks revelations
expose how the current DNC chairwoman, Donna Brazile, sent Hillary debate
questions that were subsequently used in the primary debates; this led to her
being released from CNN as a contributor.
Again, was Brazile really not doing
as she was told to, and is anyone really supposed to believe that CNN was
totally blind to what was going on?
You would think if Hillary and
her campaign had any integrity they would have reported this corruption before
they were caught red handed through leaked emails.
Dealt with the debate
tampering in the initial stages and done something about it, certainly not act
as if they were unaware when Hillary was answering the leaked questions on
stage and feeling proud of her supposed spontaneous answers.
Being less then a day away from
when voters go to the ballot boxes further frustration comes with the reported threat
from ISIS, who have called on their followers to ‘slaughter’ Americans as they
vote; especially Muslim voters.
How does this demonstrate brotherly
love, and yet still so many believe that Islam is a religion of peace.
In an article posted on the MEMRI
website—The Middle East Media Research Institute—there is a disturbing article
from their Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) that claims ISIS has released
a seven page article, via Hayat Media, a media arm of ISIS, that threatens US
Muslims if they vote in tomorrows presidential election (a).
ISIS warns that if Muslims
participate in the election by casting their vote then ISIS
supporters are sanctioned to spill their blood.
Apostate Muslims, in their
view, are not the only ones who will escape the ISIS
threat, as their supporters are commanded to kill Christians also; both men and
especially women.
ISIS actually prays to their god
Allah asking him to “make this year's U.S.
presidential election a dreadful calamity like no other to have struck America
throughout its pathetic history.”
Americans are hoping that
everything will work out well over the next 48 hours. They especially hope that
law enforcement can keep them safe from ISIS
Many cannot wait for this election season to be over and that their
nominee will be the next POTUS.
But if this election season has
told you anything than it should tell you that things will never be the same in
America .
If you think life will change for
the good because there is going to be a new president in the White House than you
will be terribly disappointed.
If Clinton
wins the election then America
will have the most corrupt person ever as president, and she will finish what
Obama began, which is the dismantling of the power and sovereignty of the USA .
If Trump wins the election then
the Establishment will begin their assault on the new president to bring him
down like you have never seen before.
Their wicked plan is to hand over the US to
the one world government, and nothing or nobody will stop them from achieving
their long awaited goal.
I wonder how long it will be
before God decides enough is enough?
He is not blind, he sees how the
Luciferians have tricked the American public into believing that good is bad
and that bad is good.
I am sure you saw in the news
Hillary’s hip-hop campaign rally in Cleveland on
Friday, with high profile celebrity performances by Jay Z and Beyoncé, two of
the most famous Luciferians and Illuminati members in North
America .
Hillary looked pretty cozy with the two of them,
especially Beyoncé.
The F…bombs that were dropped,
and the N…word that was repeatedly used, I do not think is fitting for a
Presidential rally.
But if this is what America
wants than this is what America
will get.
YouTube Video: ONE MORE DAY - ELECTION 2016
YouTube Video: Donald Trump Bullies, Taunts Ted Cruz
The Daily Conversation
YouTube Video: SHAMEFUL: Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Primary Was Rigged Against Bernie
David Pakman Show
YouTube Video: Reality Check: DNC Chair Donna Brazile Did Leak Townhall Question To Clinton Campaign
Ben Swann
YouTube Video: ISIS Threatens to Attack U.S. Voters on Election Day
Apocalypse Now!