Friday, August 19, 2022

It’s Happening Soon Folks


Yesterday I saw posted on my Facebook feed a comment by a Christian sister, that seems to indicate that she is being mocked for wanting the rapture of the church to happen as soon as possible. I don’t doubt that she is suffering the contempt of scoffers for proclaiming that the Lord Jesus is coming very soon. The apostle Peter prophesied that some Believers would be faced with those that mock the rapture (2 Pet. 3:3-4). When the apostle prophesied these words, he was not referring to the world mocking the Lord’s coming, but he was referring to the derision by many in the church. Today, many people in the church, and even the leadership, scoff at anyone that proclaims the rapture is going to happen in this generation. The scoffers want nothing to do with the rapture ready believer. This sister’s desire for the rapture to happen quickly is because Jesus is her God and king. She adds, and rightly so, that he died on the cross for us so that whoever believes in him may receive eternal life; will have the opportunity to be with him forever. I agree with her, but as I write this article, I will add more to why we should be excited about the rapture of the church to happen as quickly as possible.

I want to make something clear. The rapture of the body of Christ and Christ’s second appearance are not the same event. It is sad, but many that say they are a Christian don’t know this. Sometimes they can’t distinguish between the two separate events. That is because they are not taught the difference in the church body they attend. And more importantly, they don’t study these events on their own. The error rests upon the individual primarily, but their pastor/teacher will be held accountable for this lack of teaching also.

The word of God gives us signs to when the second appearance of Yeshua Hamashiach will appear. His second appearance is better known as the second coming. What is most important for Christians though, is the rapture of the church, because that is when the body of Christ will be snatched out of the world into heaven. The second appearance occurs on the last day of the seventieth-week of Israel. On day 2,520 (the final day of a biblical seven-year period). The rapture of the church will happen at least seven years before Christ’s second appearance; the day and hour of this glorious day are unknown. I call Christ’s second coming his second appearance because, this will be the time when he appears to the Jews the second time. The first was back during his earthly ministry, and the second time will be on the last day of their seventieth-week.

Most don’t know that the seventieth-week of Israel is the seven-year Tribulation Period (Revelation, chapters 6-19). The seventieth-week of Israel is the final seven years prophesied by the angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel of a seventy-week period decreed upon Israel to finish their transgression against their God, Yahweh (Dan. 9:20-27). At the end of this seventy weeks, Israel will no longer sin against Yahweh and in fact will anoint Yeshua as their Messiah and King (Dan. 9:24). Gabriel released this prophesy to the prophet Daniel in about the year 539 BC, which was nearing the end of Judah’s seventy-year exile in Babylon (I hope I don’t mix you up by mentioning Judah’s seventy-year exile in Babylon and Israel’s seventy-week period both in the same paragraph).

The seventy-weeks of Israel is prophetic language revealing the future of the nation of Israel, and is prophetic language meaning, 490 years (biblical years; 360-day year). The 490 years would commence once the decree went forth so that the Jews could rebuild the city of Jerusalem (Dan. 9:25a). The decree was issued in the year, 445 BC. The decree was issued by King Artaxerxes I, of Persia (Neh. 2:1-9). If you notice in Gabriel’s prophecy (Dan. 9:25b-26a), that once the decree was issued so that the Jews could rebuild the city, there would be a period of “seven weeks and sixty-two weeks” (NKJV). This period is prophetic language meaning a sixty-nine-week period, which translates to, 483 years (biblical years; 360-day year). Gabriel was prophesying: that in the 490 years decreed upon the Jews to finally no longer sin against Yahweh there would be a break after the 483rd year; at the end of the sixty-nineth-week. That was because the Anointed One (Yeshua Hamashiach) would be cut off and have nothing (Dan. 9:26a). Or rather, he would be rejected, and it will appear that his goal had failed. This happened the day Jesus came riding into Jerusalem riding on the back of a young donkey (Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:2-7). He was rejected by the Pharisees as they demanded the people stop praising him (Lk. 19:39) at the end of the sixty-nineth-week; after the 483rd year. They rejected Israel’s Messiah and cut him off from presenting himself as their Messiah. Israel did not recognize him as the anointed one or that God was revealing himself to them, they did not perceive that it was their time of God’s visitation to them (Lk. 19:44). The 490 years decreed upon the Jews will commence when the seventieth week starts on the very day that the Antichrist will force a covenant between Israel and the Palestinian people (Dan. 9:27a). The day this covenant is ratified and put into effect will start the seven-year Tribulation Period. At the end of this seven years Jesus comes back to redeem Israel (Rev. 19:11-21).  

As I stated above: The rapture of the church will occur at least seven years before the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period; day 2,520 of Israel’s seventieth-week. But how do I know this? Are there not other people saying the rapture of the church happens during the Tribulation Period, and some even saying at the end of this time? Are not some even saying that the Bible doesn’t even say the church will be raptured at all? Well yes, there are people that disagree with me that the rapture of the body of Christ will happen before the seven-year Tribulation Period. But let me point some things out to you. The rapture of the church is a catching up (harpazō) of the people that are in-Christ out of this world suddenly (1 Thess. 4:16-17) when the time of our salvation period is over. At this time the Believer will be changed in a moments time (1 Cor.15:51-52); “in the twinkling of an eye” (ASV). The people that will be changed will be those in-Christ that have already passed away, and those in-Christ that are still in their earthly bodies at the moment that specific trumpet sounds. The Believers earthly body will change and become incorruptible; it will be everlasting. It will become pure, completely holy; divine (1 Cor. 15:53). The raptured Believer will be given the same type of body that the Lord Jesus Christ has (1 Cor.15:49; Phil.3:20-21; 1 Jn.3:2-3). 

The rapture of the church occurs before God pours out his wrath upon the unbelieving world and especially the fallen angels. The seven-year Tribulation Period has been scheduled for the punishment of the world and the fallen ones. It is also the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jer. 30:7). The time of Jacob’s trouble will be used by Yahweh to turn Israel away from their sin so they can put their faith in Jesus. Israel’s seventieth-week period, the seven-year Tribulation Period, is not in God’s plan for his new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). The Tribulation Period is referred to as the “wrath to come” (1Thess. 1:9b-10), and the faithful follower of Christ is promised to be preserved from, or saved from (rhuomai, in the Greek) this time of God’s hot anger. In 1 Thessalonians 5:9, it is written: “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ” (KJV). The salvation mentioned in this previous Scripture is the finished product of the work of salvation; salvations transformation from its beginning to the end. The final metamorphosis of the process of God’s salvation will occur at the moment the rapture occurs (1 Cor. 15:51-53). The purpose of salvation is mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 5:10: “Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever” (NLT). The Tribulation Period is also referred to as the “hour of trial” (Rev. 3:10). Jesus promised the church that if they keep his command: “to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth” (NIV). The seven churches spoken to in chapters two and three of the Revelation were initially the churches in the apostle John’s time. In the messages given to them there were aspects that applied to each of them. The messages to them also relate and apply to all believers throughout church history, and that means even todays church. This means that in all eras of church history the original messages to the seven churches do in one way or another speak to believers in one facet or another. So, when Christ tells the church of Philadelphia that existed in John’s time, that is if they endure, he will keep them from the hour of trial, then that message is also relevant to the church in this age. Obviously, the members of the early church of Philadelphia have all passed away before the endtimes Tribulation Period even begins. But that message to them helped to keep them on the straight and narrow, and at the same time is being used as a prophetic warning to the church of today. If the church of today keeps Christ command to endure patiently, then he will guarantee us to keep us from entering into the seven-year Tribulation Period. That time is not going to be a fun one. It will be a time of God’s wrath to test those that belong to the world.

The apostle Paul said, that God’s wrath comes upon those that are disobedient (Eph. 5:6). He is saying that if the believer imitates God, lives a life of love (Eph. 5:1-2), then they will not suffer God’s wrath. God is not pouring out his wrath at this time, because it is reserved for the Tribulation Period, the hour of trial. Also, because of greed, and the veneration of evil spirits and angels, and sexual immorality, lust, impurity, and evil sinful desire, the wrath of God is coming (Col. 3:5-6). Meaning it is coming during the Tribulation Period. The Christian is promised that they will not suffer this time of wrath if they set their heart and mind on things above, on Jesus Christ and his position in heaven, and not on earthly things. If they do, then when the rapture occurs, they will appear with him in glory (Col. 3:1-4). Nobody suffers the wrath of God at this time. Nobody on this earth. But once the church is taken out of this world by the power of God, then he will release his wrath onto those that choose to be disobedient.

Earlier I mentioned that the word of God gives us signs revealing when the second appearance of Christ will happen. Sadly, too many pastors can’t see them because they refuse to believe them. They refuse because they have their own agenda. Their agendas are not in accordance with God’s word or his will. Because Bible prophecy reveals the season of the second appearance of Christ, the Christian can then get a good idea when the rapture will happen, meaning its season also. I have tried to show you that the rapture of the church will happen before the Tribulation Period begins, therefore, simple deduction reveals it will happen at least seven years before Christ’s second appearance. But we just don’t know the exact day it will happen. Remember, the Bible says the day and hour of the rapture is not revealed (Matt. 24:36, 42, 44; 25:13; Mk. 13:32). God has decided not to reveal this day and hour to the church, but more importantly he has also kept this knowledge from the world and the fallen angels. He has done this for a good reason. But once the rapture of the body of Christ does happen the world leaders who are being directed by the fallen angels and demons will manipulate and distort the narrative of the sudden disappearance of the faithful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Their deceptive explanation will be believed by many.

Before the seventieth-week of Israel begins the gospels reveal that deception in the world will be very strong. Many will claim to be Israel’s Messiah (Matt. 24:4-5). There will be a lot of talk about wars and speculations of war (Matt. 24:6). There have always been wars, but the wars being referred to here are in my opinion primarily wars that involve the nation of Israel. When this prophecy was given the Jews did not rule their own nation, the Roman Empire did. It was not until 1948 did the Jews rule their own nation again. Since 1948 Israel has had to fight at least seven recognized wars, and has had many armed conflicts with the Arabs.[1] Jesus prophesied that in the world, nations will be against each other, races and cultures will clash and be divided like never before as the time of his coming draws near. He also said that the majority of people in the world will suffer greatly with lack and the earth will produce many earthquakes (Matt. 24:7) in the days leading up to Israel’s seventieth-week period. These are just a few of the signs that the word of God reveals will take place before Christ’s second appearance. During Israel’s seventieth week there are many signs revealing how soon the Christ is coming to redeem his chosen nation (Matt. 24:9-31).

But one of the most important signs of Christ’s second coming is the rebirth of the nation of Israel. As you know, it happened May 14, 1948. Jesus prophesied it (Matt. 24:32-34; Mk. 13:28-31; Lk. 21:29-33). Many don’t recognize this prophesy because Jesus used metaphorical language to prophecy Israel’s rebirth and to reveal the timing of his second appearance. Like he did in not revealing the rapture of the church, he spoke about the timing of his second appearance in metaphorical language to keep it hidden from the world, but also from people that don’t have a good understanding of the word of God, especially endtimes prophecy. And I am not only referring to the unbelieving Jew, but also Liberal Christianity. This would also include schisms in the church that have their own agenda and don’t care about endtimes prophecy; Christians that don’t want the rapture to occur while they are enjoying all that the world has to offer them. You may say, would the Lord do that? Does he hide revelation of his word from even Christians? Yes, he does! He spoke in parables many times to keep the mysteries of heaven from them that they are not given to (Matt. 13:11). Jesus spoke in parables so that even though some may see and hear, they really don’t see and hear nor do they really understand (Matt. 13:13). This word was initially spoken about the Jews (Matt. 13:14-15; Isa. 6:9-10), but with the obvious lack of understanding of endtimes prophecy and the absolute total noncomprehension of the day and age we live in I am sure that many Christians’ including some pastors can be included in this word. But thank God, some in the church today do understand, just like the apostles and prophets did (Matt. 13:11-12, 16).

The gospels prophecy about Israel’s rebirth reveals: that the Jews that witnessed it will also witness their Messiah’s second appearance at the end of Israel’s seventieth week (Matt. 24:27, 29-31, 32-34). So do the math. If the Jews that witnessed Israel become a nation again in 1948, will still be alive to witness Christ’s second appearance than there doesn’t seem like much time is left before he comes back to redeem the Jewish remnant (Rom. 11:25-27; Isa. 45:17). I dwell on the fact that they who sadly had to endure the Holocaust (the Shoah) but gladly witnessed the rebirth of Israel, will likewise witness their Messiah come out of heaven riding a white horse, his eyes will burn like fire, and he will be dressed in clothing that is dipped in blood (Rev. 19: 11-13). They will witness him defeat the kings and leaders of the global government, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet (Rev.19:15-21). The remnant Jews will be hidden from the global government during the last half of the seven-year Tribulation Period (Rev. 12:14-16; Matt. 24:15-27), but will finally realize at Christ’s second appearance that Jesus of Nazareth is their God. Hallelujah! It’s happening soon folks.

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